List of prehistoric bryozoans

In biology, a genus is a low-level taxonomic rank used in the biological classification of living and fossil organisms, which is an example of definition by genus and differentia...
that have ever been included in the bryozoa
The Bryozoa, also known as Ectoprocta or commonly as moss animals, are a phylum of aquatic invertebrate animals. Typically about long, they are filter feeders that sieve food particles out of the water using a retractable lophophore, a "crown" of tentacles lined with cilia...
which are known from the fossil record. This list excludes purely vernacular terms. It includes all commonly accepted genera, but also genera that are now considered invalid, doubtful (nomina dubia
Nomen dubium
In zoological nomenclature, a nomen dubium is a scientific name that is of unknown or doubtful application...
), or were not formally published (nomina nuda
Nomen nudum
The phrase nomen nudum is a Latin term, meaning "naked name", used in taxonomy...
), as well as junior synonyms of more established names, and genera that are no longer considered bryozoans. Naming conventions and terminology follow the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature is a widely accepted convention in zoology that rules the formal scientific naming of organisms treated as animals...
, as indicated.
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- Acanthocella
- Acanthoceramoporella
- Acanthocladia
- Acanthoclema
- Acanthodesia
- Acantholaminatus
- Acanthopora
- Acanthoporella
- Acanthoporidea
- Acanthotrypa
- Acanthotrypina
- Acoscinopleura
- Acrogenia
- Actinopora
- Actinotaxia
- Actinotrypa
- Actinotrypella
- Actisecos
- Adenifera
- AdeonaAdeonaAdeona is a genus of bryozoan in the family Adeonidae. A typical example is the Australian species Adeona cellulosa that forms large colonies with bifoliate sheets containing numerous holes .-Selected species:* Adeona albida...
- Adeonella
- Adeonellopsis
- Admiratella
- Aechmella
- Aegyptopora
- Aeolopora
- Aetea
- Aetomacladia
- Aggregopora
- Aimulosia
- Aisenvergia
- Akatopora
- Alderina
- Allantopora
- Allonema
- Alternifenestella
- Altshedata
- Aluverina
- Alveolaria
- Alwynopora
- Alysidota
- Amalgamoporous
- Amalgamoprus
- Amathia
- Ammatophora
- Amphiblestrella
- Amphiblestrum
- Amphimorsoniella
- Amphiporella
- Amplexopora
- Amsassipora
- Amurodictya
- Anaphragma
- Anaptopora
- Anarthropora
- Anastomopora
- Andriopora
- Angelopora
- Anguisia
- Anisotrypa
- Anisotrypella
- Annectocyma
- Annunziopora
- Anolotichia
- Anomalotoechus
- Anornithopora
- Anotopora
- Antropora
- Aostipora
- Apatotervia
- Apertostella
- Aplousina
- Apsendesia
- Arachnidid
- Arachnidium
- Arachnoidella
- Arachnopusia
- Araxopora
- Arborocladia
- Archaeofenestella
- Archaeomeson
- ArchimedesArchimedes (bryozoan)Archimedes, named for the Archimedes Screw, is a genus of Bryozoan known in the rock record from the Carboniferous to the Permian periods, when it became extinct. The majority of these fossils are distributed throughout Europe and North America...
