List of watercourses in Western Australia, T-V
This is part of a list of watercourses in Western Australia. It includes all river
A river is a natural watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing towards an ocean, a lake, a sea, or another river. In a few cases, a river simply flows into the ground or dries up completely before reaching another body of water. Small rivers may also be called by several other names, including...

s, stream
A stream is a body of water with a current, confined within a bed and stream banks. Depending on its locale or certain characteristics, a stream may be referred to as a branch, brook, beck, burn, creek, "crick", gill , kill, lick, rill, river, syke, bayou, rivulet, streamage, wash, run or...

s, brook
A stream is a body of water with a current, confined within a bed and stream banks. Depending on its locale or certain characteristics, a stream may be referred to as a branch, brook, beck, burn, creek, "crick", gill , kill, lick, rill, river, syke, bayou, rivulet, streamage, wash, run or...

s, creeks
A stream is a body of water with a current, confined within a bed and stream banks. Depending on its locale or certain characteristics, a stream may be referred to as a branch, brook, beck, burn, creek, "crick", gill , kill, lick, rill, river, syke, bayou, rivulet, streamage, wash, run or...

, gullies
A gully is a landform created by running water, eroding sharply into soil, typically on a hillside. Gullies resemble large ditches or small valleys, but are metres to tens of metres in depth and width...

, anabranch
An anabranch is a section of a river or stream that diverts from the main channel or stem of the watercourse and rejoins the main stem downstream. Local anabranches can be the result of small islands in the watercourse...

es, backwater
Backwater (river)
A backwater is a part of a river in which there is little or no current. It refers either to a branch of a main river which lies alongside it and then rejoins it or to a body of water in a main river which is backed up by an obstruction such as the tide or a dam.-Alternative channel:If a river has...

s, and any other watercourses with a gazetted name, in Western Australia
Western Australia
Western Australia is a state of Australia, occupying the entire western third of the Australian continent. It is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the north and west, the Great Australian Bight and Indian Ocean to the south, the Northern Territory to the north-east and South Australia to the south-east...


This list is complete with respect to the 1996 Gazetteer of Australia
Gazetteer of Australia
The Gazetteer of Australia is a register of the location and spelling of geographical names across Australia. It is compiled by the Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping and derived from state, territory, and Australian government agencies....

. Dubious names have been checked against the online 2004 data, and in all cases confirmed correct. However, if any watercourses have been gazetted or deleted since 1996, this list does not reflect these changes. Strictly speaking, Australian place names are gazetted in capital letters only; the names in this list have been converted to mixed case in accordance with normal capitalisation conventions. Locations are as gazetted; obviously some watercourses may extend over long distances.


Name Latitude Longitude Remarks
Tabba Tabba Creek  20° 22' 22" S 118° 56' 40" E
Tableland Creek  23° 11' 18" S 117° 42' 18" E
Tadarida Creek  15° 5' 42" S 126° 57' 34" E
Taits Vale  10° 30' 53" S 105° 37' 21" E
Takalarup Creek  34° 37' 42" S 118° 3' 8" E
Takenup Creek  34° 48' 4" S 118° 1' 3" E
Talawana Creek  22° 49' 33" S 121° 8' 25" E
Talbot Brook  32° 10' 5" S 116° 49' 40" E
Talbot Creek  16° 50' 29" S 124° 54' 47" E
Talga River  20° 55' 46" S 119° 50' 9" E
Tamar Gully  34° 7' 57" S 116° 31' 51" E
Tambina Creek  21° 35' 29" S 119° 19' 31" E
Tambourah Creek  21° 40' 6" S 119° 19' 57" E
Tanbarmering Gully  32° 35' 8" S 117° 48' 15" E
Tanberry Creek  21° 35' 4" S 117° 35' 55" E
Tanga Tanga Creek  21° 20' 15" S 116° 13' 43" E
Tanguin Creek  21° 11' 36" S 121° 0' 48" E
Tanjanerup Brook  33° 57' 23" S 115° 46' 47" E
Tanjinup Brook  33° 59' 2" S 116° 16' 52" E
Tanmurra Creek  15° 4' 8" S 128° 33' 31" E
Tantabiddi Creek  21° 54' 52" S 113° 58' 40" E
Tarcunyah Creek  22° 21' 23" S 121° 42' 1" E
Targian Creek  30° 21' 15" S 116° 8' 17" E
Tarn River  33° 10' 28" S 117° 13' 53" E
Tarraji River  16° 43' 27" S 124° 4' 51" E
Tarup Creek  33° 46' 15" S 116° 58' 50" E
Tate Gully  32° 36' 39" S 115° 52' 17" E
Tathire Creek  26° 3' 58" S 116° 8' 48" E
Taurawydgee Creek  29° 7' 56" S 117° 19' 59" E
Taylor Creek  21° 44' 38" S 120° 10' 11" E
Taylor Gully  33° 5' 7" S 115° 56' 18" E
Tchugareywurdoo Creek  23° 15' 0" S 114° 40' 28" E
Tea Tree Creek  17° 2' 51" S 128° 34' 53" E
Tea Tree Creek  17° 56' 57" S 127° 50' 10" E
Tea-tree Creek  16° 25' 10" S 128° 47' 13" E
Telegraph Creek  16° 50' 56" S 128° 19' 19" E
Telfer River  23° 5' 32" S 115° 41' 14" E
Telfer Creek West  23° 13' 38" S 115° 36' 42" E
Tellarup Brook  34° 13' 29" S 116° 14' 17" E
Terminal Creek  20° 48' 27" S 115° 27' 1" E
Terrella Creek  21° 49' 55" S 121° 0' 48" E
Tessie Creek  15° 38' 31" S 128° 41' 14" E
Thanda Creek  27° 56' 59" S 116° 23' 58" E
Thomas River
Thomas River
The Thomas River is a river in the Gascoyne of Western Australia.The headwaters of the Landor rise South of Double Peak and flows West until it merges with the Gascoyne River of which it is a tributary...

