List of reptiles of Western Australia
Crocodylidae- Crocodylus johnstoni (Freshwater Crocodile)
- Crocodylus porosus (Estuarine Crocodile, Salt-Water Crocodile)
Testudines (Turtles)
The Chelidae are one of the three living families of the turtle suborder Pleurodira and are commonly called the Austro-South American Side Neck turtles. The Family is distributed in Australia, New Guinea, parts of Indonesia and throughout most of South America. It is a large family of turtles with...
- Chelodina kuchlingi
- Chelodina oblonga (Oblong Turtle)
- Chelodina rugosa (Northern Snake-Necked Turtle)
- Chelodina steindachneri (Flat-Shelled Turtle)
- Elseya dentataElseya dentataThe Northern Snapping Turtle is a large aquatic species found throughout many rivers in northern Western Australia and the Northern Territory....
- Emydura australis
- Emydura victoriaeEmydura victoriaeThe red-faced turtle, is a medium sized aquatic turtle inhabiting rivers, streams and permanent water bodies across much of northern Australia....
- Pseudemydura umbrina (Western Swamp Turtle)
Cheloniidae is a family of turtles belonging to the sea turtle superfamily Chelonioidea.-Extant genera:*Genus Caretta**Loggerhead sea turtle *Genus Chelonia**Green sea turtle *Genus Eretmochelys...
- Caretta caretta (Loggerhead Turtle)
- Chelonia mydas (Green Turtle)
- Eretmochelys imbricata (Hawksbill Turtle)
- Eretmochelys imbricata bissa (Hawksbill Turtle - subspecies)
- Lepidochelys olivacea (Pacific Ridley Turtle)
- Natator depressus (Flatback Turtle)
Dermochelyidae is a family of turtles which has eight extinct and one extant genera.-Classification of known genera:*Subfamily Desmatochelyinae** Corochelys ** Desmatochelys *Subfamily Allopleuroninae ** Allopleuron ** Eosphargis...
- Dermochelys coriacea (Leathery Turtle, Luth Turtle)
SquamataSquamataSquamata, or the scaled reptiles, is the largest recent order of reptiles, including lizards and snakes. Members of the order are distinguished by their skins, which bear horny scales or shields. They also possess movable quadrate bones, making it possible to move the upper jaw relative to the...
Agamids, lizards of the family Agamidae, include more than 300 species in Africa, Asia, Australia, and a few in Southern Europe. Many species are commonly called dragons or dragon lizards. Phylogenetically they may be sister to the Iguanidae, and have a similar appearance. Agamids usually have...
- Amphibolurus norrisi
- Caimanops amphiboluroides
- Chelosania brunnea (Chameleon Dragon)
- Chlamydosaurus kingii (Frilled Lizard)
- Cryptagama aurita
- Ctenophorus caudicinctus (Ring-tailed Dragon)
- Ctenophorus clayi
- Ctenophorus cristatus (Crested Dragon)
- Ctenophorus femoralis
- Ctenophorus fordi (Malle Dragon)
- Ctenophorus isolepis (Military Dragon)
- Ctenophorus maculatus (Spotted Dragon)
- Ctenophorus mckenziei
- Ctenophorus nuchalis (Central Netted Dragon)
- Ctenophorus ornatusCtenophorus ornatusThe Ornate Crevice-dragon is a species of lizard in the Agamidae family. It is found on granite outcrops of Western Australia....
(Ornate Dragon) - Ctenophorus pictus (Painted Dragon)
- Ctenophorus reticulatusCtenophorus reticulatusThe Western Netted Dragon or Western Netted Ground-dragon is a species of lizard in the Agamidae family. It is found in South Australia, Western Australia and southern Northern Territory....
