List of the world's 100 worst invasive species
This is a list of one hundred of the world's worst invasive species
in the Global Invasive Species Database. The database is maintained by the IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group.
Invasive species
"Invasive species", or invasive exotics, is a nomenclature term and categorization phrase used for flora and fauna, and for specific restoration-preservation processes in native habitats, with several definitions....
in the Global Invasive Species Database. The database is maintained by the IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group.
Species | Type | Common names |
Acacia mearnsii | shrub | Black wattle Black Wattle Acacia mearnsii is a fast-growing leguminous tree native to Australia. Common names for it include Black Wattle, Acácia-negra , Australian Acacia, Australische Akazie , Swartwattel , Uwatela... , acácia-negra, Australian acacia, Australische Akazie, swartwattel, uwatela |
Achatina fulica | mollusc | Giant African land snail, achatine, Afrikanische Riesenschnecke, escargot géant d'Afrique, giant African snail, reuse-landslak |
Acridotheres tristis | bird | Common myna Common Myna The Common Myna or Indian Myna also sometimes spelled Mynah, is a member of family Sturnidae native to Asia. An omnivorous open woodland bird with a strong territorial instinct, the Myna has adapted extremely well to urban environments... , brun majna, Calcutta myna, Hirtenmaina, hjarðmænir, house myna, Indian myna, Indian mynah, Indiese maina, kabairohakka, maina, mainá común, maina comune, mainato, majna brunatna, majna obecná, manu, manu kaomani, manu kavamani, manu rataro, manu teve, Martin triste, merle des Moluques, mynah, pihamaina, piru, talking myna, treurmaina |
Aedes albopictus | insect | Asian tiger mosquito Asian tiger mosquito The Asian tiger mosquito or forest day mosquito, Aedes albopictus , from the mosquito family, is characterized by its black and white striped legs, and small black and white striped body... , forest day mosquito, mosquito tigre, moustique tigre, tiger mosquito, Tigermücke, zanzare tigre |
Anopheles quadrimaculatus | insect | common malaria mosquito, Gabelmücke, malariamuskiet |
Anoplolepis gracilipes | insect | Yellow crazy ant Yellow crazy ant The yellow crazy ant is a species of ant, introduced accidentally to northern Australia and Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean, that has wreaked ecological damage in both locations.... , ashinaga-ki-ari, crazy ant, Gelbe Spinnerameise, gramang ant, long-legged ant, Maldive ant |
Anoplophora glabripennis | insect | Asian long-horned beetle Asian long-horned beetle The Asian long-horned beetle known as the starry sky or sky beetle is native to eastern China, Japan, and Korea. This species has now been accidentally introduced to the United States, where it was first discovered in 1996, as well as Canada and several countries in Europe, including Austria,... , longicorne Asiatique, starry sky beetle |
Aphanomyces astaci | fungus | crayfish plague Crayfish plague Crayfish plague, Aphanomyces astaci, is a water mould that infects crayfish, most notably the European Astacus which dies within a few weeks of being infected... , Wasserschimmel |
Ardisia elliptica Ardisia elliptica Ardisia elliptica is an evergreen tree, also known as the shoebutton, native to the west coast of India, Sri Lanka, Indochina, Malaysia, Indonesia and New Guinea. It a prolific reproducer which has made it a successful invasive species in other locations.A. elliptica is a tropical understory shrub... |
tree | shoebutton, ardisie elliptique, ati popa'a, |
Arundo donax Arundo donax Arundo donax, Giant Cane, is a tall perennial cane growing in damp soils, either fresh or moderately saline. Other common names include Carrizo, Arundo, Spanish cane, Wild cane, and Giant reed.... |
grass | giant cane, arundo grass, bamboo reed, caña, caña común , caña de Castilla, caña de la reina, caña de techar, cana- do-reino, cana-do-brejo, cane, canne de Provence, canno-do-reino, capim-plumoso, carrizo, carrizo grande, cow cane, donax cane, fiso palagi, giant reed, grand roseau, kaho, kaho folalahi, la canne de Provence, narkhat, ngasau ni vavalangi, Pfahlrohr, reedgrass, river cane, Spaanse-riet, Spanisches Rohr, Spanish cane, Spanish reed, wild cane |
