Maligawila, or Maligavila is a village in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka, officially the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is a country off the southern coast of the Indian subcontinent. Known until 1972 as Ceylon , Sri Lanka is an island surrounded by the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Mannar and the Palk Strait, and lies in the vicinity of India and the...

, approximately 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) south from Moneragala
Moneragala is a city in Sri Lanka. It is located in Moneragala District of Uva Province, Sri Lanka.-References:...

 and 9 kilometres (5.6 mi) from Okkampitiya in the Moneragala District
Moneragala District
Moneragala is a district in Uva Province of Sri Lanka. It is the largest of the 25 districts of Sri Lanka, with an area of 7,133 km².-Statistics:In 2008 - Source-External links:*...

. It is the site of several important archaeological pieces, including a free-standing 11 metre or 12 metre tall limestone
Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed largely of the minerals calcite and aragonite, which are different crystal forms of calcium carbonate . Many limestones are composed from skeletal fragments of marine organisms such as coral or foraminifera....

Maligawila Buddha statue
The Maligawila Buddha statue is a standing figure of the Buddha in Sri Lanka, which has been carved out of a large limestone rock during the 7th century by a prince named Aggabodhi. It is the tallest free-standing ancient statue of the Buddha found in the country. It had been broken into several...

 of Buddha
In Buddhism, buddhahood is the state of perfect enlightenment attained by a buddha .In Buddhism, the term buddha usually refers to one who has become enlightened...

, claimed in some quarters to be the tallest free-standing statue of Buddha in the world, though the Avukana Buddha Statue
Avukana Buddha Statue
The Avukana statue is a standing statue of the Buddha near Kekirawa in North Central Sri Lanka. The statue, which has a height of more than , has been carved out of a large granite rock face during the 5th century. It depicts a variation of the Abhaya mudra, and the closely worn robe is elaborately...

 is also said to be taller. This Buddha draws many tourists to the region. It also boasts the Avalokitesvara statue, a 10 metre limestone portrait. These statues, which were discovered in the 1950s and restored between 1989 and 1991, are believed to have been commissioned by the 7th century prince Agghabodhi. There is additionally a 10th century historical pillar placed in the 10th year of the rule of Mahinda IV (956-972 AD).
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