New Zealand general election, 2011
The 2011 New Zealand general election on Saturday 26 November 2011 determined the membership of the 50th New Zealand Parliament
One hundred and twenty-one MPs were elected to the New Zealand House of Representatives
, 70 from single-member electorates
, including one overhang seat
, and 51 from party lists. New Zealand since 1996 has used the Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) voting system, giving voters two votes: one for a political party and the other for their local electorate MP. A referendum on the voting method
was held at the same time as the election, with early votes suggesting the MMP system will be kept.
A total of 3,053,705 people were registered to vote in the election, with over 2.2 million votes cast and a turnout
of 73.19% – the lowest turnout since 1887. On election night, the incumbent National Party
, led by John Key
, gained the plurality with 48.0% of the party vote and 60 seats, one seat short of holding a majority. The opposing Labour Party
, lead by Phil Goff
, lost ground winning 27.1% of the vote and 34 seats, while the Green Party
won 10.6% of the vote and 13 seats – the biggest share of the party vote for a minor party since 1996. New Zealand First
, having won no seats in 2008 due to its failure to either reach the 5% threshold or win an electorate, made a comeback with 6.8% of the vote entitling them to eight seats.
National's confidence and supply partners in the 49th Parliament meanwhile suffered losses. ACT New Zealand won less than a third of the party vote it received in 2008, reducing from five seats to one. The Māori Party
was reduced from five seats to three, as the party vote split between the Māori Party and former Māori Party MP Hone Harawira
's Mana Party
. United Future lost party votes, but retained their one seat in Parliament.
The Governor General must issue writs
for an election within seven days of the expiration or dissolution of the current Parliament
. Under section 17 of the Constitution Act 1986, Parliament expires three years "from the day fixed for the return of the writs issued for the last preceding general election of members of the House of Representatives, and no longer." The writs for the previous election were returnable on 27 November 2008. As a result, the 49th Parliament
will expire, if not dissolved earlier, on 27 November 2011. As that day is a Sunday, the last available working day is 25 November 2011. Consequently, the last day for issuance of writs of election is 2 December 2011. The writs must be returned within 50 days of their issuance with the last possible working day being 20 January 2012. Because polling day must be a Saturday, the last possible polling date for the election was 7 January 2012, allowing time for the counting of special votes. The Christmas/New Year holiday period made the last realistic date for the election Saturday 10 December 2011. The Rugby World Cup 2011 was hosted by New Zealand between 9 September and 23 October 2011, and ruled out all the possible election dates in this period. This left two possible windows for the general election: on or before 2 September and 29 October to 10 December.
, National Party
leader and Prime Minister John Key
announced a confidence and supply agreement with ACT, the Māori Party
and United Future to form the Fifth National Government
. These arrangements gave the National-led government a majority of 16 seats, with 69 on confidence-and-supply in the 122-seat Parliament.
, Greens
and the Progressives
are all in opposition, although only the Labour and Progressive parties formally constitute the formal Opposition
; the Greens have a minor agreement with the government but are not committed to confidence and supply
At the 2008 election, the National Party had 58 seats, the Labour Party 43 seats, Green Party 9 seats, ACT and Māori Party five each, and Progressive and United Future one each. During the Parliament session, two members defected from their parties – Chris Carter
was expelled from Labour in August 2010, and Hone Harawira
left the Māori Party in February 2011. Carter continued as an independent
, while Harawira resigned from parliament to recontest his Te Tai Tokerau
electorate in a by-election
under his newly formed Mana Party
. Two MPs resigned from Parliament before the end of the session, John Carter
of National and Chris Carter, but as they resigned within 6 months of an election, their seats remained vacant.
At the dissolution of the 49th parliament on 20 October 2011, National held 57 seats, Labour 42 seats, Green 9 seats, ACT 5 seats, Māori 4 seats, and Progressive, United Future and Mana one each.
, the following seats were won by a majority of less than 1000 votes:
, but did not expect to win and was not on the party list. National MP Allan Peachey died three weeks before the election.
in the election were the same as at the 2008 election.
Electorates and their boundaries in New Zealand are reviewed every five years after the Census of Population and Dwellings
. The last review took place in 2007, following the 2006 census. The next review is not due until 2014, following the 2013 census (the 2011 census was cancelled due to the 22 February 2011 Christchurch earthquake
announced the government was introducing legislation making this the first election where voters would be able to re-enrol completely on-line. Enrolments on-line beforehand still required the election form to be printed, signed, and sent by post.
Voters in the Christchurch
region were encouraged to cast their votes before election day if they had doubt about being able to get to a polling booth on election day or to avoid long queues, as many traditional polling booths are unavailable due to the earthquakes. Nineteen advance voting stations were made available, with three of them campervans, which are usually only used in rural areas of New Zealand. The Christchurch Central
electorate, for example, has 33 polling stations in 2011 compared to 45 in 2008.
Political parties registered with the Electoral Commission on Writ Day can contest the general election as a party, allowing it to submit a party list to contend the party vote, and have a party election expenses limit in addition to individual candidate limits. At Writ Day, sixteen political parties were registered to contend the general election. At the close of nominations, thirteen registered parties had put forward a party list to the Commission to contest the party vote, down from nineteen in 2008.
The Kiwi Party, the New Citizen Party
and the Progressive Party were registered, but did not contend the election under their own banners. The Kiwi Party and the New Citizen Party stood candidates for the Conservative Party.
In addition to the registered parties and their candidates, thirteen candidates from nine non-registered parties and seventeen independent candidates contested electorates:
, over a cup of tea at a cafe in Newmarket
to send a signal to Epsom voters about voting tactically. The National Party passively campaigned for Epsom voters to give their electorate vote to ACT while giving their party vote to National. This would allow ACT to bypass the 5% party vote threshold and enter Parliament by winning an electorate seat, thereby providing a coalition partner for National. However, in October and November 2011, polls of the Epsom electorate vote taken by various companies showed that the National candidate for Epsom, Paul Goldsmith, was leading in the polls and likely to win the seat. During the meeting, the two politicians' discussion was recorded by a device left on the table in a black pouch. The recording tapes were leaked to the Herald on Sunday newspaper, and subsequently created a media frenzy over the content of the unreleased tapes.
held three party leaders' debates: two between the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition, and one between the leaders of the smaller parties. TV3
hosted a single debate between the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition.
The Labour Party leader Phil Goff
ruled out a coalition agreement with Hone Harawira's new Mana Party
, but left open the possibility of reaching an agreement with New Zealand First.
In the 16 November minor parties debate, leaders from the minor parties stated their preferences:
Opinion polls have been undertaken periodically since the 2008 election by MediaWorks New Zealand (3 News
Reid Research), The New Zealand Herald
(Herald Digipoll), Roy Morgan Research
, and Television New Zealand
(One News Colmar Brunton
), with polls having also being conducted by Fairfax Media
(Fairfax Media Research International) since July 2011. The graph on the right shows the collated results of all five polls for parties that have polled above the 5% electoral threshold.
After the 2008 election, National gained in popularity, and since 2009 has regularly polled in the 50-55% range, peaking at 55% in August 2009 and October 2011, before falling to 51% in the week before the election. Labour and Green meanwhile kept steady after the election at 31-34% and 7-8% respectively until July 2011, when Labour started to lose support, falling to just 26% before the election. The majority of Labour's loss has been the Green's gain, rising to 13% in the same period. No other party has peaked on average above 5% since the 2008 election.
On election night, National held steady on the electorates it held with 41. Labour gained two seats to hold 22 electorates, Māori lost one seat to hold three, and ACT, Mana, and United Future held steady with one seat each. The seat of Christchurch Central
is undecided, with Labour's Brendon Burns
and National's Nicky Wagner
on 10,493 votes. A National or Labour candidate took second place in all the general electorates, except Tauranga
, where it was New Zealand First's Brendan Horan
, and Rodney
, where it was Conservative Party leader Colin Craig
In eleven electorates, the incumbents did not seek re-election, and new MPs were elected. In Coromandel
, North Shore
, Northland
, Rangitikei
, Rodney and Tamaki
, the seats were passed from incumbent National MPs to new National MPs; in Epsom
, the seat was passed from the incumbent ACT MP to the new ACT MP; and in Dunedin North
and Manurewa
, the seats were passed from incumbent Labour MPs to new Labour MPs. Labour also won Te Atatu
from the retiring ex-Labour independent, and Wigram
from the retiring Progressive MP.
Of the 59 seats where the incumbent sought re-election, only three changed hands. In West Coast-Tasman
, Labour's Damien O'Connor regained the seat from National's Chris Auchinvole, who defeated him for the seat in 2008. In Waimakariri
, National's Kate Wilkinson defeated Labour MP Clayton Cosgrove, and in Te Tai Tonga
, Labour's Rino Tirikatene defeated Maori Party MP Rahui Katene. Despite losing their electorate seats, both Chris Auchinvole and Clayton Cosgrove were re-elected into parliament via the party list.
Aside from Christchurch Central, two electorates on election night returned with a majority to the winner of less than 500 votes, meaning they could potentially swing with the counting of special votes – Waimakariri (395) and Waitakere
(349). Three more electorates had a majority of less than 1000: Auckland Central (535), Tamaki Makaurau
(746), and Te Tai Tokerau
|align=center| Brendon Burns
Nicky Wagner
|align=right| 0
| align=center|
|Christchurch East
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Lianne Dalziel
| align=right| 4,954
|align=center| Aaron Gilmore
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Bill English
| align=right| 14,915
|align=center| Tat Loo
|align=center| Sandra Goudie
|align=center| Scott Simpson
| align=right| 11,800
|align=center| Hugh Kininmonth
|Dunedin North
|align=center| Pete Hodgson
|align=center| David Clark
| align=right| 3,304
|align=center| Michael Woodhouse
|Dunedin South
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Clare Curran
| align=right| 3,867
|align=center| Joanna Hayes
|East Coast
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Anne Tolley
| align=right| 4,487
|align=center| Moana Mackey
|East Coast Bays
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Murray McCully
| align=right| 13,479
|align=center| Vivienne Goldsmith
| align=center| Rodney Hide
|align=center| John Banks
| align=right| 2,485
|align=center| Paul Goldsmith
|Hamilton East
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| David Bennett
| align=right| 7,708
|align=center| Sehai Orgad
|Hamilton West
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Tim Macindoe
| align=right| 4,059
|align=center| Sue Moroney
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| John Key
| align=right| 19,116
|align=center| Jeremy Greenbrook-Held
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Paul Hutchison
| align=right| 15,514
|align=center| Richard Hills
|Hutt South
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Trevor Mallard
| align=right| 4,193
|align=center| Paul Quinn
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Gerry Brownlee
| align=right| 11,935
|align=center| John Parsons
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Eric Roy
| align=right| 5,766
|align=center| Lesley Soper
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Colin King
| align=right| 10,534
|align=center| Liz Collyns
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Kris Faafoi
| align=right| 1,857
|align=center| Hekia Parata
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"|Su'a William Sio
| align=right| 13,356
|align=center| Claudette Hauiti
|Manukau East
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Ross Robertson
| align=right| 13,850
|align=center| Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi
| align=center| George Hawkins
|align=center| Louisa Wall
| align=right| 7,230
|align=center| Cam Calder
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Sam Lotu-Iiga
| align=right| 2,787
|align=center| Carol Beaumont
|Mount Albert
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| David Shearer
| align=right| 9,055
|align=center| Melissa Lee
|Mount Roskill
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Phil Goff
| align=right| 6,383
|align=center| Jackie Blue
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Chris Tremain
| align=right| 3,382
|align=center| Stuart Nash
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Nick Smith
| align=right| 6,663
|align=center| Maryan Street
|New Lynn
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| David Cunliffe
| align=right| 4,475
|align=center| Tim Groser
|New Plymouth
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Jonathan Young
| align=right| 4,130
|align=center| Andrew Little
|North Shore
| align=center| Wayne Mapp
| align=center| Maggie Barry
| align=right| 13,739
|align=center| Ben Clark
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Jonathan Coleman
| align=right| 8,535
|align=center| Paula Gillon
| align=center| John Carter
|align=center| Mike Sabin
| align=right| 10,655
|align=center| Lynnette Stewart
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Peter Dunne
| align=right| 1,646
|align=center| Charles Chauvel
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Nathan Guy
| align=right| 5,099
|align=center| Peter Foster
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Maurice Williamson
| align=right| 12,879
|align=center| Sunny Kaushal
|Palmerston North
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Iain Lees-Galloway
| align=right| 3,001
|align=center| Leonie Hapeta
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Judith Collins
| align=right| 9,339
|align=center| Jerome Mika
|Port Hills
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Ruth Dyson
| align=right| 2,925
|align=center| David Carter
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Jo Goodhew
| align=right| 2,925
|align=center| Julian Blanchard
| align=center| Simon Power
|align=center| Ian McKelvie
| align=right| 8,741
|align=center| Josie Pagani
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Chris Hipkins
| align=right| 3,126
|align=center| Jonathan Fletcher
| align=center| Lockwood Smith
|align=center| Mark Mitchell
| align=right| 11,011
|align=center| Colin Craig
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Annette King
| align=right| 8,022
|align=center| Chris Finlayson
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Todd McClay
| align=right| 6,867
|align=center| Stephanie Chadwick
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Amy Adams
| align=right| 17,708
|align=center| Jo McLean
| align=center| Allan Peachey
| align=center| Simon O'Connor
| align=right| 16,257
|align=center| Nick Bakulich
|Taranaki-King Country
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Shane Ardern
| align=right| 14,093
|align=center| Rick Barker
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Louise Upston
| align=right| 13,049
|align=center| Frances Campbell
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Simon Bridges
| align=right| 15,812
|align=center| Brendan Horan
|Te Atatu
| align=center| Chris Carter
|align=center| Phil Twyford
| align=right| 4,653
|align=center| Tau Henare
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Craig Foss
|align=right| 9,032
| align=center| Julia Haydon-Carr
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Lindsay Tisch
|align=right| 12,965
| align=center| Kate Sutton
| align=center| Clayton Cosgrove
|align=center| Kate Wilkinson
|align=right| 395
| align=center| Clayton Cosgrove
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| John Hayes
|align=right| 6,695
| align=center| Michael Bott
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Paula Bennett
| align=right| 349
|align=center| Carmel Sepuloni
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Jacqui Dean
|align=right| 12,963
| align=center| Barry Monks
|Wellington Central
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Grant Robertson
|align=right| 5,111
| align=center| Paul Foster-Bell
|West Coast-Tasman
| align=center| Chris Auchinvole
| align=center| Damien O'Connor
| align=right| 2,287
| align=center| Chris Auchinvole
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Chester Borrows
|align=right| 4,786
| align=center| Hamish McDouall
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Phil Heatley
|align=right| 11,674
| align=center| Pat Newman
| align=center| Jim Anderton
|align=center| Megan Woods
| align=right| 1,533
|align=center| Sam Collins
| colspan="8" style="background:#eee; text-align:center;"| Māori electorates
! Electorate !! colspan=2 | Incumbent !! colspan=2 | Winner !! Majority !! colspan=2 | Runner-up
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Nanaia Mahuta
|align=right| 5,373
| align=center| Angeline Greensill
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Parekura Horomia
|align=right| 5,924
| align=center| Na Raihania
|Tāmaki Makaurau
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Pita Sharples
|align=right| 746
| align=center| Shane Jones
|Te Tai Hauāuru
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Tariana Turia
|align=right| 2,760
| align=center| Soraya Peke-Mason
|Te Tai Tokerau
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Hone Harawira
|align=right| 874
| align=center| Kelvin Davis
|Te Tai Tonga
| align=center| Rahui Katene
|align=center| Rino Tirikatene
|align=right| 1,445
| align=center| Rahui Katene
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Te Ururoa Flavell
|align=right| 1,820
| align=center| Annette Sykes
New MPs:
Scott Simpson,
Maggie Barry,
Mike Sabin,
Ian McKelvie,
Mark Mitchell,
Simon O'Connor,
Alfred Ngaro,
Jian Yang,
Paul Goldsmith,
David Clark,
Rino Tirikatene,
Megan Woods,
Andrew Little,
Eugenie Sage,
Jan Logie,
Steffan Browning,
Denise Roche,
Holly Walker,
Julie Anne Genter,
Tracey Martin,
Andrew Williams,
Richard Prosser,
Brendan Horan,
Denis O'Rourke,
Asenati Taylor
Returning MPs:
John Banks,
Winston Peters,
Barbara Stewart,
Defeated MPs:
Paul Quinn,
Stephanie Chadwick,
Stuart Nash,
Carol Beaumont,
Kelvin Davis,
Carmel Sepuloni,
Rick Barker,
Rahui Katene,
tendering his resignation as leader, stating that he took full responsibility for the party's poor performance.
