List of co-operative federations
This is a list of co-operative federations. For a list of individual Co-operative Enterprises, please see List of cooperatives.
- International Co-operative AllianceInternational Co-operative AllianceThe International Co-operative Alliance is a non-governmental co-operative federation or, more precisely, a co-operative union representing co-operatives and the co-operative movement worldwide. It was founded in 1895. The ICA maintains the internationally recognised definition of a co-operative...
- World Council of Credit UnionsWorld Council of Credit UnionsThe World Council of Credit Unions is an international trade association and development agency for credit unions headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin. Members of the WOCCU include regional and national credit union associations, cooperative associations and business service organizations in 97...
(WOCCU) - Africa Confederation of Co-operative Savings and Credit Associations (ACCOSCA)
- Canadian Co-operative AssociationCanadian Co-operative AssociationThe Canadian Co-operative Association is a national cooperative federation for Canadian co-operatives headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario. CCA represents over 2000 co-operatives and credit unions with 9 million members...
(CCA) - Conseil Canadien de la Coopération (CCC)
- Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation (CWCF)
- Federated Co-operativesFederated Co-operativesFederated Co-operatives Limited , is a co-operative federation, established in 1955, providing procurement and distribution to member co-operatives in Western Canada. Federated Co-operatives is owned by about 265 member co-operatives across the region...
- Fédération québécoise des coopératives en milieu scolaire
United States
- ACDI/VOCAACDI/VOCAACDI/VOCA is a private, international development nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C, United States...
- CF IndustriesCF IndustriesCF Industries Holdings, Inc. is a North American manufacturer and distributor of agricultural fertilizers, based in Deerfield, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago....
(demutualized 2005) - CHF InternationalCHF InternationalCHF International is an international development and humanitarian aid organization that operates in approximately thirty countries per year. The non-profit organization was founded in 1952 as the Cooperative Housing Foundation and provided affordable housing for low-income families in rural and...
- CHS, Inc.CHS, Inc.CHS Inc. is a Fortune 100 organization owned by United States agricultural cooperatives, farmers, ranchers and thousands of preferred stock holders. Based in suburban St. Paul, Minnesota, its activities include grain merchandising and transportation, sunflower and soybean processing, wholesale...
- CUNA Mutual GroupCUNA Mutual GroupCUNA Mutual Group is a mutual insurance company that provides financial services to cooperatives, credit unions, their members, and other customers worldwide. CUNA Mutual Group sells commercial and consumer insurance and protection products....
- Farmland IndustriesFarmland IndustriesFarmland Industries was the largest agricultural cooperative in North America when it declared bankruptcy in 2002.The Farmland brand and its slogan "Good Food From the Heartland" is now owned by Smithfield Foods. While owned by Smithfield Foods, Farmland Foods, Inc...
(liquidated 2003) - National Cooperative BankNational Cooperative BankNational Cooperative Bank is a cooperative financial institution chartered by the United States Congress in 1978, primarily to serve the financial needs of cooperatives...
(NCB) - National Cooperative Business AssociationNational Cooperative Business AssociationFounded in 1916 as the Cooperative League of America, the National Cooperative Business Association is a United States membership organization for cooperatives, businesses that are jointly-owned and democratically-controlled....
(NCBA) (formerly the Cooperative League of America) - National Cooperative Grocers AssociationNational Cooperative Grocers AssociationThe National Cooperative Grocers Association is a marketing service cooperative of cooperative grocery stores founded in 1999 in the United States. NCGA's membership includes 114 independent food cooperatives operating more than 145 stores in 32 states with combined annual sales of nearly $1.2...
(NCGA) - National Rural Electric Cooperative AssociationNational Rural Electric Cooperative AssociationThe National Rural Electric Cooperative Association is the organization that represents over 900 electric cooperatives in the United States. Independent electric utilities are not-for-profit and are owned by their members...
(NRECA) - Network of Bay Area Worker CooperativesNetwork of Bay Area Worker CooperativesThe Network of Bay Area Worker Cooperatives is a network of worker cooperatives dedicated to building workplace democracy in the San Francisco Bay Area....
(NoBAWC) - Portland Alliance of Worker Cooperatives (PAWC)
- U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives (USFWC)
- Valley Alliance of Worker Cooperatives
- Fédération Belge des Coopératives (FEBECOOP)
- Office des Pharmacies Coopératives (OPHACO)
- P & V Assurances
- Société Coopérative (ARCOPAR)
- Central Co-operative Union (CCU)
- National Union of Workers Producers Co-operatives of Bulgaria
- Co-operative Central Bank Ltd.
