National Theater Prize
The National Theater Prize (Premio Nacional de Teatro) is a cultural prize that is awarded annually by the Spanish
Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...

 Ministry of Culture.

It was created in the 1950s and today is awarded annually by the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music. It recognizes and rewards the work of the entirety of an individual's professional life, or outstanding new contributions in the theatrical field.


  • 1946: Jardiel Poncela.
  • 1949: Mary Carrillo.
  • 1952: Miguel Mihura
    Miguel Mihura
    Miguel Mihura Santos was a Spanish playwright. He is best known for his comedy Tres sombreros de copa , a work of absurd humor that predates similar works by Beckett or Ionesco and that broke with many of the previous conventions of Spanish comic theatre.Miguel Mihura was born in Madrid in 1905...

  • 1957: Antonio Buero Vallejo
    Antonio Buero Vallejo
    Antonio Buero Vallejo was a Spanish playwright considered the most important Spanish dramatist of the Spanish Civil War...

  • 1959: Miguel Narros.
  • 1960: José Bódalo
    José Bódalo
    José Bódalo was an Argentine born Spanish film actor.-Biography:Bódalo was born in Córdoba, Argentina, the son of actress Eugenia Zúffoli and actor and singer Jose Bodalo, Sr....

  • 1961: Mary Carrillo.
  • 1962: Lauro Olmo, Amelia de la Torre, Aurora Redondo, Alberto González Vergel, María Luz Morales and Juan Guerrero Zamora.
  • 1963: Gustavo Pérez Puig.
  • 1967: José María Prada
    José María Prada
    José María Prada was a Spanish film and television actor. He appeared in 83 films and television shows between 1954 and 1978.-Selected filmography:* Carmen, la de Triana * La gran familia...

  • 1969: Irene Gutiérrez Caba.
  • 1970: Julia Gutiérrez Caba
    Julia Gutiérrez Caba
    Julia Gutiérrez Caba is a Spanish theatre and film actress.-Biography:She is the daughter of actors Emilio Gutierrez and Irene Caba Alba and sister of the actress Irene Gutiérrez Caba and actor Emilio Gutiérrez Caba....

  • 1972: José Bódalo
    José Bódalo
    José Bódalo was an Argentine born Spanish film actor.-Biography:Bódalo was born in Córdoba, Argentina, the son of actress Eugenia Zúffoli and actor and singer Jose Bodalo, Sr....

     and María Fernanda D'Ocón.
  • 1973: Manuel Mampaso and Alfredo Mañas.
  • 1974: Adolfo Marsillach
    Adolfo Marsillach
    Adolfo Marsillach Soriano was a Catalan actor, playwright and theatre director.He is the father of Spanish actresses Blanca Marsillach and Cristina Marsillach.-External links:...

  • 1978: Teatre Lliure
    Teatre Lliure
    The Teatre Lliure is a theatre in Barcelona considered one of the most prestigious in Catalonia. It was created in 1976 in the neighborhood of Gràcia by a group of professionals from Barcelona's independent theater scene. It became distinguished for its practice of presenting theater in Catalan,...

  • 1979: Francisco Morales Nieva.
  • 1980: Antonio Buero Vallejo
    Antonio Buero Vallejo
    Antonio Buero Vallejo was a Spanish playwright considered the most important Spanish dramatist of the Spanish Civil War...

     and Carmen Carbonell.
  • 1981: Rafael Alberti
    Rafael Alberti
    Rafael Alberti Merello was a Spanish poet, a member of the Generation of '27....

     and Guillermo Marín
    Guillermo Marín
    Guillermo Marín was a classic Spanish film and theater of the 1930s La flauta de bartolo and the 1940sactor and one of the leading men in Spanish cinema of the 1940s, and in stages in the 50s....

  • 1982: José Carlos Plaza.
  • 1983: Not awarded.
  • 1984: Lluís Pasqual and Ana Lizarán.
  • 1985: Nuria Espert Romero and Fernando Fernán Gómez
    Fernando Fernán Gómez
    Fernando Fernán-Gómez was a Spanish actor and director. He was born in Lima, Peru as his mother, Spanish actress Carola Fernán-Gómez, was making a tour of Latin America. Inheriting his surname as a stage name, he moved to Spain in 1924.After the Spanish Civil War he began a study of Law but...

