Old Frisian farmhouse
An Old Frisian farmhouse is a small unit farmhouse (Wohnstallhaus) that combined the farmer's living area and animals' stalls, and had limited space for storing harvest products. It was widely distributed across the North German Plain
until the middle of the 17th century and was the forerunner of the Gulf house
North German plain
The North German Plain or Northern Lowland is one of the major geographical regions of Germany. It is the German part of the North European Plain...
until the middle of the 17th century and was the forerunner of the Gulf house
Gulf house
A Gulf house , also called a Gulf farmhouse or East Frisian house , is a type of farmhouse that emerged in the 16th and 17th centuries in North Germany. It is timber-framed and built using post-and-beam construction. Initially Gulf houses appeared in the marshes, but later spread to the Frisian...