On 29 November the leader of the Labour party Phil Goff
, and the deputy leader Annette King
tendered their resignations to a meeting of the caucus, effective on Tuesday 13 December 2011. Five MPs, including David Cunliffe
, David Parker and David Shearer
are the front-runners for the leadership, with Grant Robertson
and Nanaia Mahuta
as possible deputy-leaders.
The ACT party has also signed a coalition with National, gaining John Key
the seat of Epsom, from John Banks.
50th New Zealand Parliament
The 50th New Zealand Parliament will be elected at the 2011 election. It will contain 121 members , and will serve from 26 November 2011 until another election is called, no later than early 2015....
One hundred and twenty-one MPs were elected to the New Zealand House of Representatives
New Zealand House of Representatives
The New Zealand House of Representatives is the sole chamber of the legislature of New Zealand. The House and the Queen of New Zealand form the New Zealand Parliament....
, 70 from single-member electorates
New Zealand electorates
An electorate is a voting district for elections to the Parliament of New Zealand. In informal discussion, electorates are often called seats. The most formal description, electoral district, is rarely seen outside of electoral legislation. Before 1996, all Members of Parliament were directly...
, including one overhang seat
Overhang seat
Overhang seats can arise in elections under the traditional mixed member proportional system, when a party is entitled to fewer seats as a result of party votes than it has won constituencies.-How overhang seats arise:...
, and 51 from party lists. New Zealand since 1996 has used the Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) voting system, giving voters two votes: one for a political party and the other for their local electorate MP. A referendum on the voting method
New Zealand voting method referendum, 2011
The New Zealand voting system referendum, 2011, was a referendum on whether to keep the existing mixed member proportional voting system, or to change to another voting system, for electing Members of Parliament to New Zealand's House of Representatives...
was held at the same time as the election, with early votes suggesting the MMP system will be kept.
A total of 3,053,705 people were registered to vote in the election, with over 2.2 million votes cast and a turnout
Voter turnout
Voter turnout is the percentage of eligible voters who cast a ballot in an election . After increasing for many decades, there has been a trend of decreasing voter turnout in most established democracies since the 1960s...
of 73.19% – the lowest turnout since 1887. On election night, the incumbent National Party
New Zealand National Party
The New Zealand National Party is the largest party in the New Zealand House of Representatives and in November 2008 formed a minority government with support from three minor parties.-Policies:...
, led by John Key
John Key
John Phillip Key is the 38th Prime Minister of New Zealand, in office since 2008. He has led the New Zealand National Party since 2006....
, gained the plurality with 48.0% of the party vote and 60 seats, one seat short of holding a majority. The opposing Labour Party
New Zealand Labour Party
The New Zealand Labour Party is a New Zealand political party. It describes itself as centre-left and socially progressive and has been one of the two primary parties of New Zealand politics since 1935....
, lead by Phil Goff
Phil Goff
Philip Bruce Goff is the current Leader of the Opposition and the Leader of the New Zealand Labour Party. During the Fifth Labour Government, he served in a number of ministerial portfolios, including Minister of Defence of New Zealand, Minister of Corrections, Minister of Foreign Affairs and...
, lost ground winning 27.1% of the vote and 34 seats, while the Green Party
Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand is a political party that has seats in the New Zealand parliament. It focuses firstly on environmentalism, arguing that all other aspects of humanity will cease to be of concern if there is no environment to sustain it...
won 10.6% of the vote and 13 seats – the biggest share of the party vote for a minor party since 1996. New Zealand First
New Zealand First
New Zealand First is a political party in New Zealand that was founded in 1993, following party founder Winston Peters' resignation from the National Party in 1992...
, having won no seats in 2008 due to its failure to either reach the 5% threshold or win an electorate, made a comeback with 6.8% of the vote entitling them to eight seats.
National's confidence and supply partners in the 49th Parliament meanwhile suffered losses. ACT New Zealand won less than a third of the party vote it received in 2008, reducing from five seats to one. The Māori Party
Maori Party
The Māori Party, a political party in New Zealand, was formed on 7 July 2004. The Party is guided by eight constitutional "kaupapa", or Party objectives. Tariana Turia formed the Māori Party after resigning from the Labour Party where she had been a Cabinet Minister in the Fifth Labour-led...
was reduced from five seats to three, as the party vote split between the Māori Party and former Māori Party MP Hone Harawira
Hone Harawira
Hone Pani Tamati Waka Nene Harawira is a New Zealand Māori activist and parliamentarian. He was elected to the Parliament of New Zealand for the Māori electorate of Te Tai Tokerau in the 2005 general election as the Māori Party candidate. His resignation caused the Te Tai Tokerau by-election, held...
's Mana Party
Mana Party (New Zealand)
The Mana Party is a New Zealand political party led by Hone Harawira. It was formed in April 2011, and plans to contest the 2011 general election. Standing under the Mana Party banner, Mana won an early victory when Mr Harawira won the by-election in Te Tai Tokerau held on 25 June 2011...
. United Future lost party votes, but retained their one seat in Parliament.
Election date
The election date was set as Saturday 26 November 2011, as predicted by the media. Breaking with tradition, Prime Minister John Key announced the election date in February. Traditionally, the election date is a closely guarded secret, announced as late as possible. The date follows the tradition of holding the general election on the last Saturday of November unless the schedule is interrupted by a snap election or to circumvent holding a by-election.The Governor General must issue writs
Writ of election
A writ of election is a writ issued by the government ordering the holding of a special election for a political office.In the United Kingdom and in Canada, this is the only way of holding an election for the House of Commons...
for an election within seven days of the expiration or dissolution of the current Parliament
49th New Zealand Parliament
The 49th New Zealand Parliament was elected at the 2008 election. It consists of 122 members, including an overhang of two seats caused by the Māori Party having won two more electorate seats than its share of the party vote would otherwise have given it. The Parliament will serve from 2008 until...
. Under section 17 of the Constitution Act 1986, Parliament expires three years "from the day fixed for the return of the writs issued for the last preceding general election of members of the House of Representatives, and no longer." The writs for the previous election were returnable on 27 November 2008. As a result, the 49th Parliament
49th New Zealand Parliament
The 49th New Zealand Parliament was elected at the 2008 election. It consists of 122 members, including an overhang of two seats caused by the Māori Party having won two more electorate seats than its share of the party vote would otherwise have given it. The Parliament will serve from 2008 until...
will expire, if not dissolved earlier, on 27 November 2011. As that day is a Sunday, the last available working day is 25 November 2011. Consequently, the last day for issuance of writs of election is 2 December 2011. The writs must be returned within 50 days of their issuance with the last possible working day being 20 January 2012. Because polling day must be a Saturday, the last possible polling date for the election was 7 January 2012, allowing time for the counting of special votes. The Christmas/New Year holiday period made the last realistic date for the election Saturday 10 December 2011. The Rugby World Cup 2011 was hosted by New Zealand between 9 September and 23 October 2011, and ruled out all the possible election dates in this period. This left two possible windows for the general election: on or before 2 September and 29 October to 10 December.
2 February 2011 | Prime Minister John Key announces election to be held on 26 November |
6 October 2011 | Last sitting day for the 49th Parliament |
20 October 2011 | Governor General Jerry Mateparae dissolves the 49th Parliament |
26 October 2011 | Writ Day - Governor General issues formal direction to the Electoral Commission to hold the election. Electoral roll closes for printing (all people enrolling after this date must cast special declaration votes). |
2 November 2011 | Details of candidates for election and polling places released. |
9 November 2011 | Advance and overseas voting begins. |
25 November 2011 | Advance voting ends. Overseas voting ends 4:00pm local time. |
26 November 2011 | Election Day - polling places open 9:00am to 7:00pm. Preliminary results released progressively after 7:00pm. |
10 December 2011 | Official results released |
15 December 2011 | Writ for election returned; official declaration of elected members |
49th Parliament, 2008–2011
Following the 2008 general electionNew Zealand general election, 2008
The 2008 New Zealand general election was held on 8 November 2008 to determine the composition of the 49th New Zealand parliament. The conservative National Party, headed by its Parliamentary leader John Key, won a plurality of votes and seats, ending 9 years of government dominated by the social...
, National Party
New Zealand National Party
The New Zealand National Party is the largest party in the New Zealand House of Representatives and in November 2008 formed a minority government with support from three minor parties.-Policies:...
leader and Prime Minister John Key
John Key
John Phillip Key is the 38th Prime Minister of New Zealand, in office since 2008. He has led the New Zealand National Party since 2006....
announced a confidence and supply agreement with ACT, the Māori Party
Maori Party
The Māori Party, a political party in New Zealand, was formed on 7 July 2004. The Party is guided by eight constitutional "kaupapa", or Party objectives. Tariana Turia formed the Māori Party after resigning from the Labour Party where she had been a Cabinet Minister in the Fifth Labour-led...
and United Future to form the Fifth National Government
Fifth National Government of New Zealand
The Fifth National Government of New Zealand is the current government of New Zealand. It is led by Prime Minister John Key.After the 2008 general election the National Party and its allies were able to form a government, taking over from Helen Clark's Fifth Labour Government. The National party...
. These arrangements gave the National-led government a majority of 16 seats, with 69 on confidence-and-supply in the 122-seat Parliament.
New Zealand Labour Party
The New Zealand Labour Party is a New Zealand political party. It describes itself as centre-left and socially progressive and has been one of the two primary parties of New Zealand politics since 1935....
, Greens
Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand is a political party that has seats in the New Zealand parliament. It focuses firstly on environmentalism, arguing that all other aspects of humanity will cease to be of concern if there is no environment to sustain it...
and the Progressives
New Zealand Progressive Party
Jim Anderton's Progressive Party , is a New Zealand political party generally somewhat to the left of its ally, the Labour Party....
are all in opposition, although only the Labour and Progressive parties formally constitute the formal Opposition
Official Opposition (New Zealand)
The Official Opposition in New Zealand is usually the largest political party or coalition which is not a member of the ruling government. This means that the political party, while still involved with the political process in New Zealand, they do not have ministers or their supporters in a...
; the Greens have a minor agreement with the government but are not committed to confidence and supply
Confidence and supply
In a parliamentary democracy confidence and supply are required for a government to hold power. A confidence and supply agreement is an agreement that a minor party or independent member of parliament will support the government in motions of confidence and appropriation votes by voting in favour...
At the 2008 election, the National Party had 58 seats, the Labour Party 43 seats, Green Party 9 seats, ACT and Māori Party five each, and Progressive and United Future one each. During the Parliament session, two members defected from their parties – Chris Carter
Chris Carter (politician)
Christopher Joseph Carter was an independent Member of Parliament in New Zealand, and a former member of the New Zealand Labour Party until his expulsion. Carter was a senior Cabinet Minister in the Fifth Labour Government of New Zealand, serving lastly as Minister of Education, Minister...
was expelled from Labour in August 2010, and Hone Harawira
Hone Harawira
Hone Pani Tamati Waka Nene Harawira is a New Zealand Māori activist and parliamentarian. He was elected to the Parliament of New Zealand for the Māori electorate of Te Tai Tokerau in the 2005 general election as the Māori Party candidate. His resignation caused the Te Tai Tokerau by-election, held...
left the Māori Party in February 2011. Carter continued as an independent
Independent (politician)
In politics, an independent or non-party politician is an individual not affiliated to any political party. Independents may hold a centrist viewpoint between those of major political parties, a viewpoint more extreme than any major party, or they may have a viewpoint based on issues that they do...
, while Harawira resigned from parliament to recontest his Te Tai Tokerau
Te Tai Tokerau
Te Tai Tokerau is a New Zealand Parliamentary Māori electorate. Since 2005, it has been held by MP Hone Harawira. A by-election was held in this seat due to Harawira's resignation from Parliament...
electorate in a by-election
Te Tai Tokerau by-election, 2011
The 2011 Te Tai Tokerau by-election was a by-election in the New Zealand electorate of Te Tai Tokerau that was caused by Hone Harawira's resignation from the seat. He chose to re-contest it with the Mana Party in order to seek a new mandate for his views...
under his newly formed Mana Party
Mana Party (New Zealand)
The Mana Party is a New Zealand political party led by Hone Harawira. It was formed in April 2011, and plans to contest the 2011 general election. Standing under the Mana Party banner, Mana won an early victory when Mr Harawira won the by-election in Te Tai Tokerau held on 25 June 2011...
. Two MPs resigned from Parliament before the end of the session, John Carter
John Carter (New Zealand)
John McGregor Carter is a New Zealand politician, and member of the National Party. He represented the Bay of Islands, Far North and Northland electorates from 1987 until June 2011...
of National and Chris Carter, but as they resigned within 6 months of an election, their seats remained vacant.
At the dissolution of the 49th parliament on 20 October 2011, National held 57 seats, Labour 42 seats, Green 9 seats, ACT 5 seats, Māori 4 seats, and Progressive, United Future and Mana one each.
Marginal seats in 2008
At the 2008 electionNew Zealand general election, 2008
The 2008 New Zealand general election was held on 8 November 2008 to determine the composition of the 49th New Zealand parliament. The conservative National Party, headed by its Parliamentary leader John Key, won a plurality of votes and seats, ending 9 years of government dominated by the social...
, the following seats were won by a majority of less than 1000 votes:
Electorate | Member of Parliament | Incumbent party | Majority | Second place | Second party | ||
New Plymouth New Plymouth (New Zealand electorate) New Plymouth is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate. It was first created for the 1st New Zealand Parliament in 1853 and has existed since, with one 22-year interruption... |
105 | ||||||
Waimakariri Waimakariri (New Zealand electorate) Waimakariri is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, formed in 1996 and returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Waimakariri is Clayton Cosgrove of the Labour Party. He has held this position since the 1999 election... |
390 | ||||||
Waitakere Waitakere (New Zealand electorate) Waitakere is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Waitakere is Paula Bennett of the National Party. She has held this position since the 2008 election.... |
632 | ||||||
Rimutaka Rimutaka (New Zealand electorate) Rimutaka is an electorate returning one member to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current representative is Chris Hipkins. He is a member of the Labour Party, and has represented the seat since 2008.... |
753 | ||||||
Hauraki-Waikato Hauraki-Waikato Hauraki-Waikato is a new New Zealand Parliamentary Māori electorate for the New Zealand general election, 2008.It largely replaces the Tainui electorate... |
888 | ||||||
Christchurch Central Christchurch Central Christchurch Central is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate in the South Island city of Christchurch. The electorate was established for the 1946 election and has always been won by the Labour Party. Since 2008, the incumbent is Brendon Burns... |
935 | ||||||
West Coast-Tasman West Coast-Tasman West Coast-Tasman is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate. It is the largest General electorate by land area.It is currently held by Damien O'Connor MP.-Population Centres:The electorate includes the following population centres:*Collingwood*Greymouth... |
971 |
MPs retiring in 2011
Nineteen MPs, including all five ACT MPs and the sole Progressive MP, intended to retire at the end of the 49th Parliament. One of the ACT MPs, John Boscawen, contested TāmakiTamaki (New Zealand electorate)
Tāmaki is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The electorate is named after the Tamaki River that runs immediately east of the seat...
, but did not expect to win and was not on the party list. National MP Allan Peachey died three weeks before the election.