Asterias amurensis | sea star | Northern Pacific seastar Northern Pacific seastar Asterias amurensis, commonly called the northern Pacific starfish, is an invasive species in Australia, and native to the coasts of northern China, North Korea, South Korea, Russia and Japan. Distribution of this species into other countries has increased... , Flatbottom seastar, Japanese Seastar, Japanese starfish, Nordpazifischer Seestern, North Pacific seastar, purple-orange seastar |
Banana bunchy top virus Banana bunchy top virus Banana bunchy top virus is a plant pathogenic virus of the family Nanoviridae.-Information:In 2004 Hawaii rediscovered Banana Bunchy top virus in residential areas close to major commercial plantations. It was first discovered in Hawaii in 1989... (BBTV) |
micro-organism | banana bunchy top disease BBTD, abaca bunchy top virus, BBTV, bunchy top, bunchy top virus, laufeti’iti’i |
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is a chytrid fungus that causes the disease chytridiomycosis. In the decade after it was first discovered in amphibians in 1998, the disease devastated amphibian populations around the world, in a global decline towards multiple extinctions, part of the Holocene... |
fungus | "Bd," chytrid frog fungi, chytridiomycosis, chytridiomycosis, frog chytrid fungus |
Bemisia tabaci | insect | cotton whitefly, mosca blanca, sweet potato whitefly Sweet potato whitefly Bemisia tabaci is a species of whitefly found around the world and probably native to India.-Common names:*mosca branca *cotton whitefly ,*mosca blanca ,*sweet potato whitefly ,... , sweetpotato whitefly, Weisse Fliege |
Boiga irregularis | reptile | Brown catsnake, brown tree snake Brown tree snake The brown tree snake is an arboreal rear-fanged colubrid snake native to eastern and northern coastal Australia, Papua New Guinea, and a large number of islands in northwestern Melanesia.... , brown treesnake, culepla, kulebla |
Bufo marinus = Rhinella marina | amphibian | cane toad Cane Toad The Cane Toad , also known as the Giant Neotropical Toad or Marine Toad, is a large, terrestrial true toad which is native to Central and South America, but has been introduced to various islands throughout Oceania and the Caribbean... , Aga-Kröte, bufo toad, bullfrog, crapaud, giant American toad, giant toad, kwapp, macao, maco pempen, Maco toro, marine Toad, Suriname toad, rietpadda |
Capra hircus | mammal | goat Goat The domestic goat is a subspecies of goat domesticated from the wild goat of southwest Asia and Eastern Europe. The goat is a member of the Bovidae family and is closely related to the sheep as both are in the goat-antelope subfamily Caprinae. There are over three hundred distinct breeds of... , Hausziege |
Carcinus maenas Carcinus maenas Carcinus maenas is a common littoral crab, and an important invasive species, listed among the 100 "world's worst alien invasive species". It is native to the north-east Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea, but has colonised similar habitats in Australia, South Africa, South America and both Atlantic and... |
crustacean | European green crab, European shore crab, green crab, le crabe enragé, le crabe vert, le crabe vert europeén, shore crab, Strandkrabbe |
Caulerpa taxifolia Caulerpa taxifolia Caulerpa taxifolia is a species of seaweed, an alga of the genus Caulerpa. Native to the Indian Ocean, it has been widely used ornamentally in aquariums. The alga has a stem which spreads horizontally just above the seafloor, and from this stem grow vertical fern-like pinnae, whose blades are flat... |
alga | caulerpa, killer alga, lukay-lukay, sea weed |
Cecropia peltata Cecropia peltata Cecropia peltata is a plant in the Cecropia genus. Common names include pumpwood and trumpet tree. It is listed as one of the world's 100 worst invasive species.... |
tree | faux-ricin, parasolier, pisse-roux, pumpwood, trumpet tree, yagrumo hembra |
Cercopagis pengoi | crustacean | fishhook waterflea, Kaspischer Wasserfloh |
Cervus elaphus | mammal | red deer Red Deer The red deer is one of the largest deer species. Depending on taxonomy, the red deer inhabits most of Europe, the Caucasus Mountains region, Asia Minor, parts of western Asia, and central Asia. It also inhabits the Atlas Mountains region between Morocco and Tunisia in northwestern Africa, being... , cerf elaphe, Ciervo colorado, deer, Edelhirsch, elk, European red deer, Rothirsch, Rotwild, Rothirsch, rooihert, wapiti |
Chromolaena odorata Chromolaena odorata Chromolaena odorata is a species of flowering shrub in the sunflower family, Asteraceae. It is native to North America, from Florida and Texas to Mexico and the Caribbean, and has been introduced to tropical Asia, west Africa, and parts of Australia. Common names include Siam Weed, Christmas Bush,... |
