Matthew Gray Gubler
Sketch (drawing)
A sketch is a rapidly executed freehand drawing that is not usually intended as a finished work...
artist, and former fashion model. He is best known for his role as the young genius Dr. Spencer Reid
Spencer Reid
Dr. Spencer Reid is a fictional character from the CBS crime drama Criminal Minds, portrayed by Matthew Gray Gubler.He is a genius and autodidact who graduated from a Las Vegas public high school at age 12. His fellow team members almost always introduce him as Dr. Reid. Hotch revealed in the first...
in the CBS television show Criminal Minds
Criminal Minds
Criminal Minds is an American police procedural drama that premiered September 22, 2005, on CBS. The series follows a team of profilers from the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit based in Quantico, Virginia. The BAU is part of the FBI National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime...
, of which he has also directed two episodes. Gubler also is the voice of one of the chipmunks, Simon Seville, in Alvin and the Chipmunks
Alvin and the Chipmunks (film)
Alvin and the Chipmunks is a 2007 comedy film directed by Tim Hill. Based on the animated series of the same name, the film stars Jason Lee, David Cross, and Cameron Richardson with the voices of Justin Long, Matthew Gray Gubler, and Jesse McCartney. It was distributed by 20th Century Fox and...
, Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel is a 2009 American comedy film directed by Betty Thomas. The film stars Zachary Levi, David Cross, Jason Lee, and the voices of Justin Long, Jesse McCartney, Matthew Gray Gubler, Christina Applegate, Amy Poehler, and Anna Faris...
and Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chip-Wrecked. Gubler directed and created several movies that were mostly filmed in his hometown of Las Vegas as well as New York City, prior to his graduation from NYU.
Gubler went to The Meadows School
The Meadows School
The Meadows School is a private school in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Meadows School is a college preparatory private school in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas. The school offers education for grades PK-12.- Early History: Meadows Lane Temporary Campus :...
, and is a high school graduate of the Las Vegas Academy of International Studies, Performing and Visual Arts, where he majored in acting, because the school did not offer his first love, film making.