Nayanova University
SMNU - Samara municipal Nayanova University, University in Samara
Samara, Russia
Samara , is the sixth largest city in Russia. It is situated in the southeastern part of European Russia at the confluence of the Volga and Samara Rivers. Samara is the administrative center of Samara Oblast. Population: . The metropolitan area of Samara-Tolyatti-Syzran within Samara Oblast...

Address: Russia, 443001, Samara Oblast
Samara Oblast
Samara Oblast is a federal subject of Russia . Its administrative center is the city of Samara. Population: In 1936–1990, it was known as Kuybyshev Oblast , after the Soviet name of Samara .-Demographics:Population:...

, Samara, Molodogvargejskaja St., 196

Nayanova university was founded in 1993 (1988).

The permanent rector of university, from the date of its foundation, is Najanova Marina Venediktovna.

The university teaches around 300 students and approximately 80 post-graduate students.

Official site is

The conception of education in the university is founded on the model of developing uninterrupted education. It includes 7 stages. Each of the stages corresponds to level of educational programs (preschool, primary school (1st-4th grades), primary continue (5th-7th grades), secondary education(Full school), the higher education, postgraduate study, doctoral studies). All the programs work out of the base of the state educational standards. Graduates of university besides the state high education diploma can receive the diploma in a speciality "An interpreter in sphere of professional communications".

All the lessons of the High Education Stage take place in the second housing of the university.

Due to uninterrupted education idea there are grades in marking university groups (e.g. "13 Г", means 2nd year student of the economical faculty (see below)) instead of year of education.

Like in school, marking the group with the letter means here belonging group to the corresponding faculty. It uses in high grades of school too (from 8th up to 11th grade).

Educational program

  1. stage – preschool: for children since 4 and up to 6 years;
  2. stage – primary school (1st-4th grades);
  3. stage – primary continue (5th-7th grades);
  4. stage – secondary school (preprofile and profile): 8th-11th grades with the pieces of program of high education;
  5. stage – high education: 12th-15th (16th) grades – complete high education;
  6. stage – postgraduate study: postgraduate study, doctoral studies, additional education, various kinds and levels of training;
  7. stage – the multifunctional: continuous education as vital need.

Faculty of mathematics and computer sciences (А
A (Cyrillic)
A is a letter of the Cyrillic alphabet.It commonly represents an open front unrounded vowel , like the pronunciation of ⟨a⟩ in "father".The Cyrillic letter A is romanized using the Latin letter A.-History:...


|010501 – The applied mathematics and computer science
|«The mathematician, the system programmer»
|Mathematical and the software of systems

The faculty was founded in 1993.

The faculty structure includes 3 departments:
  1. information science department
  2. applied mathematics department
  3. physics department

Dean: Candidate of physical sciences and mathematical sciences Sokolovsky Valery Borisovich

Philosophical faculty (Б
Be (Cyrillic)
Be is a letter of the Cyrillic alphabet. It commonly represents the voiced bilabial plosive , like the English pronunciation of ⟨b⟩ in "bee"...


|030101 - Philosophy
|«The Philosopher, the teacher»
|Ontology and Epistemology

The faculty was founded in 1993.

The faculty structure includes 3 departments:
  1. history department
  2. department of the theory and history of the literature
  3. philosophy department

Dean: Candidate of philosophical sciences Styopkina Marina Vladimirovna

Chemical and biological faculty (В
Ve (Cyrillic)
Ve is a letter of the Cyrillic alphabet.It commonly represents the voiced labiodental fricative , like the pronunciation of ⟨v⟩ in "very"....


|020201 - Biology
|Ecology and nature preservation

The faculty was founded in 1993.

The faculty structure includes 3 departments:
  1. biology department
  2. general chemistry department
  3. ecology and environmental control department

Dean: Candidate of biological sciences Sinitsky Andrey Viktorovich

Economical faculty (Г
Ge (Cyrillic)
Ge is a letter of the Cyrillic alphabet. It is also known in some languages as He. In Unicode this letter is called "Ghe".It commonly represents the voiced velar plosive , like the pronunciation of ⟨g⟩ in "go"....


|080109 - Accounting, analysis and audit
|Accounting, analysis and audit in the commercial organizations

The faculty was founded in 1993.