- Arcticopora
- Arctipoora
- Argopora
- Armillopora
- Artchedella
- Arthroclema
- Arthropoma
- Arthrostyloecia
- Arthrostylus
- Arthrotrypa
- Ascodictyon
- Ascopora
- Ascoporella
- Asperopora
- Aspidopora
- Aspidostoma
- Assatkinella
- Astralochoma
- Astrovidictya
- Astroviella
- Astroviellina
- Atacama (see Plesiothoa)
- Atactopora
- Atactoporella
- Atactoporidra
- Atactotoechus
- Atagma
- Atelesopora
- Athrophragma
- Atractosoecia
- Attinopora
- Auchenopora
- Australofenestella
- Australopolypora
- Bactrellaria
- Bactridium
- Bactropora
- Baculopora
- Bajolla
- Balantiostoma
- Balticopora
- Balticoporella
- Balticoporellina
- Banastella
- Baptopora
- Bascomella
- Bashkiriella
- Basslederella
- Bathosella
- Bathystomella
- Batopora
- Batostoma
- Batostomella
- Batostomellina
- Batrachopora
- Beania
- Beisselina
- Beisselinopsis
- Belorussipora
- Berenicea
- Biavicularium
- Bicavea
- Bicorbis
- Bicornifera
- Bicoronipora
- Bicrisia
- Bicrisina
- Bidiastopora
- Bifaxaria
- Bifissurinella
- Biflabellaria
- Biflustra
- Bimuropora
- Biovicella
- Biselenaria
- Bisidmonea
- Bitectipora
- Bitubigera
- Bivestis
- Bobiesipora
- Boreas
- Boreasina
- Botryllopora
- Bracebridgia
- Brachysoecia
- Braiesopora
- Brestopora
- Brydonella
- Bryocryptella
- Bubnoffiella
- Buffonella
- Buffonellodes
- Buria
- Buskia
- Buskopora
- Bythopora
- Bythotrypa
- Caberea
- Caberoides
- Calacanthopora
- Calamotrypa
- Callocladia
- Callopora
- Calloporella
- Calloporina
- Callotrypa
- Calopora
- Calpensia
- Calpidopora
- Calvetina
- Calvina
- Canalipora
- Canda
- Canupora
- Canutrypa
- Capillapora
- Cardiarachnidium
- Cardioecia
- Carinifer
- Carinodictya
- Carinophylloporina
- Carydiopora
- Cassianopora
- Castanopora
- Casteropora
- Catenariopsis
- Catenicella
- Cava
- Cavaria
- Cavarinella
- Cavernella
- Ceata
- Ceidmonea
- Cellaria
- Cellarinella
- Cellarinidra
- Cellepora
- Celleporaria
- Celleporella
- Celleporina
- Cellulipora
- Centronea
- Ceramella
- Ceramophylla
- Ceramopora
- Ceramoporella
- Ceriocava
- Ceriopora
- Cerioporella
- Cervella
- Chainodictyon
- Championodictya
- Champlainopora
- Chaperia
- Characodoma
- Charixa
- Chartecytis
- Chasmatopora
- Chasmatoporina
- Chasmazoon
- Chazydictya
- Cheethamia
- Cheilohorneropsis
- Cheilonella
- Cheilopora
- Cheiloporina
- Cheilotrypa
- Chelidozoum
- Chilopora
- Chisma
- Chlidoniopsis
- Chondraulus
- Choristopetalum
- Chorizopora
- Christinella
- Cianotremella
- Cillia
- CinctiporaCinctiporaCinctipora is a bryozoan genus in the family Cinctiporidae also known in fossil records.-See also:* List of prehistoric bryozoans* List of extant animal genera represented in the fossil record...
- Circibiopora
- Cladodictya
- Clathropora
- Clausa
- Clausotrypa
- Clavicava
- Claviporella
- Clavisparsa
- Clavitubigera
- Cleidochasma
- Clinopora
- Cliocystiramus
- Cliotrypa
- Clithriellum
- Clonopora
- Clypeina
- Codonellina
- Coelocaulis
- Coeloclemis
- Coelocochlea
- Coelopora
- Coelospiropora
- Coleopora
- Collapora
- Collarina
- Colletosia
- Collura
- Columnotheca
- Condranema
- Conescharellina
- Conopeum
- Conotubigera
- ConstellariaConstellariaConstellaria is an extinct genus of bryozoan from the Ordovician.-References:* Dinosaurs to Dodos: An Encyclopedia of Extinct Animals by Don Lessem and Jan Sovak...
