poet John Milton
, published in 1671. It is connected by name to his earlier and more famous epic poem
Paradise Lost
, with which it shares similar theological
themes. It deals with the subject of the Temptation of Christ
The poem was composed in Milton's cottage in Chalfont St Giles
in Buckinghamshire
, and was based on the Gospel of Luke
's version of the Temptation of Christ
. Paradise Regained is four books in length, in contrast with Paradise Losts twelve.
One of the major concepts emphasized throughout Paradise Regained is the play on reversals.
Envy they say excites me, thus to gain Companions of my misery and wo.
That fellowship in pain divides not smart, Nor lightens aught each mans peculiar load.
Most men admireVirtue who follow not her lore.
And the great Thisbite who on fiery wheelsRode up to Heaven, yet once again to come.
My heart hath been a store-house long of thingsAnd sayings laid up, portending strange events.
Skilled to retire, and in retiring drawHearts after them tangled in amorous nets.
Beauty stands In the admiration only of weak mindsLed captive.
Rocks whereon greatest men have oftest wreck'd.
For therein stands the office of a King,His Honour, Vertue, Merit and chief Praise,That for the Publick all this weight he bears.Yet he who reigns within himself, and rulesPassions, Desires, and Fears, is more a King;
For what is glory but the blaze of fame,