List of cities, towns and villages in West Azarbaijan Province
A list of cities, towns and villages in West Azerbaijan Province of north-western Iran
| Abajalu-ye Olya
| Abarabashi
| Adeh-ye Bozorg
| Agh Bolagh | Agh Dunlu
| Agh Gol
| Aghasur
| Aghbolagh
| Aghbolagh-e Chamanlu
| Aghbolagh-e Khaled
| Aghbolagh-e Mokhur
| Aghbolagh-e Suqqar
| Aghcheh Qaleh
| Aghdash
| Agheshlu
| Aghmiun
| Aghotlaq
| Aghsaqal
| Aghutman
| Aghyar
| Ahaq
| Ahdaqeh | Ahmad Baru | Ahmad Rasul | Ahmadabad | Ahmadabad-e Sofla | Aji Darreh Akbar Davud | Akbarabad | Akh Maqayeh | Akhfurdi | Akhtetar | Akhund Qeshlaq | Akhyan-e Bozorg | Akhyan-e Kuchek | Al Bolagh | Alajujeh | Alakabad | Alakin | Alanjeq | Albalan
| Alefabad | Alichin | Allahverdi Kandi | Almanabad | Almaran | Alqanab | Alqian | Alqu | Alusan | Alvaj | Alvan |Amid | Aminabad | Amineh Deh | Aminlu | Amir Kandi
| Amirabad | Ammand | Amrahlu | Anbi | Andarqash | Andergan | Andizeh | Angaman | Angurtlar-e Sofla | Anhar-e Sofla | Anhar-e Olya | Aq Bolagh-e Kuranlu | Aqa Baba-ye Famarzi | Aqa Beyglu | Aqa Esmail | Aqa Hasan Beyglu | Aqamir Kandi | Aqbolagh
| Aqbolagh Meydan | Aqbolagh-e Olya | Aqcheh Qeshlaq | Aqduz | Aqgonbad | Aqjeh Dizeh | Aqkand | Aqtavileh | Aqveran | Aralan | Arallu-ye Kuchek
| Aranchi | Arasgona-ye Olya | Arazguni-ye Bala | Arazguni-ye Pain | Arbat Olya | Arbat-e Sofla | Ardukin | Arena
| Arkavin | Arkhashan | Armani Bolaghi | Armanian | Armudaghaj | Arnesa | Arpa Darrahsi | Arpalikh | Aruq | Arya Darrehsi | Arzil | Arzin | Asadollah Kandi | Asambar | Asbos | Ash Golan | Ashan | Ashik
| Ashnaabad | Asingaran | Aski Baghdad | Aslanik | Asli Kand-e Bala | Asli Kand-e Pain | Astalaq | Astamal | Astunrash | Ata Bolaghi | Atashgah | Avdelan-e Sofla | Avdelan-e Olya | Avdi | Aversi | Avik
| Avilaq | Aydenlu | Aydisheh | Aydughmush | Ayeblu | Azad | Azar Shahr | Azhdarlu | Azmanak-e Sofla | Azutash Abbas Beyglu | Abbas Bolaghi | Abbas Kandi | Abbasabad | Ajab Shir | Alamdar | Aleyh | Ali Beyglu | Ali Faraj | Ali Hajji | Ali Mardan | Ali Molk | Ali Nazar | Ali Qandu | Ali Shah | Ali Verdlu | Ali Yar | Aliabad | Aliabad-e Bukan | Aliabad-e Rend | Alian | Alibeglu | Alibeyglu-ye Olya | Alibeyglu-ye Sofla | Alijula | Alikandi | Alikumi | Alilahsar | Alirezaabad | Alujini | Amukhanzi-ye Olya | Amukhanzi-ye Sofla | Anbaran
| Anbarlu | Anbarlu Ashayer | Ansarud | Antar Kandi | Arab Dizaj | Arablu
| Babaganjeh | Babak | Babakan | Babalu | Babarud | Babereh-ye pain | Babuneh-ye Sofla | Babuneh-ye vosta | Babuneh-ye Olya | Babur `ajam | Babur-e kord | Bachehjik | Badaki | Badam | Badelbu | Badrabad | Baduli | Bafarvan | Bafravan-e kuchek | Bagh bolagh-e bala | Bagh daraq | Baghcheh | Baghcheh juq | Baharabad
| Bahleh | Bahlul kandi | Bahlulabad | Bahluleh | Bahramabad | Bajujabad | Bajvand | Bak ali-ye Sofla | Bak ali-ye Olya | Bakhshayesh
| Baktash | Balaji | Balakan
| Balansar | Balderlu | Baleqchi | Balowlan | Banaabad | Banafsheh daraq
| Bancharan | Banda'i | Bandar-e sharafkhaneh | Banehzir | Bani
| Banu khalaf | Baqerlu | Bar | Barajuq | Baranduz | Barani-ye kord | Barani-ye Ajam | Baranlu | Barazi | Barbaran | Barbin | Bardeh gol | Bardeh kesh | Bardeh mish | Bardeh rash | Bardeh rashan | Bardeh zard | Bardehsur | Bardel mish | Bardizi | Barduk | Barenj | Bari
| Barkamaran | Barreh ju | Barun | Barut aghaji | Baruzh | Bas kandizaj | Bash kahriz | Bashadami | Bashbolagh | Bashkand | Bashlan bushlu | Basmenj
| Basrik | Bastan qushchi | Bavan | Bayancholi-ye kord | Bayancholi-ye `ajam | Bayat | Bayetmish | Bayjan | Bayram kandi | Bazan daghi | Bazargan
| Behik
| Behisafar | Behnaq | Benis | Berasb | Berazan | Bereh | Berengabad | Beri | Beyg baghlu | Beyglar kandi | Beyk kandi | Beyram | Beyraq
| Bezhveh | Bibakran | Bibi kand | Bigjah khanun | Bijan
| Bikus | Bileh savar
| Bileh var | Bilverdi | Bimzorteh | Biqush | Biquz | Birlan | Bishak | Bizhanabad | Bohlulabad | Bolarghu | Bolbol | Boljak | Bonab
| Borhan | Borhanlu | Bowzeh | Boyuk bolagh | Boyuran-e pain | Boz Qaleh | Bozlu
| Bozorgabad | beshnsp | Bula mach kahriz | Bura chalu | Burashan | Burbur | Bushanlu | Buyni yughunlu | Buzin
| Chamanlu | Chanaq | Chanaqlu | Chapan
| Chaqal-e mostafa | Chareh | Chatu kandi | Chavgun | Chavoshan | Chavrash | Chay darsi | Chay kand | Chay qeshlaq | Chehregan | Chehreh gosha | Chelash | Chelik | Cher
| Cher chera | Cheraghlu | Chercher