- Cyprus Turkish Co-operative Central Bank Ltd
- Pancyprian Co-operative Confederation
- Agricultural Council of Denmark
- FDB Consumer Co-operative Denmark
- Co-op Union of Denmark (DKF)
- Confédération Générale des Sociétés Coopératives de Production (CGSCOP)
- Confédération Nationale de la Mutualité, de la Coopération et du Crédit AgricolesConfédération Nationale de la Mutualité, de la Coopération et du Crédit AgricolesThe Confédération nationale de la mutualité, de la coopération et du crédit agricole gathers the various components of the French agricultural mutualist and co-operative movement:* The Fédération nationale de la mutualité agricole The Confédération nationale de la mutualité, de la coopération et...
(CNMCCA) - Confédération Nationale du Crédit Mutuel
- Crédit Agricole S.A.Crédit AgricoleCrédit Agricole S.A. is the largest retail banking group in France, second largest in Europe and the eighth largest in the world by Tier 1 capital according to The Banker magazine. It is also part of the CAC 40 stock market index....
- Fédération Nationale des Coopératives de Consommateurs (FNCC)
- Groupe Crédit Coopératif
- Groupement National de la Coopération (GNC)]]
- Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungsunternehmen (GdW)
- Deutscher Genossenschafts-und RaiffeisenverbandDeutscher Genossenschafts-und RaiffeisenverbandThe Deutsche Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband e.V. is the Co-operative federation for German Co-operatives.Since 1972, the federation has been based in Berlin. Berlin. It came out from the union of the two co-operative central associations at that time of Deutscher Raiffeisenverband and the...
(DGRV) - Edeka Zentrale AG & Co. KGEDEKAThe Edeka Group is the largest German supermarket corporation, currently holding a market share of 26%. Founded in 1898, it consists today of several cooperatives of independent supermarkets all operating under the umbrella organisation Edeka Zentrale AG & Co KG, with headquarters in Hamburg...
- Konsumverband eG
- Zentralverband deutscher Konsumgenossenschaften (ZdK)
- Hungarian Industrial Association (OKISZ)
- National Federation of Agricultural Co-operatives and Producers (MOSZ)
- National Federation of Consumer Co-operatives & Trade Associations (AFEOSZ - Co-op Hungary)
- Associazione Generale delle Cooperative Italiane (AGCI)
- Confederazione delle Cooperative Italiane (CONFCOOPERATIVE)
- Lega Nazionale delle Cooperative e MutueLegacoopLegacoop is a cooperative federation located in Italy. Legacoop consists of several associations of cooperatives, providing coordination and advocating on the members cooperatives' behalf.- History :...
- Coop NKLCoop NKLCoop NKL BA is a Norwegian cooperative retailing company. Coop NKL is owned by 177 local cooperative associations in Norway and has more than one million members and who actually operate that stores. The company has its headquarters in Oslo...
BA - Federation of Norwegian Agricultural Co-operatives (Norsk Landbrukssamvirke)
- Union of Co-operative Housing & Building Associations (NBBL)
- National Association of Co-operative Savings & Credit Unions (NACSCU)
- National Auditing Union of Housing Co-operatives
- National Auditing Union of Workers' Co-operatives (ZLSP)
- National Co-operative Council (NCC)
- National Supervision Union of Consumer Co-operatives (SPOLEM)
- National Union of Co-operative Banks (KZBS)
- Confederaçao Nacional de Cooperativas Agricolas & Crédito (CONFAGRI)
- Confederation of Portuguese Co-operatives (CONFECOOP)
- Co-operative Sector Institute (INSCOOP)
- National Union of Consumer Co-operatives (CENTROCOOP)
- National Union of Handicraft & Production Co-operatives of Romania (UCECOM)
- Central Union of Consumer Societies (CENTROSOJUZ)
- International Council of Consumer Co-operatives (CONSUMINTER)
- Koopvneshtorg Ltd. (COOP TRADE)
- Moscow Regional Union of Consumer Societies
- Confederació de Cooperativas de Catalunya
- Confederación de Cooperativas Agrarias de España (CCAE)
- Confederación de Cooperativas de Euskadi
- Confederación Empresarial de Economia SocialConfederación Empresarial de Economia SocialThe Confederación Empresarial Española de la Economía Social is an organization who represents the companies of the social economy in Spain....
