List of consuls designate
This is a list of Roman consuls designate
Roman consul
A consul served in the highest elected political office of the Roman Republic.Each year, two consuls were elected together, to serve for a one-year term. Each consul was given veto power over his colleague and the officials would alternate each month...

, individuals who were either elected or nominated to the highest elected political office of the Roman Republic
Roman Republic
The Roman Republic was the period of the ancient Roman civilization where the government operated as a republic. It began with the overthrow of the Roman monarchy, traditionally dated around 508 BC, and its replacement by a government headed by two consuls, elected annually by the citizens and...

, or a high office of the Empire
Roman Empire
The Roman Empire was the post-Republican period of the ancient Roman civilization, characterised by an autocratic form of government and large territorial holdings in Europe and around the Mediterranean....

, but whom for some reason did not enter office at the beginning of the year, either through death, disgrace, or due to changes in imperial administration.

6th century to 2nd century BC

Year Nominated consul(s) Replacement consul(s) Reason for failure to take office
393 L. Valerius Potitus Poplicola and Ser. Cornelius Maluginensis L. Lucretius Tricipitinus Flavus and Ser. Sulpicius Camerinus Elected but abdicated before installation
220 M. Valerius Laevinus and Q. Mucius Scaevola Q. Lutatius Catulus and L. Veturius Philo Elected but gave up magistracies before being installed
215 L. Postumius Albinus M. Claudius Marcellus
Marcus Claudius Marcellus
Marcus Claudius Marcellus , five times elected as consul of the Roman Republic, was an important Roman military leader during the Gallic War of 225 BC and the Second Punic War...

Elected but died in Gallia Cisalpina prior to taking office
108 Q. Hortensius M. Aurelius Scaurus
Marcus Aurelius Scaurus
Marcus Aurelius Scaurus was a Roman politician and general during the Cimbrian War. After one of the consul designates was prosecuted and condemned, Scaurus was made consul suffectus in 108 BC....

Prosecuted and condemned before taking office

1st century BC

Year Nominated consul(s) Replacement consul(s) Reason for failure to take office
68 Servilius Vatia None Consul suffectus designate who died before taking office
65 P. Cornelius Sulla
Publius Cornelius Sulla
Publius Cornelius Sulla was a politician of the late Roman Republic. He was a relative of Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix. He was elected consul in 66 BC together with Publius Autronius, but both were discovered to have committed bribery and were disqualified from the office...

 and P. Autronius Paetus
Publius Autronius Paetus
Publius Autronius Paetus was a politician of the late Roman Republic who was involved in the conspiracy of Catiline.He was elected consul in 66 BC , alongside Publius Cornelius Sulla, but before they could take office both were accused of electoral corruption by Lucius Aurelius Cotta and Lucius...

L. Aurelius Cotta
Lucius Aurelius Cotta
Lucius Aurelius Cotta was a Roman politician from an old noble family who held the offices of praetor , consul and censor . Both his father and grandfather of the same name had been consuls, and his two brothers, Gaius Aurelius Cotta and Marcus Aurelius Cotta, preceded him as consul in 75 and 74...

 and L. Manlius Torquatus
Lucius Manlius Torquatus
Lucius Manlius Torquatus was a Roman politician who was elected Consul in 65 BC after the condemnation of Publius Cornelius Sulla and Publius Autronius Paetus.-Biography:...

Condemned for bribery before taking office
42 D. Junius Brutus
Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus
Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus was a Roman politician and general of the 1st century BC and one of the leading instigators of Julius Caesar's assassination...

M. Aemilius Lepidus
Marcus Aemilius Lepidus (triumvir)
Marcus Aemilius Lepidus , was a Roman patrician who rose to become a member of the Second Triumvirate and Pontifex Maximus. His father, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, had been involved in a rebellion against the Roman Republic.Lepidus was among Julius Caesar's greatest supporters...

Nominated in 45 BC by Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
Gaius Julius Caesar was a Roman general and statesman and a distinguished writer of Latin prose. He played a critical role in the gradual transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire....

, but his involvement in Caesar's assassination saw him killed in the civil war that followed (43 BC).
23 A. Varro Murena
Aulus Terentius Varro Murena
Aulus Terentius Varro Murena was a Roman general and politician of the 1st Century BC.- Biography :Murena was the natural born son of Aulus Terentius Varro, and adopted brother to Lucius Lucinius Varro Murena...

Cn. Calpurnius Piso Died before taking office

1st century AD

Year Nominated consul(s) Replacement consul(s) Reason for failure to take office
4 L. Julius Caesar
Lucius Caesar
Lucius Julius Caesar , most commonly known as Lucius Caesar, was the second son of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa and Julia the Elder. He was born between 14 of June and 15 July 17 BC with the name Lucius Vipsanius Agrippa, but when he was adopted by his maternal grandfather Roman Emperor Caesar...

Nominated consul designate in 2 BC for the year 4 AD, but died 2 years before he was due to take office


  • Swan, Michael, The Consular Fasti of 23 BC and the Conspiracy of Varro Murena, Harvard Studies in Classical Phililogy, Volume 71, 1967, pgs. 235 - 247
  • T. Robert S. Broughton
    Thomas Robert Shannon Broughton
    Thomas Robert Shannon Broughton was a Canadian classical scholar and leading Latin prosopographer of the twentieth century. He is especially noted for his definitive three-volume work, Magistrates of the Roman Republic ....

    , The Magistrates of the Roman Republic, Vol II (1952).
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