| Cherikabad | Cheshmeh | Cheshmeh gol | Cheshmeh kanan | Chianeh | Chichaklu | Chichaklu-ye baksh Qaleh | Chichaklu-ye hajjiaqa | Chichaklu-ye mansur | Chollu | Chonqeralu-ye pol | Chonqeralu-ye yekan | Chopoqlu | Chub tarash | Chukhur kandi | Chuktu | Chunzeh-ye bala | Chunzeh-ye Sofla | Chupanlu-ye Sofla | Chupanlu-ye Olya | Chuqtu | Betush
Dizaj-e bala | Dizaj-e fathi | Dizaj-e naqaleh | Dizaj-e qorban | Dizaj-e rahimpur | Dizaj-e sheykh marjan | Dizaj-e siavosh | Dizaj-e takyeh | Dizaj-e tavil | Do seyyed | Dobreh | Dokaneh | Dolapesan | Dowlatabad | Dowlpanbu | Dowrbeh | Doyran | Duday | Dugijan | Dul kandi | Dulama | Duleh-ye karam | Dust ali | Dustak | Dustalan | Dustan | Duz aghol
| Ebriq | Elyasabad | Emam kandi | Emamabad-e qeyqach | Emamkandi | Emamqoli kandi-ye Olya | Emamqoli kandi-ye Sofla | Esfahlan | Esfanjan | Eshgehsu | Eskalu | Eskandarabad | Eslam tappeh | Eslamabad
| Eslamlu | Esmail kahrizi | Esmail kandi
| Esmailaqa qalehsi | Evli | Ezmareh-ye Olya | Ezmareh-ye bala | Ezmareh-ye Sofla |
| Gamichi
| Gamus | Ganehdar | Gangachin | Ganjabad | Gapis | Gardabad | Gargar | Gari gandom | Garifash | Garikan | Garnavik | Garvis | Gashga dagh | Gavkan | Gavlan
| Gavmish goli | Gavmishan | Gazanehkesh | Gazanq | Gazkask | Geday | Gerd taspian | Gerd-e kashan | Gerd-e ya`qub | Gerdeh balich | Gerdeh bardan | Gerdeh bon | Gerdeh gerow | Gerdeh gol | Gerdeh qit | Gerdeh rash | Gerdeh sur | Gerdevan | Gerdik | Gerdiknaser | Gergereh | Gerik
| Germi
| Gezafer | Gezelan | Ghaffar behi | Gharib kandi | Ghazan | Ghelman saray | Giah dowran | Gicheh | Gijelar | Gilan deh
| Gilarlu | Gileh-ye Olya | Gir sheytan | Girah kandi | Givan | Godaklu | Gog tappeh | Gol | Gol daraq | Gol faraj | Gol marzinak | Gol mavaran | Gol mazar | Gol murs | Gol parchin | Gol sa`id | Gol tappeh
| Gol tappeh-ye qurmish | Gol-e behi | Gol-e sheykhan | Golanik-e Sofla | Golanik-e Olya | Goldanlu | Golestaneh | Goli bolaq-e Sofla | Goli bolaq-e Olya | Golijeh | Goljar | Golkanak | Golmarz-e Sofla | Golmarz-e Olya | Golshan | Golujeh
| Golyar | Golzar | Golaleh | Gonah dar | Gonbad
| Gonbad-e molla `isa | Gonbad-e vila | Gonbar
| Gondaman | Gonduk-e molla | Gord-e zarrin | Gowd-e molla vali | Gowg tappeh | Gowharan | Gowjar | Gowjeh qaleh | Gowmelian | Gowzgavand | Goz dagan | Gudal | Gug tappeh-ye khaleseh | Gugkhalu | Guk papakh | Guk tappeh | Gul | Gulagani | Guman | Gundughdi | Gurabad | Guranabad | Gurand | Gurdigol-e nur ed din | Gurdigol-e Olya | Gurkhaneh | Gurmandak | Gushlu | Guyjeh yaran | Guyjeh ali tappeh | Guyjehlu-ye aslan | Guzik
| Haftabad | Haftsaran | Haj mohammad | Hajj babakhan | Hajj mohammad | Hajji aqa | Hajji bala beyglu | Hajji bayram | Hajji hasan | Hajji hasan daghi | Hajji hasan-e bala | Hajji hasan-e khaleseh | Hajji hasan-e Sofla | Hajji jafar kandi | Hajji kandi | Hajji khvosh | Hajji lak | Hajji ma mian | Hajji pirlu | Hajji sufi | Hajji ali kandi | Hajjiabad | Hajjiabad-e okhtachi | Hajjibaghlu | Hajjibehzad | Hajjilar-e guni | Haju | Haki
| Halabi
| Halafaleh | Halah qush | Halanik | Halhal-e Sofla | Halhal-e Olya | Halveh | Hamdollahabad | Hameh shan | Hamid
| Hammam
| Hammamian | Hammamlar | Hammamlu | Hamtavan | Hamzah khanlu | Hamzehabad | Hamzian-e bala | Hamzian-e Sofla | Hangarvan | Hansi
| Haqverdi | Har golan | Harakian | Haramlu | Harulan | Harzand-e jadid | Hasan kandi | Hasan khan darrehsi | Hasanabad | Hasanlu | Hasel qui-ye afshar | Hasel qui-ye amirabad | Hashemabad | Hashiyeh rud | Hashtian | Hasin-e bozorg | Hasin-e kuchak | Haspestan | Hasu kandi | Hasulazgi | Hasushaki | Hasushiri | Hava daraq | Havandak | Havas kandi | Havistin | Hayneh bak | Hendabad | Hendvar | Heris | Hervi
| Hesar | Hesar bolaghi | Hesar kharabeh | Hesar-e aqbolagh | Hesar-e babaganjeh | Hesar-e bahramkhan | Hesar-e hajjilar | Hesar-e qapuchi | Hesar-e sopurghan | Hesar-e tarmani | Hesar-e torkaman | Hesarlu | Heshterak | Heybat-e jahan khanemlu | Heydarabad | Heydarkhanlu | Heydarlu-ye biglar | Heydarlu-ye Sofla | Heyran | Hiaq | Hurow
| Iki aqaj | Ilanlu | Ilanqarah-ye bala | Ilanqarah-ye pain | Ilat-e yalquz aghaj | Ilbolaghi | Ilkhechi | Ilsovan | Incheh darrehsi | Incheh-ye Olya | Incheh-ye qadim | Incheh-ye Sofla | Injeh-ye Olya | Injeh-ye Sofla | Iranabad | Iranaq | Iri-ye Olya | Iribujaq | Ivand |
| Jagan | Jaganlu | Jaganlu-ye kord | Jaganlu-ye Ajam | Jajan | Jalil kandi | Jalman | Jalqaran | Jamal kandi | Jamalabad
| Jambu`eh | Jameh bozorg | Jamshidabad | Jan Aziz | Jandaran | Jang tappeh | Jangan | Janizeh | Janvislu | Jarchelu | Jatar | Javzar | Jafarabad | Jafarabad-echelik | Jafarian | Jebrailabad | Jedaqayeh | Jeghal | Jehatlu | Jermi | Jeyran-e Sofla | Jeyran-e Olya Jijak | Jiqeh | Jiqjiq | Jol | Jolbar | Jolfa