- Cookobryozoon
- Copidozoum
- Corbulipora
- Cornuticella
- Coronidmonea
- Corymbopora
- Corymboporella
- Corynostylus
- Corynotrypa
- Coscinella
- Cosciniopsis
- Coscinium
- Coscinoecia
- Coscinopleura
- Coscinotrypa
- Costazia
- Costula
- Cothurnicella
- Cranosina
- Craspedopora
- Craspedoporina
- Crassaluna
- Crassicellepora
- Crassimarginatella
- Crassodiscopora
- Crassohornera
- Crateropora
- Crepidacantha
- Crepipora
- Crepis
- Crescis
- Cribella
- Cribellopora
- Cribrendoecium
- Cribrilaria
- Cribrilina
- Cricodictyum
- Crisia
- Crisidia
- Crisidmonea
- Crisiella
- Crisina
- Crisinella
- Crisiona
- Crisisina
- Crisulipora
- Crownopora
- Crustopora
- Cryptoglena
- Cryptostomella
- Cryptosula
- Ctenopora
- Cubifenestella
- Cucullipora
- Cuneatopora
- Cupuladria
- Cuvilliera
- Cyclicopora
- Cyclocites
- Cyclocolposa
- Cyclopelta
- Cycloperiella
- Cyclophaenopora
- Cyclopora
- Cycloporella
- Cyclotrypa
- Cylindropora
- Cyphonella
- Cyphotrypa
- Cyrtopora
- Cystiramus
- Cystisella
- Cystitrypa
- Cystodictya
- Cystoporella
- Cystostictoporus
- Cytis
- Dacryonella
- Dacryopora
- Dacryoporella
- Dakaria
- Decurella
- Decurtaria
- Defrancia
- Defranciopora
- Dekayella
- Dekayia
- Dendroecia
- Dentalitrya
- Dentiporella
- Desmatelesia
- Desmediaperoecia
- Desmeplatioecia
- Desmepora
- Diacanthopora
- Diamesopora
- Diancopora
- Dianulites
- Diastoporina
- Diazipora
- Dibunostoma
- Diceratopora
- Dichospiropora
- Dichotrypa
- Dicranopora
- Dictuonia
- Dictyoretmon
- Didymosella
- Dightonia
- Dimorphocella
- Dimorphocellaria
- Dimorphostylus
- Dionella
- Diplobeisselina
- Diplocava
- Diploclema
- Diplodesmepora
- Diplopetalopora
- Diplopholeous
- Diploporaria
- Diplorula
- Diplosolen
- Diplostenopora
- Diplotresis
- Diplotrypa
- Discocytis
- Discofascigera
- Discoflustrellaria
- Discoporella
- Discosella
- Discosparsa
- Discotruncatulipora
- Discotrypa
- Discotrypina
- Discotubigera
- Discovibracella
- Dishelopora
- Disporella
- Distansescharella
- Distefanella
- Disteginopora
- Ditaxia
- Ditaxipora
- Ditaxiporina
- Dittopora
- Dittosaria
- Diversipora
- Duncanoclema
- Duvergiera
- Dybowskiella
- Dybowskites
- Dyoidophragma
- Dyscritella
- Dyscritellina
- Dysnoetocella
- Dysnoetopora
- Echinocava
- Eichwaldictya
- Elaphopora
- Elea
- Electra
- Eliasopora
- Ellisina
- Ellisinidra
- Emballotheca
- Enallopora
- Encicellaria
- Enoplostomella
- Ensiphragma
- Ensipora
- Entalophora
- Entalophoroecia
- Entomaria
- Eodyscritella
- Eofistulipora
- Eoheteropora
- Eohippotha
- Eohornera
- Eopachydictya
- Eoscrupocellaria
- Eosemicoscinium
- Eostenopora
- Eostenoporella
- Epiactinotrypa
- Eridocamplyus
- Eridopora
- Eridotrypa
- Eridotrypella
- Eridotrypellina
- Erinella
- Erkosonea
- Escharella
- Escharicellaria
- Escharifora
- Escharina
- Escharipora
- Escharoides
- Escharopora
- Esthoniopora
- Esthonioporina
- Esthoniporella
- Etherella
- Eucheilopora
- Eucratea
- Eulyra
- Euritina
- Europora
- Eurydictya
- Eurystomella
- Eurystrotos
- Eurythyrhombopora
- Euspilopora
- Evactinopora
- Evactinostella
- Exechonella
- Exfenestella
- Exidomonea
- Exochella
- Exochoecia
- Fabifenestella
- Fasciculinopora
- Fasciculipora
- Fascigera
- Fascipora
- Favicella
- FavositellaFavositellaFavositella is an extinct genus of bryozoan from the Ordovician, Silurian and Devonian periods....
