in Australia, released in 1988. The One Australia policy proclaimed a vision of "one nation and one future". It called for an end to multiculturalism
and opposed a treaty with Aboriginal Australians
The policy set the scene for the August 1988 suggestion by John Howard
that the rate of Asian immigration to Australia be reduced.
Opposition leader John Howard
first flagged the concept of the One Australia policy on a trip to Perth
in July 1988, having recently returned from a visit with Margaret Thatcher
in Britain
Only in America.
I can't believe that having said what I said was interpreted as having been what I said when I said it, because I said it where I said it, when I said it, and who I said it to.
I can't believe what I said about myself. What I said in my own private conversations with myself to an ESPN producer are my business, and I had no business saying them to someone else.
If a bullfrog had wings it wouldn't bump his behind every time he hopped.
Martin Luther King took us to the mountain top: I want to take us to the bank.
Thank god for money.