(Western Netted Dragon) - Ctenophorus rufescens
- Ctenophorus salinarum
- Ctenophorus scutulatus (Lozenge-Marked Dragon)
- Ctenophorus yinnietharra
- Diporiphora albilabris
- Diporiphora bennettii
- Diporiphora bilineata (Two-Lined Dragon)
- Diporiphora convergens
- Diporiphora lalliae
- Diporiphora magna
- Diporiphora pindan
- Diporiphora reginae
- Diporiphora superba
- Diporiphora valens
- Diporiphora winneckei
- Lophognathus gilberti (Gilbert's Dragon)
- Lophognathus longirostris (Long-nosed Water Dragon)
- Lophognathus temporalis (Northern Water Dragon)
- Moloch horridus (Thorny Devil)
- Pogona microlepidota
- Pogona minorPogona minorPogona minor is a species of agamid lizard from a group commonly known as Bearded Dragons, and is found on the southwest coast and interior of Western Australia...
- Pogona minor minor (Western Bearded Dragon)
- Pogona minor minimaPogona minor minimaPogona minor minima is an agamid lizard found only on islands at Houtman Abrolhos, and commonly named for this location; the Abrolhos Bearded Dragon. It is closely related to other Bearded dragons found in Western Australia....
(Abrolhos Bearded Dragon) - Pogona minor mitchelli
- Pogona nullarbor
- Tympanocryptis adelaidensis (Queen Adelaide Dragon)
- Tympanocryptis cephalus (Earless Dragon)
- Tympanocryptis intima (Earless Dragon)
- Tympanocryptis lineata (Earless Dragon)
- Tympanocryptis parviceps (Earless Dragon)
- Tympanocryptis uniformis (Earless Dragon)
Gekkonidae (Geckoes)
- Christinus alexanderiChristinus alexanderiChristinus alexanderi, a species of Gekkonidae, are geckos found in the Nullarbor Plain of Australia. It is one of the many species and subspecies that are regionally termed as Marbled Geckos.-Description:...
(Marbled Gecko) - Christinus marmoratus (Marbled Gecko)
- Crenadactylus ocellatus (Clawless Gecko)
- Diplodactylus alboguttatus
- Diplodactylus assimilis
- Diplodactylus ciliaris (Spiny-tailed Gecko)
- Diplodactylus conspicill (Fat-tailed Gecko)
- Diplodactylus elderi (Jewelled Gecko)
- Diplodactylus fulleri
- Diplodactylus galeatus
- Diplodactylus granariens
- Diplodactylus intermediu (Eastern Spiny-Tailed Gecko)
- Diplodactylus jeanae
- Diplodactylus kenneallyi
- Diplodactylus maini
- Diplodactylus mcmillani
- Diplodactylus michaelsen
- Diplodactylus mitchelli
- Diplodactylus occultus
- Diplodactylus ornatus
- Diplodactylus polyophtha
- Diplodactylus pulcher
- Diplodactylus rankini
- Diplodactylus savagei
- Diplodactylus squarrosus
- Diplodactylus stenodacty (Crowned Gecko)
- Diplodactylus strophurus
- Diplodactylus taeniatus (White-striped Gecko)
- Diplodactylus wellington
- Diplodactylus wilsoni
- Diplodactylus wombeyi
- Gehyra australis (Northern Dtella, House Gecko)
- Gehyra fenestra (Pilbara Spotted Gecko)
- Gehyra montium
- Gehyra nana
- Gehyra occidentalis
- Gehyra pilbara (Pilbara Dtella)
- Gehyra punctata (Spotted Gecko)
- Gehyra purpurascens
- Gehyra variegata (Tree Dtella)
- Gehyra xenopus
- Hemidactylus frenatus (Asian House Gecko)
- Heteronotia binoeiHeteronotia binoeiHeteronotia binoei, commonly known as Binoe's prickly gecko, is a species of lizard endemic to Australia. One of Australia's least habitat-specific geckos, it occurs naturally across much of the country, and has also established in areas where it does not occur naturally, such as urban Perth,...