| Jorni | Jowshin | Jugi-ye mohammad reza | Jugi-ye vasat | Juhni | Jujahi | Jurab
| Kachalar-e kordlar | Kachu-ye Sofla | Kachu-ye Olya | Kaduk dami | Kafi ol molk | Kahal
| Kahaq | Kahnamu | Kahriz | Kahriz-e Sofla | Kahriz-e Olya | Kahrizeh sheykhan | Kahrizeh-ye shakak | Kahrizeh-ye Ajam | Kaklar | Kalaleh
| Kalan kani | Kalansura | Kaleh tazeh kand | Kalehkin | Kalhor | Kalkhowran sheykh | Kalleh sar-e Sofla | Kalleh sar-e Olya | Kamam | Kamar qayyah | Kan miran | Kandal | Kanesbi | Kanespi | Kangarlu | Kani bodagh | Kani dastar | Kani deraz | Kani gani | Kani gorgeh | Kani kowtar | Kani miran | Kani nowbateh | Kani pankeh-ye tajer | Kani quzan | Kani rash | Kani shamdin | Kani shurik | Kani sorkh | Kani taber | Kani zard | Kaniyeh sar | Kanan-e il | Kanan-e ra`iyat | Kapaleh hasan | Kapeh kand | Karamabad | Karimabad | Karimlu | Karvan qoran | Karvansara | Kaseb | Kasehgaran | Katalan | Kavalan | Kavalaq | Kavsi | Kayer | Kechah bash | Kelah rash-e Sofla | Kelahrash-e Olya | Kelahshin | Kelasi | Kelaz | Kelid daghi | Kelisa kandi | Kelisa-ye sir | Kenikowr | Keran-e bala | Kesharkhi | Keshmesh tappeh | Keshtaz | Khak mardan | Khal dalil | Khalaj | Khalaj-e kord | Khalaj-e Ajam | Khaledabad
| Khalifan | Khalifatan | Khalifeh | Khalil zaghahsi | Khalkhal | Khalvat | Khalyan | Khameneh | Khameslu | Khan amir | Khan baba kandi | Khan baghi | Khan bolaghi | Khan kandi | Khan qeshlaqi | Khandam | Khaneh sar | Khaneh-ye behdasht | Khaneqah | Khangah | Khanian | Khanik | Khanjar khan | Khanjar qeshlaqi | Khanqah
| Khanqah-e alvach | Kharabeh-ye senji | Kharah gush | Kharali | Kharapa | Kharehju | Kharmam kand | Kharmanyeri | Kharvanaq | Kharz | Khatai | Khatab | Khataylu | Khatukas | Khatun bagh | Khatun gonay | Khatunasdi | Khazar guran-e Sofla | Khazar guran-e Olya | Khazineh anbar-e jadid | Khazineh anbar-e qadim | Khelejan | Kheri
| Khezerlu
| Khezrabad
| Khiarak
| Khodaverdikhan kandi | Kholkholeh | Khorramabad
| Khosrowabad | Khosrowshahr | Khuk | Khur khur | Khur khur-e Sofla | Khur khur-e Olya | Khurablu | Khurasb | Khusheh mehr | Khvajeh | Khvajehlar-e Sofla | Khvajehlar-e vosta | Khvajehlar-e Olya | Khvaju | Khvor khvoreh | Khvoresht | Khvoshalan | Khvoshalu | Kichabad | Kifarabad | Kileh sepyan | Kinesi | Kisian | Kitekeh | Kivaj | Kohneh deh | Kohneh khaneh | Kohneh lahijan | Kojaabad | Kolik | Kolucheh-ye khaleseh | Komar-e bala | Kondelaj | Kor | Kord kandi
| Kord lar | Kord neshin | Kord qebran | Kordlar | Koshk saray | Kowlus | Kowtar | Kuik
| Kuch kandi | Kuch ali | Kuh kamar | Kuh-e khalveh | Kuhsareh | Kujanaq | Kukh | Kukhan | Kukia | Kul akhir | Kulij | Kulseh-ye bala | Kulseh-ye pain | Kuper | Kurabad | Kurabolagh | Kuran
| Kuraneh | Kurani | Kureh-ye Olya | Kureh-yeSofla | Kuroshabad | Kurt kandi | Kurteh kavil | Kurti | Kururan | Kusaj | Kuseh | Kuseh ahmad | Kuseh kahriz | Kusehabad | Kusehlar-e Sofla | Kusehlar-e Olya | Kushgeh darreh | Kuy bolagh-e bala | Kuy bolagh-e pain | Kuzeh kanan | Kuzehgaran
| Lagaz | Laheji | Laj
| Lajani | Lak | Lakdeh | Laklar | Lalahlu-ye torab | Lalaklu | Lalehlu | Lambaran | Larijan
| Lashenlu | Lavik
| Lavin
| Lerni | Leylan
| Liqvan
| Livar-e bala | Livar-e pain | Lowlakan | Lowrzina | Lulham | Lulik-e Olya | Lulik-e Sofla | Lur
| Lura shirin | Lurun
| Mahdinlu | Mahlezan | Mahmud aghli | Mahmud kandi | Mahmudabad | Mahmudan | Majarshin | Majidlu | Majnun-e Sofla | Majnun-e Olya | Majruseh | Makhand | Maku
| Maku kandi | Malekan
| Maleklu | Malham
| Malian | Maluneh | Mamahdel | Mamakan | Mamakava | Mamevand | Mamqan | Mansurabad | Maqsudabad-e bala | Maqsudabad-e pain | Maragheh
| Marajul | Marakumi | Marand
| Maraneh | Marangalu-ye bozorg | Marangalu-ye kuchek | Margan-e esmail kandi | Margan-e qadim | Margan-e vasat | Margan-e Azizabad | Margarash | Marivakh aqa | Markid | Marmishu | Marnah | Marqesheh | Marvan kandi | Maryam | Mashgabad-e Sofla | Mashgabad-e Olya | Mashhadi kandi | Mashhadlu | Mashnaq | Masjed | Masjedlu
| Mastakan | Mavana | Mayan-e pain | Mayeh darrahsi | Mayel kandi | Mazeleh | Mazhgeh | Mazra | Mazraeh
| Mazraeh-ye chul | Mainad | Masum kandi | Mehdi bolaghi | Mehdi khanlu | Mehmandar | Mendehdul | Meqi talu | Mesan
| Meshik | Meshk-e Anbar | Meskin | Meydan | Miab | Mianeh | Milan
| Milgerd | Minabad | Mingol | Mirabad
| Mirabad-e yushanli | Mirdavud | Mireh deh | Mirshekarlu | Mirza dulmaz | Mirza kandi | Mirza khalil | Mirza nezam | Mishabad | Misheh deh-e Sofla | Mobarakabad