herb | Siam weed, agonoi, bitter bush, chromolaena, hagonoy, herbe du Laos, huluhagonoi, jack in the bush, kesengesil, mahsrihsrihk, masigsig, ngesngesil, otuot, paraffienbos, rumput belalang, rumput golkar, rumput putih, Siam-Kraut, triffid weed, wisolmatenrehwei |
Cinara cupressi Cinara cupressi Cinara cupressi is an brown-ish soft-bodied aphid. It sucks sap out of giant conifers, and can cause damage to the tree, ranging from discoloring of the affected twig to the death of the tree. It is an invasive species and is in the world's 100 most invasive species along with being invasive in... |
insect | cypress aphid |
Cinchona pubescens Cinchona pubescens Cinchona pubescens is known for its bark's high quinine content- and has similar uses to Cinchona officinalis in the production of quinine, most famously used for treatment of malaria . Its native range spans Costa Rica, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. In Ecuador, C... |
tree | arbre à quinine, cascarilla, Chinarindenbaum, hoja ahumada, hoja de zambo, quinine, quinoa, quinquina, red cinchona, roja, rosada, Roter Chinarindenbaum |
Clarias batrachus | fish | walking catfish Walking catfish The walking catfish, Clarias batrachus, is a species of freshwater airbreathing catfish found primarily in Southeast Asia, so named for its ability to "walk" across dry land, to find food or suitable environments... , alimudan, cá trê tráng, cá trèn trang, clarias catfish, climbing perch, freshwater catfish, Froschwels, hito, htong batukan, ikan keli, ikan lele, Ito, kawatsi, keli, klarievyi som, koi, konnamonni, kug-ga, leleh, magur, mah-gur, mangri, marpoo, masarai, mungri, nga-khoo, pa douk, paltat, pantat, pla duk, pla duk dam, pla duk dan, pla duk nam jued, pla duk nam juend, Thai hito, Thailand catfish, trey andaing roueng, trey andeng, Wanderwels, Yerivahlay |
Clidemia hirta Clidemia hirta Clidemia hirta, commonly called soapbush or Koster's Curse, is a perennial shrub.It is an invasive plant species in many tropical regions of the world, creating serious damage.-Distribution:... |
shrub | Koster's curse, clidemia, clidémie hérissée, faux vatouk, Hirten-Schwarzmundgewaechs, kaurasiga, kaurasinga, kauresinga, kui, kúi, mbona na mbulamakau, ndraunisinga, roinisinga, soap bush, soapbush, tabac-bœuf, vuti |
Coptotermes formosanus | insect | Formosa termite, Formosan subterranean termite |
Corbula amurensis | mollusc | Amur river clam, Amur river corbula, Asian bivalve, Asian clam, brackish-water corbula, Chinese clam, marine clam, Nordpazifik-Venusmuschel, Numakodaki |
Cryphonectria parasitica | fungus | chestnut blight, Edelkastanienkrebs, kastaiingskimmel |
Cyprinus carpio | fish | common carp, Cá Chép , carp, carpa, carpat, carpe, carpe, carpe commune, carpeau, carpo, cerpyn, ciortan, ciortanica, ciortocrap, ciuciulean, crap, crapcean, cyprinos, escarpo, Europäischer Karpfen, European carp, fancy carp, feral carp, German carp, grass carp, grivadi, ikan mas, Japanese domesticated carp, kapoor-e-maamoli, kapor, kapr obecný, karp, karp, karp, karp, karp, karp dziki a. sazan, karpa, karpar, karpe, Karpe, karpen, karper, karpfen, karpion, karppi, kerpaille, king carp, koi, koi carp, korop, krap, krapi, kyprinos, læderkarpe, lauk mas, leather carp, leekoh, lei ue, mas massan, mirror carp, olocari, Oriental carp, pa nai, pba ni, pla nai, ponty, punjabe gad, rata pethiya, saran, Saran, sarmão, sazan, sazan baligi, scale carp, sharan, skælkarpe, soneri masha, spejlkarpe, sulari, suloi, tikure, trey carp samahn, trey kap, ulucari, weißfische, wild carp, wildkarpfen |
Dreissena polymorpha | mollusc | dreisena, Eurasian zebra mussel, moule zebra, racicznica zmienna, svitraina gliemene, tavaline ehk muutlik rändkarp, vaeltajasimpukka, vandremusling, vandringsmussla, wandering mussel, zebra mussel |
Eichhornia crassipes Eichhornia crassipes Eichhornia crassipes, commonly known as Common Water Hyacinth, is an aquatic plant native to the Amazon basin, and is often considered a highly problematic invasive species outside its native range.-Ecology:... |
aquatic plant | water hyacinth, aguapé, bekabe kairanga, bung el ralm, bung el ralm, floating water hyacinth, jacinthe d'eau, jacinto de agua, jacinto-aquatico, jal khumbe, jal kumbhi, lechuguilla, lila de agua, lirio acuatico, mbekambekairanga, riri vai, waterhiasint, wasserhyazinthe, water orchid, wota haisin |