(Bynoe's Gecko, Prickly Gecko) - Heteronotia planiceps
- Heteronotia spelea (Desert Cave Gecko)
- Lucasium damaeum (Beaded Gecko)
- Nephrurus asper (Spiny Knob-tailed Gecko)
- Nephrurus laevissimus (Knob-Tailed Gecko)
- Nephrurus levis (Knob-Tailed Gecko)
- Nephrurus stellatusNephrurus stellatusNephrurus stellatus is a species in the Gekkonidae family.It is endemic to southern Australia, being found in the arid regions of the Eyre Peninsula and southern Western Australia. Several common names are applied to the species, the Starry or Stellate knob-tail, or Southern Knob-tailed gecko...
(Southern Knob-tailed Gecko) - Nephrurus vertebralis (Knob-Tailed Gecko)
- Nephrurus wheeleri (Knob-Tailed Gecko)
- Oedura filicipoda
- Oedura gracilis
- Oedura marmorata (Marbled Velvet Gecko)
- Oedura obscura
- Oedura reticulata (Reticulated Velvet Gecko)
- Oedura rhombiferOedura rhombiferOedura rombifer also known as the Zigzag Velvet Gecko is a species of gecko. Only 3 specimens have been discovered in New South Wales, Australia.-Description:...
(Zig-zag Gecko) - Pseudothecadactylus lindneri (Giant Cave Gecko)
- Rhynchoedura ornata (Beaked Gecko)
- Underwoodisaurus miliiUnderwoodisaurus miliiUnderwoodisaurus milii is a species of Gekkonidae also classified as Nephrurus milii. It is commonly known as the thick-tailed or barking gecko. These names come from its distinctive plump tail and sharp, barking defensive call....
(Thick-tailed Gecko)
Pygopodidae is a family of squamates that have reduced or absent limbs and are related to the geckos. There are at least 35 species in two subfamilies and eight genera. They have unusually long, slender, bodies, giving them a strong resemblance to snakes...
(Legless Lizards)
- Aclys concinna
- Aprasia haroldi
- Aprasia inaurita
- Aprasia pulchella
- Aprasia repens
- Aprasia rostrata
- Aprasia smithi
- Aprasia striolata
- Delma borea
- Delma elegans
- Delma fraseri
- Delma grayii
- Delma haroldi
- Delma nasuta
- Delma pax
- Delma tinct
- Lialis burtonisLialis burtonisLialis burtonis, or Burton's legless lizard, is a pygopodid lizard found in Australia and New Guinea.-Description:...
(Burton's Legless Lizard) - Pletholax gracilis
- Pygopus lepidopodusPygopus lepidopodusThe Common Scaly-foot is a widespread species of legless lizard in the Pygopodidae family. It is endemic to Australia.- Habit :Mostly active at dusk or dawn , though can be nocturnal after high daytime temperatures. Lives in long grasses, heaths and woodlands. Most often seen on warm mornings,...
(Common Scaly Foot) - Pygopus nigriceps (Black-headed Scaly Foot)
- Pygopus steelscotti
Scincidae (Skinks)
- Bassiana trilineata
- Carlia amax
- Carlia gracilis
- Carlia johnstonei
- Carlia munda
- Carlia rufilatus
- Carlia triacantha
- Cryptoblepharus carnabyi
- Cryptoblepharus megastic
- Cryptoblepharus plagiocephalus
- Cryptoblepharus virgatusCryptoblepharus virgatusThe fence or snake-eyed Skink is a skink commonly found in southern and eastern Australia. Its habitats include urban areas, woodlands and grasslands. Will often be seen on vertical surfaces such trees, fences and walls....