Party | Name | Electorate | ||
ACT | Roger Douglas Roger Douglas Sir Roger Owen Douglas , is a New Zealand politician who formerly served as a senior New Zealand Labour Party Cabinet minister. He became arguably best-known for his prominent role in the radical economic restructuring undertaken by the Fourth Labour Government during the 1980s... |
(List) | ||
Rodney Hide Rodney Hide Rodney Hide is a New Zealand politician who was leader of the political party ACT New Zealand from 2004 to 2011. From 2005 to 2011 he represented the electorate of Epsom as its Member of Parliament. Rodney Hide was Minister of Local Government, Associate Minister of Commerce and Minister of... |
Epsom Epsom (New Zealand electorate) Epsom is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Epsom is Rodney Hide MP of the ACT Party. He has held this position since 2005.-Population centres:... |
Heather Roy Heather Roy Heather Roy , is a New Zealand politician and has served as an ACT Member of Parliament since 2002. From 2006 until 17 August 2010, Roy was ACT's Deputy Leader... |
(List) | |||
Hilary Calvert Hilary Calvert Hilary Calvert is a lawyer and a member of the New Zealand parliament for the ACT Party. Following the resignation of ACT MP David Garrett in September 2010, she assumed a position in the House of Representatives as the next MP on ACT's list.... |
(List) | |||
John Boscawen John Boscawen John Boscawen is an ACT New Zealand member of the New Zealand House of Representatives and as of May 2011, ACT's Parliamentary Leader and former Minister of Consumer Affairs of New Zealand. He came to parliament in the 2008 general election as a list MP, having been ranked fourth... |
(List) | |||
Green Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand is a political party that has seats in the New Zealand parliament. It focuses firstly on environmentalism, arguing that all other aspects of humanity will cease to be of concern if there is no environment to sustain it... |
Sue Kedgley Sue Kedgley Susan Jane Kedgley , BA , TTC , MA , is a New Zealand politician, food campaigner and author.-Early career and Wellington City Council:... |
(List) | ||
Keith Locke Keith Locke Keith James Locke is a current New Zealand MP representing the Green Party who was first elected to parliament in 1999. he is the Green Party spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Defence, Ethnic Affairs, Pacific Affairs, Human Rights, Immigration, Police and Auckland Transport... |
(List) | |||
Progressive | Jim Anderton Jim Anderton James Patrick Anderton, usually known as Jim Anderton , is the leader of the Progressive Party, a New Zealand political party. He has served in Parliament since 1984. He served as Deputy Prime Minister from 1999 to 2002 and is currently also the sitting Father of the House, the longest... |
Wigram Wigram (New Zealand electorate) Wigram is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Wigram is Megan Woods. She takes over this position from the retiring Jim Anderton, who held this position from 1996 until 2011.-Population... |
Labour New Zealand Labour Party The New Zealand Labour Party is a New Zealand political party. It describes itself as centre-left and socially progressive and has been one of the two primary parties of New Zealand politics since 1935.... |
Ashraf Choudhary Ashraf Choudhary Dr Ashraf Choudhary, QSO, is a Pakistani-New Zealand scientist in agricultural engineering and a member of the Parliament in New Zealand. He is a member of the Labour Party, and is New Zealand's first MP from South Asia and Pakistan.... |
(List) | ||
George Hawkins | Manurewa Manurewa (New Zealand electorate) Manurewa is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate.It is currently held by George Hawkins MP.-Population Centres:The electorate includes the following population centres:... |
Pete Hodgson Pete Hodgson Peter Colin Hodgson is a New Zealand politician. He is a member of the Labour Party.Hodgson was born in Whangarei, and received a Bachelor's degree in veterinary science from Massey University... |
Dunedin North Dunedin North (New Zealand electorate) Dunedin North is a New Zealand parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. It was established for the 1905 election and has existed since.... |
Lynne Pillay Lynne Pillay Barbara Lynne Pillay, known as Lynne Pillay is a New Zealand politician, and member of the Labour Party.- Member of Parliament :... |
(List) | |||
Mita Ririnui Mita Ririnui Mita Michael Ririnui is a New Zealand politician and a member of the Labour Party. He has been a member of parliament since 1999.-Early years:... |
(List) | |||
National New Zealand National Party The New Zealand National Party is the largest party in the New Zealand House of Representatives and in November 2008 formed a minority government with support from three minor parties.-Policies:... |
John Carter John Carter (New Zealand) John McGregor Carter is a New Zealand politician, and member of the National Party. He represented the Bay of Islands, Far North and Northland electorates from 1987 until June 2011... |
Northland Northland (New Zealand electorate) Northland is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The electorate was established for the 1996 election and is currently not represented, after the only MP for the electorate so far, John Carter of the National Party,... |
Sandra Goudie Sandra Goudie Sandra Anne Goudie is a New Zealand politician. She is a member of the National Party.-Early years:Before entering politics, Goudie was a farmer, and was later a councillor for the Thames-Coromandel District.-Member of Parliament:... |
Coromandel Coromandel (New Zealand electorate) Coromandel is a New Zealand electoral division returning one member to the New Zealand House of Representatives. Most recently it was represented by Sandra Goudie, who was MP from until retiring at the .-Population centres:... |
Wayne Mapp Wayne Mapp Wayne Daniel Mapp is a New Zealand politician, representing the National Party in the New Zealand Parliament. He has served as the MP for the North Shore electorate since the 1996 elections. Before entering politics, he lectured in commercial law at University of Auckland.-Early years:He gained... |
North Shore North Shore (New Zealand electorate) North Shore is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for North Shore is Wayne Mapp MP of the National Party... |
Simon Power Simon Power Simon James Power is a New Zealand politician. He is a prominent member of the National Party and a cabinet minister. He currently holds the posts of Minister of Justice, Minister for State Owned Enterprises, Minister of Commerce, Minister Responsible for the Law Commission andAssociate Minister... |
Rangitīkei Rangitikei (New Zealand electorate) rightRangitīkei is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Rangitīkei is Simon Power of the National Party... |
Allan Peachey Allan Peachey Allan Peachey was a New Zealand politician and Member of Parliament for Tamaki.-School principal:Before his election to Parliament, Peachey was employed as the principal of Rangitoto College, the largest secondary school in New Zealand... |
Tāmaki Tamaki (New Zealand electorate) Tāmaki is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The electorate is named after the Tamaki River that runs immediately east of the seat... |
Georgina te Heuheu Georgina Te Heuheu Georgina Manunui te Heuheu QSO is a Māori descent of Tūhoe, Tūwharetoa, Te Arawa and Ngāti Awa. MP in the New Zealand National Party and a Cabinet Minister in the New Zealand Government.-Early life:... |
(List) |
Electorate boundaries
ElectoratesNew Zealand electorates
An electorate is a voting district for elections to the Parliament of New Zealand. In informal discussion, electorates are often called seats. The most formal description, electoral district, is rarely seen outside of electoral legislation. Before 1996, all Members of Parliament were directly...
in the election were the same as at the 2008 election.
Electorates and their boundaries in New Zealand are reviewed every five years after the Census of Population and Dwellings
New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings
The New Zealand government department Statistics New Zealand conducts a census of population and dwellings every five years. The census scheduled for 2011 was cancelled due to circumstances surrounding the February 2011 Christchurch earthquake, however, and legislation introduced to hold the next...
. The last review took place in 2007, following the 2006 census. The next review is not due until 2014, following the 2013 census (the 2011 census was cancelled due to the 22 February 2011 Christchurch earthquake
2011 Christchurch earthquake
The February 2011 Christchurch earthquake was a magnitude 6.3 earthquake that struck the Canterbury region in New Zealand's South Island at on local time , The earthquake was centred west of the town of Lyttelton, and south-east of the centre of Christchurch, New Zealand's second-most populous...
Election procedures
On 17 September 2010, Justice Minister Simon PowerSimon Power
Simon James Power is a New Zealand politician. He is a prominent member of the National Party and a cabinet minister. He currently holds the posts of Minister of Justice, Minister for State Owned Enterprises, Minister of Commerce, Minister Responsible for the Law Commission andAssociate Minister...
announced the government was introducing legislation making this the first election where voters would be able to re-enrol completely on-line. Enrolments on-line beforehand still required the election form to be printed, signed, and sent by post.
Voters in the Christchurch
Christchurch is the largest city in the South Island of New Zealand, and the country's second-largest urban area after Auckland. It lies one third of the way down the South Island's east coast, just north of Banks Peninsula which itself, since 2006, lies within the formal limits of...
region were encouraged to cast their votes before election day if they had doubt about being able to get to a polling booth on election day or to avoid long queues, as many traditional polling booths are unavailable due to the earthquakes. Nineteen advance voting stations were made available, with three of them campervans, which are usually only used in rural areas of New Zealand. The Christchurch Central
Christchurch Central
Christchurch Central is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate in the South Island city of Christchurch. The electorate was established for the 1946 election and has always been won by the Labour Party. Since 2008, the incumbent is Brendon Burns...
electorate, for example, has 33 polling stations in 2011 compared to 45 in 2008.
Contesting parties and candidates
At the close of nominations, 544 individuals had been nominated to contest the election, down from 682 at the 2008 election. Of those, 91 were list-only, 73 were electorate-only (43 from registered parties, 17 independents, and 13 from non-registered parties), and 380 contested both list and electorate.Political parties registered with the Electoral Commission on Writ Day can contest the general election as a party, allowing it to submit a party list to contend the party vote, and have a party election expenses limit in addition to individual candidate limits. At Writ Day, sixteen political parties were registered to contend the general election. At the close of nominations, thirteen registered parties had put forward a party list to the Commission to contest the party vote, down from nineteen in 2008.
Party | Leader(s) | Party vote % (2008 election) | Seats (October 2011) | Electorate candidates | Party list candidates |
Parties with seats in the 49th Parliament | ||||||
Don Brash Don Brash Donald "Don" Thomas Brash , a New Zealand politician, was Leader of the Opposition, parliamentary leader of the National Party from 28 October 2003 to 27 November 2006 and the leader of the ACT Party for 28th April 2011 - 26 November 2011... |
3.65 | 5 | 50 | 55 | ||
Russel Norman Russel Norman Dr Russel William Norman is a New Zealand politician and environmentalist. He is a Member of Parliament and co-leader of the Green Party alongside Metiria Turei.- Early life :... / Metiria Turei Metiria Turei Metiria Leanne Agnes Stanton Turei is a New Zealand member of Parliament and the female co-leader of the Green Party. she is the Green Party spokesperson on Social Equity, Electoral Reform, Māori and Treaty Issues, Housing and Children.... |
6.72 | 9 | 59 | 61 | ||
Phil Goff Phil Goff Philip Bruce Goff is the current Leader of the Opposition and the Leader of the New Zealand Labour Party. During the Fifth Labour Government, he served in a number of ministerial portfolios, including Minister of Defence of New Zealand, Minister of Corrections, Minister of Foreign Affairs and... |
33.99 | 42 | 70 | 65 | ||
Hone Harawira Hone Harawira Hone Pani Tamati Waka Nene Harawira is a New Zealand Māori activist and parliamentarian. He was elected to the Parliament of New Zealand for the Māori electorate of Te Tai Tokerau in the 2005 general election as the Māori Party candidate. His resignation caused the Te Tai Tokerau by-election, held... |
– | 1 | 21 | 20 | ||
Pita Sharples Pita Sharples Pita Russell Sharples, CBE, , a Māori academic and politician, currently co-leads the Māori Party. He currently is the member for Tamaki Makaurau in New Zealand's Parliament.-Early life:... / Tariana Turia Tariana Turia Tariana Turia is a New Zealand politician. She gained considerable prominence during the foreshore and seabed controversy, and eventually broke with her party as a result... |
2.39 | 4 | 11 | 17 | ||
John Key John Key John Phillip Key is the 38th Prime Minister of New Zealand, in office since 2008. He has led the New Zealand National Party since 2006.... |
44.93 | 57 | 63 | 65 | ||
Peter Dunne Peter Dunne Peter Dunne is a New Zealand politician and Member of Parliament who leads the United Future political party. He has served as a Cabinet minister in governments dominated by the centre-left Labour Party as well as by the centre-right National Party... |
0.87 | 1 | 19 | 15 | ||
Other parties | ||||||
Andrew McKenzie / Kay Murray | 0.08 | – | 5 | 14 | ||
Colin Craig Colin Craig Colin Craig is a New Zealand businessman and the founding leader of the Conservative Party of New Zealand. Craig is currently a millionaire who owns companies which manage high-rise buildings. His current company manages about $1.3 billion of assets.-Personal life:Craig was born in Auckland and... |
– | – | 52 | 30 | ||
Stephnie de Ruyter Stephnie de Ruyter Stephnie de Ruyter is the leader of the New Zealand Democratic Party, a small left-wing New Zealand political party. The Democrats are currently outside Parliament.... |
0.05 | – | 14 | 24 | ||
Michael Appleby Michael Appleby (New Zealand) Michael Appleby is the leader of the small Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party, a political party in New Zealand dedicated to the relaxation or repeal of laws against the use of cannabis. Appleby also stands as his party's candidate in the Wellington Central electorate, coming fifth in the 2008 election... |
0.41 | – | 18 | 28 | ||
Richard McGrath | 0.05 | – | 9 | 27 | ||
Winston Peters Winston Peters Winston Raymond Peters is a New Zealand politician and leader of New Zealand First, a political party he founded in 1993. Peters has had a turbulent political career since entering Parliament in 1978. He served as Minister of Maori Affairs in the Bolger National Party Government before being... |
4.07 | – | 31 | 33 | ||
The Kiwi Party, the New Citizen Party
New Citizen Party
The New Citizen Party is a political party in New Zealand. It aims to represent Chinese New Zealanders and has a focus on economic and law-and-order issues...
and the Progressive Party were registered, but did not contend the election under their own banners. The Kiwi Party and the New Citizen Party stood candidates for the Conservative Party.
In addition to the registered parties and their candidates, thirteen candidates from nine non-registered parties and seventeen independent candidates contested electorates:
Party | Electorates contested | |
Human Rights Human Rights Party (New Zealand) The Human Rights Party is a small political party in New Zealand. It focuses on what it sees as social justice, believing that insufficient emphasis is placed on people's economic, social and cultural rights... |
Auckland Central | |
Manukau East, Mount Roskill | ||
Nga Iwi Morehu Nga Iwi Morehu Movement The Nga Iwi Morehu Movement is a New Zealand political party based around Māori. Its name literally translates as "the surviving people" or "the remnant people". It contested the 1996 election as an unregistered party, running a single candidate and gaining 194 votes. It ran two candidates in the... |
Hauraki-Waikato, Te Tai Hauauru | |
Hamilton East, Wellington Central | ||
Clutha-Southland, Te Tai Hauauru | ||
Economic Euthenics | Wigram | |
New Economics New Economics Party The New Economics party is a political party in New Zealand. It was founded in September 2011 and advocates reduced resource use, a universal basic income, and reform of the currency and banking system.... |
Wellington Central | |
Restore All Things In Christ | Dunedin South | |
Youth Aotearoa NZ Youth Party The Aotearoa NZ Youth Party or Aotearoa NZ Youth Independence Party is an unregistered political party in New Zealand. The party is the vehicle of "professional stirrer" Robert Terry of Reefton, who has contested elections on and off since 1998.... |
West Coast-Tasman | |
Christchurch Central Coromandel Epsom ×2 Hamilton West ×2 New Plymouth Ōtaki Rangitikei ×2 Rongotai Tamaki ×2 Tauranga Waitaki Wellington Central Ikaroa-Rawhiti |
Epsom and the Tea Tape scandal
On 11 November, National Party leader John Key met with John Banks, the ACT candidate for EpsomEpsom (New Zealand electorate)
Epsom is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Epsom is Rodney Hide MP of the ACT Party. He has held this position since 2005.-Population centres:...
, over a cup of tea at a cafe in Newmarket
Newmarket, New Zealand
Newmarket is an Auckland suburb to the south-east of the central business district. With its high building density, especially of retail shops, it is considered New Zealand's premier retailing area, and a rival of local competitor Auckland CBD...
to send a signal to Epsom voters about voting tactically. The National Party passively campaigned for Epsom voters to give their electorate vote to ACT while giving their party vote to National. This would allow ACT to bypass the 5% party vote threshold and enter Parliament by winning an electorate seat, thereby providing a coalition partner for National. However, in October and November 2011, polls of the Epsom electorate vote taken by various companies showed that the National candidate for Epsom, Paul Goldsmith, was leading in the polls and likely to win the seat. During the meeting, the two politicians' discussion was recorded by a device left on the table in a black pouch. The recording tapes were leaked to the Herald on Sunday newspaper, and subsequently created a media frenzy over the content of the unreleased tapes.
