Ministry of Industry (Spain)
The responsibilities of the Spanish
Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...

 Ministry of Industry have varied greatly over time, until 2000 grouped industrial competence and energy. Then created the Ministry of Science and Technology that took over most of its powers. With the change of government in 2004 the Ministry was re-created assuming the powers of trade and tourism that previously belonged to the Ministry of Economy and even in some periods were an independent ministry.
In the most narrow sense, an idea is just whatever is before the mind when one thinks. Very often, ideas are construed as representational images; i.e. images of some object. In other contexts, ideas are taken to be concepts, although abstract concepts do not necessarily appear as images...

 now depends on the Ministry of Industry and the Comisión Nacional de Energía (CNE) is in this Ministry.

List of Ministers of Industry

  • Regency of Maria Christina of Austria
    Maria Christina of Austria
    Maria Christina of Austria was Queen consort of Spain as the second wife of King Alfonso XII of Spain...

    • (4/ 1900 - 10/1900) Rafael Gasset Chinchilla (14).
    • (10/1900 - 06/1901) Joaquín Sánchez de Toca Calvo (14).
    • (06/1901 - 03/1902) Miguel Villanueva (14).
  • Reign of Alfonso XIII (1902-1931)
    • (03/1902 - 05/1902) José Canalejas
      José Canalejas
      José Canalejas y Méndez was a Spanish politician, born in Ferrol.-Early life:Canalejas graduated in 1871 from the University of Madrid, took his Galicia doctor's degree in 1872 and became a lecturer on literature in 1873...

    • (05/1902 - 11/1902) Félix Súarez Inclán (14).
    • (11/1902 - 12/1902) Amós Salvador Rodrigáñez (14).
    • (12/1902 - 07/1903) Francisco Javier González de Castejón y Elío (14).
    • (07/1903 - 12/1903) Rafael Gasset Chinchilla (14).
    • (12/1903 - 12/1904) Manuel Allendesalazar y Muñoz de Salazar (14).
    • (12/1904 - 12/1904) Juan Armada y Losada
      Juan Armada y Losada
      Juan Armada y Losada was a Spanish politician....

    • (12/1904 - 01/1905) José de Cardenas Uriarte (14).
    • (01/1905 - 10/1905) Alvaro Figueroa y Torres (14).
    • (09/1918 - 12/1918) Juan Ventosa (15).
    • (12/1918 - 02/1919) Baldomero Argente (15).
    • (02/1919 - 04/1919) Leonardo Rodríguez Díaz (15).
    • (04/1919 - 07/1919) José Maestre Pérez (15).
    • (07/1919 - 09/1919) Carlos Cañal (15).
    • (09/1919 - 12/1919) Fernando Sartórius (15).
    • (12/1919 - 05/1920) Francisco Terán Morales (15).
    • (3/ 1922 - 12/1922) Abilio Calderón Rojo (16).
    • (12/1922 - 09/1923) Joaquín Chapaprieta Torregrosa(16).
  • Dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera
    Miguel Primo de Rivera
    Miguel Primo de Rivera y Orbaneja, 2nd Marquis of Estella, 22nd Count of Sobremonte, Knight of Calatrava was a Spanish dictator, aristocrat, and a military official who was appointed Prime Minister by the King and who for seven years was a dictator, ending the turno system of alternating...

    • (09/1923 - 12/1923) Alejandro García Martín (16).
    • (12/1923 - 02/1924) Juan Flórez Posada (16).
    • (02/1924 - 11/1928) Eduardo Aunós Pérez (16).
    • (11/1928 - 01/1930) Francisco Moreno Zuleta (17).
    • (01/1930 - 01/1930) Sebastián Castedo Palero (17).
    • (02/1930 - 08/1930) Julio Wais San Martín (17).
    • (08/1930 - 02/1931) Luis Rodríguez de Viguri (17).
    • (02/1931 - 04/1931) Gabino Bugallal (17).
  • Second Republic (1931–1939)
    • (12 / 1931 – 06 / 1933) Marcelino Domingo Sanjuán (13).
    • (06 / 1933 – 09 / 1933) José Roca Franchy and (10).
    • (09 / 1933 – 10 1933) Laureano Gómez Paratcha (10).
    • (10 / 1933 – 12 / 1933) Felix Gordon de Ordaz (10).
    • (12 / 1933 – 04 / 1934) Ricardo Samper Ibáñez (10).
    • (04 / 1934 – 10 1934) Vicente Iranzo Enguita (10).
    • (10 / 1934 – 04 / 1935) Andres Orozco Batista (10).
    • (04 / 1935 – 05 / 1935) Manuel Marraco Ramon (10).
    • (05 / 1935 – 09 / 1935) Rafael Aizpún Santafé (10).
    • (09 / 1 935 – 10 1935) José Martínez de Velasco (12).
    • (10 / 1935 – 12 / 1935) John Usabiaga Lasquivar (12).
    • (12 / 1935 – 12 / 1935) Joaquín de Pablo-Blanco Torres (12).
    • (12 / 1 935 – 02 / 1 936) José María Álvarez Mendizábal
      José María Álvarez Mendizábal
      José María Álvarez Mendizábal was a Spanish politician and lawyer.He was a bourgeoisie landowner and entered politics with the proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic elected deputy to Congress of Cuenca in the elections of 1931, 1933 representing Republicano Radical, and in the elections of...