- Ctenotus alacer
- Ctenotus alleni
- Ctenotus angusticeps
- Ctenotus ariadnae
- Ctenotus atlas
- Ctenotus australis
- Ctenotus brooksi
- Ctenotus calurus
- Ctenotus catenifer
- Ctenotus colletti
- Ctenotus decaneurus
- Ctenotus delli
- Ctenotus dux
- Ctenotus ehmanni
- Ctenotus fallens
- Ctenotus gemmula
- Ctenotus grandis
- Ctenotus greeri
- Ctenotus hanloni
- Ctenotus helenae
- Ctenotus impar
- Ctenotus inornatus
- Ctenotus labillardieri
- Ctenotus lancelini
- Ctenotus leae
- Ctenotus leonhardii
- Ctenotus mastigura
- Ctenotus militaris
- Ctenotus mimetes
- Ctenotus nasutus
- Ctenotus nigrilineatus
- Ctenotus pantherinus
- Ctenotus piankai
- Ctenotus quattuordecimli
- Ctenotus robustus
- Ctenotus rubicundus
- Ctenotus rufescens
- Ctenotus rutilans
- Ctenotus saxatilis
- Ctenotus schomburgkii
- Ctenotus serventyi
- Ctenotus severus
- Ctenotus tanamiensis
- Ctenotus tantillus
- Ctenotus uber
- Ctenotus xenopleura
- Ctenotus youngsoni
- Ctenotus zastictus
- Cyclodomorphus branchial
- Cyclodomorphus maxima
- Egernia carinata
- Egernia adepressa
- Egernia douglasi
- Egernia formosa
- Egernia inornata
- Egernia kingiiEgernia kingiiEgernia kingii, King's Skink, is a species of skink native to coastal regions of south-western Australia common on Rottnest Island and Penguin Island and some coastal areas with open forest and open heath...
- Egernia kintorei
- Egernia luctuosa
- Egernia multiscutata
- Egernia napoleonis
- Egernia pilbarensis
- Egernia pulchra
- Egernia stokesii
- Egernia striata
- Eremiascincus richardson (Broad-Banded Sand Swimmer)
- Glaphyromorphus brongers
- Glaphyromorphus darwinie
- Glaphyromorphus gracilip
- Glaphyromorphus isolepis
- Hemiergis initialis
- Hemiergis millewae
- Hemiergis peronii
- Hemiergis quadrilineatum
- Lerista allochira
- Lerista apoda
- Lerista arenicola
- Lerista axillaris
- Lerista bipes
- Lerista borealis
- Lerista bunglebungle
- Lerista chalybura
- Lerista christinae
- Lerista concolor
- Lerista connivens
- Lerista distinguenda
- Lerista dorsalis
- Lerista elegans
- Lerista flammicauda
- Lerista frosti
- Lerista gascoynensis
- Lerista gerrardii
- Lerista greeri
- Lerista griffini
- Lerista haroldi
- Lerista humphriesi
- Lerista ips
- Lerista kalumburu
- Lerista kendricki
- Lerista kennedyensis
- Lerista labialis
- Lerista lineata
- Lerista lineopunctulata
- Lerista macropisthopus
- Lerista maculosa
- Lerista microtis
- Lerista muelleri
- Lerista neander
- Lerista nichollsi
- Lerista onsloviana
- Lerista petersoni
- Lerista picturata
- Lerista planiventralis
- Lerista praefrontalis
- Lerista praepedita
- Lerista puncticauda
- Lerista quadrilineata
- Lerista robusta
- Lerista separanda
- Lerista simillima
- Lerista stictopleura
- Lerista taeniata
- Lerista talpina
- Lerista terdigitata
- Lerista tridactyla
- Lerista uniduo
- Lerista varia
- Lerista vermicularis
- Lerista viduata
- Lerista walkeri
- Lerista xanthura
- Lerista yuna
- Menetia amaura
- Menetia greyii
- Menetia maini
- Menetia surda
- Morethia adelaidensis
- Morethia boulengeriMorethia boulengeriThe Boulenger's Skink is a species of Scincidae that occurs in Australia. It is also known as the Southeastern Morethia Skink.This species of skink is oviparous and mates in spring.-References:* , OxAnimals.com...