24° 43' 38" S 116° 15' 0" E
Thomas River
Thomas River
The Thomas River is a river in the Gascoyne of Western Australia.The headwaters of the Landor rise South of Double Peak and flows West until it merges with the Gascoyne River of which it is a tributary...

33° 51' 33" S 123° 0' 48" E
Thompson Creek  18° 29' 29" S 127° 31' 46" E
Thompson River  14° 57' 49" S 128° 6' 38" E
Thomson Brook  33° 33' 52" S 115° 52' 46" E
Thomson Brook South  33° 37' 6" S 115° 54' 43" E
Throssell River  17° 29' 36" S 126° 3' 8" E
Thunindiwah Gully  28° 39' 37" S 115° 31' 48" E
Thurraguddy Creek  25° 56' 25" S 121° 59' 27" E
Thursday Creek  16° 56' 8" S 128° 42' 30" E
Thursday Creek  18° 6' 22" S 127° 6' 51" E
Ti Tree Gully  33° 59' 7" S 116° 10' 23" E
Tieraco Creek  26° 24' 52" S 118° 6' 31" E
Tiger Gully  33° 37' 28" S 115° 35' 2" E
Tigertrap Gully  28° 44' 43" S 123° 41' 7" E
Tilly Gully  26° 39' 17" S 115° 43' 12" E
Timber Creek  19° 3' 52" S 125° 33' 55" E
Tims Creek  16° 12' 51" S 125° 10' 5" E
Tin Dog Creek
Tin Dog Creek
Tin Dog Creek is a small watercourse in Dowerin, Western Australia.The name is said to have come from gold miners travelling to the Yilgarn goldfields who called their tinned beef "tinned dog" and would discard tins at the creek....

31° 15' 16" S 117° 2' 56" E
Tincurring Creek  33° 5' 16" S 117° 51' 52" E
Tingelup Gully  34° 35' 47" S 117° 51' 59" E
Tingun Creek  14° 20' 15" S 126° 38' 41" E
Tinkelelup Creek  34° 40' 4" S 118° 30' 1" E
Tinkers Brook  34° 23' 36" S 116° 22' 30" E
Tinks Creek  31° 36' 5" S 116° 31' 23" E
Tippetts Creek  17° 18' 7" S 126° 18' 20" E
Tjulyurulyuru Creek  21° 3' 45" S 127° 54' 15" E
Todd Creek  16° 4' 40" S 127° 43' 7" E
Tom Hill Brook  34° 14' 39" S 115° 45' 27" E
Tomahawk Creek  16° 42' 44" S 125° 24' 57" E
Tomalockin Creek  31° 38' 34" S 117° 17' 19" E
Tommy Creek  15° 58' 22" S 127° 13' 32" E
Tommyhawk Creek  22° 5' 44" S 120° 43' 26" E
Tone River
Tone River (Western Australia)
The Tone River is a river in the South West of Western Australia.The headwaters of the river rise South West of Kojonup and flow in a south westerly direction crossing Muirs Highway and through Strachan then discharging into the Warren River in Lake Muir Nature Reserve.The river has four...