Eleutherodactylus coqui | amphibian | Caribbean tree frog, common coqui, Coqui, Puerto Rican treefrog |
Eriocheir sinensis | crustacean | Chinese mitten crab Chinese mitten crab The Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis is a medium-sized burrowing crab, named for its furry claws that look like mittens, that is native in the coastal estuaries of eastern Asia from Korea in the north to the Fujian province of China in the south... , Chineesche Wolhandkrab, Chinese freshwater edible crab , Chinese river crab, Chinesische Wollhandkrabbe, crabe Chinois, hiina villkäpp-krabi, Kinas cimdinkrabis , Kinesisk uldhåndskrabbe , Kinesisk ullhandskrabba, Kinesisk ullhåndskrabbe, Kinijos krabas , Kitajskij mokhnatorukij krab, krab welnistoszczypcy , Shanghai crab, villasaksirapu |
Euglandina rosea Euglandina rosea Euglandina rosea, common names the "rosy wolfsnail" or the "cannibal snail", is a species of medium-sized to large predatory air-breathing land snail, a carnivorous terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusk in the family Spiraxidae.-Distribution:... |
mollusc | giant African snail Achatina fulica cannibal snail, escargot carnivore de Floride, euglandine, Rosige Wolfsschnecke, rosy wolf snail |
Euphorbia esula | herb | leafy spurge, Esels-Wolfsmilch, spurge, wolf's milk |
Fallopia japonica = Polygonum cuspidatum | shrub | crimson beauty, donkey rhubarb, German sausage, huzhang , itadori , Japanese bamboo, Japanese fleece flower, Japanese knotweed Japanese knotweed Japanese Knotweed is a large, herbaceous perennial plant, native to eastern Asia in Japan, China and Korea... , Japanese polygonum, kontiki bamboo, Mexican-bamboo , peashooter plant, renouée du Japon, reynoutria fleece flower, sally rhubarb |
Felis catus | mammal | cat, domestic cat, feral cat, Hauskatze, house cat, huiskat, poti, pusiniveikau |
Gambusia affinis | fish | Barkaleci, Dai to ue, Gambusia, Gambusie, Gambusino, Gambuzia, Gambuzia pospolita, Gambuzija, guayacon mosquito, Isdang canal, Kadayashi, Koboldkärpfling, Kounoupopsaro, Live-bearing tooth-carp, Mosquito fish, Obyknovennaya gambuziya, pez mosquito, San hang ue, Silberkärpfling, tes, Texaskärpfling, Topminnow, westelike muskietvis, western mosquitofish, Western mosquitofish |
Hedychium gardnerianum Hedychium gardnerianum Hedychium gardnerianum is a plant native to the Himalayas in India, Nepal, and Bhutan. It grows to 8 ft tall with long, bright green leaves clasping the tall stems. The very fragrant pale yellow and red flowers are held in dense spikes above the foliage... |
herb | ginger lily Hedychium Hedychium is a genus of perennial plants native to tropical Asia and the Himalayas, commonly growing to between 120 and 180 cm tall. Common names include garland flower, ginger lily, and kahili ginger... , awapuhi kahili, cevuga dromodromo, conteira, Girlandenblume, Jin jiang hua, kahila garland-lily, kahili, kahili-gemmerlelie, kahili ginger, kopi, longose, sinter weitahta, sunkevara, wild ginger |
Herpestes javanicus | mammal | beji, Kleiner Mungo, mangouste, mangus, mweyba, newla, small Indian mongoose |
Hiptage benghalensis Hiptage benghalensis Hiptage benghalensis, often simply called Hiptage, is a perennial, evergreen liana native to India, Southeast Asia and the Philippines. Its habitat is variable and prefers climates ranging from warm temperate to tropical. In Hawai'i, where H. benghalensis is considered a weed, as it is in... |
shrub | adimurtte, adirganti, atimukta, Benghalen-Liane, chandravalli, haldavel, hiptage, kampti, kamuka, liana papillon, liane cythère, liane de cerf, liane du Bengale, liane fleur d'orange, madhalata, madhavi, Madhavi, Madhavi, madhumalati, madmalati, ragotpiti, vasantduti |
Imperata cylindrica | grass | alang-alang, blady grass, Blutgras, carrizo, cogon grass, donsgras, gi, impérata cylindrique, japgrass, kunai, lalang, ngi, paille de dys, paillotte, satintail, speargrass |
Lantana camara Lantana camara Lantana camara, also known as Spanish Flag or West Indian Lantana, is a species of flowering plant in the verbena family, Verbenaceae, that is native to the American tropics. It has been introduced into other parts of the world as an ornamental plant and is considered an invasive species in many... |
shrub | ach man, angel lips, ayam, big sage, blacksage, bunga tayi, cambara de espinto, cuasquito, flowered sage, gomdagga, lantana, lantana wildtype, largeleaf lantana, latora moa, pha-ka-krong, prickly lantana, shrub verbean, supirrosa, Wandelröschen, white sage, wild sage |