(CEPES) - Confederación Española de Cooperativas de Trabajo AsociadoConfederación Española de Cooperativas de Trabajo AsociadoThe Confederación Española de Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado is a cooperative federation whose aims are the Spanish defense of the interests of the cooperatives of production or work associate....
(COCETA) - Confederación Española de Cooperativas de Consumidores y Usuarios (HISPACOOP)
- Fundación Espriu
- Unión Nacional de Cooperativas de Consumo y Usuarios de España (UNCCUE)
- OKQ8 The Oil Company - OK, now joint with Q8Q8Q8 is the Kuwait Petroleum CorporationQ8 may also refer to:* Q8 * Quad 8, the Quadraphonic version of Stereo 8* Q , 4th series of Spike Milligan's TV comedy sketch show...
- Federation of Swedish Farmers (LRF)
- FolksamFolksamFolksam is one of the largest insurance companies in Sweden. The company headquarters are located in Stockholm. Folksam consists of the two mutual insurance companies Folksam sak and Folksam liv...
(FOLKSAM) - HSBHSB (Sweden)HSB is a cooperative association for housing in Sweden. Members of the association are HSB's customers, i.e. individuals or groups that have bought properties from HSB. Any entity that buys any property from HSB will automatically become a member....
(Union of Housing Co-operatives) - Kooperativa Förbundet (KF)
- Riksbyggen (Co-operative Housing Union)
- Fonus Burial chain
- SwedbankSwedbankSwedbank AB is a leading Nordic-Baltic banking group with 9.5 million retail customers and 534,000 corporate customers in Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. In Sweden, the group has 377 branches. In the Baltic countries, it has another 224 branches...
, formed from a merger in the 90's between the cooperative The Workers Bank and The Farmers BankFöreningsbankenFöreningsbanken was a rural and agriculturally-focused Swedish bank, with branches all over Sweden, which merged with Sparbanken in 1997 to create FöreningsSparbanken....
- Central Union of Turkish Agricultural Credit Co-operatives
- National Co-operative Union of Turkey
- Taris Union of Agricultural Co-operative Societies
- Turkish Co-operative Association
- Union of Sugar Beet Growers' Production Co-operative (PANKOBIRLIK)
- Union of Consumer Societies (UKOOPSPILKA)
- Ukrainian National Credit Union Association (UNCUA)
United Kingdom
- Association of British Credit Unions (ABCUL, Great Britain only) http://www.abcul.org
- Confederation of Co-operative Housing http://www.cch.coop
- Co-operatives UK
- Co-operative PartyCo-operative PartyThe Co-operative Party is a centre-left political party in the United Kingdom committed to supporting and representing co-operative principles. The party does not put up separate candidates for any UK election itself. Instead, Co-operative candidates stand jointly with the Labour Party as "Labour...
- Co-operative Financial ServicesCo-operative Financial ServicesCo-operative Banking Group Limited, formerly Co-operative Financial Services, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Co-operative Group Ltd. in the United Kingdom...
- The Co-operative GroupThe Co-operative GroupThe Co-operative Group Ltd. is a United Kingdom consumer cooperative with a diverse range of business interests. It is co-operatively run and owned by its members. It is the largest organisation of this type in the world, with over 5.5 million members, who all have a say in how the business is...
- Employee Ownership Association http://www.employeeownership.co.uk
- Irish League of Credit UnionsIrish League of Credit UnionsThe Irish League of Credit Unions is a trade association for credit unions in Ireland. It operates in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland...
(federates Northern Ireland credit unions) - Radical RoutesRadical RoutesRadical Routes is a United Kingdom-based co-operative federation. The organisation provides support to housing and worker co-operatives as well as social centres. This support is given in the form of mutual aid...
- Seeds for Change Network http://www.seedsforchange.org.uk
New South Wales
- Cooperative Federation of New South Wales website
- Botswana Co-operative Association (BOCA)
- Botswana Savings and Credit Association (BOSCCA)
Burkina Faso
- Union Régionale des Coopératives d'Epargne et de Crédit du Bam (URC-BAM)
Cóte d'Ivoire
- Union Régionale des Entreprises Coopératives (URECOS-CI)
- Société Coopérative d'Abgoville (SCAGBO)
- Central Agricultural Co-operative Union (CACU)
- Central Housing Co-operative Union (ARE)
- Central Productive Co-operative Union
- Higher Institute for Agricultural Co-operation
- Higher Institute of Co-operative Management Studies
- Federation of Agricultural Co-operative Societies (FACS)
- National Association of Cooperative Credit Unions of The Gambia (NACCUG )
- Ghana Co-operative Council (GCC)
- Ghana Co-operative Credit Unions Association (CUA)
- Cooperative Bank of KenyaCooperative Bank of KenyaCooperative Bank of Kenya is a commercial bank in Kenya. It is one of the forty-four licensed commercial banks in the country. The bank is one of the largest Kenyan banks by assets.-Overview:Cooperative Bank is a large financial services institution...