TVNZTelevision New Zealand
Television New Zealand, more commonly referred to, and stylized as TVNZ, is a government-owned corporation television network broadcasting in New Zealand and parts of the Pacific. It operates TV1, TV2, TVNZ7, TVNZ Heartland, TVNZ U and new media services....
held three party leaders' debates: two between the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition, and one between the leaders of the smaller parties. TV3
TV3 (New Zealand)
TV3 is a New Zealand commercial television network, owned by MediaWorks New Zealand. Launched on 26 November 1989, the first private television network in New Zealand...
hosted a single debate between the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition.
Date | Host | Leaders | Presenter / Moderator | |
30 October | TVNZ | Don Brash, Metiria Turei, Hone Harawira, Pita Sharples, Peter Dunne | Paul Holmes Paul Holmes (broadcaster) Paul Holmes CNZM is a radio and television broadcaster in New Zealand. he hosts Q+A on TV ONE, and the Saturday morning radio show on Newstalk ZB, where for 23 years until December 2008 he hosted the weekday breakfast show, the long-standing number one rating breakfast show... |
Highlights – The debate included a variety of topics, ranging from the age of superannuation eligibility to youth unemployment to asset sales. Peter Dunne won the debate, with Metiria Turei coming second. | ||||
31 October | TVNZ | John Key, Phil Goff | Mark Sainsbury Mark Sainsbury (New Zealand) Mark Sainsbury is a New Zealand current affairs television presenter. He currently hosts Close Up on TVNZ's TV ONE. Previously he was ONE News's political editor.... / Guyon Espiner Guyon Espiner Guyon Espiner is a New Zealand print and television journalist.Espiner attended the University of Canterbury before joining TVNZ in 2003 as a political reporter... |
Highlights – The economy, asset sales, the cost of living, education, welfare, environment and mining, crisis management and recovery, leadership and New Zealand's involvement in Afghanistan. A text poll conducted alongside gave the debate to John Key with 61%. | ||||
16 November | TVNZ | Don Brash, Russel Norman, Hone Harawira, Pita Sharples, Winston Peters, Peter Dunne | Mark Sainsbury / Guyon Espiner | |
Highlights – The debate included the economy, the age of superannuation eligibility, Māori affairs, the environment, the Emissions Trading Scheme, the Teapot Tape scandal, the voting system referendum New Zealand voting method referendum, 2011 The New Zealand voting system referendum, 2011, was a referendum on whether to keep the existing mixed member proportional voting system, or to change to another voting system, for electing Members of Parliament to New Zealand's House of Representatives... , and potential partners after the election. A text poll conducted alongside gave the debate to Winston Peters with 36%, with Hone Harawira coming second with 27%. |
21 November | TV3 | John Key, Phil Goff | John Campbell John Campbell (broadcaster) John Campbell is the presenter of Campbell Live, a primetime 7.00pm current affairs programme on TV3 in New Zealand.-Early career:... |
Highlights – TBC | ||||
23 November | TVNZ | John Key, Phil Goff | Mark Sainsbury / Guyon Espiner | |
Highlights – |
Pre-election coalition preferences
The National Party ruled out working with New Zealand First's Winston Peters after the election. ACT confirmed it would work with National after the elections.The Labour Party leader Phil Goff
Phil Goff
Philip Bruce Goff is the current Leader of the Opposition and the Leader of the New Zealand Labour Party. During the Fifth Labour Government, he served in a number of ministerial portfolios, including Minister of Defence of New Zealand, Minister of Corrections, Minister of Foreign Affairs and...
ruled out a coalition agreement with Hone Harawira's new Mana Party
Mana Party (New Zealand)
The Mana Party is a New Zealand political party led by Hone Harawira. It was formed in April 2011, and plans to contest the 2011 general election. Standing under the Mana Party banner, Mana won an early victory when Mr Harawira won the by-election in Te Tai Tokerau held on 25 June 2011...
, but left open the possibility of reaching an agreement with New Zealand First.
In the 16 November minor parties debate, leaders from the minor parties stated their preferences:
- Green would work in a coalition government with Labour, and would not completely rule out working with National.
- Mana would not work in a coalition government with National and/or ACT
- Māori would not work in a coalition government with ACT.
- No preference was stated for New Zealand First
- United Future ruled out working with Labour
Opinion polling
The nature of the Mixed Member Proportional voting system, whereby the share of seats in Parliament a party gets is determined by its share of the nationwide party vote, means opinion polling in New Zealand is fairly accurate in predicting the outcome of an election compared with other countries.Opinion polls have been undertaken periodically since the 2008 election by MediaWorks New Zealand (3 News
3 News
3 News is the television, internet and radio news service of New Zealand's TV3. Its flagship bulletin, which airs every evening at 6:00pm, is anchored by Hilary Barry and Mike McRoberts. Carolyn Robinson and Simon Shepherd are weekend and substitute anchors...
Reid Research), The New Zealand Herald
The New Zealand Herald
- External links :* * *...
(Herald Digipoll), Roy Morgan Research
Roy Morgan Research
Roy Morgan Research is an Australian market research company headquartered in Melbourne, Victoria; it was founded in 1941 by Roy Morgan ; its Executive Chairman today is his son, Gary Morgan....
, and Television New Zealand
Television New Zealand
Television New Zealand, more commonly referred to, and stylized as TVNZ, is a government-owned corporation television network broadcasting in New Zealand and parts of the Pacific. It operates TV1, TV2, TVNZ7, TVNZ Heartland, TVNZ U and new media services....
(One News Colmar Brunton
Colmar Brunton
Colmar Brunton is an international market research agency. It is also Australia's largest independent market research agency.Its head office is in Sydney, Australia, with other offices in the Australian cities of Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Canberra, as well as in New Zealand and...
), with polls having also being conducted by Fairfax Media
Fairfax Media
Fairfax Media Limited is one of Australia's largest diversified media companies. The group's operations include newspapers, magazines, radios and digital media operating in Australia and New Zealand. Fairfax Media was founded by the Fairfax family as John Fairfax and Sons, later to become John...
(Fairfax Media Research International) since July 2011. The graph on the right shows the collated results of all five polls for parties that have polled above the 5% electoral threshold.
After the 2008 election, National gained in popularity, and since 2009 has regularly polled in the 50-55% range, peaking at 55% in August 2009 and October 2011, before falling to 51% in the week before the election. Labour and Green meanwhile kept steady after the election at 31-34% and 7-8% respectively until July 2011, when Labour started to lose support, falling to just 26% before the election. The majority of Labour's loss has been the Green's gain, rising to 13% in the same period. No other party has peaked on average above 5% since the 2008 election.
Electorate results
Prior to the election, the National Party held the majority of the electorate seats with 41. Labour held 20 seats, Māori held four seats, and ACT, Mana, Progressive, United Future and an ex-Labour independent held one seat each.On election night, National held steady on the electorates it held with 41. Labour gained two seats to hold 22 electorates, Māori lost one seat to hold three, and ACT, Mana, and United Future held steady with one seat each. The seat of Christchurch Central
Christchurch Central
Christchurch Central is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate in the South Island city of Christchurch. The electorate was established for the 1946 election and has always been won by the Labour Party. Since 2008, the incumbent is Brendon Burns...
is undecided, with Labour's Brendon Burns
Brendon Burns (politician)
Brendon Burns is the Labour Party Member of Parliament for Christchurch Central electorate of the New Zealand Parliament.-Early life:Burns worked for 12 years in the Parliamentary Press Gallery. As editor of The Marlborough Express for seven years, he led various community initiatives and won the...
and National's Nicky Wagner
Nicky Wagner
Nicky Wagner is a New Zealand politician, who holds a list seat for the New Zealand National Party in the Parliament of New Zealand.-Early life and career:...
Tie (draw)
To tie or draw is to finish a competition with identical or inconclusive results. The word "tie" is usually used in North America for sports such as American football. "Draw" is usually used in the United Kingdom, Ireland and the Commonwealth of Nations and it is usually used for sports such as...
on 10,493 votes. A National or Labour candidate took second place in all the general electorates, except Tauranga
Tauranga (New Zealand electorate)
Tauranga is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Tauranga is Simon Bridges of the National Party, who won the seat in the 2008 New Zealand general election, after the previous MP, Bob Clarkson of...
, where it was New Zealand First's Brendan Horan
Brendan Horan
Brendan Horan was a weather presenter for Television New Zealand's ONE News, running on a regular cycle with Karen Olsen and Natalie Crook....
, and Rodney
Rodney (New Zealand electorate)
rightRodney is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Rodney is Mark Mitchell of the National Party...
, where it was Conservative Party leader Colin Craig
Colin Craig
Colin Craig is a New Zealand businessman and the founding leader of the Conservative Party of New Zealand. Craig is currently a millionaire who owns companies which manage high-rise buildings. His current company manages about $1.3 billion of assets.-Personal life:Craig was born in Auckland and...
In eleven electorates, the incumbents did not seek re-election, and new MPs were elected. In Coromandel
Coromandel (New Zealand electorate)
Coromandel is a New Zealand electoral division returning one member to the New Zealand House of Representatives. Most recently it was represented by Sandra Goudie, who was MP from until retiring at the .-Population centres:...
, North Shore
North Shore (New Zealand electorate)
North Shore is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for North Shore is Wayne Mapp MP of the National Party...
, Northland
Northland (New Zealand electorate)
Northland is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The electorate was established for the 1996 election and is currently not represented, after the only MP for the electorate so far, John Carter of the National Party,...
, Rangitikei
Rangitikei (New Zealand electorate)
rightRangitīkei is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Rangitīkei is Simon Power of the National Party...
, Rodney and Tamaki
Tamaki (New Zealand electorate)
Tāmaki is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The electorate is named after the Tamaki River that runs immediately east of the seat...
, the seats were passed from incumbent National MPs to new National MPs; in Epsom
Epsom (New Zealand electorate)
Epsom is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Epsom is Rodney Hide MP of the ACT Party. He has held this position since 2005.-Population centres:...
, the seat was passed from the incumbent ACT MP to the new ACT MP; and in Dunedin North
Dunedin North (New Zealand electorate)
Dunedin North is a New Zealand parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. It was established for the 1905 election and has existed since....
and Manurewa
Manurewa (New Zealand electorate)
Manurewa is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate.It is currently held by George Hawkins MP.-Population Centres:The electorate includes the following population centres:...
, the seats were passed from incumbent Labour MPs to new Labour MPs. Labour also won Te Atatu
Te Atatu (New Zealand electorate)
rightTe Atatū is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Te Atatū is Chris Carter, who is formerly of the Labour Party, but is currently an Independent MP...
from the retiring ex-Labour independent, and Wigram
Wigram (New Zealand electorate)
Wigram is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Wigram is Megan Woods. She takes over this position from the retiring Jim Anderton, who held this position from 1996 until 2011.-Population...
from the retiring Progressive MP.
Of the 59 seats where the incumbent sought re-election, only three changed hands. In West Coast-Tasman
West Coast-Tasman
West Coast-Tasman is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate. It is the largest General electorate by land area.It is currently held by Damien O'Connor MP.-Population Centres:The electorate includes the following population centres:*Collingwood*Greymouth...
, Labour's Damien O'Connor regained the seat from National's Chris Auchinvole, who defeated him for the seat in 2008. In Waimakariri
Waimakariri (New Zealand electorate)
Waimakariri is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, formed in 1996 and returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Waimakariri is Clayton Cosgrove of the Labour Party. He has held this position since the 1999 election...
, National's Kate Wilkinson defeated Labour MP Clayton Cosgrove, and in Te Tai Tonga
Te Tai Tonga
Te Tai Tonga is a New Zealand Parliamentary Māori electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Te Tai Tonga is Rino Tirikatene of the Labour Party, who in 2011 defeated Rahui Katene of the Māori Party, who won the seat in 2008.Te Tai...
, Labour's Rino Tirikatene defeated Maori Party MP Rahui Katene. Despite losing their electorate seats, both Chris Auchinvole and Clayton Cosgrove were re-elected into parliament via the party list.
Aside from Christchurch Central, two electorates on election night returned with a majority to the winner of less than 500 votes, meaning they could potentially swing with the counting of special votes – Waimakariri (395) and Waitakere
Waitakere (New Zealand electorate)
Waitakere is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Waitakere is Paula Bennett of the National Party. She has held this position since the 2008 election....
(349). Three more electorates had a majority of less than 1000: Auckland Central (535), Tamaki Makaurau
Tamaki Makaurau
Tāmaki Makaurau is a New Zealand Parliamentary Māori electorate returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. From 1999 to 2002 the seat was called Hauraki....
(746), and Te Tai Tokerau
Te Tai Tokerau
Te Tai Tokerau is a New Zealand Parliamentary Māori electorate. Since 2005, it has been held by MP Hone Harawira. A by-election was held in this seat due to Harawira's resignation from Parliament...
General electorates | |||||||
Electorate | | Incumbent | | Winner | Majority | | Runner-up | |||
Auckland Central Auckland Central Auckland Central is a New Zealand electoral division returning one member to the New Zealand House of Representatives. Its current representative is Nikki Kaye, a member of the National Party; she has represented the seat since 2008.... |
Nikki Kaye Nikki Kaye Nicola Laura Kaye is the member of the New Zealand Parliament for the Auckland Central electorate, having defeated incumbent Labour MP Judith Tizard in the 2008 election.-Early life:... |
535 |
Jacinda Ardern Jacinda Ardern Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern is a politician from New Zealand. A member of the Labour Party, she was elected as a list MP at the 2008 general election.-Professional life:Ardern has spent time in London, working as a senior policy advisor... |
Bay of Plenty Bay of Plenty (New Zealand electorate) Bay of Plenty is a New Zealand electoral division returning one member to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current representative Tony Ryall, a member of the National Party, has represented the seat since 1996.- Geography :... |
Tony Ryall Tony Ryall Anthony Boyd Williams "Tony" Ryall is New Zealand politician. He has represented voters and the National Party in the New Zealand Parliament since 1990. Since November 2008 he has served as a cabinet minister, holding the posts of Minister of Health and Minister of State Services... |
16,720 |
Carol Devoy-Heena | ||||
Botany Botany (New Zealand electorate) Botany is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. It was contested for the first time at the 2008 general election, and won by Pansy Wong for the National Party... |
Jami-Lee Ross Jami-Lee Ross Jami-Lee Ross is a New Zealand National Party Member of Parliament for Botany, having won the 2011 Botany by-election on 5 March.-Early life:... |
10,054 |
Chao-Fu Wu | ||||
Christchurch Central Christchurch Central Christchurch Central is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate in the South Island city of Christchurch. The electorate was established for the 1946 election and has always been won by the Labour Party. Since 2008, the incumbent is Brendon Burns... |
|align=center| Brendon Burns
Brendon Burns (politician)
Brendon Burns is the Labour Party Member of Parliament for Christchurch Central electorate of the New Zealand Parliament.-Early life:Burns worked for 12 years in the Parliamentary Press Gallery. As editor of The Marlborough Express for seven years, he led various community initiatives and won the...