Lates niloticus | fish | chengu, mbuta, nijlbaars, nilabborre, Nilbarsch, nile perch, perca di nilo, perche du nil, persico del nilo, sangara, Victoria perch, victoriabaars, victoriabarsch |
Leucaena leucocephala | tree | White Leadtree acacia palida, aroma blanca, balori, bo chet, cassis, false koa, faux mimosa, faux-acacia, fua pepe, ganitnityuwan tangantan, graines de lin, guaje, guaslim, guaxin, huaxin, horse/wild tamarind, huaxin, ipil-ipil, jumbie bean, kan thin, kanthum thect, koa haole, koa-haole, kra thin, kratin, lamtoro, lead tree, leucaena, Leucaena, liliak, lino criollo, lopa samoa, lusina, nito, pepe, reusewattel, rohbohtin, schemu, siale mohemohe, stuipboom, subabul, tamarindo silvestre, tangantangan, tangan-tangan, te kaitetua, telentund, tuhngantuhngan, uaxim, vaivai, vaivai dina, vaivai ni vavalangi, wild mimosa, wild tamarind, zarcilla |
Ligustrum robustum | shrub | bora-bora, Ceylon Privét, Sri Lankan privet, tree privet, troene |
Linepithema humile | insect | Argentine ant, Argentinische Ameise, Argentynse mier, formiga-argentina |
Lymantria dispar | insect | Asian gypsy moth, erdei gyapjaslepke, gubar, gypsy moth, lagarta peluda, limantria, løVstraesnonne, maimai-ga, mniska vel’kohlava, Schwammspinner, spongieuse |
Lythrum salicaria | herb | Blutweiderich, purple loosestrife, rainbow weed, salicaire, spiked loosestrife |
Macaca fascicularis | mammal | crab-eating macaque, long-tailed macaque |
Melaleuca quinquenervia Melaleuca quinquenervia Melaleuca quinquenervia, commonly known as Niaouli or Broad-leaved paperbark or the Paper Bark Tea Tree, is a small- to medium-sized tree of the allspice family, Myrtaceae. The plant is native to New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea and coastal Eastern Australia, from Botany Bay in New South Wales... |
tree | Paperbark teatree, aceite de cayeput, balsamo de cayeput, belbowrie, bottle brush tree, broadleaf paperbark tree, broadleaf teatree , broad-leaved paperbark tree, cajeput, capeputi, corcho, five-veined paperbark tree, itahou, kayu putih, Mao-Holzrose, melaleuca, melaleuka, niaouli, niaouli, numbah, paper bark tree, punk tree, white bottlebrush tree |
Miconia calvescens Miconia calvescens The velvet tree, miconia, or bush currant is a species of flowering plant in the family Melastomataceae. It is native to Mexico and Central and South America but is best known for being arguably the worst invasive plant in Hawaii, where it is commonly referred to as the "purple plague", and... |
tree | bush currant, cancer vert, cancer vert, miconia, purple plague, velvet tree |
Micropterus salmoides | fish | Largemouth bass, achigã, achigan, achigan à grande bouche, American black bass, bas dehanbozorg, bas wielkogeby, bass, bass wielkgebowy, biban cu gura mare, black bass, bolsherotnyi amerikanskii tscherny okun, bol'sherotyi chernyi okun', buraku basu, fekete sügér, forelbaars, forellenbarsch, green bass, green trout, grootbekbaars, großmäuliger Schwarzbarsch, huro, isobassi, khorshid Mahi Baleh Kuchak, lakseabbor, largemouth black bass, lobina negra, lobina-truche, northern largemouth bass, okounek pstruhový, okuchibasu, Öringsaborre, Ørredaborre, ostracka, ostracka lososovitá, perca americana, perche d'Amérique, perche noire, perche truite, persico trota, stormundet black bass, stormundet ørredaborre, tam suy lo ue, zwarte baars |
Mikania micrantha Mikania micrantha Mikania micrantha is a tropical plant in the Asteraceae. It is also known as the Bitter Vine in the Commonwealth of The Northern Marianas Island.... |
vine, climber | American rope, Chinese creeper, Chinesischer Sommerefeu, fue saina, liane americaine, mile-a-minute weed, ovaova, usuvanua, wa bosucu, wa mbosuthu, wa mbosuvu, wa mbutako, wa ndamele |
Mimosa pigra Mimosa pigra Mimosa pigra , is an invasive species of the genus Mimosa, in the family Fabaceae. It is native to the Neotropics, but has been listed as one of the world's 100 worst invasive species, and has been documented in: Australia, Cambodia, Dominican Republic, Ghana, Guinea, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia,... |
shrub | bashful plant, catclaw, catclaw mimosa, chi yop, columbi-da-lagoa, eomrmidera, espino, giant sensitive plant, giant sensitive tree, giant trembling plant, juquiri, juquiri grand, kembang gajah, mai yah raap yak, maiyarap ton, malicia-de-boi, mimosa, mimosa, mimose, putri malu, raak-my-nie, semalu gajah, sensitiva, trinh nu nhon, una de gato, xao ho |