- Fenestella
- Fenestellata
- Fenestepora
- Fenesteverta
- Fenestralia
- Fenestrapora
- Fenestrellina
- Fenestrulina
- Figularia
- Filicava
- Filicea
- Filicrisia
- Filicrisina
- Filifascigera
- Filiramoporina
- Filisparsa
- Filites
- Fischerella
- Fissuricella
- Fistulamina
- Fistulicanta
- Fistuliphragma
- Fistulipora
- Fistuliporella
- Fistuliporidra
- Fistuliramus
- Fistulocladia
- Fistulotrypa
- Flabellopora
- Flabellotrypa
- Flexifenestella
- Floridina
- Floridinella
- Flustra
- Flustrella
- Flustrellaria
- Foraripora
- Foricula
- Francopora
- Frondipora
- Frurionella
- Fungella
- Fusicellaria
- Galeopsis
- Ganiella
- Gargantua
- Gastropella
- Gaudryanella
- Geinitzella
- Geisopora
- Gemellaria
- Gemellipora
- Gemelliporella
- Gemelliporidra
- Gemelliporina
- Geminella
- Gephyrophora
- Gephyrotes
- Gigantopora
- Gilmouropora
- Girtyopora
- Girtyoporina
- Glauconomella
- Globulipora
- Glossotrypa
- Glyptopora
- Goldfussitrypa
- Goniocladia
- Goniocladiella
- Goniotrypa
- Gortanipora
- Goryunovia
- Grammanotosoecia
- Grammascosoecia
- Grammella
- Grammothoa
- Graptodictya
- Graptopora
- Graptoporella
- Hagenowinella
- Haimeina
- HalloporaHalloporaHallopora is an extinct genus of bryozoans. They can be found in Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky of the midwestern United States, commonly in the Ordovician Kope Formation....
- Halloporina
- Haplocephalopora
- Haplooecia
- Haplopoma
- Haplopomella
- Haplotrypa
- Hapsidopora
- Harmeriella
- Haswellia
- Hayasakapora
- Helenopora
- Helicopora
- Heliotrypa
- Helixotionella
- Heloclema
- Helopora
- Hemeschara
- Hemibashkirella
- Hemicellaria
- Hemicosciniopsis
- Hemicyclopora
- Hemieridotrypa
- Heminematopora
- Hemiphlactella
- Hemiphragma
- Hemiseptella
- Hemismittina
- Hemistylus
- Hemitrypa
- Hemitrypella
- Hemiulrichostylus
- Hennigopora
- Herentia
- Hernodia
- Herpetopora
- Hesperopora
- Heteractis
- Heterocella
- Heteroconopeum
- Heterocrisina
- Heterohaplooecia
- Heteropora
- Heteroporella
- Heterotrypa
- Hexacanthopora
- Hexagonella
- Hexaporites
- Hexites
- Hiantopora
- Hinaclema
- Hincksina
- Hincksipora
- Hinganella
- Hinganotrypa
- Hippadenella
- Hippaliosina
- Hipperechonella
- Hippiopora
- Hippodiplosia
- Hippoexechonella
- Hippolyrula
- Hippomenella
- Hippomonavella
- Hippophylactella
- Hippopleurifera
- Hippopodina
- Hippopodinella
- Hippoporella
- Hippoporidra
- Hippoporina
- Hippopozoon
- Hipposera
- Hippothoa
- Hippozeugosella
- Hoeverella
- Holoporella
- Holostegopora
- Homalostega
- Homoeosolen
- Homotrypa
- Homotrypella
- Hoplitaechmella
- Hoplocheilina
- Hopora
- Hormerella
- Hornera
- Houzeauina
- Hubeipora
- Hunanopora
- Hyalotoechus
- Hyphasmopora
- Hyporosopora
- Hystricopora
- IberostomataIberostomataIberostomata fombuenensis is an extinct species of bryozoa which existed in what is now Spain during the Katian period. It was named by Andrea Jiménez-Sánchez, Robert L. Anstey and Beatriz Azanka in 2010, and is the only species in the genus Iberostomata....
- Ichnopora
- Ichthyorachis
- Idioclema
- Idiotrypa
- Idmidronea
- Idmonea
- Idmonella
- Idmoneoides
- Ignotifenestella
- Ignotrypa
- Ikelarchimedes
- Immergentia
- Inconobotopora
- Infundibulipora
- InsigniaInsigniaInsignia or insigne pl -nia or -nias : a symbol or token of personal power, status or office, or of an official body of government or jurisdiction...