| Moghvan | Mohammad aqa-ye Olya | Mohammad kandi | Mohammad karim kandi | Mohammad saleh | Mohammad yar | Mohammadabad | Mokhvor | Molla ahmad | Molla bashi
| Molla bastak | Molla hasan | Molla kandi | Mollalar | Monavvar | Moqaddam | Moradkandi | Moradkhan kandi | Moradkhanlu | Moradlu | Moradlu-ye pa"in | Moradlu-ye Sofla | Moradlu-ye vasati | Moradlu-ye vosta | Moradlu-ye Olya | Moradali-ye Sofla | Moradali-ye Olya | Mostafa kandi | Mostafa qalehsi | Mowlik | Mozaffarabad | Mujombar | Mulu | Mus | Musalan | Mushabad
| Najjar | Nakhjavan tappeh | Nalivan | Namin
| Naminjeh | Namrur | Nanas | Nar qeshlaqi | Nari | Narleh | Narzeh marz | Narziveh | Nasikabad | Nasir kandi
| Nasirabad | Naybin | Nayeb kandi | Nazan | Nazar kandi | Nazar khan | Nazarabad-e eftekhar | Nazarlu
| Naznaz | Nazok | Nazok-e Sofla | Neftu | Nehriq | Nergi | Neychalan | Neyestan | Neyzeh-ye Sofla | Nezamabad | Niar
| Niaraq | Niaz
| Nivlu | Nok dagh | Nosratabad
| Now shahr | Nowbahar | Nowbar | Nowjavan | Nowjeh deh-e molla yahya | Nowjeh mehr | Nowqaran-e bala | Nowqaran-e pain | Nowruz bolaghi | Nowruzabad | Nowruzlu | Nowsar | Nui | Nua deh | Nunusi | Nur ed dinabad | Nurduz | Nush qayahsi | Nushan-e Sofla | Nushan-e Olya | Nushin
| Otol goli | Owali | Ozarlu
| Qalat | Qalu rasul aqa | Qalu zendan | Qaleh bozorg | Qaleh juq
| Qaleh juqeh | Qaleh lar | Qaleh sardar | Qaleh tappeh | Qaleh tarash | Qaleh-ye juq | Qaleh-ye rash-e bala | Qaleh-ye `azizbeyg | Qamat | Qameshlu | Qamish aghol | Qamtareh | Qanat-e mirza jalil | Qanbar kandi | Qanbarlu | Qand kheli | Qapi-ye baba ali | Qapliq | Qara bolagh | Qarablu | Qarah aghol | Qarah ayaq | Qarah bolagh
| Qarah chahveran-e Sofla | Qarah jolu | Qarah kahriz | Qarah kandi | Qarah khvojalu | Qarah papaq | Qarah qasemlu | Qarah qeshlaq
| Qarah qowyun | Qarah saqqal-e Sofla | Qarah saqqal-e Olya | Qarah tulki-ye tazehkand | Qarah yataq | Qarah zamin | Qarajalu | Qaralar-e aqataqi | Qaralar-e hajjqasem | Qaralar-e kuh | Qaralar-e lotfollah | Qaralar-e mirza hoseynqoli | Qaralar-e tasuji | Qaraneh | Qarangu | Qaraquyunlu | Qareh aghaj
| Qareh barar | Qareh boghlu | Qareh bolagh | Qareh bolagh-e Olya | Qareh bughaz | Qareh chelan | Qareh chopoq | Qareh dagh | Qareh evli | Qareh galasi dagh | Qareh gaz | Qareh gol | Qareh gowzlu | Qareh guz-e hajjibaba | Qareh guz-eil | Qareh hasanlu | Qareh jalu | Qareh kand | Qareh kelisa | Qareh khaj | Qareh khan | Qareh khezr | Qareh musalu | Qareh qassab | Qareh qayah | Qareh qeshlaq
| Qareh qiz | Qareh qush-e Sofla | Qareh saqar | Qareh sha`ban | Qareh tappeh
| Qareh tappeh-ye Olya va Sofla | Qareh tulki-ye Sofla | Qareh tulki-ye Olya | Qareh ughlanlu | Qarehchi-ye ma`dani | Qarehlar | Qarnesa' | Qarquluq | Qarquluq-e Sofla | Qarquluq-e Olya | Qaryaqdi | Qasemlu | Qashqa bolagh-e Sofla | Qasran | Qasrik | Qatarabad | Qater yuran-e Sofla | Qater yuran-e Olya | Qaterchi | Qat`eh | Qavaqlu | Qayan kandi | Qayeh qorban shir | Qayehlu | Qazanabad | Qazanlu | Qazanali | Qazi akhavi | Qazi gol | Qazi jahan | Qaziabad | Qazlian | Qelenjlu | Qelichkhan kandi | Qelichyaqliqareh | Qelinj lanmish | Qerekhlu | Qerkh bolagh
| Qerkhlar | Qermez khalifeh-ye Sofla | Qermez khalifeh-ye Olya | Qermezdash | Qermezi bagh | Qermezi gunur | Qermezi qeshlaq | Qeshlaq | Qeshlaq-e amir a`lam | Qeshlaq-e aqa khan-e ekhtiar | Qeshlaq-e aqa khan-e karamat | Qeshlaq-e aramaneh | Qeshlaq-e asghar | Qeshlaq-e ebrahim khan | Qeshlaq-e esma`il khan | Qeshlaq-e hajj aman | Qeshlaq-e hajj savad | Qeshlaq-e hajj ali khan | Qeshlaq-e hajji allahverdi | Qeshlaq-e hajji bayrish | Qeshlaq-e hajji `avaz | Qeshlaq-e jahan khanemlu | Qeshlaq-e ja`far qoli khan | Qeshlaq-e khan oghlan | Qeshlaq-e khurasha | Qeshlaq-e marzabad | Qeshlaq-e mirzaali | Qeshlaq-e mohammad qoli | Qeshlaq-e mohammad sharif | Qeshlaq-e mollalu | Qeshlaq-e moradlu | Qeshlaq-e nariman-e amir aslani | Qeshlaq-e nariman-e hajj havar | Qeshlaq-e nariman-e khan ughlan | Qeshlaq-e nuaki | Qeshlaq-e pasha | Qeshlaq-e qahreman | Qeshlaq-e qirlu | Qeshlaq-e qushdash mirza khan | Qeshlaq-e qushdash yashil | Qeshlaq-e quzlu | Qeshlaq-e rahim | Qeshlaq-e seyyedi kandi | Qeshlaq-e shakur | Qeshlaq-e soleyman akbar | Qeshlaq-e soleyman-e ali goshad | Qeshlaq-e tarzilu | Qeshlaq-e ali aqa | Qeysar | Qez Qaleh | Qezel arkh | Qezel bolagh | Qezel daghi | Qezel dizaj | Qezel guney | Qezel hajjilu | Qezel qapi | Qezel qayeh | Qezel qeshlaq | Qezel suri | Qezel Asheq | Qezeldagh-e kord | Qezeldagh-e Ajam | Qezeljah | Qezeljeh | Qezeljeh-ye bala | Qezeljeh-ye pain |Qias-e bala | Qias-e pain | Qiqach | Qir kandi | Qiz khashlu | Qobad beygian | Qodrat kandi | Qojur | Qol hasan | Qolidizaj | Qolman sara | Qolqoleh | Qom qeshlaq | Qomi | Qomlu | Qosur | Qotlu | Qoturlar | Qowm kariz | Qowzlu-ye Sofla | Qowzlujeh | Quch ahmad | Quchali | Qudchi | Qulan | Qular | Qulonji | Qurd ol duran | Qurghan | Quri bolagh | Quri daraq | Qurishkak | Qurmik | Qurokh daghi | Qurshaqlu | Qush | Qush qayahsi | Qush qayehsi | Qush ali kandi | Qusha bolagh-e Sofla | Qusha bolagh-e Olya | Qutan | Quytal | Quyujoq | Quyunlu | Quyusi | Quzlu
