Mitsubishi APWR
The Mitsubishi Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor (APWR) is a generation III nuclear reactor
Generation III reactor
A generation III reactor is a development of any of the generation II nuclear reactor designs incorporating evolutionary improvements in design developed during the lifetime of the generation II reactor designs...

 developed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
, or MHI, is a Japanese company. It is one of the core companies of Mitsubishi Group.-History:In 1870 Yataro Iwasaki, the founder of Mitsubishi took a lease of Government-owned Nagasaki Shipyard. He named it Nagasaki Shipyard & Machinery Works, and started the shipbuilding business on a full scale...

 based on pressurized water reactor
Pressurized water reactor
Pressurized water reactors constitute a large majority of all western nuclear power plants and are one of three types of light water reactor , the other types being boiling water reactors and supercritical water reactors...

 technology. It features several design enhancements including a neutron reflector, improved efficiency and improved safety systems. It has safety features advanced over the last generation, including a combination of passive and active systems.

The standard APWR is going through the licensing process in Japan and two (of 1538 MWe) are being constructed at the Tsuruga plant
Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant
The is a nuclear power plant located in the town of Tsuruga, Fukui Prefecture. It is operated by the Japan Atomic Power Company. The total site area amounts to 5.12 km2 with 4.80 km2, or 94% of it, being green area that the company is working to preserve.The Tsuruga site is a dual site with the...

. The next APWR+ will be of a 1700 MWe power and have full Mox core
MOX fuel
Mixed oxide fuel, commonly referred to as MOX fuel, is nuclear fuel that contains more than one oxide of fissile material. MOX fuel contains plutonium blended with natural uranium, reprocessed uranium, or depleted uranium. MOX fuel is an alternative to the low-enriched uranium fuel used in the...


The US-APWR was developed by MHI to modify their APWR design to comply with US regulations. TXU has selected the US-APWR for use at multiple sites, including the Comanche Peak Nuclear Generating Station
Comanche Peak Nuclear Generating Station
Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant is located in Somervell County, Texas. The nuclear power plant is located 40 miles southwest of Ft. Worth and about 60 miles southwest of Dallas. It relies on nearby Squaw Creek Reservoir for cooling water...


The reactors are intended for use in nuclear power plant
Nuclear power plant
A nuclear power plant is a thermal power station in which the heat source is one or more nuclear reactors. As in a conventional thermal power station the heat is used to generate steam which drives a steam turbine connected to a generator which produces electricity.Nuclear power plants are usually...

s to produce nuclear power
Nuclear power
Nuclear power is the use of sustained nuclear fission to generate heat and electricity. Nuclear power plants provide about 6% of the world's energy and 13–14% of the world's electricity, with the U.S., France, and Japan together accounting for about 50% of nuclear generated electricity...

 from nuclear fuel
Nuclear fuel
Nuclear fuel is a material that can be 'consumed' by fission or fusion to derive nuclear energy. Nuclear fuels are the most dense sources of energy available...


Plant Parameters

Electric Power 1,700 MWe
Core Thermal Power 4,451 MWt
Reactor Fuel Assemblies 257
Reactor Fuel Advanced 17x17, 14 ft.
Active Core Length 4.2 meters
Coolant System Loops 4
Coolant Flow 2.75x104 m3/h/loop
Coolant Pressure 15.5 MPa
Steam Generator Type 90TT-1
Number of Steam Generators 4
Reactor Coolant Pump Type 100A
Number of Reactor Coolant Pumps 4
Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Output 6,000 kW

The US-APWR has several design features to improve plant economics. The core is surrounded by a steel neutron reflector which increases reactivity and saves ~0.1wt% U-235 enrichment. In addition, the US-APWR uses more advanced steam generators (compared to the APWR) which creates drier steam allowing for the use of higher efficiency (and more delicate) turbines. This leads to a ~10% efficiency increase compared to the APWR.

Several safety improvements are also notable. The safety systems have enhanced redundancy, utilizing 4 trains each capable of supplying 50% of the needed makeup water instead of 2 trains capable of 100%. Also, more reliance is placed on the accumulators which have been redesigned and increased in size. The improvements in this passive system have led to the elimination of the Safety Injection system, an active system.


  • TXU
    Energy Future Holdings Corporation is an electric utility company headquartered in Energy Plaza in Downtown Dallas, Texas, United States. The company was known as TXU until its $45 billion leveraged buyout by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, Texas Pacific Group and Goldman Sachs...

    s Comanche Peak Nuclear Generating Station
    Comanche Peak Nuclear Generating Station
    Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant is located in Somervell County, Texas. The nuclear power plant is located 40 miles southwest of Ft. Worth and about 60 miles southwest of Dallas. It relies on nearby Squaw Creek Reservoir for cooling water...

  • North Anna Nuclear Generating Station
    North Anna Nuclear Generating Station
    The North Anna Nuclear Generating Station is a nuclear power plant on a site in Louisa County, Virginia. The site is operated by Dominion Generation company and is jointly owned by the Dominion Virginia Power corporation and by the Old Dominion Electric Cooperative .The plant has two Westinghouse...

     unit 3

On May 10, 2011 Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan announced that Japan was canceling plans for new nuclear construction. Which includes the 2 proposed new APWR reactors at Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant
Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant
The is a nuclear power plant located in the town of Tsuruga, Fukui Prefecture. It is operated by the Japan Atomic Power Company. The total site area amounts to 5.12 km2 with 4.80 km2, or 94% of it, being green area that the company is working to preserve.The Tsuruga site is a dual site with the...

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