34° 24' 3" S 116° 25' 25" E
Tong Creek  25° 43' 55" S 120° 55' 16" E
Tongololo Creek  22° 5' 50" S 121° 8' 32" E
Tooartup Creek  33° 59' 7" S 119° 24' 22" E
Toodyay Brook  31° 17' 59" S 116° 29' 20" E
Toolunga Creek  21° 57' 8" S 115° 39' 44" E
Toothawarra Creek  22° 45' 36" S 114° 3' 32" E
Torradup River  33° 51' 40" S 121° 0' 48" E
Towarr Creek  26° 13' 16" S 117° 13' 51" E
Towerlup Brook  34° 12' 39" S 116° 59' 55" E
Townshend River
Townshend River
The Townshend River is a river of the Canterbury Region of New Zealand's South Island. It rises in the Puketeraki Range 20 kilometres north of Springfield and flows generally east to reach the Ashley River 10 kilometres north of Oxford, upstream from the Ashley Gorge.-References:...

16° 45' 3" S 123° 59' 22" E
Tractor Creek  16° 26' 21" S 125° 34' 2" E
Traine River  17° 20' 3" S 126° 18' 11" E
Tramway Creek  32° 49' 59" S 115° 56' 4" E
Treen Brook  34° 27' 13" S 115° 58' 33" E
Treendale Gully  33° 17' 50" S 115° 45' 2" E
Tren Creek  33° 31' 37" S 115° 33' 39" E
Trent River  16° 33' 56" S 123° 36' 54" E
Trevarton Creek  21° 15' 31" S 115° 54' 46" E
Triberton Creek  21° 44' 30" S 119° 44' 2" E
Trim Creek  27° 44' 28" S 126° 4' 23" E
Tripally Creek  31° 32' 44" S 116° 49' 55" E
Troy Creek  25° 30' 30" S 121° 12' 9" E
Tullewa Creek  17° 26' 17" S 126° 49' 2" E
Tulmulnga Creek  16° 43' 44" S 125° 1' 52" E
Tumlo Brook  32° 58' 2" S 116° 11' 5" E
Tunkawanna Creek  21° 40' 8" S 117° 28' 48" E
Tunnel Creek
Tunnel Creek
Tunnel Creek is a creek located within the grounds of Tunnel Creek National Park in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia. Along with Geikie Gorge and Windjana Gorge, Tunnel Creek is part of an ancient barrier reef that developed during the Devonian Period...

17° 35' 25" S 124° 58' 46" E
Tunnel Creek
Tunnel Creek
Tunnel Creek is a creek located within the grounds of Tunnel Creek National Park in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia. Along with Geikie Gorge and Windjana Gorge, Tunnel Creek is part of an ancient barrier reef that developed during the Devonian Period...

17° 40' 38" S 125° 16' 51" E
Tunnel Creek
Tunnel Creek
Tunnel Creek is a creek located within the grounds of Tunnel Creek National Park in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia. Along with Geikie Gorge and Windjana Gorge, Tunnel Creek is part of an ancient barrier reef that developed during the Devonian Period...

24° 6' 53" S 118° 24' 24" E
Tunney Creek  34° 4' 52" S 117° 20' 44" E
Tura Brook  27° 27' 13" S 116° 56' 27" E
Turee Creek  23° 34' 1" S 117° 24' 26" E
Turee Creek East  23° 18' 47" S 118° 2' 11" E
Turkey Camp Creek  20° 41' 38" S 119° 2' 13" E
Turkey Cock Gully  32° 12' 50" S 116° 59' 16" E
Turkey Creek  16° 49' 35" S 128° 21' 41" E
Turkey Creek  24° 6' 6" S 118° 20' 19" E
Turkey Creek  16° 49' 45" S 125° 38' 51" E
Turkey Creek  28° 29' 53" S 120° 58' 32" E
Turkey Creek  17° 9' 21" S 128° 13' 9" E
Turner Brook  34° 16' 32" S 115° 3' 2" E
Turner Creek  25° 0' 13" S 118° 15' 1" E
Turner Gully  32° 17' 35" S 116° 43' 24" E
Turner River
Turner River
The Turner River is a river in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.The headwaters of the river rise below Pullcunah Hill and flows in a northerly direction and crosses the North West Coastal Highway approximately south of Port Hedland and discharging into the Indian Ocean...