Mnemiopsis leidyi Mnemiopsis leidyi The warty comb jelly or sea walnut is a species of tentaculate ctenophore , originally native to the western Atlantic coastal waters. Three species have been named in the genus Mnemiopsis, but they are now believed to be different ecological forms of a single species M... |
comb jelly | American comb jelly, comb jelly, comb jellyfish, Rippenqualle, sea gooseberry, sea walnut, Venus' girdle, warty comb jelly |
Mus musculus | mammal | field mouse, biganuelo, Hausmaus, house mouse, kiore-iti, raton casero, souris commune, wood mouse |
Mustela erminea | mammal | stoat, ermine, ermine, Grosswiesel, Hermelin, hermelyn, hermine, short-tailed weasel |
Myocastor coypus | mammal | bewerrot, Biberratte, coipù, coypu, nutria, ragondin, ratão-do-banhado, Sumpfbiber |
Morella faya | shrub | candleberry myrtle, fayatree, Feuerbaum, fire tree, firebush |
Mytilus galloprovincialis | mollusc | bay mussel, blue mussel, Mediterranean mussel, Mittelmeer-Miesmuschel |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | fish | Rainbow trout, Alabalik, Alabalik türü, Amerikaniki Pestrofa, Aure, Baiser, Baja California rainbow trout, Coast angel trout, Coast rainbow trout, Coast range trout, Dagova pastarva, Forel rajduzhna, Forelle, Hardhead, Kamchatka steelhead, Kamchatka trout, Kamloops, Kamloops trout, Kirjolohi, K'wsech, Lord-fish, Masu, Nijimasu, Orret, Pastrva, Pestropha, pstrag teczowy, Pstrag teczowy , Pstruh duhový, Pstruh dúhový, Redband, redband trout, reënboogforel, Regenbogenforelle, Regenbogenforelle , Regenboogforel, Regnbåge, Regnbågslax, Regnbogasilungur, Regnbueørred, Regnbueørret, Salmon trout, Salmones del Pacífico, Silver trout, Stahlkopfforelle, Stålhovedørred, Steelhead, steelhead trout, Steelhead trout , Summer salmon, Sxew'k'em, Trofta ylberi, Trofte ylberi, Trota, Trota iridea, Trucha, trucha arco iris, Trucha arco iris , Trucha arcoiris, truite arc-en-ciel, Truta , Truta-arco-iris, Urriöi |
Ophiostoma ulmi sensu lato | fungus | dutch elm disease Dutch elm disease Dutch elm disease is a disease caused by a member of the sac fungi category, affecting elm trees which is spread by the elm bark beetle. Although believed to be originally native to Asia, the disease has been accidentally introduced into America and Europe, where it has devastated native... , Schlauchpilz |
Opuntia stricta Opuntia stricta Opuntia stricta is a species of cactus from southern North America, Central America, the Caribbean, and northern South America. Common names include Erect Prickly Pear and Nopal Estricto .... |
shrub | common prickly pear, Araluen pear, Australian pest pear, chumbera, common pest pear, erect prickly pear, Feigenkaktus, gayndah pear, nopal estricto, pest pear of Australia, sour prickly pear, spiny pest pear, suurturksvy |
Oreochromis mossambicus Oreochromis mossambicus The Mozambique tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, is a tilapiine cichlid fish native to southern Africa. It is a popular fish for aquaculture... |
fish | bloukurper, common tilapia, fai chau chak ue, Java tilapia, kawasuzume, kurper bream, malea, mojarra, Mosambik-Maulbrüter, Mozambikskaya tilapiya, Mozambique cichlid, Mozambique mouth-breeder, Mozambique mouthbrooder, Mozambique tilapia, mphende, mujair, nkobue, tilapia, tilapia del Mozambique, tilapia du Mozambique, tilapia mossambica, tilapia mozámbica, trey tilapia khmao, weißkehlbarsch, wu-kuo yu |
Oryctolagus cuniculus | mammal | rabbit , Europäisches Wildkaninchen, Kaninchen, konyn, lapin |
Pheidole megacephala Pheidole megacephala Pheidole megacephala is a species of ant in the family Formicidae. It is commonly known as the bigheaded ant in the USA and the coastal brown ant in Australia. It is a very successful invasive species and is considered a danger to native ants in Australia and other places... |
insect | big-headed ant, brown house-ant, coastal brown-ant, Grosskopfameise, lion ant |
Phytophthora cinnamomi Phytophthora cinnamomi Phytophthora cinnamomi is a soil-borne water mould that produces an infection which causes a condition in plants called root rot or dieback. The plant pathogen is one of the world's most invasive species and is present in over 70 countries from around the world.- Life cycle and effects on plants :P... |
fungus | cinnamon fungus, green fruit rot, heart rot, jarrah dieback, phytophthora crown and root rot, Phytophthora (Fäule der Scheinzypresse), phytophthora root rot, phytophthora-wortelvrot, seedling blight, stem canker, wildflower dieback |