Nicky Wagner
Nicky Wagner
Nicky Wagner is a New Zealand politician, who holds a list seat for the New Zealand National Party in the Parliament of New Zealand.-Early life and career:...
|align=right| 0
| align=center|
|Christchurch East
Christchurch East
Christchurch East is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate. It is currently held by Lianne Dalziel of the Labour Party.-History:The electorate was first created, as Christchurch City East, for the...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Lianne Dalziel
Lianne Dalziel
Lianne Audrey Dalziel is a member of the New Zealand Parliament and was Minister of Immigration, Commerce, Minister of Food Safety and Associate Minister of Justice in the Fifth Labour Government of New Zealand...
| align=right| 4,954
|align=center| Aaron Gilmore
Aaron Gilmore
Aaron Gilmore is a New Zealand politician and member of the New Zealand National Party. He has been a list MP since the 2008 election.-Early life and education:...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Bill English
Bill English
Simon William "Bill" English is the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Minister of Infrastructure of New Zealand.English entered parliament in 1990 as a National party MP representing the Wallace electorate...
| align=right| 14,915
|align=center| Tat Loo
Coromandel (New Zealand electorate)
Coromandel is a New Zealand electoral division returning one member to the New Zealand House of Representatives. Most recently it was represented by Sandra Goudie, who was MP from until retiring at the .-Population centres:...
|align=center| Sandra Goudie
Sandra Goudie
Sandra Anne Goudie is a New Zealand politician. She is a member of the National Party.-Early years:Before entering politics, Goudie was a farmer, and was later a councillor for the Thames-Coromandel District.-Member of Parliament:...
|align=center| Scott Simpson
| align=right| 11,800
|align=center| Hugh Kininmonth
|Dunedin North
Dunedin North (New Zealand electorate)
Dunedin North is a New Zealand parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. It was established for the 1905 election and has existed since....
|align=center| Pete Hodgson
Pete Hodgson
Peter Colin Hodgson is a New Zealand politician. He is a member of the Labour Party.Hodgson was born in Whangarei, and received a Bachelor's degree in veterinary science from Massey University...
|align=center| David Clark
| align=right| 3,304
|align=center| Michael Woodhouse
Michael Woodhouse
Michael Woodhouse is a National member of the 49th New Zealand Parliament.-Early years:He was born and raised in South Dunedin and attended Kavanagh College which he left in 1983. After that he studied Commerce and Accounting at Otago University which he graduated from in 1993...
|Dunedin South
Dunedin South
Dunedin South is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate. It first existed from 1881–1890, then from 1905–1946 and was re-established for the introduction of MMP in 1996. A Labour Party stronghold, it has been represented by Clare Curran since the .-Area:...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Clare Curran
Clare Curran
Clare Elizabeth Curran is the 3rd and current member of the New Zealand Parliament for Dunedin South.-Early life and education:Curran grew up and was educated in Dunedin, she attended Moreau College where she achieved School Certificate...
| align=right| 3,867
|align=center| Joanna Hayes
|East Coast
East Coast (New Zealand electorate)
East Coast is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The electorate first existed from 1871 to 1893. From 1996 to 2002, the electorate was called Mahia...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Anne Tolley
Anne Tolley
Anne Merrilyn Tolley is a politician representing the New Zealand National Party. With the formation of the Fifth National Government in late 2008, she became the Minister of Education, the first woman ever to assume the role.Tolley is the Member for the East Coast electorate, representing...
| align=right| 4,487
|align=center| Moana Mackey
Moana Mackey
Moana Lynore Mackey is a New Zealand politician and has represented the New Zealand Labour Party in the Parliament of New Zealand since 2003. She has Māori, Irish, Scottish and Spanish ancestry....
|East Coast Bays
East Coast Bays (New Zealand electorate)
East Coast Bays is a New Zealand parliamentary electorate. It was first formed in 1972 and has existed apart from a break lasting two parliamentary terms. The electorate is currently held by Murray McCully.-Population centres:...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Murray McCully
Murray McCully
Murray Stuart McCully is a New Zealand politician. He is a member of the National Party, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister for Sport and Recreation, and Minister for the Rugby World Cup.-Early life:...
| align=right| 13,479
|align=center| Vivienne Goldsmith
Epsom (New Zealand electorate)
Epsom is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Epsom is Rodney Hide MP of the ACT Party. He has held this position since 2005.-Population centres:...
| align=center| Rodney Hide
Rodney Hide
Rodney Hide is a New Zealand politician who was leader of the political party ACT New Zealand from 2004 to 2011. From 2005 to 2011 he represented the electorate of Epsom as its Member of Parliament. Rodney Hide was Minister of Local Government, Associate Minister of Commerce and Minister of...
|align=center| John Banks
| align=right| 2,485
|align=center| Paul Goldsmith
Paul Goldsmith (politician)
Paul Goldsmith is a New Zealand politician and, since the , a list member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. He is a member of the National Party.-Early life:...
|Hamilton East
Hamilton East (New Zealand electorate)
Hamilton East is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate.It is currently held by David Bennett MP of the National Party.-Population centres:...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| David Bennett
David Bennett (New Zealand)
David Bennett is a New Zealand politician. He has been a Member of Parliament since 2005, representing a Hamilton electorate for the National Party.-Early years:...
| align=right| 7,708
|align=center| Sehai Orgad
|Hamilton West
Hamilton West (New Zealand electorate)
Hamilton West is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate.It has been held by Tim Macindoe MP of the National Party since the 2008 general election.-Population centres:...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Tim Macindoe
Tim Macindoe
Tim Macindoe is a New Zealand politician who was elected as a Member of Parliament in 2008 for the Hamilton West electorate. Macindoe represents the National Party.-Early life:...
| align=right| 4,059
|align=center| Sue Moroney
Sue Moroney
Suzanne Mary Moroney , generally known as Sue Moroney, is a New Zealand politician. She is a member of the New Zealand Labour Party and was first elected at the 2005 general election. She is based in Hamilton, New Zealand.-Early life:...
Helensville (New Zealand electorate)
Helensville is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Helensville is John Key, leader of the National Party and Prime Minister of New Zealand. He has held this electorate since 2002...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| John Key
John Key
John Phillip Key is the 38th Prime Minister of New Zealand, in office since 2008. He has led the New Zealand National Party since 2006....
| align=right| 19,116
|align=center| Jeremy Greenbrook-Held
The Hunua electorate existed three times for the New Zealand House of Representatives beginning in 1978, based at the south end of the Auckland urban area, and named for the Hunua Ranges. It covered different geographical areas over those periods...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Paul Hutchison
Paul Hutchison
Charles Paul Telford Hutchison, known as Paul Hutchison is a New Zealand politician and former health professional. He is a member of the National Party.-Early years:...
| align=right| 15,514
|align=center| Richard Hills
|Hutt South
Hutt South
Hutt South is a parliamentary electorate in the lower Hutt Valley of New Zealand. It is currently held by Trevor Mallard of the Labour Party.-Population centres:...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Trevor Mallard
Trevor Mallard
Trevor Colin Mallard is a New Zealand politician. He was a Cabinet Minister in the Fifth Labour Government of New Zealand holding portfolios including Environment, Labour, Broadcasting, State Owned Enterprises, Rugby World Cup and Education. He was also Associate Minister of Finance.-Early...
| align=right| 4,193
|align=center| Paul Quinn
Ilam (New Zealand electorate)
Ilam is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate. Formed for the , it has always been held by Gerry Brownlee MP.-Population centres:Ilam is considered a safe National seat. The electorate includes the suburbs of Riccarton , Upper Riccarton, Fendalton, Burnside, Avonhead, Merivale, Bishopdale, Ilam,...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Gerry Brownlee
Gerry Brownlee
Gerard Anthony "Gerry" Brownlee is a New Zealand politician. He served from 17 November 2003 to 27 November 2006 as deputy-leader of the National Party – during that period the second-largest party in the New Zealand Parliament, and thus forming the core of the Opposition...
| align=right| 11,935
|align=center| John Parsons
Invercargill (New Zealand electorate)
Invercargill is an electorate of the Parliament of New Zealand that has existed since 1866. The current representative is Eric Roy.-Population centres:The electorate covers Invercargill city and the surrounding rural area, including Stewart Island / Rakiura...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Eric Roy
Eric Roy
Eric Wilbur Roy is a New Zealand politician. He is a National Party Member of Parliament , being first elected in 1993.-Early years:...
| align=right| 5,766
|align=center| Lesley Soper
Lesley Soper
Lesley Soper is a New Zealand politician.-Political career:She was a Labour Party list member of Parliament for several months in 2005, replacing Jonathan Hunt, and she returned to Parliament in 2007 to fill the vacancy caused by Georgina Beyer's resignation.Soper is a member of the Labour Party,...
Kaikoura (New Zealand electorate)
right|thumb|Kaikōura electorateKaikōura is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning a single MP to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Kaikōura is Colin King of the National Party...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Colin King
Colin King
Colin King MNZM is a New Zealand politician, and currently serves as a member of Parliament.-Early years:King was born in 1949 in Canterbury. He is a farmer from Marlborough, and has held senior roles in various boards and trusts relating to the agricultural sector...
| align=right| 10,534
|align=center| Liz Collyns
Mana (New Zealand electorate)
Mana is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate north of Wellington. It is currently held by Kris Faafoi MP.-Population centres:The electorate includes the following population centres:* Paraparaumu * Raumati...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Kris Faafoi
Kris Faafoi
Kris Faafoi is a New Zealand politician for the Labour Party. He represents the Mana electorate in the New Zealand Parliament.-Early life and family:...
| align=right| 1,857
|align=center| Hekia Parata
Hekia Parata
Hon. Hekia Parata, Lady Gardiner is a New Zealand politician and member of the New Zealand House of Representatives, having been elected to parliament in the 2008 general election...
Mangere (New Zealand electorate)
Māngere is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Māngere is Su'a William Sio, elected for the Labour Party. He has held this seat since 2008....
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"|Su'a William Sio
Su'a William Sio
Su'a William Sio is a politician who became a Member of Parliament in the New Zealand House of Representatives on 1 April 2008 as a New Zealand Labour Party list MP. He currently represents the Māngere electorate seat in Parliament....
| align=right| 13,356
|align=center| Claudette Hauiti
|Manukau East
Manukau East
Manukau East is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate.It is currently held by Ross Robertson MP.-Suburbs:In 2007, large changes were made to the Manukau East electorate. Its northern boundary extended past the Tāmaki River to almost as far as Sylvia Park Rd to incorporate Middlemore, Otahuhu and...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Ross Robertson
Ross Robertson
Harold Valentine Ross Robertson is a New Zealand politician for the Labour Party. He has been a Member of Parliament since 1987.-Early life:Robertson was born in Wellington...
| align=right| 13,850
|align=center| Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi
Manurewa (New Zealand electorate)
Manurewa is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate.It is currently held by George Hawkins MP.-Population Centres:The electorate includes the following population centres:...
| align=center| George Hawkins
|align=center| Louisa Wall
Louisa Wall
Louisa Hareruia Wall is a New Zealand MP and national representative netball and rugby union player.-Early and personal life :...
| align=right| 7,230
|align=center| Cam Calder
Cam Calder
Campbell Gordon Calder , known as Cam Calder is a New Zealand doctor and politician representing the National Party as a member of Parliament.-Background:...
Maungakiekie (New Zealand electorate)
Maungakiekie is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Maungakiekie is Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga of the National Party...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Sam Lotu-Iiga
Sam Lotu-Iiga
Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga is the member of the New Zealand Parliament for the Maungakiekie electorate having been elected in the 2008 election. Lotu-Iiga is the National Party's only Pacific Island MP. Lotu-Iiga holds the Samoan high chiefly title of Peseta.-Early life:Lotu-Iiga was born in Apia,...
| align=right| 2,787
|align=center| Carol Beaumont
Carol Beaumont
Carol Ann Beaumont is a politician from New Zealand. She was elected to represent the Labour Party on the party list at the 2008 general election. Beaumont stood in the Maungakiekie electorate, finishing a close second.-Professional life:...
|Mount Albert
Mount Albert (New Zealand electorate)
Mount Albert is a Parliamentary electorate in Auckland, New Zealand, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. It has been represented by David Shearer since a by-election on 13 June 2009. It was represented by Helen Clark from the 1981 general election until...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| David Shearer
David Shearer
David James Shearer, MBE is a humanitarian worker and politician from New Zealand. He won the Mount Albert by-election on 13 June 2009 to become a Member of the Parliament of New Zealand for the Labour Party...
| align=right| 9,055
|align=center| Melissa Lee
Melissa Lee
Melissa Lee is a New Zealand politician. She was elected to the House of Representatives as a list MP for the National Party in the 2008 election. She is currently a member of the Commerce and Law and Order committees....
|Mount Roskill
Mount Roskill (New Zealand electorate)
Mount Roskill is a Parliamentary electorate in Auckland, New Zealand, returning one Member of Parliament to the House of Representatives. Phil Goff of the Labour Party has held the seat since the 1999 election....
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Phil Goff
Phil Goff
Philip Bruce Goff is the current Leader of the Opposition and the Leader of the New Zealand Labour Party. During the Fifth Labour Government, he served in a number of ministerial portfolios, including Minister of Defence of New Zealand, Minister of Corrections, Minister of Foreign Affairs and...
| align=right| 6,383
|align=center| Jackie Blue
Jackie Blue
Dr Jackie Blue MP is a New Zealand politician and member of Parliament for the National Party.-Personal life:Blue was born in 1956. She attended Selwyn College in Auckland, and then went on to gain a BSc from the University of Auckland in 1976 and MB ChB from Auckland Medical School in 1983...
Napier (New Zealand electorate)
thumb|right|Boundaries of Napier Electorate for 2008 and 2011 electionsNapier is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Napier is Chris Tremain, of the National Party. He has held this position since...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Chris Tremain
Chris Tremain
Chris Tremain is a Member of the New Zealand House of Representatives for the New Zealand National Party.-Member of Parliament:Tremain was first elected to parliament in the 2005 election, when he won the Napier electorate, beating incumbent Russell Fairbrother by 3951 votes. This was the first...
| align=right| 3,382
|align=center| Stuart Nash
Stuart Nash
Stuart Nash is a politician from New Zealand. He was a Labour Member of Parliament from 2008 to 2011. Nash is the great-grandson of former Prime Minister, Walter Nash.-Professional life:...
Nelson (New Zealand electorate)
Nelson is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. From 1853 to 1860, the electorate was called Town of Nelson. From 1860 to 1881, it was City of Nelson...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Nick Smith
Nick Smith (New Zealand)
Nicolas Rex "Nick" Smith is a New Zealand politician and a member of the New Zealand Parliament as a National Party MP...
| align=right| 6,663
|align=center| Maryan Street
Maryan Street
Maryan Street is a Member of the New Zealand Parliament for the New Zealand Labour Party. In the 2005 elections, she became the first openly lesbian woman elected to the New Zealand Parliament.-Early years:...
|New Lynn
New Lynn (New Zealand electorate)
New Lynn is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one member to the New Zealand House of Representatives. Its current representative is David Cunliffe, a member of the Labour Party. He has represented the seat since 2002. Cunliffe was the MP for Titirangi from 1999 to 2002...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| David Cunliffe
David Cunliffe
David Richard Cunliffe is a New Zealand politician. He is a member of the Labour Party, and the sitting member of parliament for New Lynn, West Auckland. He served as the Minister of Health and Minister for Communications and Information Technology for the Fifth Labour Government of New Zealand...
| align=right| 4,475
|align=center| Tim Groser
Tim Groser
Timothy John Groser is a current New Zealand politician and former diplomat.-Early years:He was born in Perth, Scotland and came to New Zealand with his parents in 1958...
|New Plymouth
New Plymouth (New Zealand electorate)
New Plymouth is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate. It was first created for the 1st New Zealand Parliament in 1853 and has existed since, with one 22-year interruption...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Jonathan Young
Jonathan Young (New Zealand)
Jonathan Young is a National Party Member of the New Zealand House of Representatives for New Plymouth. He was first elected in the 2008 general election, with the country's smallest election night majority.-Early years:...
| align=right| 4,130
|align=center| Andrew Little
Andrew Little (trade unionist)
Andrew Little is the national secretary of New Zealand’s largest trade union, the Engineering, Printing and Manufacturing Union and former president of the New Zealand Labour Party.-Career:...
|North Shore
North Shore (New Zealand electorate)
North Shore is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for North Shore is Wayne Mapp MP of the National Party...
| align=center| Wayne Mapp
Wayne Mapp
Wayne Daniel Mapp is a New Zealand politician, representing the National Party in the New Zealand Parliament. He has served as the MP for the North Shore electorate since the 1996 elections. Before entering politics, he lectured in commercial law at University of Auckland.-Early years:He gained...
| align=center| Maggie Barry
Maggie Barry
Maggie Barry, CNZM, is a New Zealand politician and a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives, first elected in the 2011 general election. She is a member of the National Party...
| align=right| 13,739
|align=center| Ben Clark
Northcote (New Zealand electorate)
Northcote is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Northcote is Jonathan Coleman of the National Party. He has held this position since 2005....