  • 1986: José Luis Alonso de Santos
    José Luis Alonso de Santos
    José Luis Alonso de Santos is a Spanish dramatist. His play Bajarse al moro won Spain's 1985 National Theater Prize.-Performed plays:*¡Viva el Duque, nuestro dueño! .*Del laberinto al 30 ....

     and Alfonso Sastre
    Alfonso Sastre
    Alfonso Sastre is a Spanish playwright, essayist, and critic. He was an outspoken critic of censorship during the reign of General Francisco Franco...

  • 1987: Miguel Narros and Ana Marzoa.
  • 1988: José Luis Gómez
    José Luis Gómez
    José Luis Gómez García is a Spanish film actor. He has appeared in 33 films since 1968. At the 1976 Cannes Film Festival, he won the award for Best Actor in the film Pascual Duarte.-Selected filmography:* Pascual Duarte...

     and Gerardo Vera
    Gerardo Vera
    Gerardo Vera is a Spanish set costumer, Opera director, writer, actor, film and theatre director....

  • 1989: Josep María Flotats
    Josep Maria Flotats
    Josep Maria Flotats i Picas is a Catalan actor and theatre director.Born in Barcelona, he started as an actor in Associació Dramàtica de Barcelona, and made his theatre debut in 1957 with Les maletes del senyor Bernet....

     and Emilio Burgos.
  • 1990: José Estruch and José Sanchís Sinisterra
    José Sanchis Sinisterra
    José Sanchis Sinisterra is a Spanish playwright and theatre director. He was born in Valencia. He is best known, outside of Spain, for his award-winning play, ¡Ay Carmela!.-Publications:...

  • 1991: Lluís Pasqual and José Pedro Carrión Terán.
  • 1992: Berta Riaza and Manuel de Blas.
  • 1993: La Fura dels Baus
    La Fura dels Baus
    La Fura dels Baus is a Catalan theatrical group founded in 1979 in Barcelona, known for their urban theatre, use of unusual settings and blurring of the boundaries between audience and actor. "La Fura dels Baus" in Catalan means "vermin from the sewers"....

  • 1994: Guillermo Heras and Els Joglars.
  • 1995: Teatro de La Abadía.
  • 1996: Amparo Rivelles
    Amparo Rivelles
    Amparo Rivelles, is a Spanish actress.In the beginning of her career, she was known as Amparito Rivelles.She has worked in Cinema of Mexico and in telenovelas...

  • 1997: Nati Mistral.
  • 1998: Manuel Galiana.
  • 1999: María Jesús Valdés.
  • 2000: Ramón Fontseré.
  • 2001: Fernando Arrabal
    Fernando Arrabal
    Fernando Arrabal Terán is a Spanish playwright, screenwriter, film director, novelist and poet. He settled in France in 1955, he describes himself as “desterrado,” or “half-expatriate, half-exiled.”...

  • 2002: José Luis López Vázquez
    José Luis López Vázquez
    José Luis López Vázquez de la Torre was a Spanish actor. -Career:López Vázquez was born in Madrid. He originally worked in theater as a costume designer, a scenic designer, and as an assistant director to Pío Ballesteros and Enrique Herreros. In 1946, he switched over to film, with a small role in...

  • 2003: Gustavo Pérez Puig.
  • 2004: José Monleón Bennácer.
  • 2005: Compañía Animalario.
  • 2006: José María Pou.
  • 2007: Juan Mayorga.
  • 2008: Atalaya-TNT.
  • 2009: Vicky Peña
    Vicky Peña
    Vicky Peña is a Catalan television, cinema, theatre and voice actress.She's the daughter of the actors Felip Peña and Montserrat Carulla, and she’s one of the most important voice actors in Catalan and Spanish. She started working in the 1966 TV series La pequeña comedia...

  • 2010: Daniel Diges
    Daniel Diges
    Daniel Diges García is a Spanish singer, pianist, composer and actor. Although officially born in Madrid, he has spent all his youth in Alcalá de Henares .-Life and career:...


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