    • (02 / 1935 – 09 / 1936) Plácido Alvarez-Buylla and Lozana (10).
    • (09 / 1936 – 11 / 1936) Anastasio de Gracia Villarrubia (10).
    • (11 / 1936 – 05 / 1937) Joan Peiro Belis
      Joan Peiró
      Joan Peiró i Belis was a Catalan anarchist activist, writer, editor of the anarchist newspaper Solidaridad Obrera, two-time Secretary General of the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo and Minister of Industry of the Spanish government during the Spanish Civil War.-Life:Though he was born in the...

    • (11 / 1936 – 05 / 1937) Juan López Sánchez (8).

  • Franco (1936–1975)
    • (10 / 1936 – 01 / 1938) Joaquín Bau (10).
    • (01 / 1938 – 08 / 1939) Juan Antonio Suances (10).
    • (08 / 1939 – 10 / 1940): Luis de Alarcón (10).
    • (10 / 1940 – 07 / 1945) Demetrio Carceller Singh (10).
    • (07 / 1945 – 07 / 1951) Juan Antonio Suances (10).
    • (07 / 1951 – 07 / 1962) Joaquin Planell Riera (7).
    • (07 / 1951 – 02 / 1957) Manuel Arburúa of Miyar (8).
    • (07 / 1951 – 07 / 1962) Gabriel Arias-Salgado
      Gabriel Arias-Salgado
      Gabriel Arias-Salgado was a Spanish politician....

    • (02 / 1957 – 07 / 1965) Alberto Ullastres
      Alberto Ullastres
      Alberto Ullastres was Spain's Minister of Economy and Ambassador to the European Economic Community under General Franco...

    • (07 / 1962 – 10 1969) Gregorio Lopez-Bravo (7).
    • (07 / 1962 – 10 1969) Manuel Fraga Iribarne
      Manuel Fraga Iribarne
      Manuel Fraga Iribarne is a Spanish People's Party politician. Fraga's career as one of the key political figures in Spain straddles both General Francisco Franco's dictatorial regime and the subsequent transition to democracy. He served as the President of the Xunta of Galicia from 1990 to 2005...

    • (07 / 1965 – 10 1969) Faustino Garcia-Moncada Fernández (8).
    • (10 / 1969 – 01 / 1974) José María López de Letona (7).
    • (10 / 1969 – 06 / 1973) Enrique Fontana (8).
    • (10 / 1969 – 06 / 1973) Alfredo Sanchez Bella (9).
    • (06 / 1973 – 01 / 1974) Augustine Cotorruelo (8).
    • (06 / 1973 – 01 / 1974) Lilian Fernando (9).
    • (01 / 1974 – 03 / 1975) Alfredro Santos Blanco (7).
    • (01 / 1974 – 03 / 1975) Nemesio Fernández Cuesta (8).
    • (01 / 1974 – 03 / 1975) Pio Cabanillas Gallas (9).
    • (03 / 1975 – 12 / 1975) Alfonso Álvarez Miranda (7).
    • (03 / 1975 – 12 / 1975) José Luis Ceron Ayuso (8).
    • (03 / 1975 – 12 / 1975) Herrera Esteban León (September).

  • Reign of Juan Carlos I

    • Preconstitutional Period
      • (12 / 1975 – 07 / 1977) Carlos Pérez Bricio Olariaga (7).
      • (12 / 1975 – 07 / 1976) Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo (8).
      • (12 / 1975 – 07 / 1976) Adolfo Martín-Gamero (9).
      • (07 / 1976 – 07 / 1977) José Lladó Fernández-Urrutia
        José Lladó Fernández-Urrutia
        Jose Lladó Fernandez-Urrutia , is a politician and Spanish businessman.Son of the President of the Bank Urquijo - Juan Lladó Sanchez - and grandson of the republican deputy Jose Lladó Vallés, he took a doctor's degree on Chemical Sciences at the University of Madrid. He is Member of Honor of the...

      • (07 / 1976 – 07 / 1977) Andrés Guajardo Reguera (9).