- Morethia butleri
- Morethia lineoocellata
- Morethia obscura
- Morethia ruficauda
- Morethia storri
- Notoscincus butleri
- Notoscincus ornatus
- Proablepharus reginae
- Proablepharus tenuis
- Pseudemoia baudini
- Tiliqua multifasciata (Centralian Blue-Tongued Lizard)
- Tiliqua occipitalis (Western Blue-Tongued Lizard)
- Tiliqua scincoides (Eastern Blue-Tongued Lizard)
- Trachydosaurus rugosus (Shingle-Back)
Varanidae is a group of lizards of the superfamily Varanoidea. The family is a group of carnivorous lizards which includes the largest living lizard, the Komodo dragon, and the crocodile monitor. Varanidae contains the living genus Varanus and a number of extinct taxa...
(Goannas or Monitors)
- Varanus acanthurus (Ridge-Tailed Monitor)
- Varanus brevicauda (Short-Tailed Pygmy Monitor)
- Varanus caudolineatus (Line-Tailed Pygmy Monitor)
- Varanus eremius (Rusty Desert Monitor)
- Varanus giganteus (Perentie)
- Varanus gilleni (Pygmy Mulga Monitor)
- Varanus glauerti (Glauert's Monitor)
- Varanus glebopalma (Long-Tailed Rock Monitor)
- Varanus gouldii (Gould's Goanna, Sand Monitor)
- Varanus gouldii flavirufus (Centralian Sand Goanna)
- Varanus kingorum (Pygmy Rock Monitor)
- Varanus mertensi (Mertens' Water MonitorMertens' Water MonitorMertens’ Water Monitor , often misspelled Merten’s Water Monitor, is a member of the monitor lizard family found in northern Australia, and is a wide-ranging, active foraging, opportunistic predator of aquatic and riparian habitats. It is named after German herpetologist Robert...
) - Varanus mitchelli (Mitchell's Water Monitor)
- Varanus panoptes (Yellow Spotted Monitor)
- Varanus pilbarensis (Pilbara Rock Monitor)
- Varanus rosenbergi (Rosenberg's Heath Monitor)
- Varanus storri (Storr's Monitor)
- Varanus timorensisVaranus timorensisThe Timor Monitor or Spotted Tree Monitor is a species of small monitor lizard native to the island of west and east Timor.- Description :...
(Spotted Tree Monitor) - Varanus tristis (Black-headed Monitor, Freckled Monitor)
Serpentes (Snakes)
The Acrochordidae are a monotypic family created for the genus Acrochordus. This is a group of primitive aquatic snakes found in Australia and Indonesia. Currently, 3 species are recognized.-Description:...
(File Snakes)
- Acrochordus granulatusAcrochordus granulatusAcrochordus granulatus is a snake species found from India through Southeast Asia to the Solomon Islands. It is completely aquatic and almost helpless on land. No subspecies are currently recognized.-Description:...
(Little File Snake)
Pythonidae (Pythons)
- Antaresia childreni (Children's Python)
- Antaresia maculosa (Spotted Python)
- Antaresia perthensisAntaresia perthensisAntaresia perthensis is a species of snake found in western Australia. Their common names, pygmy python and anthill python, refer to the fact that they are the smallest member of the Pythonidae family and are often found in termite mounds...
(Pygmy Python) - Antaresia stimsoniAntaresia stimsoniAntaresia stimsoni is a python found in Australia. The snake is named Stimson's python in honor of A. F. Stimson of the British Museum, but is commonly and incorrectly referred to as Stimpson's python...
(Large-blotched Python) - Aspidites melanocephalus (Black-headed Python)
- Aspidites ramsayi (Woma Python)
- Liasis fuscusLiasis fuscusLiasis fuscus is a non-venomous python species found in Australia and Papua New Guinea. No subspecies are currently recognized.-Description:...