20° 22' 31" S 118° 21' 54" E
Turner River
Turner River
The Turner River is a river in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.The headwaters of the river rise below Pullcunah Hill and flows in a northerly direction and crosses the North West Coastal Highway approximately south of Port Hedland and discharging into the Indian Ocean...

17° 45' 0" S 128° 21' 16" E
Turner River East  20° 39' 41" S 118° 32' 51" E
Turner River West  21° 3' 11" S 118° 41' 2" E
Turnwood Creek  34° 15' 41" S 115° 10' 18" E
Turtle Brook  32° 9' 8" S 116° 7' 13" E
Tutawa Gully  28° 17' 20" S 115° 38' 43" E
Twakerup Brook  34° 27' 2" S 116° 27' 58" E
Tweed River  33° 56' 49" S 116° 23' 11" E
Twertatup Creek  33° 38' 29" S 119° 53' 40" E
Twertup Creek  34° 0' 11" S 119° 24' 57" E
Twin Rocks Creek  21° 32' 14" S 119° 35' 38" E
Twinems Bend  34° 13' 53" S 115° 13' 27" E
Two Camel Creek  21° 36' 59" S 118° 43' 20" E
Twolganup Brook  33° 59' 44" S 117° 55' 24" E
Tyson Creek  18° 1' 28" S 128° 35' 2" E


Name Latitude Longitude Remarks
Uannup Brook  34° 13' 44" S 117° 11' 30" E
Ubach Creek  14° 16' 21" S 126° 50' 57" E
Udumung Brook  31° 10' 28" S 116° 3' 9" E
Ullala Creek  15° 5' 4" S 127° 41' 39" E
Ullinger River  16° 27' 39" S 127° 26' 46" E
Ulura Creek  24° 8' 37" S 115° 29' 27" E
Umba Creek  25° 11' 35" S 116° 13' 10" E
Una Brook  34° 43' 51" S 116° 12' 35" E
Una Brook  28° 44' 48" S 114° 43' 40" E
Ungoorari Creek  15° 7' 41" S 127° 48' 3" E
Unndiup Creek  35° 1' 47" S 117° 40' 14" E
Upper Chapman Brook  34° 4' 54" S 115° 11' 12" E
Upper Chapman Brook  33° 59' 24" S 115° 14' 5" E
Upper Panton River  17° 52' 43" S 127° 50' 39" E
Urala Creek  21° 52' 26" S 114° 40' 37" E
Uralla Creek  17° 58' 36" S 124° 15' 34" E
Uralla Creek  18° 1' 47" S 124° 16' 30" E
Uramurdah Creek  26° 42' 25" S 120° 20' 24" E
Urandy Creek  22° 35' 54" S 115° 52' 58" E
Urary Creek  23° 37' 0" S 117° 38' 26" E
Urawa River  28° 13' 26" S 115° 29' 7" E
Urina Creek  28° 8' 31" S 114° 22' 40" E
Urinarr Creek  15° 11' 29" S 127° 47' 15" E
Urquhart Creek  17° 4' 18" S 126° 6' 42" E


Name Latitude Longitude Remarks
Valentine Creek  15° 43' 14" S 128° 40' 14" E
Vanadium Creek  21° 8' 36" S 120° 58' 52" E
Vasse River
Vasse River
The Vasse River is a river in the South West of Western Australia.The headwaters of the river rise in the Whicher Range below Chapman Hill and flows in the northerly direction until discharging into the Vasse Estuary near Busselton and then the Indian Ocean via Wonnerup Inlet and Geographe Bay.The...

33° 43' 1" S 115° 21' 34" E
Venn Creek  22° 35' 7" S 114° 21' 4" E
Veryiuca Brook  33° 50' 10" S 114° 59' 34" E
Vickers Creek  27° 47' 52" S 121° 38' 51" E
Victory Creek  28° 32' 45" S 120° 58' 55" E
Vince Brook  32° 45' 32" S 116° 3' 11" E
Vineyard Creek  31° 27' 30" S 116° 25' 3" E
Violet Brook  33° 38' 49" S 115° 49' 7" E
Violet Creek  24° 54' 31" S 113° 39' 28" E
Virgin Creek 18° 33' 1" S 125° 50' 29" E
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