Massage table
A massage table is used by massage therapists to position the client to receive a massage
Massage is the manipulation of superficial and deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue to enhance function, aid in the healing process, and promote relaxation and well-being. The word comes from the French massage "friction of kneading", or from Arabic massa meaning "to touch, feel or handle"...

. Most are manufactured with client comfort and therapist ergonomics
Ergonomics is the study of designing equipment and devices that fit the human body, its movements, and its cognitive abilities.The International Ergonomics Association defines ergonomics as follows:...

in mind. A typical table has an easily cleaned, heavily padded surface, and a horseshoe-shaped head support that allows the client to breathe easily while lying face down.

Tables may be either stationary or portable, depending on the intended use. Additional padding or supports may be used as accessories to the basic table.
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