| Quzuchi-ye owlan
| Rafteh | Rah tappeh | Rahimabad
| Rahimlu | Rahimlu-ye muran | Rahmanlu | Randula | Rashgund | Rashkand | Rasulabad
| Ravand-e Olya | Ravand-e Sofla | Ravasobhan | Ravaz | Ravesht-e bozorg | Razgeh | Razhan | Rend | Reyhanabad | Reyhanlu-ye Olya | Reyhanlu-ye Sofla | Reyhanlu-ye vosta | Rikabad | Rikan | Rudkhaneh-ye vazman | Ruh kandi | Rumquyusi
| Sadaqeh | Sadd-e aras | Sadd-e shahid kazemi | Safarlu | Safarqoli kandi | Safu | Saghirlu | Sahlan | Saholan | Sakan | Sakhasi tappeh | Sakhteman | Salamat | Salarabad | Salband | Salim beyg | Salim kandi | Salim saghul | Salmanabad | Salteh | Samadlu | Samartu | Samenu | Samian | Samsalu | Sanak | Sanam bolaghi | Sangar | Sangar-e mir`abdollah | Sangboran | Sanjaq | Saqan | Sar aghol | Sar baghcheh | Sar chenar | Sar darreh | Sar mirqan | Sarajuq | Saralan | Saray | Saray deh | Sard kuhestan | Sard rud | Sardarabad | Sardrud
| Sarem sakhlu | Sarenj | Sari beyglu | Sari beyglu-ye araleq | Sari beyglu-ye cheragh | Sari bolagh
| Sari chaman | Sari nasirlu | Sari ojaq | Sari qomish | Sari qomish-e qeshlaq | Sari Su | Sarijalu | Sarkesh | Sarkiz | Sarv kani | Sarvaneh | Satelmish-e mohammadlu | Satelmish-e tupkhaneh | Savinas | Sazaghol | Saatlu-ye beyglar | Saatlu-ye kuh | Saatlu-ye manzel | Sadal | Saidlu | Sebdinabad | Sechan bolaghi | Sefidan-e jadid | Sefideh khvan | Segrik | Seh kani | Seh sir | Sehgergan | Sengan | Seniq | Senji | Senjilak | Senjilik | Seri qayeh | Serin chaveh | Serow
| Seyban | Seydan | Seylaneh | Seyyed kandi | Seyyed Abbas | Seyyedabad
| Seyyedan | Seyyedlar-e Zahra | Shamlu
| Shams-e hajjian | Shamusilabi | Shaqlava | Sharabian | Sharafkhanli | Sharanlu | Sharif kandi | Sharifabad
| Shater | Shatqar | Shebilu-ye Sofla | Shebilu-ye Olya | Shedi | Shegaftik-e Sofla | Shegaftik-e Olya | Shegefti | Shekam darideh | Shekar yazi | Shekhal | Shelveh-ye Sofla | Shelveh-ye Olya | Shendabad
| Sheyban | Sheykh | Sheykh ahmad
| Sheykh hamzehlu | Sheykh sar mast | Sheykh selu-ye bala | Sheykh shamzin | Sheykh teymur | Sheykh vali | Sheykh zard | Sheykh Azimlu | Sheykhan | Sheykhlar-e mazari | Sheykhsilu | Sheykhalijan | Sheykh Osman | Shilanabad | Shinabad | Shir amin | Shir mard | Shirabad | Shirakan | Shiran | Shirani
| Shiraz
| Shirin kand | Shiru kandi | Shirvan shahlu-ye Sofla | Shirvani | Shishavan | Shiveh berow | Shoja | Shorabad | Shot | Shotlu | Shur gel | Shur kand | Shurab | Shuraghol | Shurakandi | Shurbolagh | Shurbolagh-e Sofla | Shurbolagh-e Olya | Shurestan | Shurik | Shurqu'i | Shush daghi | Siah cheshmeh
| Siah gol-e bala | Siah gol-e pain | Siah rud | Siaqul | Siarak | Siavan | Siavosh | Sidak | Siki | Silab | Silehsar | Silvaneh
| Sinabad | Sineh sar | Sir
| Sir daghi | Siran | Sis | Sivan
| Sol hasan | Soleyman aghol | Soleyman kandi | Soltanabad | Soltani | Soluk | Sopurghan | Sorkheh qeshlaq | Sormalu | Sufi | Sufi kani | Sufiabad | Sufian
| Sufali kandi | Sujeh | Suleh dogal | Sulik | Sunabolaghi | Surehban | Surik | Suriyeh | Surkan | Surmanabad | Susanabad
| Tabbat | Tabriz
| Tabriz jani | Taglag | Tahmaseb kandi | Taj khatun | Tajdu | Takah | Takah chi | Takalu | Takan tappeh | Takht-e ravan-e Sofla | Takht-e ravan-e Olya | Takhteh dozi | Takleh-ye tazeh | Takleh-ye Abbasabad-e Sofla | Takleh-ye Abbasabad-e Olya | Taleb | Taleb goli | Talehjar | Talin
| Talkhab | Tamirdash | Tamrabad | Tamtaman | Tang | Tang-e balekeh | Tapik | Tappeh ayaz | Tappeh bashi | Tappeh bashi-ye namazi | Tappeh bashi-ye punak | Tappeh chelik | Tappeh kharmani | Tappeh maku | Tappeh saremi | Tappeh torkaman | Tappeh-ye babaganjeh | Tappeh-ye bugheh dagh | Tappehsi dalik | Taqi kandi
| Taqiabad | Taqlidabad | Tarakmeh | Taraqeh | Tarkesh-e Sofla | Tarmani | Tarseh bolagh | Tarveh | Tarzam | Tasmalu | Tasuj
| Tat kandi | Tatar | Tatar-e bala | Tavan | Tavil | Tazeh kahriz-e shamqolu | Tazeh kand
