Matiri Project
The Matiri Project is a hydroelectric scheme proposed by New Zealand Energy Limited for Lake Matiri
Lake Matiri
Lake Matiri is a lake adjoining Kahurangi National Park, in the North West corner of New Zealand's South Island. The lake is part of the Matiri River.-Hydroelectric power scheme:...

 and the Matiri River
Matiri River
The Matiri River is a river located in the northwest of New Zealand's South Island.It runs south for 30 kilometres from its headwaters west of Mount Owen in Kahurangi National Park to its confluence with the Buller River just below the town of Murchison. Halfway along its length, it passes through...

 in the South Island
South Island
The South Island is the larger of the two major islands of New Zealand, the other being the more populous North Island. It is bordered to the north by Cook Strait, to the west by the Tasman Sea, to the south and east by the Pacific Ocean...

 of New Zealand.

The scheme is opposed by environmentalists and kayakers some of whom were angry that the resource consent
Resource consent
A resource consent is the authorisation given to certain activities or uses of natural and physical resources required under the New Zealand Resource Management Act . Some activities may either be specifically authorised by the RMA or be permitted activities authorised by rules in plans...

s were not notified nationwide. The proposal was approved and it included a concession granted by the Department of Conservation to build structures on public land. Forest and Bird did not see that there would be any conservation gain in giving the approval.

External links

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