Pathak trust
Pathak Trustis an India
India , officially the Republic of India , is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world...

n charitable trust
Charitable trust
A charitable trust is an irrevocable trust established for charitable purposes, and is a more specific term than "charitable organization".-United States:...

 based in Miraj
Miraj , is an historic town in southern Maharashtra, India. The history of the town dates back to the early 10th century, and the town is known for its rich tradition of Hindustani classical music and for religious harmony. It served as a stronghold and a strategic bastion because of its location...

 with varied social activities including an orphanage
An orphanage is a residential institution devoted to the care of orphans – children whose parents are deceased or otherwise unable or unwilling to care for them...

, a home for OAP
OAP may refer to:*OAP Tower, or Osaka Amenity Park Tower, plaza and office developments in Japan,*Old Age Pensioner - a person who has retired, and now collects a pension*One Australia policy - a proposal in the 1980s to limit Asian immigration to Australia...

s and a shelter for women. It was founded by the late Dr N. R. Pathak
N. R. Pathak
Dr Narsinha Ramchandra Pathak was an eminent doctor, social worker and MLA from Miraj, India. He is the founder of Pathak Trust, Miraj which carries charitable activity in Miraj mainly in the form of an orphanage, and an old-age home.-Early days:Pathak was born in Wai of Satara District...

, a social leader and doctor
A physician is a health care provider who practices the profession of medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury and other physical and mental impairments...

 from Miraj.

Foundation of the orphanage

On 2 October 1947, Shri. Baburao Amte and Smt. Kopart found a baby left by the roadside and brought it to Dr Pathak. He was excited and enthusiastic to take up the challenge of bringing up this child. Had his mother and brother as rest of his family not supportive enough, it was impossible to do this in an orthodox Brahmin family in those days. The baby was named Surendra and two people were employed to take care of the baby. Thus the Pathak Anathashram started.

This small orphanage soon grew. Despite of criticism from others, Dr Pathak continued investing in the orphanage. He even solved the problem of the perplexed school master of Surendra about his surname and father’s name, he simply told the schoolmaster to enroll the kid as ‘Surendra Narsinha Pathak’. Thus now every child was Pathak and rightly so because none of them was no longer an ‘anath’. Additionally, Dr Pathak ensured these children also got proper nutrition and healthcare. Additionally he provided both scholastic education and sports, religion and vocational trades so that they could become independent.

From 1947 to 1969, the orphanage was run without any monitory contribution from the government or private trusts. But the number of children soon outpaced the space available. He met Mr. Tatake, Secretary of Shradhanand Ashram, Mumbai
Mumbai , formerly known as Bombay in English, is the capital of the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is the most populous city in India, and the fourth most populous city in the world, with a total metropolitan area population of approximately 20.5 million...

, and ensured that some of the orphans (mostly girls) were sent to Mumbai for their education. Dr. Pathak contacted Mr. Limaye of Eklaywa Shala, Pali and with his help, he could educate some more orphans. To ensure a steady grant to the orphanage and a secure future a trust was established for this purpose this is the same Pathak Trust that runs this orphanage today.

Bhausaheb, Doctor and Smt Sitabai along with Mr Tatake were the founding members of the trust. This was registered (reg no. E-279) by name “Pathak Trust” in 1969. For registration of the Trust, the land worth Rs. 40,000/- was donated by Shri. B.R. Pathak, elder brother and Smt. Seetabai, his mother. At first, the trust did not have separate premises, but with help of donations by people soon enough fund was raised and construction of a new building started in Brahminpuri. The land was donated by shri Ranade. Children were shifted to the new building in 1985 and further construction done. Now, the trust participates in varied social activities including an orphanage, a home for OAPs and a shelter for women
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