Pinus pinaster | tree | cluster pine, maritime pine, trosden |
Plasmodium relictum | micro-organism | avian malaria, paludisme des oiseaux, voëlmalaria, Vogelmalaria |
Platydemus manokwari Platydemus manokwari Platydemus manokwari, also known as the New Guinea flatworm, is a species of large predatory land flatworm. It is a terrestrial turbellarian in the family Geoplanidae. It is an invasive species.... |
flatworm | rosy wolfsnail, Euglandina rosea, Achatina fulica, Flachwurm, flatworm, snail-eating flatworm |
Pomacea canaliculata Pomacea canaliculata Pomacea canaliculata, common name the channeled applesnail, is a species of large freshwater snail with gills and an operculum, an aquatic gastropod mollusk in the family Ampullariidae, the apple snails.... |
mollusc | apple snail, channeled apple snail, Gelbe Apfelschnecke, golden apple snail, golden kuhol, miracle snail |
Prosopis glandulosa | tree | heuning-prosopis, honey mesquite, mesquite, Mesquite-Busch, Texas mesquite |
Psidium cattleianum | shrub | aarbeikoejawel, cattley guava, cherry guava, Chinese guava, Erdbeer-Guave, gargoulette, gouyavier, goyave de Chine, kuahpa, ngguava, purple strawberry guava, strawberry guava, tuava tinito, waiawi |
Pueraria montana Pueraria montana Pueraria montana is a species of plant in the botanical family Fabaceae. At least three sub-species are known. It is closely related to other species in the genus Pueraria and the common name kudzu is used for all of these species and hybrids between them... var. lobata |
vine, climber | acha, aka, foot-a-night vine, Japanese arrowroot, Ko-hemp, Kopoubohne, kudzu Kudzu Kudzu is a plant in the genus Pueraria in the pea family Fabaceae, subfamily Faboideae. It is a climbing, coiling, and trailing vine native to southern Japan and southeast China. Its name comes from the Japanese name for the plant, . It is a weed that climbs over trees or shrubs and grows so... , kudzu común, kudzu vine, Kudzu-Kletterwein, kuzu, nepalem, vigne japonaise, vine-that-ate-the-South, wa yaka |
Pycnonotus cafer | bird | bulbul à ventre rouge, bulbul cafre, red-vented bulbul, rooigattiptol, Rußbülbül |
Lithobates catesbeianus = Rana catesbeiana | amphibian | brulkikker, bullfrog, grenouille taureau, North American bullfrog, Ochsenfrosch, rana toro, stierkikker |
Rattus rattus | mammal | black rat, blue rat, bush rat, European house rat, Hausratte, huisrot, roof rat, ship rat |
Rinderpest virus | micro-organism | cattle plague, runderpes |
Rubus ellipticus Rubus ellipticus Rubus ellipticus commonly known as Yellow Himalayan raspberry is a thorny fruiting shrub that originates from South Asia.-Invasive species - 100 worst:... |
shrub | Asian wild raspberry, broad-leafed bramble, Ceylon blackberry, eelkek, golden evergreen raspberry, Himalaya-Wildhimbeere, kohkihl, Molucca berry, Molucca bramble, Molucca raspberry, piquant lou-lou, robust blackberry, soni, wa ngandrongandro, wa sori, wa votovotoa, wild blackberry, wild raspberry, yellow Himalayan raspberry, yellow Himalayan raspberry |
Salmo trutta | fish | Brown trout Brown trout The brown trout and the sea trout are fish of the same species.... , an breac geal, aure, Bachforelle, blacktail, breac geal, brook trout, bruinforel, denizalabaligi, denizalasi, Europäische Forelle, finnock, forelle, galway sea trout, gillaroo, gwyniedyn, havørred, havsöring, herling, hirling, kumzha, k'wsech, lachförch, Lachsforelle, lassföhren, losos taimen, losos' taimen, mahiazad-e-daryaye khazar, Meerforelle, meritaimen, morska postrv, morskaya forel', orange fin, öring, orkney sea trout, ørred, ørret, pastrav de mare, peal, pstruh morsky, pstruh obecný, pstruh obecný severomorský, pstruh obycajný, salmo trota, salmon trout, sea trout, sewin, siwin, sjøaure, sjøørret, sjourrioi, taimen, thalasopestrofa, troc, troc wedrowna, trota fario, trout, trucha, trucha común, trucha marina, truita, truite brune, truite brune de mer, truite de mer, truite d'europe, truta marisca, truta-de-lago, truta-fário, truta-marisca, urriði, whiting, whitling, zeeforel |
Schinus terebinthifolius | tree | Brasiliaanse peperboom, Brazilian holly, Brazilian pepper, Brazilian pepper tree, Christmas berry, faux poivrier, Florida holly, Mexican pepper, pimienta de Brasil, poivre rose, Rosapfeffer, warui |
Sciurus carolinensis | mammal | gray squirrel, Grauhörnchen, grey squirrel, gryseekhoring, scoiattolo grigio |
Solenopsis invicta | insect | fourmi de feu, red imported fire ant RIFA, Rote Importierte Feuerameise |