(CBK) - CIC Insurance Group Limited (CIC) formerly The Co-operative Insurance Company of Kenya website
- Kenya Union Of Savings and Credit Co-operatives (KUSCCO)
South Africa
- National Co-operative Association of South Africa (NCASA)
- Savings and Credit Cooperative League of South Africa (SACCOL)
- Uganda Co-operative Alliance Ltd (UCA)
- Uganda Cooperative Savings and Credit Union ( UCSCU )
- Confederación Cooperativa de la Republica Argentina (COOPERAR)
- Federación Argentina de Cooperativas de Consumo (FACC)
- Instituto Movilizador de Fondos Cooperativos (IMFC)
- Sancor Cooperativa de Seguros Ltda
- Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Jesús Nazareno
- Cooperativa La Merced Ltda
- Cooperativa Rural de Electrificación (CRE)
- Cooperativa de Telefonos Automaticos (COTAS)
- Cooperativa de Consumo (COOP)
- Organização das Cooperativas Brasileiras (OCB)
- Unimed do Brasil, Confederaçao Nacional das Cooperativas Médicas
- Asociación Colombiana de Cooperativas (ASCOOP)
- Casa Nacional del Profesor (CANAPRO)
- Confederación de Cooperativas de Colombia (CONFECOOP)
- Asociación Antioqueña de Cooperativas (CONFECOOP Antioquia) website
- Cooperativa del Magisterio (CODEMA)
- Cooperativa Médica del Valle y Profesionales (COOMEVA)
- Corporación Gimnasio Los Pinos
- Efectiva, Soluciones y Alternativas Comerciales
- Entidad Promotora de Salud (SALUDCOOP EPS)
- Progressa Entidad Cooperativa de los Empleados de Saludcoop
- La Equidad Seguros Sociedad Cooperativa
Costa Rica
- Banco Popular y de Desarrollo Comunal (BPDC)
- Federación de Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito de Costa Rica, R.L. (FEDEAC, R.L.)
Dominican Republic
- Instituo de Desarrollo y Credito Cooperativo (IDECOOP)
- Consejo Nacional de Cooperativas (CONACOOP)
- Cooperativa Nacional de Servicios Multiples de los Maestros (COOPNAMA)
- Cooperativa Nacional de Seguros (COOPSEGUROS)
- Cooperativa Nacional de Servicios Múltiples de los Médicos (MEDICOOP)
- Cooperativa San Jose
- Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito "Sagrada Familia"
- Cooperativa Mixta Mujeres Unidas Ltda. (COMIXMUL)
- Federación de Cajas Populares Alianza S.C. de R.L. de C.V.
- Federación Nacional de Cooperativas Financieras UNISAP S.C. de R.L. de C.V.
- Caja Libertad S.C.L.
- Caja Popular Mexicana
- Confederación Nacional de Cooperativas de Actividades Diversas (CNC)
- Confederación Paraguaya de Cooperativas (CONPACOOP)
- Cooperativa de Produccion, Consumo, Ahorro, Crédito y Servicios de Profesionales de la Salud Ltda (COOMECIPAR)
- Cooperativa Universitaria del Paraguay Ltda (CU)
- Federación de Cooperativas de Producción (FECOPROD)
- Panal Compañia de Seguros Generales S.A. (Propiedad Cooperativa)
- Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito (COOPETROPERU)
- Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito de Trabajadores de Empresas de Luz y Fuerza Eléctrica y Afines (CREDICOOP Luz y Fuerza Ltda.)