| Tazeh kand-e afshar | Tazeh kand-e anhar | Tazeh kand-e baba ganjeh | Tazeh kand-e bolbol | Tazeh kand-e deym | Tazeh kand-e hasel qui | Tazeh kand-e jamalkhan | Tazeh kand-e janizeh | Tazeh kand-e lalaklu | Tazeh kand-e qadim | Tazeh kand-e qaterchi | Tazeh kand-e qeshlaq | Tazeh kand-e tappeh rash | Tazeh qaleh | Tazeh Qaleh | Tazehkand | Tazehkand-e chenaq | Tazehkand-e jaded | Teghnit-e vasat | Tekanlujeh | Tekmeh dash | Telkari | Teymurabad | Teymurlu | Tez kharab | Tui | Tuli | Tulki tappehsi | Tumatar | Tup aghaj | Tupchi | Tupraq Qaleh | Tupuzabad | Tureh
| Tut aghaj
| Vavan | Vayqan
| Vazifeh khvoran | Vazirabad
| Vazneh | Vediq | Vilzeh | Vishlaq-e bala | Vishlaq-e pain
| Yaralujeh | Yarijan-e khaleseh | Yarijan-e Sofla | Yarijan-e Olya | Yarim qayeh | Yarim qiyeh-ye Sofla | Yarim qiyeh-ye vosta | Yarim qiyeh-ye Olya | Yasi kand | Yatim aghli | Yayshahri | Yaqub ali kandi | Yedi daraq | Yekan kahriz | Yekan kahriz-e bala | Yekan-e sadi | Yekeh dar | Yekhelqan | Yengejeh
| Yengejeh-ye bala | Yengejeh-ye sadat | Yengi ukh | Yengiabad | Yowla galdi | Yowrqanlu | Yowrqanlu-ye janizeh | Yumuridash | Yuneslu | Yurqunabad-e Sofla | Yurqunabad-e Olya | Yusef gol | Yushanlu
| Yusof kand | Yusofabad | Yuvalar
| Ziveh jik | Zonbalan | Zonuz | Zonuzaq | Zevin
| Zuran
Iran , officially the Islamic Republic of Iran , is a country in Southern and Western Asia. The name "Iran" has been in use natively since the Sassanian era and came into use internationally in 1935, before which the country was known to the Western world as Persia...
Abajalu-ye SoflaAbajalu-ye Sofla
Abajalu-ye Sofla is a village in the West Azarbaijan Province of Iran.-References:*...
| Abajalu-ye Olya
Abajalu-ye Olya
Abajalu-ye Olya is a village in the West Azarbaijan Province of Iran.-References:*...
| Abarabashi
Abarabashi is a village in the West Azarbaijan Province of Iran.-References:*...
Adaghan is a village in the West Azarbaijan Province of Iran.-References:*...
| Adeh-ye Bozorg
Adeh-ye Bozorg
Adeh-ye Bozorg is a village in the West Azarbaijan Province of Iran.-References:*...
| Agh Bolagh | Agh Dunlu
Agh Dunlu
Agh Dunlu is a village in the West Azarbaijan Province of Iran.-References:*...
| Agh Gol
Agh Gol
Agh Gol is a village in the West Azarbaijan Province of Iran.-References:*...
| Aghasur
Aghasur is a village in the West Azarbaijan Province of Iran.-References:*...
| Aghbolagh
Aghbolagh is a village in the West Azarbaijan Province of Iran.-References:*...
| Aghbolagh-e Chamanlu
Aghbolagh-e Chamanlu
Aghbolagh-e Chamanlu is a village in the West Azarbaijan Province of Iran.-References:*...
| Aghbolagh-e Khaled
Aghbolagh-e Khaled
Aghbolagh-e Khaled is a village in the West Azarbaijan Province of Iran.-References:*...
| Aghbolagh-e Mokhur
Aghbolagh-e Mokhur
Aghbolagh-e Mokhur is a village in the West Azarbaijan Province of Iran.-References:*...
| Aghbolagh-e Suqqar
Aghbolagh-e Suqqar
Aghbolagh-e Suqqar is a village in the West Azarbaijan Province of Iran.-References:*...
| Aghcheh Qaleh
Aghcheh Qaleh
Aghcheh Qaleh is a village in the West Azarbaijan Province of Iran.-References:*...
| Aghdash
Agdash, West Azarbaijan
Agdash is a village in the West Azarbaijan Province of Iran....
| Agheshlu
Agheshlu is a village in the West Azarbaijan Province of Iran.-References:*...
| Aghmiun
Aghmiun is a village in the West Azarbaijan Province of Iran.-References:*...
| Aghotlaq
Aghotlaq is a village in the West Azarbaijan Province of Iran.-References:*...
| Aghsaqal
Aghsaqal is a village in the West Azarbaijan Province of Iran.-References:*...
| Aghutman
| Aghyar
| Ahaq
| Ahdaqeh | Ahmad Baru | Ahmad Rasul | Ahmadabad | Ahmadabad-e Sofla | Aji Darreh Akbar Davud | Akbarabad | Akh Maqayeh | Akhfurdi | Akhtetar | Akhund Qeshlaq | Akhyan-e Bozorg | Akhyan-e Kuchek | Al Bolagh | Alajujeh | Alakabad | Alakin | Alanjeq | Albalan
Albalan is a village and municipality in the Jalilabad Rayon of Azerbaijan. It has a population of 555....
| Alefabad | Alichin | Allahverdi Kandi | Almanabad | Almaran | Alqanab | Alqian | Alqu | Alusan | Alvaj | Alvan |Amid | Aminabad | Amineh Deh | Aminlu | Amir Kandi
Amir Kandi
| Amirabad | Ammand | Amrahlu | Anbi | Andarqash | Andergan | Andizeh | Angaman | Angurtlar-e Sofla | Anhar-e Sofla | Anhar-e Olya | Aq Bolagh-e Kuranlu | Aqa Baba-ye Famarzi | Aqa Beyglu | Aqa Esmail | Aqa Hasan Beyglu | Aqamir Kandi | Aqbolagh
Aqbolagh is a village in Japelaq-e Sharqi Rural District, Japelaq District, Azna County, Lorestan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 61, in 21 families....