(Water Python) - Liasis olivaceusLiasis olivaceusLiasis olivaceus is a non-venomous python species found in Australia. Two subspecies are currently recognized, including the nominate subspecies described here.-Description:...
(Olive Python) - Liasis olivaceus barroniLiasis olivaceus barroniLiasis olivaceus barroni is a non-venomous python subspecies found in Australia.-Description:Adults grow larger than the nominate subspecies, L. olivaceus, and are distinguished by a lower midbody dorsal scale count and a higher number of ventral scales .-Geographic range:Found in Australia in the...
(Western Olive Python) - Morelia carinataMorelia carinataMorelia carinata, the Rough-scaled python, is a large scaled python species found in Australia. No subspecies are currently recognized.-Description:...
(Rough-scaled Python) - Morelia spilota imbricataMorelia spilota imbricataMorelia spilota imbricata is a large snake found in southern regions of Western Australia and western South Australia. A member of the python family, it is commonly known as the Southern Carpet Python.-Description:...
(Southwestern Carpet Python) - Morelia spilota variegataMorelia spilota variegataMorelia spilota variegata is a subspecies of python found in New Guinea and Australia, smaller than the nominate subspecies Morelia spilota spilota and has a more restricted geographic range.-Description:...
(Northwestern Carpet Python)
Colubridae (Colubrids)
- Boiga irregularis (Brown Tree Snake)
- Cerberus rhynchops (Bockadam)
- Dendrelaphis punctulataDendrelaphis punctulataThe common tree snake Dendrelaphis punctulata is a slender, large-eyed, non-venomous, diurnal snake of many parts of Australia, especially in the northern and eastern coastal areas, and into Papua New Guinea. , This common snake is harmless, readily recognised as it is an agile snake with a very...
(Common Tree Snake) - Fordonia leucobaliaFordonia leucobaliaThe aquatic snake Fordonia leucobalia is known by the common names crab-eating water snake and white-bellied mangrove snake. It is a common resident of mangrove swamps and tropical tidal wetlands from Southeast Asia to the coasts of Northern Australia.Individual F. leucobalia reach up to a meter in...
(White-Bellied Mangrove Snake) - Myron richardsonii (Richardson's Mangrove Snake)
- Tropidonophis mairii (Keelback or Freshwater Snake)
Elapidae is a family of venomous snakes found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, terrestrially in Asia, Australia, Africa, North America and South America and aquatically in the Pacific and Indian Oceans...
- Acanthophis antarcticus (Common Death Adder)
- Acanthophis praelongus (Northern Death Adder)
- Acanthophis pyrrhus (Desert Death Adder)
- Demansia atra (Black Whip Snake)
- Demansia olivacea (Marble-headed Whip Snake)
- Demansia papuensis (Papaun Whip Snake)
- Demansia psammophisDemansia psammophisThe Yellow-faced Whip-Snake is a species of snake in the Elapidae family. A family containing many dangerous snakes. It is endemic to Australia....
(Yellow-Faced Whip Snake) - Demansia simplex (Whip Snake)
- Drysdalia coronata (Crowned Snake)
- Drysdalia mastersii (Masters' Snake)
- Echiopsis atriceps
- Echiopsis curtaEchiopsis curtaEchiopsis curta is a species of snake in the Elapidae family.It is endemic to Australia.-Source:* Australasian Reptile & Amphibian Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 29 July 2007....
(Bardick) - Elapognathus minor (Little Brown Snake)
- Furina ornata (Orange-naped Snake)
- Notechis scutatus (Eastern Tiger Snake, Mainland Tiger Snake)
- Oxyuranus scutellatus (Coastal Taipan)
- Oxyuranus temporalisOxyuranus temporalisOxyuranus temporalis or Central Ranges Taipan is a species of taipan, large, fast, highly venomous Australasian snakes, that was described in 2007 by Australian researchers Paul Doughty, Brad Maryan, Stephen Donnellan and Mark Hutchinson...