    • Constituent Assembly (1977–1979)
      • (08 / 1977 – 02 / 1978) Alberto Oliart Saussol, UCD (7)
      • (08 / 1977 – 04 / 1979) Juan Antonio García Díez, UCD (8)
      • (02 / 1978 – 04 / 1979) Agustín Rodríguez Sahagún
        Agustín Rodríguez Sahagún
        Agustín Rodríguez Sahagún was a Spanish politician and businessman as well as being a doctor in economics and law who was best known as being the mayor of Madrid from 1989-1991....

        , UCD (3)

    • I Legislature (1979–1982)
      • (04 / 1979 – 05 / 1980) Juan Antonio García Díez, UCD (8)
      • (04 / 1979 – 05 / 1980) Carlos Bustelo
        Carlos Bustelo
        Carlos Bustelo served as the Spanish Minister of Industry from 1979-1980.At the time Bustelo entered the cabinet, Spain was emerging from the Franco years and economic development had to contend with what Bustelo called, "the crushing mental inertia," inherited form the old regime.-Books:*...

         García del Real UCD (7)
      • (05 / 1980 – 12 / 1982) Ignacio Bayon Marine UCD (3)
      • (12 / 1981 – 12 / 1982): Luis Gámir, UCD (6).

    • II Legislature (1982–1986)
      • (12 / 1982 – 07 / 1985) Carlos Solchaga Catalan, PSOE
        Spanish Socialist Workers' Party
        The Spanish Socialist Workers' Party is a social-democratic political party in Spain. Its political position is Centre-left. The PSOE is the former ruling party of Spain, until beaten in the elections of November 2011 and the second oldest, exceeded only by the Partido Carlista, founded in...

      • (07 / 1985 – 07 / 1986) Joan Majó Cruzate, PSOE (3)

    • III Legislature (1986–1989)
      • (07 / 1986 – 07 / 1988): Luis Carlos Croissier Batista, PSOE (3)
      • (07 / 1988 – 1989) Claudio Aranzadi Martinez, PSOE (3).

    • IV Legislature (1989–1993)
      • (1989 – 07 / 1993) Claudio Aranzadi Martinez, PSOE (3), (5)

    • V Legislature (1993–1996)
      • (07 / 1993 – 05 / 1996) Juan Manuel Eguiagaray Ucelay, PSOE (3)
      • (07 / 1993 – 05 / 1996) Javier Gomez-Navarro, PSOE (4)

    • VI Legislature (1996–2000)
      • (05 / 1996 – 04 / 2000) Josep Piqué i Camps, PP
        People's Party (Spain)
        The People's Party is a conservative political party in Spain.The People's Party was a re-foundation in 1989 of the People's Alliance , a party led and founded by Manuel Fraga Iribarne, a former Minister of Tourism during Francisco Franco's dictatorship...


    • Seventh Legislature (2000–2004)
      • (04 / 2000 – 07 / 2002 Ana Birulés, PP (2)
      • (07 / 2002 – 09 / 2003 Josep Piqué i Camps
        Josep Piqué i Camps
        Josep Piqué is a Spanish Catalan politician of the right-wing Spanish People's Party who represented Barcelona. Pique was initially a member of the Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia but left the grouping and subsequently joined the Union of the Democratic Centre...

        , PP (2)
      • (09 / 2003 – 04 / 2004 Juan Costa Climent, PP (2)

    • VIII Legislature (2004–2008)
      • (04 / 2004 – 09 / 2006) José Montilla Aguilera
        José Montilla
        José Montilla Aguilera was the 128th President of Generalitat de Catalunya. He became the First Secretary of the Socialists' Party of Catalonia on 18 June 2000, and a member of the Federal Executive Committee and the Federal Committee of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party on 23 July 2000...

        , PSOE (1)
      • (09 / 2006 – 04 / 2008) Joan Clos i Matheu, PSOE (1)

    • IX Legislature (2008 -)
      • (04 / 2008 -): Miguel Sebastián Gascón, PSOE (1)

  • (1) Industry, Tourism and Trade.
  • (2) Science and Technology.
  • (3) Industry and Energy.
  • (4) Trade and Tourism.
  • (5) Industry, Trade and Tourism.
  • (6) Trade and Tourism.
  • (7) Industry.
  • (8) Trade.
  • (9) Information and Tourism.
  • (10) Industry and Trade.
  • (11) Industry, Commerce and Supplies.
  • (12) Industry, Commerce and Agriculture.
  • (13) Agriculture, Trade and Industry.
  • (14) Agriculture, Trade, Comerce and Public Works
  • (15) Suplies
  • (16) Work, Comerce and Industry
  • (17) Nacional Economy

External links

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