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Jonathan Coleman
| align=right| 8,535
|align=center| Paula Gillon
Northland (New Zealand electorate)
Northland is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The electorate was established for the 1996 election and is currently not represented, after the only MP for the electorate so far, John Carter of the National Party,...
| align=center| John Carter
John Carter (New Zealand)
John McGregor Carter is a New Zealand politician, and member of the National Party. He represented the Bay of Islands, Far North and Northland electorates from 1987 until June 2011...
|align=center| Mike Sabin
Mike Sabin
Mike Sabin is a New Zealand politician and a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. He is a member of the National Party.-Member of Parliament:...
| align=right| 10,655
|align=center| Lynnette Stewart
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Peter Dunne
Peter Dunne
Peter Dunne is a New Zealand politician and Member of Parliament who leads the United Future political party. He has served as a Cabinet minister in governments dominated by the centre-left Labour Party as well as by the centre-right National Party...
| align=right| 1,646
|align=center| Charles Chauvel
Charles Chauvel (politician)
Charles Pierre Chauvel is a New Zealand lawyer and politician. Since 2006 he has been a Member of Parliament in the New Zealand House of Representatives. He is the first New Zealand MP of Tahitian ancestry...
Otaki (New Zealand electorate)
Ōtaki is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, spanning part of the coast of the lower North Island. The bulk of its population comes from the Horowhenua district, but it also takes in part of the northern Kapiti Coast, including the towns of Otaki and Waikanae, and part of Paraparaumu. The...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Nathan Guy
Nathan Guy
Nathan Guy is a New Zealand politician, and currently serves as a member of Parliament representing the National Party.-Background:...
| align=right| 5,099
|align=center| Peter Foster
Pakuranga (New Zealand electorate)
rightPakuranga is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate.It is currently held by Maurice Williamson MP, a member of the National Party.-Population centres:Pakuranga is one of sixty-three general electorates used in New Zealand general elections...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Maurice Williamson
Maurice Williamson
Maurice Donald Williamson is a New Zealand politician, representing Pakuranga in the House of Representatives as a member of the National Party...
| align=right| 12,879
|align=center| Sunny Kaushal
|Palmerston North
Palmerston North (New Zealand electorate)
Palmerston North is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Palmerston North is Iain Lees-Galloway of the Labour Party...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Iain Lees-Galloway
Iain Lees-Galloway
Iain Lees-Galloway is a politician from New Zealand. He was elected to represent the Labour Party in the seat of Palmerston North at the 2008 general election...
| align=right| 3,001
|align=center| Leonie Hapeta
Papakura (New Zealand electorate)
rightPapakura has been the name of two seats in the New Zealand House of Representatives, both based around the south Auckland town of Papakura. Historically, the name refers to an electorate that existed between 1978 and 1996, which with the advent of Mixed Member Proportional voting and resulting...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Judith Collins
Judith Collins
Judith Anne Collins is a New Zealand National Party politician and a lawyer. She is a front bench Cabinet minister with the portfolios of Police, Corrections and Veterans' Affairs in the Fifth National Government....
| align=right| 9,339
|align=center| Jerome Mika
|Port Hills
Port Hills (New Zealand electorate)
Port Hills is a new electorate of New Zealand created for the 2008 general election. It largely replaces the Banks Peninsula electorate, held by Ruth Dyson...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Ruth Dyson
Ruth Dyson
Ruth Suzanne Dyson is a New Zealand politician. She is a member of the Labour Party and has been a Member of Parliament since 1993.-Early years:...
| align=right| 2,925
|align=center| David Carter
David Carter (politician)
David Cunningham Carter is a New Zealand politician, currently a government cabinet minister. He is a member of the National Party.-Early life:...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Jo Goodhew
Jo Goodhew
Jo Goodhew is a New Zealand politician, and currently serves as a member of Parliament.-Early years:Goodhew grew up in Timaru, and attended Timaru Girls' High School. She holds a qualification in nursing from Otago Polytechnic...
| align=right| 2,925
|align=center| Julian Blanchard
Rangitikei (New Zealand electorate)
rightRangitīkei is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Rangitīkei is Simon Power of the National Party...
| align=center| Simon Power
Simon Power
Simon James Power is a New Zealand politician. He is a prominent member of the National Party and a cabinet minister. He currently holds the posts of Minister of Justice, Minister for State Owned Enterprises, Minister of Commerce, Minister Responsible for the Law Commission andAssociate Minister...
|align=center| Ian McKelvie
Ian McKelvie
Ian McKelvie is a New Zealand politician and a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. He is a member of the National Party.-Early life:McKelvie is the current mayor of the Manawatu District.He is the Board Chair of Special Olympics New Zealand....
| align=right| 8,741
|align=center| Josie Pagani
Rimutaka (New Zealand electorate)
Rimutaka is an electorate returning one member to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current representative is Chris Hipkins. He is a member of the Labour Party, and has represented the seat since 2008....
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Chris Hipkins
Chris Hipkins
Christopher John "Chris" Hipkins is a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. He is the Labour Party MP for Rimutaka, and was elected for the first time at the 2008 election. Before his election, he worked as a senior adviser to the administration of Prime Minister Helen Clark.-Early...
| align=right| 3,126
|align=center| Jonathan Fletcher
Rodney (New Zealand electorate)
rightRodney is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Rodney is Mark Mitchell of the National Party...
| align=center| Lockwood Smith
Lockwood Smith
Alexander Lockwood Smith is a New Zealand politician, the 28th and current Speaker of the House of Representatives. Smith is a member of the New Zealand National Party, who has served as a Member of Parliament since 1984...
|align=center| Mark Mitchell
Mark Mitchell (politician)
Mark Mitchell is a New Zealand politician and a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. He is a member of the National Party.-Early life:Mitchell was born on Auckland's North Shore and attended Rosmini College...
| align=right| 11,011
|align=center| Colin Craig
Colin Craig
Colin Craig is a New Zealand businessman and the founding leader of the Conservative Party of New Zealand. Craig is currently a millionaire who owns companies which manage high-rise buildings. His current company manages about $1.3 billion of assets.-Personal life:Craig was born in Auckland and...
Rongotai (New Zealand electorate)
Rongotai is a New Zealand electorate, returning a single member to the New Zealand House of Representatitves. The current MP for Rongotai is Annette King, of the Labour Party. She has held this position since 1996.-Description:...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Annette King
Annette King
Annette Faye King is a New Zealand politician. She is the current Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the New Zealand. She was a Cabinet Minister in the Fifth Labour Government of New Zealand.-Early life:...
| align=right| 8,022
|align=center| Chris Finlayson
Chris Finlayson
Christopher Francis Finlayson is a New Zealand lawyer, politician and Member of Parliament, representing the National Party. He is a Cabinet minister and the Attorney-General of New Zealand...
Rotorua (New Zealand electorate)
Rotorua is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Rotorua is Todd McClay of the National Party, who won the seat in the 2008 general election from incumbent Labour MP Steve Chadwick.- Location :The...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Todd McClay
Todd McClay
Todd Michael McClay is a New Zealand politician and former ambassador. He was formerly an ambassador for the Cook Islands and Niue to the European Union, and is presently the representative for Rotorua in the 49th New Zealand Parliament.- Early life :Todd McClay was born in Rotorua on 22 November...
| align=right| 6,867
|align=center| Stephanie Chadwick
Stephanie Chadwick
Stephanie "Steve" Anne Chadwick is a New Zealand Labour Party politician. She held the positions of Minister of Conservation, Women's Affairs, and Associate Health in the Fifth Labour Government of New Zealand....
Selwyn (New Zealand electorate)
Selwyn is the name of three seats in the New Zealand House of Representatives, based around towns on the outskirts of Christchurch city. In an historical sense, the name refers to an electorate that existed between 1866 and 1919...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Amy Adams
Amy Adams (politician)
Amy Adams is a member of the New Zealand Parliament. She currently represents the Selwyn electorate and is a member of the National Party.-Private life:...
| align=right| 17,708
|align=center| Jo McLean
Tamaki (New Zealand electorate)
Tāmaki is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The electorate is named after the Tamaki River that runs immediately east of the seat...
| align=center| Allan Peachey
Allan Peachey
Allan Peachey was a New Zealand politician and Member of Parliament for Tamaki.-School principal:Before his election to Parliament, Peachey was employed as the principal of Rangitoto College, the largest secondary school in New Zealand...
| align=center| Simon O'Connor
Simon O'Connor
Simon O'Connor is a New Zealand politician and a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. He is a member of the National Party.-Early life:O'Connor completed training to be a Catholic priest but did not seek ordination....
| align=right| 16,257
|align=center| Nick Bakulich
|Taranaki-King Country
Taranaki-King Country
rightTaranaki-King Country is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Taranaki-King Country is Shane Ardern of the National Party...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Shane Ardern
Shane Ardern
Philip Shane Ardern is a New Zealand politician. He is a member of the National Party, representing the electorate of Taranaki-King Country.-Early years:...
| align=right| 14,093
|align=center| Rick Barker
Rick Barker
Richard John Barker is a New Zealand politician. He is a member of the Labour Party, and was a middle-ranking Cabinet minister in the Fifth Labour Government of New Zealand.-Early life:...
Taupo (New Zealand electorate)
rightTaupō is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Taupō is Louise Upston of the National Party. She has held this position since 2008.The current Taupō seat was created ahead of the introduction...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Louise Upston
Louise Upston
Louise Upston is a National Party Member of Parliament, representing Taupō sine November 2008.-Member of Parliament:Upston was elected to Parliament at the 2008 general election....
| align=right| 13,049
|align=center| Frances Campbell
Tauranga (New Zealand electorate)
Tauranga is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Tauranga is Simon Bridges of the National Party, who won the seat in the 2008 New Zealand general election, after the previous MP, Bob Clarkson of...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Simon Bridges
Simon Bridges
Simon Bridges is a New Zealand politician and former District and High Court Crown prosecutor. Bridges is currently the representative for the electorate of Tauranga in the 49th New Zealand Parliament, as a member of the National Party.Bridges currently lives in Mount Maunganui with his wife,...
| align=right| 15,812
|align=center| Brendan Horan
Brendan Horan
Brendan Horan was a weather presenter for Television New Zealand's ONE News, running on a regular cycle with Karen Olsen and Natalie Crook....
|Te Atatu
Te Atatu (New Zealand electorate)
rightTe Atatū is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Te Atatū is Chris Carter, who is formerly of the Labour Party, but is currently an Independent MP...
| align=center| Chris Carter
Chris Carter (politician)
Christopher Joseph Carter was an independent Member of Parliament in New Zealand, and a former member of the New Zealand Labour Party until his expulsion. Carter was a senior Cabinet Minister in the Fifth Labour Government of New Zealand, serving lastly as Minister of Education, Minister...
|align=center| Phil Twyford
Phil Twyford
Philip Stoner Twyford is a politician from New Zealand and a member of the Labour Party. He has been a member of parliament since 2008. He is the Labour Party candidate for Te Atatū.-Member of Parliament:...
| align=right| 4,653
|align=center| Tau Henare
Tau Henare
Tau Henare is a New Zealand Māori parliamentarian. He served as a Member of Parliament from 1993 to 1999 and returned to Parliament in 2005. He has been involved with four political parties: Mana Motuhake, New Zealand First, Mauri Pacific and the National Party - representing three in...
Tukituki (New Zealand electorate)
rightTukituki is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Tukituki is Craig Foss of the National Party...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Craig Foss
Craig Foss
Craig Foss is a New Zealand politician, and currently serves as a Member of Parliament.-Early years:Foss was born on 4 July 1963 in Lower Hutt, and attended Victoria University of Wellington, completing a BCA...
|align=right| 9,032
| align=center| Julia Haydon-Carr
Waikato (New Zealand electorate)
rightWaikato is the name of a current electorate in the New Zealand Parliament from 2006; which earlier existed for two periods, 1871 to 1960 and 1969 to 1996 when MMP was introduced....
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Lindsay Tisch
Lindsay Tisch
William Lindsay Tisch, known as Lindsay Tisch, JP, is a New Zealand politician, and member of the National Party.-Member of Parliament:...
|align=right| 12,965
| align=center| Kate Sutton
Waimakariri (New Zealand electorate)
Waimakariri is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, formed in 1996 and returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Waimakariri is Clayton Cosgrove of the Labour Party. He has held this position since the 1999 election...
| align=center| Clayton Cosgrove
Clayton Cosgrove
Clayton James Cosgrove is a New Zealand politician. He is a member of the Labour Party.-Early life:Cosgrove was born in Nelson, New Zealand. He received a BA, in American Studies and Political Science, from the University of Canterbury in 1992 and received an MBA in 1996...
|align=center| Kate Wilkinson
Kate Wilkinson
Kate Wilkinson was an American stage, film and television actress, best known for her roles as Viola Stapleton in the CBS soap opera Guiding Light, a role she played from 1976 to 1981, and Clara Hudson on the NBC soap opera Another World, which she played from 1987 to 1989.In addition to...
|align=right| 395
| align=center| Clayton Cosgrove
Wairarapa (New Zealand electorate)
Wairarapa is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate. It was first created in 1859 and existed until 1881. It was recreated in 1887 and has since existed continuously...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| John Hayes
|align=right| 6,695
| align=center| Michael Bott
Waitakere (New Zealand electorate)
Waitakere is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Waitakere is Paula Bennett of the National Party. She has held this position since the 2008 election....
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Paula Bennett
Paula Bennett
Paula Lee Bennett is a New Zealand politician and member of parliament for the National Party. She is a Cabinet minister with the roles of Minister for Social Development and Employment, Minister for Disability Issues and Minister of Youth Affairs.-Early life:Bennett was born in 1969 to Bob...
| align=right| 349
|align=center| Carmel Sepuloni
Carmel Sepuloni
Carmel Sepuloni was a New Zealand Labour Party member of the New Zealand Parliament, and New Zealand's first MP of Tongan descent. She has been a Member of Parliament since 2008 and was Labour's candidate for Waitakere in the 2011 General Election...
Waitaki (New Zealand electorate)
Waitaki is an electorate for the New Zealand House of Representatives that crosses the boundary of North Otago and South Canterbury towns on the East Coast of the South Island. The electorate was first established for the that determined the 5th New Zealand Parliament...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Jacqui Dean
Jacqui Dean
Jacqueline Isobel Dean is a New Zealand politician and the current Member of Parliament for the Waitaki electorate.-Early career:Dean has worked in a number of roles, including professional acting...
|align=right| 12,963
| align=center| Barry Monks
|Wellington Central
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Grant Robertson
Grant Robertson
Grant Robertson is a New Zealand politician and Member of Parliament. He was elected to represent the Labour Party in the seat of Wellington Central at the 2008 general election. Robertson replaced Marian Hobbs, who had retired....
|align=right| 5,111
| align=center| Paul Foster-Bell
|West Coast-Tasman
| align=center| Chris Auchinvole
Chris Auchinvole
Chris Auchinvole JP is a New Zealand politician.-Early years:Auchinvole was born in Prestwick, Scotland, and attended the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst in England. In New Zealand, he has been involved with the export industry, and operated a company based on the West Coast...
| align=center| Damien O'Connor
Damien O'Connor
Damien Peter O'Connor is a New Zealand politician from the West Coast of the South Island. He is a member of the Labour Party and a Member of Parliament.-Early years:...
| align=right| 2,287
| align=center| Chris Auchinvole
Whanganui (New Zealand electorate)
Whanganui is a New Zealand parliamentary electorate. It was first established in 1855 for the 2nd Parliament and has existed continuously since then.It is currently held by Chester Borrows MP.-Population centres:...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Chester Borrows
Chester Borrows
Kerry James "Chester" Borrows is a New Zealand politician.-Early years:Borrows initially worked as a police officer, and later gained an LLB from Victoria University of Wellington in a record time of two years and 14 days...
|align=right| 4,786
| align=center| Hamish McDouall
Whangarei (New Zealand electorate)
rightWhangarei is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate.National Party MP Phil Heatley has held it since 2008.-Population Centres:The electorate includes the following population centres:* Whangarei* Hikurangi* Ruakaka...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Phil Heatley
Philip Heatley
Philip Reeve Heatley is a New Zealand politician. He is a member of the National Party.-Member of Parliament:Since the 1999 elections, he has been MP for Whangarei, the city of his birth....
|align=right| 11,674
| align=center| Pat Newman
Wigram (New Zealand electorate)
Wigram is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. The current MP for Wigram is Megan Woods. She takes over this position from the retiring Jim Anderton, who held this position from 1996 until 2011.-Population...
| align=center| Jim Anderton
Jim Anderton
James Patrick Anderton, usually known as Jim Anderton , is the leader of the Progressive Party, a New Zealand political party. He has served in Parliament since 1984. He served as Deputy Prime Minister from 1999 to 2002 and is currently also the sitting Father of the House, the longest...