The faculty structure includes 3 departments:
  1. accounting and audit department
  2. department of economical statistics
  3. economic theory department

Dean: Candidate of economical sciences Zinoveva Olga Gennadevna

Faculty of law (Д
De (Cyrillic)
De is a letter of the Cyrillic alphabet.De commonly represents the voiced dental plosive , like the pronunciation of ⟨d⟩ in admit.De is romanized using the Latin letter D.-History:...


|030501 - Jurisprudence
|Сivil law and civil process

The faculty was founded in 1993.

The faculty structure includes 3 departments:
  1. civic right and civil process department
  2. department of the theory and history of the state and law
  3. criminal law and criminal procedure department

Dean: Candidate of jurisprudence Nikishchenkova Maria Aleksandrovna

Faculty of foreign affairs (Е
Ye (Cyrillic)
Ye is a letter of the Cyrillic alphabet. In some languages this letter is called E.It commonly represents the vowel or , like the pronunciation of ⟨e⟩ in "yes".Ye is romanized using the Latin letter E....


|030602 - Public relations
|«The Specialist on public relations»
|The modern press service

The faculty was founded in 2005.

The faculty structure includes department:
  1. department of the theory and practice of public relations

Dean: Candidate of philological sciences Somova Svetlana Vladimirovna

Tech-Management Faculty (У
U (Cyrillic)
U is a letter of the Cyrillic alphabet. It commonly represents the close back rounded vowel , somewhat like the pronunciation of ⟨oo⟩ in "boot"...


|030602 - Quality control
|Quality control in an orb of a housekeeping and services

The faculty was founded in 2005.

The faculty structure includes 2 departments:
  1. department of industrial technologies
  2. quality control department

Dean: Candidate of engineering science Sigova Olga Borisovna

Theatrical faculty (Т
Te (Cyrillic)
Te is a letter of the Cyrillic alphabet.It commonly represents the voiceless alveolar plosive , like the pronunciation of ⟨t⟩ in "tick".-History:...


|Actor's art
|«The actor of drama theatre and cine»

The faculty was founded in 2008.

The faculty structure includes 2 departments:
  1. department of actor's skill
  2. department of arts

Сorrespondence department

The correspondence department of university have their lessons in the second housing of university.

There are education programs on economical and law faculties:
  • 080109 - Accounting, analysis and audit
  • 030501 - Jurisprudence

Postgraduate study

On the present moment (July 2008) exist postgraduate studies departments with corresponding specialities to 5 faculties which was founded in 1993.

The postgraduate study department, as well as the high education stage is situated at the second housing of university.

The First housing (I housing)

The housing have an address: Samara, Chapaevskaja st., 186.

It is opposite to the Officers house (through Worker st.) on square of Kuibyshev on the contrary of the Samara academic theatre of opera and ballet.

The first housing do preparation of students on preschool and primary school (2nd and 3rd stages) (0 - 7 classes).

After transferring in the second housing the student selects specialisation of his educational program.

The Second housing (II housing)

The housing have an address: Samara, Molodogvardejskaya st., 196.

It is on the side of street Molodogvardejsky closer to Volga between Ulyanovskaja st. and a student's lane, between Samara state architectural university and the dwelling of scientists.

In days of The Second World War
World War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...

in this building was hospital for evacuees № 3999 (look a photo) .

In this housing preprofile and profile stages of this educational model, high education department and postgraduate educational stages situated.

School stages (8-11 class-rooms) are situated on the first floor of a housing.

The high school department(12-15 (16) classes/groups) is situated on the second floor.

The Third housing (III housing)

The housing have an address: Samara, Molodogvardejskaya st., 135.

It is on the side of Molodogvardejskaja st. long-distance from Volga, on traverse with Ulyanovskaja st.
The university occupies a part of the ground floor of a building which is predominantly a block of flats.

Earlier having a lecture rooms, this housing has now exclusively administrative value.

Here the personnel department, office and accounting servise place.

See also

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