| Aqbolagh Meydan | Aqbolagh-e Olya | Aqcheh Qeshlaq | Aqduz | Aqgonbad | Aqjeh Dizeh | Aqkand | Aqtavileh | Aqveran | Aralan | Arallu-ye Kuchek
Arallu-ye Kuchek
Arallu-ye Kuchek is a village in Fuladlui Shomali Rural District, in the Hir District of Ardabil County, Ardabil Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 716 in 148 families....
| Aranchi | Arasgona-ye Olya | Arazguni-ye Bala | Arazguni-ye Pain | Arbat Olya | Arbat-e Sofla | Ardukin | Arena
An arena is an enclosed area, often circular or oval-shaped, designed to showcase theater, musical performances, or sporting events. It is composed of a large open space surrounded on most or all sides by tiered seating for spectators. The key feature of an arena is that the event space is the...
| Arkavin | Arkhashan | Armani Bolaghi | Armanian | Armudaghaj | Arnesa | Arpa Darrahsi | Arpalikh | Aruq | Arya Darrehsi | Arzil | Arzin | Asadollah Kandi | Asambar | Asbos | Ash Golan | Ashan | Ashik
An Ashik is a mystic troubadour or traveling bard, in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, and Iran who sings and plays the saz, a form of lute. Ashiks' songs are semi-improvised around common bases....
| Ashnaabad | Asingaran | Aski Baghdad | Aslanik | Asli Kand-e Bala | Asli Kand-e Pain | Astalaq | Astamal | Astunrash | Ata Bolaghi | Atashgah | Avdelan-e Sofla | Avdelan-e Olya | Avdi | Aversi | Avik
Åvik is a small seaport village in the municipality of Lindesnes, Norway. Across the sound to the south lies Svinør.-External links:*...
| Avilaq | Aydenlu | Aydisheh | Aydughmush | Ayeblu | Azad | Azar Shahr | Azhdarlu | Azmanak-e Sofla | Azutash Abbas Beyglu | Abbas Bolaghi | Abbas Kandi | Abbasabad | Ajab Shir | Alamdar | Aleyh | Ali Beyglu | Ali Faraj | Ali Hajji | Ali Mardan | Ali Molk | Ali Nazar | Ali Qandu | Ali Shah | Ali Verdlu | Ali Yar | Aliabad | Aliabad-e Bukan | Aliabad-e Rend | Alian | Alibeglu | Alibeyglu-ye Olya | Alibeyglu-ye Sofla | Alijula | Alikandi | Alikumi | Alilahsar | Alirezaabad | Alujini | Amukhanzi-ye Olya | Amukhanzi-ye Sofla | Anbaran
Anbaran is a city in and the capital of Anbaran District, in Namin County, Ardabil Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 6,161, in 1,532 families.-Situation:...
| Anbarlu | Anbarlu Ashayer | Ansarud | Antar Kandi | Arab Dizaj | Arablu
Arablu is a village in the Ardabil Province of Iran. It's geographical coordinates are 38° 25' 2" North, 47° 44' 13" East.-References:**...
Baba ahmad | Baba baghi | Baba aliBaba Ali
Baba Ali is the co-founder of UmmahFilms, a Muslim film company that has produced a web series including the "Reminder" series and "Ask Baba Ali" series...
| Babaganjeh | Babak | Babakan | Babalu | Babarud | Babereh-ye pain | Babuneh-ye Sofla | Babuneh-ye vosta | Babuneh-ye Olya | Babur `ajam | Babur-e kord | Bachehjik | Badaki | Badam | Badelbu | Badrabad | Baduli | Bafarvan | Bafravan-e kuchek | Bagh bolagh-e bala | Bagh daraq | Baghcheh | Baghcheh juq | Baharabad
Baharabad is a village and municipality in the Beylagan Rayon of Azerbaijan. It has a population of 741....
| Bahleh | Bahlul kandi | Bahlulabad | Bahluleh | Bahramabad | Bajujabad | Bajvand | Bak ali-ye Sofla | Bak ali-ye Olya | Bakhshayesh
Bakhshayesh is a city in the Central District of Heris County, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 5,752, in 1,386 families....
| Baktash | Balaji | Balakan
Balakan is a rayon of northwestern Azerbaijan, located between Georgia and Russia. It borders Georgia to south and Dagestan of Russia to east and north...
| Balansar | Balderlu | Baleqchi | Balowlan | Banaabad | Banafsheh daraq
Banafsheh Daraq
Banafsheh Daraq is a village in Balghelu Rural District, in the Central District of Ardabil County, Ardabil Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 339 in 65 families....
| Bancharan | Banda'i | Bandar-e sharafkhaneh | Banehzir | Bani
Gurbani is the term used by Sikhs to refer to any compositions of the Sikh Gurus. Gurbani is composed of two words: 'Gur' meaning 'the Guru's' and 'bani' meaning 'word'....
| Banu khalaf | Baqerlu | Bar | Barajuq | Baranduz | Barani-ye kord | Barani-ye Ajam | Baranlu | Barazi | Barbaran | Barbin | Bardeh gol | Bardeh kesh | Bardeh mish | Bardeh rash | Bardeh rashan | Bardeh zard | Bardehsur | Bardel mish | Bardizi | Barduk | Barenj | Bari
Bari is the capital city of the province of Bari and of the Apulia region, on the Adriatic Sea, in Italy. It is the second most important economic centre of mainland Southern Italy after Naples, and is well known as a port and university city, as well as the city of Saint Nicholas...
| Barkamaran | Barreh ju | Barun | Barut aghaji | Baruzh | Bas kandizaj | Bash kahriz | Bashadami | Bashbolagh | Bashkand | Bashlan bushlu | Basmenj
Basmenj is a city in the Central District of Tabriz County, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 10,736, in 2,873 families....
| Basrik | Bastan qushchi | Bavan | Bayancholi-ye kord | Bayancholi-ye `ajam | Bayat | Bayetmish | Bayjan | Bayram kandi | Bazan daghi | Bazargan
Bazargan, Iran
Bazargan is a city in the Central District of Maku County, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran. It is the most important Iranian ground border for importing and exporting. At the 2006 census, its population was 9,047, in 2,126 families....
| Behik
Behik is a village in Urmia County, West Azarbaijan Province, of northwestern Iran. It is in the Somay Brados District and the dehdar of Serow. The village has a history that spans back centuries.-People:...
| Behisafar | Behnaq | Benis | Berasb | Berazan | Bereh | Berengabad | Beri | Beyg baghlu | Beyglar kandi | Beyk kandi | Beyram | Beyraq
| Bezhveh | Bibakran | Bibi kand | Bigjah khanun | Bijan
Bijan is a Persian given name meaning "Hero", and can also be an Indian given name. People named Bijan include:*Bijan, a character in the Persian epic Shahnameh, in the story of Bijan and Manijeh*Bizhan Emkanian, actor*Bijan Jalali, poet...
| Bikus | Bileh savar
Bileh savar
Bileh Savar is a city in and the capital of Bileh Savar County, in Ardabil Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 14,027, in 3,251 families....
| Bileh var | Bilverdi | Bimzorteh | Biqush | Biquz | Birlan | Bishak | Bizhanabad | Bohlulabad | Bolarghu | Bolbol | Boljak | Bonab
Bonab is a city in and the capital of Bonab County, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. It is located west of Maragheh on the outwash plain above Lake Urmia. The people speak Azerbaijani...
| Borhan | Borhanlu | Bowzeh | Boyuk bolagh | Boyuran-e pain | Boz Qaleh | Bozlu
Bozlu is a village in the Lachin Rayon of Azerbaijan....
| Bozorgabad | beshnsp | Bula mach kahriz | Bura chalu | Burashan | Burbur | Bushanlu | Buyni yughunlu | Buzin
Buzin is a village in Croatia. It is located just south of the Zagreb bypass and the adjacent D3/A3 interchange is named after it....
