Mathurin Cherpitel
Mathurin Cherpitel was a French architect
French architecture
The history of French architecture runs in parallel with its neighbouring countries in Europe, with France being home to both some of the earliest pioneers in many architectural styles, and also containing some of the finest architectural creations of the continent.-Roman:The architecture of...

, whose notable buildings include the Hôtel du Châtelet
Hôtel du Châtelet
The Hôtel du Châtelet is a hôtel particulier in Paris. It is sited at 127, rue de Grenelle, in the 7th arrondissement, and is now the base of the Ministère du Travail, de la Solidarité et de la Fonction Publique et la résidence du ministre du Travail, de la Solidarité et de la Fonction publique.It...



Mathurin Cherpitel was the son of a master carpenter who helped to build the Rue de Bourgogne in Paris. Cherpitel followed the teachings of Jacques Francois Blondel, and spent three years as a draftsman in working for Jacques-Ange Gabriel, before winning the Prix de Rome
Prix de Rome
The Prix de Rome was a scholarship for arts students, principally of painting, sculpture, and architecture. It was created, initially for painters and sculptors, in 1663 in France during the reign of Louis XIV. It was an annual bursary for promising artists having proved their talents by...

 in 1758.

When he returned to Paris, he had difficulty finding work, but his father, who was employed in several projects in the Faubourg Saint-Germain
Faubourg Saint-Germain
The Faubourg Saint Germain is an historic district of Paris. The Faubourg has long been known as the favorite home of the French high nobility and hosts many aristocratic Hôtels particuliers...

, managed to find him employment. Around 1765 , he was employed by François Dominique Barreau de Chefdeville
François Dominique Barreau de Chefdeville
François Dominique Barreau de Chefdeville was a French architect.-Life:From a good middle-class Paris family, Bareau de Chefdeville studied architecture under Germain Boffrand and one first prize in the 1749 Prix de Rome for a "temple of peace, isolated, in the style of antique temples"...

, working on the Palais Bourbon
Palais Bourbon
The Palais Bourbon, , a palace located on the left bank of the Seine, across from the Place de la Concorde, Paris , is the seat of the French National Assembly, the lower legislative chamber of the French government.-History:...

. During this time, he also drafted plans for a reconstruction of the Hotel Locmaria on the Rue de l'Université for the Duke of Harcourt. In 1766, he participated in the competition for the reconstruction of the Hotel d'Uzes, on the Rue Montmartre, which was won by Claude Nicolas Ledoux
Claude Nicolas Ledoux
Claude-Nicolas Ledoux was one of the earliest exponents of French Neoclassical architecture. He used his knowledge of architectural theory to design not only in domestic architecture but town planning; as a consequence of his visionary plan for the Ideal City of Chaux, he became known as a utopian...

. In 1768, he received his first commission: the Lieutenant General of Police, Antoine de Sartine, instructed him to build a nurses' bureau, on the Rue de Gramont.

By 1770 , he had become a famous architect. He built the Hotel du Chatelet on the Rue de Grenelle, and his most notable achievements, the Hotel de Damas d'Antigny and the Hotel de Rochechouart.
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