In 1997, the Copenhagen Stock Exchange
Copenhagen Stock Exchange
The Copenhagen Stock Exchange or CSE is an international marketplace for Danish securities, including shares, bonds, treasury bills and notes, and financial futures and options...

 and the Stockholm Stock Exchange
Stockholm Stock Exchange
The Stockholm Stock Exchange is a stock exchange located in Stockholm, Sweden. Founded in 1863 it is the primary securities exchange of the Nordic Countries....

 initiated formalized cooperation through NOREX, with the purpose of establishing a joint Nordic securities market
Securities market
Securities market is an economic institute within which take place sale and purchase transactions of securities between subjects of economy on the base of demand and supply....

. At the beginning of 1998, the two exchanges established a joint company, Nordic Exchanges A/S, whose primary task is to market NOREX worldwide.

Norex ( is also the name of a Marketing, Web Development / Programming Company Established in 1999 located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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