- Confederación Nacional de Cooperativas del Perú (CONFENACOOP)
Puerto Rico
- Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito de Arecibo (COOPACA)
- Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito de Lares y Región Central (LARCOOP)
- Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Dr. Manuel Zeno Gandia
- Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito de Médicos y Otros Profesionales de la Salud (MEDICOOP)
- Cooperativa de Seguros Múltiples de Puerto Rico
- Cooperativa de Seguros de Vida de Puerto Rico (COSVI)
- Liga de Cooperativas de Puerto Rico
- Centro Cooperativista Uruguayo (CCU)
- Confederación Uruguaya de Entidades Coops (CUDECOOP)
- Cooperativa Nacional de Ahorro y Crédito (COFAC)
China, People's Republic of
- All China Federation Of Supply & Marketing Co-operatives (ACFSMC)
- Indian Farmers Fertiliser Co-operative (IFFCO)
- Krishak Bharati Co-operative Ltd. (KRIBHCO)
- National Agricultural Co-operative Marketing Federation (NAFED)
- National Co-operative Agriculture & Rural Development Banks' Federation Ltd (NCARDB Federation)
- National Co-operative Consumers Federation (NCCF)
- National Co-operative Union of India (NCUI)
- National Federation of State Co-operative Banks (NAFSCOB)
- National Federation of Urban Co-operative Banks & Credit Societies Ltd (NAFCUB)
- u.p.co-oprative fedraion ltd.Lucknow(PCF)
- Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (KCMMF),
- Indonesian Co-operative Council (DEKOPIN)
- Institute for Indonesian Co-operative Development Studies (LSP2I)
- Central Organisation for Rural Co-operatives (CORC)
- Central Union of Rural Co-operatives (CURACI)
- Iran Chamber of Co-operatives website
- [ Iran Meat Cooperatives Association ]
- Central Union of Co-operative Societies
- Co-op Jerusalem
- Kibbutz MovementKibbutz MovementThe Kibbutz Movement is the largest settlement movement for kibbutzim in Israel. It was formed in 1999 by a partial merger of the United Kibbutz Movement and Kibbutz Artzi.-United Kibbutz Movement:...
- Central Union of Agricultural CooperativesCentral Union of Agricultural CooperativesObservers have suggested that the great influence of the Japanese Central Union of Agricultural Cooperatives in policy making partly resulted from a widespread feeling of gratitude to the dwindling agricultural sector, which in the past supported the country's industrial modernization...
- Japan Agricultural News (Nihon Nogyo Shimbun)
- Japanese Consumers' Co-operative Union (JCCU)
- Japanese Workers Co-operative Union (JIGYODAN)
- National Federation of Agriculture Co-operative Associations (ZEN-NOH)
- National Federation of Fisheries Co-operative Associations (ZENGYOREN)
- National Federation of Forest Owners Co-operative Associations (ZENMORI-REN)
- National Federation of University Co-operative Associations (NFUCA)
- National Federation of Workers & Consumers Insurance Co-operatives (ZENROSAI)
- National Mutual Insurance Federation of Agricultural CooperativesNational Mutual Insurance Federation of Agricultural CooperativesThe National Mutual Insurance Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives , commonly known as "JA Kyosai" or ZENKYOREN, is Japan's national mutual aid association of agricultural cooperatives, founded based on Japan's Agricultural Cooperative Law. ZENKYOREN was founded in 1951 and provides property,...
(ZENKYOREN) - Norinchukin BankNorinchukin BankThe Norinchukin Bank is a Japanese cooperative bank serving over 5612 agricultural, fishing and forestry cooperatives from its headquarters in Tokyo. Its members include cooperative federations such as the Japan Agricultural Cooperatives and the Japan Fishery Cooperatives...
- Korean Federation of Community Credit Co-operatives (KFCCC)
- National Credit Union Federation of Korea (NACUFOK)
- National Federation of Fisheries Co-operatives (NFFC)
- National Forestry Co-operatives Federation (NFCF)
- Nong Hyup (National Agricultural Co-operative Federation, NACF)
- Cooperative College of Malaysia website
- National Cooperative Organisation of Malaysia (ANGKASA) wesite
- National Land Finance Cooperative Society
- National Cooperative Federation of Nepal
- Nepal Federation of Savings & Credit Cooperative Unions (NEFSCUN)
- VICTO NATIONAL Federation of Co-operatives and Development Center (VICTO NATIONAL)
- National Confederation of Co-operatives (NATCCO)
- Quezon City Union of Cooperatives (QCUC)
Sri Lanka
- National Co-operative Council of Sri Lanka (NCC)
- National Institute of Co-operative Development (NICD)
- Federation of Thrift & Credit Co-operative Societies Ltd in Sri Lanka (SANASA)
- Sri Lanka Consumer Co-operative Societies Federation Ltd (CoopfeD)