|align=center| Megan Woods
Megan Woods
Megan Woods is the Labour Party candidate for the 2011 election in the Wigram electorate of the New Zealand Parliament.-Early life:Woods was born and grew up in Wigram, Christchurch...
| align=right| 1,533
|align=center| Sam Collins
| colspan="8" style="background:#eee; text-align:center;"| Māori electorates
! Electorate !! colspan=2 | Incumbent !! colspan=2 | Winner !! Majority !! colspan=2 | Runner-up
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Nanaia Mahuta
Nanaia Mahuta
Nanaia Cybelle Mahuta BA, MA in social anthropology, is a New Zealand politician and was a cabinet minister in the Fifth Labour Government of New Zealand. She was Minister of Customs, Minister of Local Government, Minister of Youth Development, Associate Minister for the Environment and Associate...
|align=right| 5,373
| align=center| Angeline Greensill
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Parekura Horomia
Parekura Horomia
Parekura Tureia Horomia is a New Zealand Labour Party past Minister of Māori Affairs-Early life:Horomia was born in Tolaga Bay of Ngati Porou, Te Aitanga Hauiti, Ngati Kahungunu and Ngai Tahu descent....
|align=right| 5,924
| align=center| Na Raihania
|Tāmaki Makaurau
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Pita Sharples
Pita Sharples
Pita Russell Sharples, CBE, , a Māori academic and politician, currently co-leads the Māori Party. He currently is the member for Tamaki Makaurau in New Zealand's Parliament.-Early life:...
|align=right| 746
| align=center| Shane Jones
Shane Jones
Shane Geoffrey Jones is a New Zealand politician. He was a cabinet minister in the Fifth Labour Government of New Zealand.-Early life:Jones is Māori, of Te Aupōuri and Ngai Takoto descent, as well as having Dalmatian ancestry...
|Te Tai Hauāuru
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Tariana Turia
Tariana Turia
Tariana Turia is a New Zealand politician. She gained considerable prominence during the foreshore and seabed controversy, and eventually broke with her party as a result...
|align=right| 2,760
| align=center| Soraya Peke-Mason
|Te Tai Tokerau
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Hone Harawira
Hone Harawira
Hone Pani Tamati Waka Nene Harawira is a New Zealand Māori activist and parliamentarian. He was elected to the Parliament of New Zealand for the Māori electorate of Te Tai Tokerau in the 2005 general election as the Māori Party candidate. His resignation caused the Te Tai Tokerau by-election, held...
|align=right| 874
| align=center| Kelvin Davis
Kelvin Davis (politician)
Kelvin Davis is a New Zealand politician and a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. He is a member of the Labour Party.-Member of Parliament:In the 2008 elections Davis stood for Labour in the Te Tai Tokerau seat...
|Te Tai Tonga
| align=center| Rahui Katene
Rahui Katene
Rahui Katene is a New Zealand politician. She was elected to the 49th New Zealand Parliament at the 2008 general election representing the Māori Party in the seat of Te Tai Tonga, but lost in the 2011 general election to Labour's Rino Tirikatene.- Ancestry :...
|align=center| Rino Tirikatene
Rino Tirikatene
Rino Tirikatene is a New Zealand politician and a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives, representing the Te Tai Tonga electorate since the . He is a member of the Labour Party. He comes from a family with a strong political history.-Early life:...
|align=right| 1,445
| align=center| Rahui Katene
Waiariki (New Zealand electorate)
Waiariki is a New Zealand Parliamentary Māori electorate.It is currently held by Te Ururoa Flavell MP.-Population Centres:The electorate includes the following population centres:* Tauranga* Whakatane* Rotorua* Taupo-Tribal Areas:...
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"| Te Ururoa Flavell
Te Ururoa Flavell
Te Ururoa James William Ben Flavell is a New Zealand politician and serves as a member of the New Zealand Parliament.-Ancestry:...
|align=right| 1,820
| align=center| Annette Sykes
Annette Sykes
Annette Te Imaima Sykes is a Rotorua activist and lawyer who fights for the rights of Māori tribes to be self-governing.-Biography:Sykes is of Ngāti Pikiao and Ngāti Makino descent, two of the confederated tribes of Te Arawa waka....
List results
Due to the indeterminate nature of Christchurch Central, only the 50 confirmed list MPs are listed below, with the 51st list MP determined depending on the result:- If Brendon Burns wins Christchurch Central, then Nicky WagnerNicky WagnerNicky Wagner is a New Zealand politician, who holds a list seat for the New Zealand National Party in the Parliament of New Zealand.-Early life and career:...
of National (list position 42) will be elected as a list MP. - If Nicky Wagner wins Christchurch Central, then Raymond HuoRaymond HuoRaymond Huo is a Member of Parliament in New Zealand, and the New Zealand Labour Party's first MP of Chinese descent...
of Labour (list position 21) will be elected as a list MP.
Lockwood Smith Lockwood Smith Alexander Lockwood Smith is a New Zealand politician, the 28th and current Speaker of the House of Representatives. Smith is a member of the New Zealand National Party, who has served as a Member of Parliament since 1984... (03) Chris Finlayson Chris Finlayson Christopher Francis Finlayson is a New Zealand lawyer, politician and Member of Parliament, representing the National Party. He is a Cabinet minister and the Attorney-General of New Zealand... (09) David Carter David Carter (politician) David Cunningham Carter is a New Zealand politician, currently a government cabinet minister. He is a member of the National Party.-Early life:... (10) Tim Groser Tim Groser Timothy John Groser is a current New Zealand politician and former diplomat.-Early years:He was born in Perth, Scotland and came to New Zealand with his parents in 1958... (12) Steven Joyce Steven Joyce Steven Leonard Joyce is a New Zealand politician, who entered the New Zealand House of Representatives in 2008 as a member of the New Zealand National Party... (13) Hekia Parata Hekia Parata Hon. Hekia Parata, Lady Gardiner is a New Zealand politician and member of the New Zealand House of Representatives, having been elected to parliament in the 2008 general election... (18) Michael Woodhouse Michael Woodhouse Michael Woodhouse is a National member of the 49th New Zealand Parliament.-Early years:He was born and raised in South Dunedin and attended Kavanagh College which he left in 1983. After that he studied Commerce and Accounting at Otago University which he graduated from in 1993... (31) Melissa Lee Melissa Lee Melissa Lee is a New Zealand politician. She was elected to the House of Representatives as a list MP for the National Party in the 2008 election. She is currently a member of the Commerce and Law and Order committees.... (34) Kanwal Singh Bakshi Kanwal Singh Bakshi Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi is a New Zealand politician and a member of the National Party. He was elected into the 49th New Zealand Parliament in 2008 by way of the party list.-Member of Parliament:... (35) Jian Yang Jian Yang Dr Jian Yang is a New Zealand politician and a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. He is a member of the National Party.-Early life:... (36) Alfred Ngaro Alfred Ngaro Alfred Ngaro is a New Zealand politician and a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. He is a member of the National Party.-Early life:... (37) Katrina Shanks Katrina Shanks The New Zealand politician Katrina Shanks serves as a list member of Parliament for the New Zealand National Party Party. Shanks became a Member of Parliament on 7 February 2007, following the formal resignation of Don Brash from Parliament.... (38) Paul Goldsmith Paul Goldsmith (politician) Paul Goldsmith is a New Zealand politician and, since the , a list member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. He is a member of the National Party.-Early life:... (39) Tau Henare Tau Henare Tau Henare is a New Zealand Māori parliamentarian. He served as a Member of Parliament from 1993 to 1999 and returned to Parliament in 2005. He has been involved with four political parties: Mana Motuhake, New Zealand First, Mauri Pacific and the National Party - representing three in... (40) Chris Auchinvole Chris Auchinvole Chris Auchinvole JP is a New Zealand politician.-Early years:Auchinvole was born in Prestwick, Scotland, and attended the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst in England. In New Zealand, he has been involved with the export industry, and operated a company based on the West Coast... (43) Jackie Blue Jackie Blue Dr Jackie Blue MP is a New Zealand politician and member of Parliament for the National Party.-Personal life:Blue was born in 1956. She attended Selwyn College in Auckland, and then went on to gain a BSc from the University of Auckland in 1976 and MB ChB from Auckland Medical School in 1983... (46) Cam Calder Cam Calder Campbell Gordon Calder , known as Cam Calder is a New Zealand doctor and politician representing the National Party as a member of Parliament.-Background:... (50) Aaron Gilmore Aaron Gilmore Aaron Gilmore is a New Zealand politician and member of the New Zealand National Party. He has been a list MP since the 2008 election.-Early life and education:... (53) |
David Parker (04) Maryan Street Maryan Street Maryan Street is a Member of the New Zealand Parliament for the New Zealand Labour Party. In the 2005 elections, she became the first openly lesbian woman elected to the New Zealand Parliament.-Early years:... (07) Clayton Cosgrove Clayton Cosgrove Clayton James Cosgrove is a New Zealand politician. He is a member of the Labour Party.-Early life:Cosgrove was born in Nelson, New Zealand. He received a BA, in American Studies and Political Science, from the University of Canterbury in 1992 and received an MBA in 1996... (08) Sue Moroney Sue Moroney Suzanne Mary Moroney , generally known as Sue Moroney, is a New Zealand politician. She is a member of the New Zealand Labour Party and was first elected at the 2005 general election. She is based in Hamilton, New Zealand.-Early life:... (10) Charles Chauvel Charles Chauvel (politician) Charles Pierre Chauvel is a New Zealand lawyer and politician. Since 2006 he has been a Member of Parliament in the New Zealand House of Representatives. He is the first New Zealand MP of Tahitian ancestry... (11) Jacinda Ardern Jacinda Ardern Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern is a politician from New Zealand. A member of the Labour Party, she was elected as a list MP at the 2008 general election.-Professional life:Ardern has spent time in London, working as a senior policy advisor... (13) Andrew Little Andrew Little (trade unionist) Andrew Little is the national secretary of New Zealand’s largest trade union, the Engineering, Printing and Manufacturing Union and former president of the New Zealand Labour Party.-Career:... (15) Shane Jones Shane Jones Shane Geoffrey Jones is a New Zealand politician. He was a cabinet minister in the Fifth Labour Government of New Zealand.-Early life:Jones is Māori, of Te Aupōuri and Ngai Takoto descent, as well as having Dalmatian ancestry... (16) Darien Fenton Darien Fenton Darien Fenton is a New Zealand politician and Member of Parliament.-Personal life and early career:Fenton's grandfather, Fred Frost, was a Labour MP for New Plymouth from 1938 – 1943.... (18) Moana Mackey Moana Mackey Moana Lynore Mackey is a New Zealand politician and has represented the New Zealand Labour Party in the Parliament of New Zealand since 2003. She has Māori, Irish, Scottish and Spanish ancestry.... (19) Rajen Prasad Rajen Prasad Dr Rajen Prasad, QSO, is a politician from New Zealand. He was elected to represent the Labour Party on the party list at the 2008 general election... (20) |
Metiria Turei Metiria Turei Metiria Leanne Agnes Stanton Turei is a New Zealand member of Parliament and the female co-leader of the Green Party. she is the Green Party spokesperson on Social Equity, Electoral Reform, Māori and Treaty Issues, Housing and Children.... (01) Russel Norman Russel Norman Dr Russel William Norman is a New Zealand politician and environmentalist. He is a Member of Parliament and co-leader of the Green Party alongside Metiria Turei.- Early life :... (02) Kevin Hague Kevin Hague Kevin Grant Hague is a current New Zealand MP representing the Green Party who was first elected to parliament in 2008.... (03) Catherine Delahunty Catherine Delahunty Catherine Delahunty is a current New Zealand MP representing the Green Party who was first elected to parliament in 2008. she is the Green Party spokesperson on Education, Forestry, Treaty of Waitangi, Civil Defence, Disability Issues, Women's Affairs, Arts & Culture; and associate spokesperson on... (04) Kennedy Graham Kennedy Graham Dr Kennedy Gollan Montrose Graham is a New Zealand politician and MP for the Green Party. He has served in the New Zealand Foreign Service for sixteen years, and lectured at the University of Canterbury and Victoria University of Wellington.... (05) Eugenie Sage Eugenie Sage Eugenie Sage is a New Zealand politician and environmentalist. Since the , she is representing the Green Party in Parliament.-Political career:... (06) Gareth Hughes Gareth Hughes (politician) Gareth Thomas Llewelyn Hughes is a New Zealand politician and member of the Green Party. He took a seat in Parliament as the next person on the Green party list following the retirement of Jeanette Fitzsimons.-Early life:... (07) David Clendon David Clendon David James Clendon is a New Zealand politician and member of the Green Party. Following the resignation of Sue Bradford, Clendon became a Member of the New Zealand Parliament on 2 November 2009.-Personal life:... (08) Jan Logie Jan Logie Jan Logie is a New Zealand politician and a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. She is a member of the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand.-Early life:Logie was born in Invercargill in 1969... (09) Steffan Browning Steffan Browning Steffan Browning is a New Zealand politician and a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. He is a member of the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand.-Member of Parliament:... (10) Denise Roche Denise Roche Denise Roche is a New Zealand politician who is a member of the Waiheke Local Board and the New Zealand House of Representatives, where she represents the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand.-Early life:... (11) Holly Walker Holly Walker Holly Walker is a New Zealand politician and a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. She is a member of the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand.-Early life:... (12) Julie Anne Genter Julie Anne Genter Julie Anne Genter is a New Zealand politician and a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. She is a member of the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand.-Early life and education:... (13) |
Winston Peters Winston Peters Winston Raymond Peters is a New Zealand politician and leader of New Zealand First, a political party he founded in 1993. Peters has had a turbulent political career since entering Parliament in 1978. He served as Minister of Maori Affairs in the Bolger National Party Government before being... (01) Tracey Martin Tracey Martin Tracey Martin is a New Zealand politician and a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. She is a member of New Zealand First.-Political career:Martin successfully stood for the Rodney Local Board during the 2010 Auckland Council elections.... (02) Andrew Williams (03) Richard Prosser Richard Prosser Richard Prosser is a New Zealand politician and a current member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. He is a member of New Zealand First party and was elected as a list MP at the 2011 election.-Early life:... (04) Barbara Stewart Barbara Stewart Barbara Stewart is a New Zealand politician. She is a member of the New Zealand First party.-Early life:Stewart was born in Wairoa in 1952. She obtained a BEd and a Postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies, both from the University of Waikato... (05) Brendan Horan Brendan Horan Brendan Horan was a weather presenter for Television New Zealand's ONE News, running on a regular cycle with Karen Olsen and Natalie Crook.... (06) Denis O'Rourke Denis O'Rourke Denis O'Rourke is a New Zealand Member of Parliament representing New Zealand First. For many years, he was a senior councillor at Christchurch City Council.-Local government:... (07) Asenati Taylor Asenati Taylor Asenati Taylor is a New Zealand politician and a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. She is a member of New Zealand First.-Political career:... (08) |
