Lithuanian Mint
Lithuanian Mint is the state-owned enterprise
A company is a form of business organization. It is an association or collection of individual real persons and/or other companies, who each provide some form of capital. This group has a common purpose or focus and an aim of gaining profits. This collection, group or association of persons can be...

, responsible for the mintage of coins
Coins of the Lithuanian litas
The modern coinage of Lithuania was introduced in 1993. It is composed of coins denominated in centas and litas -1, 2, and 5 centai:...

 and decorations of Lithuania
Lithuania , officially the Republic of Lithuania is a country in Northern Europe, the biggest of the three Baltic states. It is situated along the southeastern shore of the Baltic Sea, whereby to the west lie Sweden and Denmark...

. The shareholding is managed by the central bank of Lithuania
Bank of Lithuania
The Bank of Lithuania is the central bank of the Republic of Lithuania. The Bank of Lithuania is a non-Eurozone member of the European System of Central Banks...

. Lithuanian mintage tradition traces its history back to Algirdas
Algirdas was a monarch of medieval Lithuania. Algirdas ruled the Grand Duchy of Lithuania from 1345 to 1377, which chiefly meant monarch of Lithuanians and Ruthenians...

 times, when in Vilnius
Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania, and its largest city, with a population of 560,190 as of 2010. It is the seat of the Vilnius city municipality and of the Vilnius district municipality. It is also the capital of Vilnius County...

, capital city of Lithuania, was established mint.

External links

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