- Intrapora
- Inversiula
- Ipmorella
- Iraidina
- Isotrypa
- Isphairamella
- Kalevipora
- Kallodictyon
- Kalvariella
- Kankopora
- Kasakhstanella
- Kazarchimedes
- Kelestoma
- Kenella
- Kielanopora
- Kielcepora
- Kingopora
- Kionidella
- Klaucena
- Kleidionella
- Koldophos
- Kronothoa
- Kuarnbyella
- Kukersella
- Kunradina
- Kyarnbyella
- Kylonisa
- Kysylschinopora
- Labioporella
- Lacerna
- Lacrimula
- Lagarozoum
- Lagenipora
- Lagenosypho
- Lagonoecia
- Lagynopora
- Laminopora
- Lamottopora
- Lamtshinopora
- Lanarkopora
- Lanceopora
- Lanopora
- Latereschara
- Laterocavea
- Laterocea
- Lateroflustrellaria
- Laterotecatia
- Laterotubigera
- Laxifenestella
- Leeporina
- Leioclema
- Leiosella
- Leiosoecia
- Lekythionia
- Lekythoglena
- Lekythopora
- Lepralia
- Lepralina
- Leptocheilopora
- Leptopora
- Leptotrypa
- Leptotrypella
- Levifenestella
- Lichenalia
- Lichenopora
- Lichenotrypa
- Liguloclema
- Linotaxis
- Lioclemella
- Lioporida
- Liripora
- Lobopora
- Lobosoecia
- Locularia
- Loculipora
- Lophoclema
- Lopholepsis
- Loxophragma
- Lunaferamita
- Lunularia
- Lunulites
- Lyrocladia
- Lyropora
- Lyroporella
- Lyroporidra
- Macropora
- Macroporina
- Magnea
- Magnederella
- Mamillopora
- Manzonella
- Marcusodictyon
- Marcusopora
- Margaretta
- Marginaria
- Marquetta
- Marssoniella
- Marssonopora
- Mastigophora (see Herentia)
- Mastigophorella
- Matherocladia
- Matheropora
- Matsutrypa
- Maychella
- Maychellina
- Meandropora
- Mecynoecia
- Mediapora
- Medisemicoscinium
- Meekopora
- Meekoporella
- Megacanthopora
- Megacanthoporina
- Melicerita
- Melicerita
- Meliceritella
- Meliceritites
- Meliceritites
- MembraniporaMembraniporaMembranipora is a genus of bryozoan in the family Membraniporidae. A typical example is the widely distributed species Membranipora membranacea that commonly encrusts seaweeds, particularly fronds of the kelps Laminaria digitata, L. hyperborea, and Saccorhiza polyschides.Colonies of M...
- Membraniporella
- Membraniporidra
- Membraniporina
- Membrendoecium
- Meniscopora
- Mesenteripora
- Mesonea
- Mesonopora
- Mesostomaria
- Mesotrypa
- Mesotrypina
- Metadictya
- Metelipora
- Metracolposa
- Metradolium
- Metrarabdotos
- Metrocrypta
- Metroperiella
- Microcampylus
- Microecia
- MicroporaMicroporaMicropora is a genus of bryozoan in the family Microporidae. Colonies are always encrusting....
- Microporella
- Microporina
- Minilya
- Minussina
- Mirifenestella
- Mitoclema
- Mitoclemella
- Mojczatrypa
- Mollia
- Mongoloclema
- Mongolodictya
- Monoceratopora
- Monocerina
- Monodesmopora
- Monoporella
- Monotrypa
- Monotrypella
- Monsella
- Monticellaria
- Monticulipora
- Moorephylloporina
- Morozovapora
- Morozoviella
- Morphasmopora
- Mosathoa
- Moyerella
- Mucronella
- Multicavea
- Multicrescis
- Multifascigera
- Multigalea
- Multiphragma
- Multisparsa
- Multitubigera
- Multizonopora
- Mumiella
- Murengoloclema
- Murinopsia
- Myagropora
- Myriapora
