Lords of Karma
Lords of Karma was a text adventure computer game that was produced by Avalon Hill
Avalon Hill
Avalon Hill was a game company that specialized in wargames and strategic board games. Its logo contained its initials "AH", and it was often referred to by this abbreviation. It also published the occasional miniature wargaming rules, role-playing game, and had a popular line of sports simulations...

 (a company primarily known for board games) in 1980
1980 in video gaming
-Notable releases:* May 22, Namco releases Pac-Man, which is their biggest selling game of all time* December, Nintendo releases the Radar Scope arcade game...



Written in BASIC, it was available on multiple platforms, including Apple II
Apple II
The Apple II is an 8-bit home computer, one of the first highly successful mass-produced microcomputer products, designed primarily by Steve Wozniak, manufactured by Apple Computer and introduced in 1977...

, Commodore PET
Commodore PET
The Commodore PET was a home/personal computer produced from 1977 by Commodore International...

, Atari
Atari is a corporate and brand name owned by several entities since its inception in 1972. It is currently owned by Atari Interactive, a wholly owned subsidiary of the French publisher Atari, SA . The original Atari, Inc. was founded in 1972 by Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney. It was a pioneer in...

, TRS-80
TRS-80 was Tandy Corporation's desktop microcomputer model line, sold through Tandy's Radio Shack stores in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The first units, ordered unseen, were delivered in November 1977, and rolled out to the stores the third week of December. The line won popularity with...

, and Commodore 64
Commodore 64
The Commodore 64 is an 8-bit home computer introduced by Commodore International in January 1982.Volume production started in the spring of 1982, with machines being released on to the market in August at a price of US$595...


Lords of Karma differed from many text adventure games of the time in that it introduced an element of randomness to the game. The exact layout of the land changed subtly between plays (and sometimes even changed during play), and encounters with characters friendly and unfriendly and the obtaining of items and treasure were also a matter of random chance. Actions performed by the player could also affect character interaction. Non-player characters (both friendly and unfriendly) could also follow (or chase) the player from location to location; an unusual feature in text adventures of the day.

The game borrows from Eastern mythology as it places the player in the mystical land of Golconda
Golconda may be:Places:* Golkonda, ruined city and fortress in India* Golconda, Illinois, town in the United States* Golconda, Nevada, former town in the United StatesOther:* Golconda...

. The player begins the game atop one of two randomly chosen mountain tops. He or she must then explore Golconda and complete tasks that are presented, periodically returning to a temple to pray or give offerings. Areas included redwood, pine, and oak forests, a swamp, a central town, a sewer system, and several underground areas.

The purpose of the game is to accumulate "karma points", which are necessary for the character to go directly to Heaven. The player is never informed how many karma points are needed, and the chosen number of points is another example of the game's randomness as it changes from game to game; some games end nearly instantly due to a very low karma point goal being randomly chosen, while others can last for hours.

The accumulation of points is affected by the player's ability to complete tasks (such as retrieving a rare object or returning a kidnapped princess to her father), the offering of treasures to the gods and praying, and the treatment of other characters in the game (killing a friendly character results in a substantial drop in karma points, for example). If the player is killed before the needed number of points is accumulated, the player is "reborn" atop a mountain, and his/her inventory of goods is scattered randomly around Golconda. (If a player's karma points are in the negative range, he or she also briefly "burns in hell" to cleanse any sins.)

A major flaw in the game was its load time. Even after it had been loaded via data cassette (the pre-floppy disc format the game was issued on), which was a lengthy process in itself, the game would require some time to set itself up for every play. Depending on the processing speed of the computer, this load time could last five minutes or more. However, the game only needed to do this once per play.

External links

  • Brief profiles of Avalon Hill computer games, including Lords of Karma.
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