(Central Ranges Taipan) - Pseudechis australisPseudechis australisPseudechis australis, the common King Brown, Mulga snake or Pilbara cobra, is a species of venomous snake found in Australia. It is one of the longest venomous snakes in the world and the second longest in Australia...
(King Brown, Mulga Snake) - Pseudechis butleriPseudechis butleriPseudechis butleri, the spotted Mulga snake, is a species of elapid snake found in Western Australia. It is a member of the Pseudechis genus, dangerously venomous snakes that can intimidate an opponent by raising their head and presenting a hood. This cobra-like threat display is supported by the...
(Butler's Snake) - Pseudonaja affinis (Dugite)
- Pseudonaja inframacula (Peninsula Brown Snake)
- Pseudonaja ingrami (Ingram's Brown Snake)
- Pseudonaja modesta (Ringed Brown Snake)
- Pseudonaja nuchalisPseudonaja nuchalisThe Western Brown snake, or Gwarder, is a very fast, highly venomous snake native to Australia. Its colour and pattern is rather variable, depending largely on its location. It is most closely related to the Spotted Brown Snake, Speckled Brown Snake, Peninsula Brown Snake, Ingram's Brown Snake,...
(Western Brown Snake, Gwarder) - Pseudonaja textilis (Common Brown Snake, Eastern Brown Snake)
- Rhinoplocephalus bicolor (Muller's Snake)
- Rhinoplocephalus pallidi (Northern Small-eyed Snake)
- Simoselaps anomalus (Northern Desert Banded Snake)
- Simoselaps approximans
- Simoselaps bertholdi (Desert Banded Snake)
- Simoselaps bimaculatus (Weatern Black-naped Snake)
- Simoselaps calonotus (Western Black-striped Snake)
- Simoselaps fasciolatus (Narrow-banded Burrowing Snake)
- Simoselaps littoralis (Coastal Burrowing Snake)
- Simoselaps minimus
- Simoselaps semifasciatus (Half-girdled Snake)
- Suta fasciata (Rosen's Snake)
- Suta gouldii (Black-headed Snake)
- Suta monachus (Hooded Snake)
- Suta nigriceps
- Suta ordensis (Ord Curl Snake)
- Suta punctata (Little Spotted Snake)
- Suta spectabilis
- Suta suta (Myall Snake, Curl Snake)
- Vermicella annulata (Bandy Bandy)
- Vermicella multifasciata (Northern Bandy Bandy)
Hydrophiidae (Sea Snakes)
- Acalyptophis peroniiAcalyptophis peroniiThe spiny-headed seasnake or horned seasnake, Acalyptophis peronii, is a species of sea snake. Like other members of the family, Hydrophiidae or Elapidae, it is venomous.-Description:...
- Aipysurus apraefrontalis
- Aipysurus duboisiiAipysurus duboisiiAipysurus duboisii or Dubois' seasnake is a species of sea snake. Their habitat includes Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia and the northern, eastern and western coastal areas of Australia, that is the Coral Sea, Arafura Sea, Timor Sea and Indian Ocean...
(Dubois's Sea Snake) - Aipysurus eydouxiiAipysurus eydouxiiSpine-tailed Seasnake Aipysurus eydouxii is a species of sea snake.This species is found in Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland, the South China Sea,the Gulf of Thailand, Indonesia, Peninsular Malaysia, Vietnam, and New Guinea....
(Spine-tailed Sea Snake) - Aipysurus foliosquama
- Aipysurus fuscus
- Aipysurus laevisAipysurus laevisAipysurus laevis is a venomous sea snake species found in mainly in the Indo-Pacific. Currently, 2 subspecies are recognized, including the typical form described here.-Description:...
(Olive Sea Snake) - Aipysurus tenuis
- Astrotia stokesiiAstrotia stokesiiCommonly known as Stokes' seasnake, Astrotia stokesii is a large species of sea snake found in tropical Indo-Pacific oceanic waters.-Description:...