- Myriozoum
- Mystriopora
- Nannopora
- Nekhoroshoviella
- Neliella
- Nellia
- Nemacanthclema
- Nemacanthopora
- Nemataxidra
- Nemataxis
- Nematifera
- Nematopora
- Nematoporella
- Nematotrypa
- Neoeridocampilus
- Neoeridotrypella
- Neoretenoa
- Neoreteporina
- Neorhombopora
- Neotrematopora
- Nephropora
- Neuropora
- Neuroporella
- Nevianopora
- Newportopora
- Nicholsonella
- Nicklesopora
- Niigaella
- Nikiforopora
- Nikiforovella
- Nipponstenopora
- Notamia
- Notoplagioecia
- Nudonychocella
- Nudymiella
- Oanduella
- Oanduellina
- Obliquostoma
- Ochetosella
- Ochetosellina
- Odonotrypa
- Odontionella
- Oeciophylloporina
- Ogbinopora
- Ogiva
- Ogivalia
- Ogivalina
- Oligotopora
- Omalosecosa
- Oncousoecia
- Onychocella
- Onychocellaria
- Opisthornithopora
- Orbignyella
- Orbignyopora
- Orbipora
- Orbitulipora
- Orectodictya
- Orthopora
- Osburnostylus
- Osculipora
- Osthimosia
- Otionella
- Otopora
- Ottoseetaxis
- Pachycraspedon
- Pachydera
- Pachydictya
- Pachystomaria
- Pachyteichopora
- Pachythecella
- Pakridictya
- Palaeocoryne
- Palaeocrisidia
- Paleoatactoechus
- Paleschara
- Palmicellaria
- Pamirella
- Pancheilopora
- Papillalunaria
- Parachasmatopora
- Paracrescis
- Parafenestalia
- Parafenestella
- Paralhederella
- Paralioclema
- Parametelipora
- Paranicklespora
- Paraseptopora
- Parasmittina
- Parastenodiscus
- Paratrachytoechus
- Paratretocycloecia
- Paravinella
- Parellisina
- Parleiosoecia
- Parmularia (see Lanceopora)
- Parobeisselina
- Partretocycloecia
- Parvohallopora
- Pasythea
- Patellipora
- Patenaria
- Patsyella
- Paucipora
- Pavobeisselina
- Pavolunuites
- Pedrogopora
- Pelmatopora
- Penetrantia
- Pennipora
- Penniretepora
- Perfodiastopora
- Pergensella
- Perigastrella
- Peripora
- Periporosella
- Peristomella
- Permofenestella
- Permoheloclema
- Permoleioclema
- Permopora
- Peronopora
- Persiopora
- Pesnastylus
- Petalopora
- Petaloporella
- Petalostegas
- Petalotrypa
- Petigopora
- Petraliella
- Phacelopora
- Phaenophragma
- Phaenopora
- Phaenoporella
- Phidolopora
- Phoceana
- Pholidopora
- Phonicosia
- Phormopora
- Phractopora
- Phractoporella
- Phragmophera
- Phragmopora
- Phragmotrypa
- Phrynopora
- Phylactella
- Phylactellipora
- Phyllodictya
- Phylloporina
- Pictatella
- Pileotrypa
- Pinacotrypa
- Pinegopora
- Pinnatopora
- Pinnctoporella
- Pithodella
- Plagioecia
- Plagiosmittia
- Planicellaria
- Platonea
- Platyglena
- Plethopora
- Plethoporella
- Pleurolyrula
- Pleuronea
- Pleuroschizella
- Pliophloea
- Pnictopora
- Pnictoporopsis
- Podljassopra
- Polyascosoecia
- Polyascosoeciella
- Polycephalopora
- Polyceratopora
- Polycylindricus
- Polyfenestella
- Polypora
- Polyporella
- Polyspinopora
- PolyteichusPolyteichusPolyteichus are representatives of bryozoans of the order Trepostomata. They are spherical, semi-spherical or disc shaped, with 3 or 4 radiating lobes, being 2–5 cm in diameter. The zooecia are shaped as wide prisms....