Unsuccessful list candidates
Paul Quinn, Paul Foster-Bell, Claudette Hauiti, Joanne Hayes, Leonie Hapeta, Sam Collins, Jonathan Fletcher, Heather Tanner, Denise Krum, Carolyn O'Fallon, Viv Gurrey, Karen Rolleston, Brett Hudson, Linda Cooper, Karl Varley | |
Carol Beaumont Carol Beaumont Carol Ann Beaumont is a politician from New Zealand. She was elected to represent the Labour Party on the party list at the 2008 general election. Beaumont stood in the Maungakiekie electorate, finishing a close second.-Professional life:... , Kelvin Davis Kelvin Davis (politician) Kelvin Davis is a New Zealand politician and a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. He is a member of the Labour Party.-Member of Parliament:In the 2008 elections Davis stood for Labour in the Te Tai Tokerau seat... , Carmel Sepuloni Carmel Sepuloni Carmel Sepuloni was a New Zealand Labour Party member of the New Zealand Parliament, and New Zealand's first MP of Tongan descent. She has been a Member of Parliament since 2008 and was Labour's candidate for Waitakere in the 2011 General Election... , Rick Barker Rick Barker Richard John Barker is a New Zealand politician. He is a member of the Labour Party, and was a middle-ranking Cabinet minister in the Fifth Labour Government of New Zealand.-Early life:... , Deborah Mahuta-Coyle, Stuart Nash Stuart Nash Stuart Nash is a politician from New Zealand. He was a Labour Member of Parliament from 2008 to 2011. Nash is the great-grandson of former Prime Minister, Walter Nash.-Professional life:... , Brendon Burns Brendon Burns (politician) Brendon Burns is the Labour Party Member of Parliament for Christchurch Central electorate of the New Zealand Parliament.-Early life:Burns worked for 12 years in the Parliamentary Press Gallery. As editor of The Marlborough Express for seven years, he led various community initiatives and won the... , Michael Wood, Stephanie Chadwick Stephanie Chadwick Stephanie "Steve" Anne Chadwick is a New Zealand Labour Party politician. She held the positions of Minister of Conservation, Women's Affairs, and Associate Health in the Fifth Labour Government of New Zealand.... , Kate Sutton, Jerome Mika, Josie Pagani, Lynette Stewart, Jordan Carter, Christine Rose Christine Rose Christine Rose is a New Zealand politician, a Labour Party member and a former Councillor of the Auckland Regional Council.-Auckland Regional Council:Rose represented the Rodney constituency in the Auckland Regional Council... , Glenda Alexander, Susan Zhu, Sehai Orgad, Mea'ole Keil, Richard Hills, Anahila Suisuiki, Hamish McDouall, Louis Te Kani, Tat Loo, Soraya Peke-Mason, Julian Blanchard, Peter Foster, Pat Newman, Julia Haydon-Carr, Michael Bott, Vivienne Goldsmith, Nick Bakulich, Chris Yoo, Barry Monks, Hugh Kininmonth, Jo Kim, Paula Gillon, Carol Devoy-Heena, Ben Clark, Chao-Fu Wu |
Mojo Mathers Mojo Mathers Mojo Mathers is a New Zealand politician. She became known through her involvement with the Malvern Hills Protection Society and helped prevent the Central Plains Water Trust's proposal to build a large irrigation dam in Coalgate. She has been a senior policy advisor to the Green Party since... , James Shaw, David Hay, Richard Leckinger, Aaryn Barlow, Jeanette Elley, Sea Rotmann, Michael Gilchrist, Dora Langsbury, David Kennedy, Tane Woodley, Joseph Burston, Mikaere Curtis, Shane Gallagher, Saffron Toms, Stephen Tollestrup, Zachary Dorner, Paul Bailey, Rick Bazeley, Maree Brannigan, Caroline Conroy, Sue Coutts, Pauline Evans, Rachael Goldsmith, Cameron Harper, John Kelcher, Alex Kruize, Tom Land, Gerrie Ligtenberg, Jim MacDonald, Nick Marryatt, Zane McCarthy, Jack McDonald, Ian McLean, John Milnes, Darryl Monteith, Robert Moore, Teresa Moore, David Moorhouse, Todd Ross, Brett Stansfield, Geoff Steedman, Gary Stewart, Vernon Tava, Corrina Tucker, Pieter Watson, Charmaine Watts, Richard Wesley |
Helen Mulford, Hugh Barr, Fletcher Tabuteau, Pita Paraone Pita Paraone Pita Paraone, MNZM, is a New Zealand politician, Chairman of the Waitangi Trust Board. He is a member of the New Zealand First party.-Member of Parliamnet:... , Brent Catchpole Brent Catchpole Brent Catchpole is a New Zealand politician. He is a member of the New Zealand First party.-Professional life:Before entering politics, Catchpole worked first as an accountant and then as a marketing director for a tourism company... , Ben Craven, Jerry Ho, Bill Gudgeon Bill Gudgeon Wiremu Gudgeon is a former New Zealand politician. He is a member of the New Zealand First party.-Early years:Gudgeon was raised on the East Coast and in the Waikato, and studied at the University of Waikato and the University of Hawaii. Gudgeon served in the New Zealand Army, and was part of... , Kevin Gardener, Ray Dolman, David Scott, Randall Ratana, Mahesh Bindra, Edwin Perry Edwin Perry Edwin Perry is a New Zealand politician. He is a member of the New Zealand First party.-Member of Parliament:He was first elected to Parliament as a list MP in the 2002 elections, having also stood in the Wairarapa electorate. He formerly held office in the National Party's organisational wing.... , Dion Jelley, John Hall, Kevin Stone, Doug Nabbs, Brett Pierson, Olivia Ilalio, Gordon Stewart, Tamati Reid, Ian Brougham, Bill Woods, Allen Davies |
Colin Craig Colin Craig Colin Craig is a New Zealand businessman and the founding leader of the Conservative Party of New Zealand. Craig is currently a millionaire who owns companies which manage high-rise buildings. His current company manages about $1.3 billion of assets.-Personal life:Craig was born in Auckland and... , Kathy Sheldrake, Larry Baldock Larry Baldock Larry Baldock is a New Zealand politician. He was a member of Parliament for the United Future New Zealand party from 2002 to 2005... , Fa'avae Gagamoe, Brian Dobbs, Roy Brown, Simonne Dyer, Simon Kan, Litia Simpson, Kevin Campbell, Paul Young, Leighton Baker, Feleti Key, Claire Holley, Frank John Naea, Frank Poching, Jesse Misa, Bob Daw, Lance Gedge, Robyn Jackson, Pat Gregory, Timothy de Vries, Melanie Taylor, Cynthia Liu, Craig Jensen, Oliver Vitali, Danny Mountain, Ivan Bailey, Brent Reid, Michael Cooke |
Waihoroi Shortland, Kaapua Smith, Wheturangi Walsh-Tapiata, Tina Porou, Awanui Black, Davina Murray, Josie Peita, Paora Te Hurihanganui, Fallyn Flavell, Daryl Christie, Tom Phillips, Tim Morrison, Tamai Nicholson, Aroha Rickus | |
Don Brash Don Brash Donald "Don" Thomas Brash , a New Zealand politician, was Leader of the Opposition, parliamentary leader of the National Party from 28 October 2003 to 27 November 2006 and the leader of the ACT Party for 28th April 2011 - 26 November 2011... , Catherine Isaac, Don Nicolson, David Seymour, Chris Simmons, Stephen Whittington, Kath McCabe, Robyn Stent, John Thompson, John Ormond, Lyn Murphy, Kevin Moratti, Robin Grieve, Pratima Nand, Dominic Costello, Toni Severin, Richard Evans, Ian Cummings, Gareth Veale, Toby Hutton, Daniel Stratton, Robert Burnside, Hayden Fitzgerald, Alex Speirs, Peter McCaffrey, Shane Atkinson, Allan Birchfield, Robin Boom, Stephen Boyle, Barry Brill Barry Brill Barry Edward Brill is a New Zealand politician and a lawyer. Brill was a cabinet minister in the Third National Government from 1978 to 1981.-Member of Parliament:... , Ian Carline, Tom Corbett, Casey Costello, Alwyn Courtenay, Alan Daniel Davidson, Kimberly Hannah, Beth Houlbrooke, Paul Hufflett, Rosanne Jollands, Nick Kearney, Tim Kronfeld, Joel Latimer, Jonathan Macfarlane, Garry Mallett Garry Mallett Garry B. Mallett is a New Zealand politician. He was the fourth President of ACT New Zealand, a right-wing liberal political party. As of 2010 he resides in Hamilton, New Zealand, and is an owner-operator of a branch of Les Mills International there.... , Guy McCallum, Colin Nicholls, John Norvill, David Peterson, James Read, Geoff Russell, Andrew Sharrock, Barbara Steinijans, Michael Warren, Vince Ashworth |
Doug Stevens, Rob Eaddy, Sultan Eusoff, Alan Simmons, Bryan Mockridge, Vanessa Roberts, Pete George, Ram Prakash, Martin Gibson, Clyde Graf, Damian Light, Andrew McMillan, Diane Brown, Brian Carter, Johnny Miller, Ian Gaskin | |
Annette Sykes Annette Sykes Annette Te Imaima Sykes is a Rotorua activist and lawyer who fights for the rights of Māori tribes to be self-governing.-Biography:Sykes is of Ngāti Pikiao and Ngāti Makino descent, two of the confederated tribes of Te Arawa waka.... , John Minto John Minto John Minto is a New Zealand based political activist known for his involvement in various left-wing groups and causes, most notably Halt All Racist Tours. A 2005 documentary on New Zealand's top 100 history makers listed him as number 89. Today he is involved with the protest group Global Peace... , Sue Bradford Sue Bradford Sue Bradford is a New Zealand politician who served as a list Member of Parliament representing the Green Party from 1999 to 2009.- Early life :... , Misty Harrison, James Papali’i, Tawhai McClutchie, Angeline Greensill Angeline Greensill Angeline Ngahina Greensill is a prominent Māori political rights campaigner, academic and leader.-Early life:Greensill is of Tainui, Ngati Porou, and Ngati Paniora descent, born in the late 1940s in Kirikiriroa and raised at Te Kopua , Whaingaroa on the turangawaewae of Tainui o Tainui ki... , Jayson Gardiner, Richard Shortland Cooper, Peter Cleave, Val Irwin, Sharon Stevens, Keriana Reedy, Pat O'Dea, Rod Paul, Grant Rogers, Te Nguha Huirama-Patuwai, Barry Tumai, Ngawai Herewini |
Michael Appleby, Michael Britnell, Maki Herbert, Julian Crawford, Jeff Lye, Jasmin Hewlett, Emma-Jane Mihaere-Kingi, Steven Wilkinson, Richard Goode, Fred MacDonald, Leo Biggs, Jay Fitton, Romana Manning, Geoff McTague, Jamie Dombroski, Christine Mitchell, Dwayne Sherwood, Abe Gray, Sean Norris, Adrian McDermott, Philip Pophristoff, Neville Yates, Mark Bradford, Blair Anderson, Kevin O'Connell, Paula Lambert, Irinka Britnell, Paul McMullan | |
Stephnie de Ruyter Stephnie de Ruyter Stephnie de Ruyter is the leader of the New Zealand Democratic Party, a small left-wing New Zealand political party. The Democrats are currently outside Parliament.... , John Pemberton, Warren Voight, Katherine Ransom, Carolyn McKenzie, Hessel van Wieren, Heather Smith, Jeremy Noble, Barry Pulford, John McCaskey, Huia Mitchell, Ken Goodhue, Les Port, Robert Mills, Harry Alchin-Smith, Errol Baird, Peter Adcock-White, John Ring, Kelly Balsom, David Espin, Ross Hayward, Gary Gribben, Ron England, David Tranter |
Richard McGrath, Sean Fitzpatrick, Peter Cresswell, Reagan Cutting, Peter Osborne, Michael Murphy, Shane Pleasance, Robert Palmer, Bernard Darnton Bernard Darnton Bernard Darnton is a former leader of Libertarianz, a libertarian political party in New Zealand.-Involvement in the Libertarianz party:... , Helen Hughes, Colin Cross, Nik Haden, Luke Howison, Phil Howison, Andrew Couper, Mike Webber, Bruce Whitehead, Donald Rowberry, Ken Riddle, Peter Linton, Allan Munro, Ian Hayes, Shirley Riddle, Callum McPetrie, Elahrairah Zamora, Euan McPetrie, Mitch Lees |
Kay Murray, Andrew McKenzie, Kevin Campbell Kevin Campbell (politician) Kevin Campbell is a former New Zealand Member of Parliament for the Alliance and their current leader outside of Parliament.-Early career:Campbell worked as a milkman, before becoming a police officer. He trained to be a Catholic priest at Holy Name Seminary and Holy Cross College. However he was... , Jim Flynn James R. Flynn James Robert Flynn PhD FRSNZ , aka Jim Flynn, Emeritus Professor of Political Studies at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, researches intelligence and has become well known for his discovery of the Flynn effect, the continued year-after-year increase of IQ scores in all parts of the... , Paul Piesse Paul Piesse Paul Egerton Piesse is a co-leader of the Alliance, a New Zealand political party.Piesse has been heavily involved in the union movement, and has held a number of senior organisational roles. He was originally a supporter of the Labour Party, but joined NewLabour in protest of the economic policies... , Victor Billot Victor Billot Victor Billot is a former co-leader of New Zealand's Alliance political party. He is also a writer, musician and unionist, former editor of Critic magazine, and performer in Alpha Plan and Das Phaedrus.-External links:*... , Mary O'Neill, Kelly Buchanan, Robert van Ruyssevelt, Jen Olsen, Tom Dowie, Thomas O'Neill, Eunice Billot, Norman MacRitchie |
- These party list members would eventually enter parliament in the term as other list MPs elected resigned from parliament.
- These party list members have since resigned.
Changes in MPs
In total, 25 new MPs were elected to Parliament, and three former MPs returned.New MPs:
Scott Simpson,
Maggie Barry,
Mike Sabin,
Ian McKelvie,
Mark Mitchell,
Simon O'Connor,
Alfred Ngaro,
Jian Yang,
Paul Goldsmith,
David Clark,
Rino Tirikatene,
Megan Woods,
Andrew Little,
Eugenie Sage,
Jan Logie,
Steffan Browning,
Denise Roche,
Holly Walker,
Julie Anne Genter,
Tracey Martin,
Andrew Williams,
Richard Prosser,
Brendan Horan,
Denis O'Rourke,
Asenati Taylor
Returning MPs:
John Banks,
Winston Peters,
Barbara Stewart,
Defeated MPs:
Paul Quinn,
Stephanie Chadwick,
Stuart Nash,
Carol Beaumont,
Kelvin Davis,
Carmel Sepuloni,
Rick Barker,
Rahui Katene,
Changes in party leadership
For the ACT party the mediocre election results on 26 November 2011 (1.1% of the party vote, with no list MPs, 1 electorate MP) resulted in Don BrashDon Brash
Donald "Don" Thomas Brash , a New Zealand politician, was Leader of the Opposition, parliamentary leader of the National Party from 28 October 2003 to 27 November 2006 and the leader of the ACT Party for 28th April 2011 - 26 November 2011...
tendering his resignation as leader, stating that he took full responsibility for the party's poor performance.
On 29 November the leader of the Labour party Phil Goff
Phil Goff
Philip Bruce Goff is the current Leader of the Opposition and the Leader of the New Zealand Labour Party. During the Fifth Labour Government, he served in a number of ministerial portfolios, including Minister of Defence of New Zealand, Minister of Corrections, Minister of Foreign Affairs and...
, and the deputy leader Annette King
Annette King
Annette Faye King is a New Zealand politician. She is the current Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the New Zealand. She was a Cabinet Minister in the Fifth Labour Government of New Zealand.-Early life:...
tendered their resignations to a meeting of the caucus, effective on Tuesday 13 December 2011. Five MPs, including David Cunliffe
David Cunliffe
David Richard Cunliffe is a New Zealand politician. He is a member of the Labour Party, and the sitting member of parliament for New Lynn, West Auckland. He served as the Minister of Health and Minister for Communications and Information Technology for the Fifth Labour Government of New Zealand...
, David Parker and David Shearer
David Shearer
David James Shearer, MBE is a humanitarian worker and politician from New Zealand. He won the Mount Albert by-election on 13 June 2009 to become a Member of the Parliament of New Zealand for the Labour Party...
are the front-runners for the leadership, with Grant Robertson
Grant Robertson
Grant Robertson is a New Zealand politician and Member of Parliament. He was elected to represent the Labour Party in the seat of Wellington Central at the 2008 general election. Robertson replaced Marian Hobbs, who had retired....
and Nanaia Mahuta
Nanaia Mahuta
Nanaia Cybelle Mahuta BA, MA in social anthropology, is a New Zealand politician and was a cabinet minister in the Fifth Labour Government of New Zealand. She was Minister of Customs, Minister of Local Government, Minister of Youth Development, Associate Minister for the Environment and Associate...
as possible deputy-leaders.
Coalition agreements
United Future, Peter Dunne's political party, has signed a coalition deal with National, gaining National 1 seat.The ACT party has also signed a coalition with National, gaining John Key
John Key
John Phillip Key is the 38th Prime Minister of New Zealand, in office since 2008. He has led the New Zealand National Party since 2006....
the seat of Epsom, from John Banks.
Election broadcast
- Election 2011, Coverage from 3 News