- Disteira kingii
- Disteira majorDisteira majorOlive-headed or greater seasnake Disteira major is a species of sea snake.-Distribution:Indian Ocean , S New Guinea, New Caledonia, Australia -References:...
- Disteira stokesii
- Emydocephalus annulatus
- Ephalophis greyi
- Hydrelaps darwiniensis
- Hydrophis atriceps
- Hydrophis coggeri
- Hydrophis czeblukovi
- Hydrophis elegans
- Hydrophis geometricus
- Hydrophis inornatusHydrophis inornatusPlain Seasnake Hydrophis inornatus is a species of sea snake.-Distribution:South Chinese Sea , Sri LankaAustralia -Bibliography:...
- Hydrophis mcdowelli
- Hydrophis melanocephalusHydrophis melanocephalusSlender-necked Seasnake Hydrophis melanocephalus is a species of sea snake.-Distribution:*South Chinese Sea*Japan *Coasts of Taiwan and Guangdong northward to Zhejiang...
- Hydrophis melanosoma
- Hydrophis ornatusHydrophis ornatusOrnate Reef seasnake Hydrophis ornatus is a species of sea snake.-Bibliography:* Bussarawitt,S.; Rasmussen, A.R. & Andersen, M. 1989 A preliminary study on sea snakes from Phuket Harbor, Phuket Island, Thailand. Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc., Bangkok 37 : 209-225* Mittleman, M. B...
- Lapemis hardwickiiLapemis hardwickiiThe Spine-bellied Sea snake, or Hardwicke's Spine-bellied Sea snake, is a species of sea snake.-Description:*Body short, stout, neck region not less than half as thick at midbody;...
- Parahydrophis mertoni
- Pelamis platurus (Yellow-bellied Sea Snake)
The Typhlopidae are a family of blind snakes. They are found mostly in the tropical regions of Africa, Asia, the Americas, and all mainland Australia and various islands. The rostral scale overhangs the mouth to form a shovel like burrowing structure. They live underground in burrows, and since...
(Blind Snakes)
- Ramphotyphlops australisRamphotyphlops australisRamphotyphlops australis, or the Southern blindsnake, is a species of snake in the Typhlopidae family....
- Ramphotyphlops bitubercu
- Ramphotyphlops diversusRamphotyphlops diversusRamphotyphlops diversus is a species of snake in the Typhlopidae family....
- Ramphotyphlops endoterusRamphotyphlops endoterusRamphotyphlops endoterus is a species of snake in the Typhlopidae family....
- Ramphotyphlops grypusRamphotyphlops grypusRamphotyphlops grypus is a species of snake in the Typhlopidae family....
- Ramphotyphlops guentheriRamphotyphlops guentheriRamphotyphlops guentheri is a species of snake in the Typhlopidae family....
- Ramphotyphlops hamatusRamphotyphlops hamatusRamphotyphlops hamatus is a species of snake in the Typhlopidae family....
- Ramphotyphlops howiRamphotyphlops howiRamphotyphlops howi is a species of snake in the Typhlopidae family....
- Ramphotyphlops kimberley
- Ramphotyphlops leptosoma
- Ramphotyphlops ligatusRamphotyphlops ligatusRamphotyphlops ligatus is a species of snake in the Typhlopidae family....
- Ramphotyphlops margareta
- Ramphotyphlops micrommaRamphotyphlops micrommaRamphotyphlops micromma is a species of snake in the Typhlopidae family....
- Ramphotyphlops pinguisRamphotyphlops pinguisRamphotyphlops pinguis, or the Rotund blind snake, is a species of snake in the Typhlopidae family....
- Ramphotyphlops troglodyt
- Ramphotyphlops unguirost
- Ramphotyphlops waitiiRamphotyphlops waitiiRamphotyphlops waitii is a species of snake in the Typhlopidae family....
- Ramphotyphlops yampiensi