- Porella
- Poriceata
- Poricella
- Poricellaria
- Porina
- Porismittina
- Porometra
- Poropeltarion
- Poroplagioecia
- Praesemicoscinium
- Prasopora
- Prasoporina
- Prattia
- Prenantia
- Primarella
- Primorella
- Prismopora
- Proavella
- Proboscina
- Proboscinopora
- Prodromopora
- Profistulipora
- Promediapora
- Prophyllodictya
- Prosotopora
- Prosthenoecia
- Prostomaria
- Protocrisina
- Protoretepora
- Proutella
- Pseudoascopora
- Pseudobatostomella
- Pseudobeisselma
- Pseudofrondipora
- Pseudohornera
- Pseudoisotrypa
- Pseudolunulites
- Pseudonematopora
- Pseudopachydictya
- Pseudoseptopora
- Pseudoseriopora
- Pseudostege
- Pseudostictoporella
- Pseudotervia
- Pseudothyracella
- Pseudounitrypa
- Psilosecos
- Psilosolen
- Pterocella
- Pteropora
- Ptilocella
- Ptilodictya
- Ptilofenestella
- Ptilofenestella
- Ptiloporella
- Ptiloporina
- Ptilotrypa
- Ptilotrypina
- Ptylopora
- Puellina
- Puncturiella
- Pushkinella
- Pustulopora
- Pycnobasis
- Pycnopora
- Pyricavea
- Pyripora
- Pyriporella
- Pyriporopsis
- Pyrulella
- Pywackia - earliest known bryozoan (Upper Cambrian).
- Qilianopora
- Quadricellaria
- Quadriscutella
- Quadrisemicoscinium
- Radicipora
- Radiocavaria
- Radiofascigera
- Radiopora
- Radiotrypa
- Radulopora
- Ralfina
- Ralfinella
- Ramia
- Ramipora
- Ramiporalia
- Ramiporella
- Ramiporidra
- Ramofilisparsa
- Ramphonotus
- Rarifenestella
- Realeksella
- Rectifenestella
- Rectonychocella
- Reginella
- Reptadeonella
- Reptaria
- Reptescharipora
- Reptoceritites
- Reptoclausa
- Reptofascigera
- Reptolunites
- Reptomultelea
- Reptomulticava
- Reptomulticlausa
- Reptomultisparsa
- Reptonodicava
- Retecava
- Retelea
- Retenoa
- Retepora
- Reteporellina
- Reteporidra
- Reteporina
- Reticrisina
- Reticulipora
- Reussia
- Revalopora
- Revalotrypa
- Revssirella
- Rhabdomeson
- Rhabdopora
- Rhabdotometra
- Rhacheopora
- Rhagasostoma
- Rhammatopora
- Rhamphostomella
- Rhebasia
- Rhenanerella
- Rhiniopora
- Rhinopora
- Rhinoporella
- Rhipidiopora
- Rhombocladia
- Rhombopora
- Rhomboporella
- Rhombotrypa
- Rhombotrypella
- Rimulostoma
- Ripisoecia
- Romancheina
- Ropalonaria
- Rosacilla
- Rosseliana
- Rotoporina
- Rozonovia
- Ruzhencevia
- Ryhopora
- Saevitella
- Saffordotaxis
- Sagenella
- Salairia
- Salicornaria
- Samaria
- Sandalopora
- Sardesonina
- Savignyella
- Scalaripora
- Scenellopora
- Sceptropora
- Schischatella
- Schiscjkatella
- Schismopora
- Schismoporella
- Schistacanthopora
- Schizaropsis
- Schizemiella
- Schizemiellopsis
- Schizobathysella
- Schizobrachiella
- Schizomavella
- Schizoporella
- Schizoporellopsis
- Schizoretepora
- Schizorthosecos
- Schizosmittina
- Schizostomella
- Schizotheca
- Schizotrema
- Schizotremopora
- Schulgina
- Scorpiodina
- Scruparia
- Scrupocellaria
- Scuticella
- Seelandia
- Seguenziella
- Selenaria
- Selenopora
- Semicea
- Semicinctipora
- Semiclausa
- Semicoscinium
- Semicytella
- Semicytis
- Semielea
- Semieschara
- Semiescharinella
- Semifascipora
- Semifenestella
- Semifungella
- Semihaswellia
- Semilaterotubigera
- Semimulticavea
- Seminodicrescis
- Semiopora
- Semitubigera
- Septatopora
- Septopora
- Serietubigera
- Seriopora
- Serpentipora
- Sertella
- Setosella
- Setosellina
- Setosinella
- Shishoviclema
- Shylgapora
- Sibiredictya
- Silenella
- Silenopora