Spartina anglica Spartina anglica Spartina anglica is a species of cordgrass that originated in southern England in about 1870. It is an allotetraploid species derived from the hybrid Spartina × townsendii, which arose when the European native cordgrass Spartina maritima hybridised with the introduced American Spartina... |
grass | common cord grass, Englisches Schlickgras, rice grass, townsends grass |
Spathodea campanulata | tree | African tulip tree, Afrikanischer Tulpenbaum, amapola, apär, baton du sorcier, fa‘apasi, fireball, flame of the forest, fountain tree, Indian Cedar, ko‘i‘i, mata ko‘i‘I, mimi, orsachel kui, patiti vai, pisse-pisse, pititi vai, rarningobchey, Santo Domingo Mahogany, taga mimi, tiulipe, tuhke dulip, tulipan africano, tulipier du Gabon, vlamboom |
Sphagneticola trilobata | herb | ate, atiat, creeping ox-eye, dihpw ongohng, Hasenfuss, ngesil ra ngebard, rosrangrang, Singapore daisy, trailing daisy, tuhke ongohng, ut mõkadkad, ut telia, wedelia |
Sturnus vulgaris | bird | blackbird, common starling, English starling, estornino pinto, etourneau sansonnet, étourneau sansonnet, Europäischer Star, European starling, Europese spreeu |
Sus scrofa | mammal | pig, kuhukuhu, kune-kune, petapeta, poretere, razorback, te poaka, Wildschwein, wildevark |
Tamarix ramosissima Tamarix ramosissima Tamarix ramosissima, commonly known as Saltcedar, is a deciduous arching shrub with reddish stems and feathery, pale green foliage.-Description:... |
shrub | perstamarisk, salt cedar, Sommertamariske, tamarisk, tamarix |
Trachemys scripta elegans | reptile | red-eared slider Red-eared slider The red-eared slider is a semiaquatic turtle belonging to the family Emydidae. It is a subspecies of pond slider. It is the most popular pet turtle in the United States and also popular in the rest of the world... , Buchstaben-Schmuckschildkröte, Krasnoukhaya cherepakha, Nordamerikansk terrapin, punakorvakilpikonna, punakõrv-ilukilpkonn, raudonausis vežlys , raudonskruostis vežlys, red-eared slider terrapin, rödörad vattensköldpadda, rødøret terrapin, rødøreterrapin, rooioorwaterskilpad, Rotwangen-Schmuckschildkröte , sarkanausu brunurupucis, slider, tortue à tempe rouge, tortue de Floride, zólw czerwonolicy, zólw czerwonouchy, zólw ozdobny |
Trichosurus vulpecula | mammal | brushtail possum, Fuchskusu, wolstertpossum |
Trogoderma granarium | insect | escarabajo khapra, khapra beetle, Khaprakäfer, trogoderma dermeste du grain |
Ulex europaeus | shrub | ajonc, ajonc d'Europe, bois jonc, chacay, furze, Gaspeldoorn, gaspeldoring, genêt, Ginestra spinosa, gorse Gorse Gorse, furze, furse or whin is a genus of about 20 plant species of thorny evergreen shrubs in the subfamily Faboideae of the pea family Fabaceae, native to western Europe and northwest Africa, with the majority of species in Iberia.Gorse is closely related to the brooms, and like them, has green... , jonc marin, kolcolist zachodni, picapica, Stechginster, Tojo, vigneau, Irish furze, whin, zépinard des hauts |
Undaria pinnatifida | alga | wakame Wakame , Undaria pinnatifida, or Miyeok in Korean, is a sea vegetable, or edible seaweed. It has a subtly sweet flavour and is most often served in soups and salads.... , apron-ribbon vegetable, Asian kelp, haijiecai, Japanese kelp, miyeuk, qundaicai, Wakame-seegras |
Vespula vulgaris | insect | common wasp Common wasp The common wasp, Vespula vulgaris, known in the US as the yellowjacket, is found in much of the Northern Hemisphere and has been introduced to Australia and New Zealand. It is a eusocial vespid which builds its grey paper nest in or on a structure capable of supporting it... , common yellowjacket, Gemeine Wespe, gewone wespe |
Vulpes vulpes | mammal | red fox Red Fox The red fox is the largest of the true foxes, as well as being the most geographically spread member of the Carnivora, being distributed across the entire northern hemisphere from the Arctic Circle to North Africa, Central America, and the steppes of Asia... , fuchs, lape, lis, raposa, renard, rev, Rotfuchs, rooivos, silver, black or cross fox, volpe, vos, zorro |
Wasmannia auropunctata | insect | albayalde, cocoa tree-ant, formi électrique, formiga pixixica, fourmi électrique, fourmi rouge, hormiga colorada, hormiga roja, hormiguilla, little fire ant, little introduced fire ant, little red fire ant, pequena hormiga de fuego, petit fourmi de feu, Rote Feuerameise, sangunagenta, satanica, small fire ant, tsangonawenda, West Indian stinging ant |