- Silvaseptopora
- Sinoatactoechus
- Sinupetraliella
- Siphodictyum
- Siphoniotyphlus
- Siphonoporella
- Skylonia
- Smittina
- Smittinella
- Smittipora
- Smittistoma
- Smittoidea
- Solenonychocella
- Solenophragma
- Sonninopora
- Sparsicavea
- Sparsicytis
- Sparsiporina
- Spathipora
- Spatiopora
- Speotrypa
- Sphaerogypina
- Sphaeropora
- Sphaerulobryozoon
- Sphenella
- Sphragiopora
- Spinicharixa
- Spinofenestella
- Spinopora
- Spira
- Spirentolophora
- Spirillopora
- Spiropora
- Spiroporina
- Spridmonea
- Staffordotaxis
- Stamenocella
- Stathmepora
- Staurosteginopora
- Steginopora
- Steginoporella
- Stellahevaformis
- Stellatodictya
- Stellipora
- Stellocavea
- Stenocladia
- Stenodiscus
- Stenophragmidium
- Stenopora
- Stenoporella
- Stenopsella
- Stenopsis
- Stenosipora
- Stephanodesma
- Stephanollona
- Stephanosella
- Stephanotrema
- Steraechmella
- Stereotoechus
- Stichocados
- Stichomicropora
- Stichopora
- Stichoporina
- Stichtostega
- Stictocella
- Stictopora
- Stictoporella
- Stictoporellina
- Stictoporina
- Stictotrypa
- Stigmatella
- Stigmatoechos
- Stolonicella
- Stomachetosella
- Stomatopora
- Stomatoporina
- Stomatoporopsis
- Stomhypselosaria
- Streblascopora
- Streblocladia
- Streblopax
- Streblotrypa
- Streblotrypella
- Stromatotrypa
- Strongylopora
- Strophipora
- Strotopora
- Stylopoma
- Subretepora
- Sulcocava
- Sulcoretepora
- Supercytis
- Sylonika
- Synaptacella
- Synnotum
- Synocladia
- Synocladiopsis
- Syringoclemis
- Systenostoma
- Tabulipora
- Tabuliporella
- Taeniocellana
- Taeniodictya
- Taeniopora
- Taenioporella
- Taenioporina
- Talmontipora
- Tamaroclema
- Taphrostoma
- Taractopora
- Tarphophragma
- Tavayzopora
- Tebitopora
- Tegella
- Teichopora
- Telopora
- Terebellaria
- Terebripora
- Tervia
- Tessaradoma
- Tetragonoecia
- Tetraplaria
- Tetrapora
- Tetratoechus
- Teuchopora
- Thalamoporella
- Thamniscus
- Thamnotrypa
- Thecatia
- Theonoa
- Tholopora
- Thoracopora
- Thornipora
- Thyracella
- Timanodictya
- Timanotrypa
- Trachytoechus
- Trataucladia
- Trematella
- Trematooecia
- Trematopora
- Trematoporina
- Tremocoscinopleura
- Tremogasterina
- Tremolyrula
- Tremopora
- Tremoschizodina
- Tremotoichos
- Trepocryptopora
- Trepostomina
- Treptopora
- Tretocycloecia
- Tretonea
- Tretosina
- Tricephalopora
- Tricolpopora
- Tricornicella
- Trigonodictya
- Trigonopora
- Trilophopora
- Triplopora
- Triplozooecia
- Triporula
- Triznella
- Trochiliopora
- Trochopora
- Trochosodon
- Tropidopora
- Truncatula
- Truncatulipora
- Trypematella
- Trypocella
- Trypostega
- Tshokrakopora
- Tubescharina
- Tubigera
- Tubigerina
- Tubiporella
- Tubitrabecularia
- Tubucella
- Tubucellaria
- Tubulipora
- Tubulitrypa
- Turbicellopora
- Tylopora
- Ubaghsia
- Uldzapora
- Ulrichostylus
- Ulrichotrypa
- Ulrichotrypella
- Umbonula
- Umbrellina
- Uniavicularia
- Unicrisia
- Unicytis
- Unitrypa
- Unitubigera
- Uralotrypa
- Utropora
- Vasalemmapora
- Velumella
- Verella
- Verminaria
- Veroclema
- Vesicularia
- Vibracella
- Vibracellina
- Vibraculina
- Vincularia
- Vinella
- Virgatella
- Virgocella
- Vittaticella
- Voigtella
- Voigtia
- Voigtiella
- Voigtopora
- Volgia
- Volnovachia
- Volviflustrellaria
- Voorthuyseniella
- Wassypora
- Watersipora
- Wawalia
- Wilbertopora
- Wjatkella
- Wolinella
- Woodipora
- Worthenopora