Chahar divar | Chakhmaqlui-ye Sofla | Chakhmaqlu-ye Olya | Chalmeh kandi | Chamaki | ChamanChaman
Chaman is the capital of Qilla Abdullah District, Balochistan, Pakistan. It is situated just south of the border with Afghanistan. Across the border in Afghanistan is the neighbouring town of Spin Boldak, in Kandahar Province...
| Chamanlu | Chanaq | Chanaqlu | Chapan
Chapan is a coat worn over clothes, usually during the cold winter months. Usually worn by men, these coats are adorned with intricate threading and come in a variety of colors and patterns. It is worn in Central Asia, including Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and other...
| Chaqal-e mostafa | Chareh | Chatu kandi | Chavgun | Chavoshan | Chavrash | Chay darsi | Chay kand | Chay qeshlaq | Chehregan | Chehreh gosha | Chelash | Chelik | Cher
Cher is an American recording artist, television personality, actress, director, record producer and philanthropist. Referred to as the Goddess of Pop, she has won an Academy Award, a Grammy Award, an Emmy Award, three Golden Globes and a Cannes Film Festival Award among others for her work in...
| Cher chera | Cheraghlu | Chercher
is Kotoko's 6th maxi single under Geneon Entertainment. The title track was used as an ending theme for OVA of Maria-sama ga Miteru. The lyrics of the song was written by the creator of Maria-sama ga Miteru, Oyuki Konno...
| Cherikabad | Cheshmeh | Cheshmeh gol | Cheshmeh kanan | Chianeh | Chichaklu | Chichaklu-ye baksh Qaleh | Chichaklu-ye hajjiaqa | Chichaklu-ye mansur | Chollu | Chonqeralu-ye pol | Chonqeralu-ye yekan | Chopoqlu | Chub tarash | Chukhur kandi | Chuktu | Chunzeh-ye bala | Chunzeh-ye Sofla | Chupanlu-ye Sofla | Chupanlu-ye Olya | Chuqtu | Betush
Dabiri | Dadeh saqi | Dizaj | Dizaj khalil | Dizaj yekan |Dizaj-e bala | Dizaj-e fathi | Dizaj-e naqaleh | Dizaj-e qorban | Dizaj-e rahimpur | Dizaj-e sheykh marjan | Dizaj-e siavosh | Dizaj-e takyeh | Dizaj-e tavil | Do seyyed | Dobreh | Dokaneh | Dolapesan | Dowlatabad | Dowlpanbu | Dowrbeh | Doyran | Duday | Dugijan | Dul kandi | Dulama | Duleh-ye karam | Dust ali | Dustak | Dustalan | Dustan | Duz aghol
Ebrahim hesari | EbrahimabadEbrahimabad
| Ebriq | Elyasabad | Emam kandi | Emamabad-e qeyqach | Emamkandi | Emamqoli kandi-ye Olya | Emamqoli kandi-ye Sofla | Esfahlan | Esfanjan | Eshgehsu | Eskalu | Eskandarabad | Eslam tappeh | Eslamabad
| Eslamlu | Esmail kahrizi | Esmail kandi
Esmail Kandi
| Esmailaqa qalehsi | Evli | Ezmareh-ye Olya | Ezmareh-ye bala | Ezmareh-ye Sofla |
Fajrabad | Faqibeyglu | Faqih beyglu | Farajeh-ye bala | Farokhzad | Farzi kandi | Fattah kandi | Felekan | Ferizian | Firuzabad | Firuzabad-e do | Firuzabad-e yek | Fishal | Fulad luqui | FuladluG
Gabaran | Gaduk kandi | Gagosh-e Sofla | Gajin | Gajut | Galashaqi | Galehban | Galin qayah | Galleh | Galleh khar | Galv | GalvanGalván
Galván is a town in the Baoruco province of the Dominican Republic.- Sources :* – World-Gazetteer.com...
| Gamichi
Gamichi is a village in Shahi Island in East Azerbaijan Province in Iran....
| Gamus | Ganehdar | Gangachin | Ganjabad | Gapis | Gardabad | Gargar | Gari gandom | Garifash | Garikan | Garnavik | Garvis | Gashga dagh | Gavkan | Gavlan
| Gavmish goli | Gavmishan | Gazanehkesh | Gazanq | Gazkask | Geday | Gerd taspian | Gerd-e kashan | Gerd-e ya`qub | Gerdeh balich | Gerdeh bardan | Gerdeh bon | Gerdeh gerow | Gerdeh gol | Gerdeh qit | Gerdeh rash | Gerdeh sur | Gerdevan | Gerdik | Gerdiknaser | Gergereh | Gerik
Gerik is a district capital town of Hulu Perak district in Perak, Malaysia. The town is also known as Rest Town owing to its strategic location next to major highways of the country, East-West Highway....
| Germi
Germi is a city in and the capital of Germi County, Ardabil Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 28,348, in 6,382 families....
| Gezafer | Gezelan | Ghaffar behi | Gharib kandi | Ghazan | Ghelman saray | Giah dowran | Gicheh | Gijelar | Gilan deh
Gilan Deh
Gilan Deh is a village in Kalkharan Rural District, in the Central District of Ardabil County, Ardabil Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 877 in 241 families....
| Gilarlu | Gileh-ye Olya | Gir sheytan | Girah kandi | Givan | Godaklu | Gog tappeh | Gol | Gol daraq | Gol faraj | Gol marzinak | Gol mavaran | Gol mazar | Gol murs | Gol parchin | Gol sa`id | Gol tappeh
Gol Tappeh
| Gol tappeh-ye qurmish | Gol-e behi | Gol-e sheykhan | Golanik-e Sofla | Golanik-e Olya | Goldanlu | Golestaneh | Goli bolaq-e Sofla | Goli bolaq-e Olya | Golijeh | Goljar | Golkanak | Golmarz-e Sofla | Golmarz-e Olya | Golshan | Golujeh
| Golyar | Golzar | Golaleh | Gonah dar | Gonbad
In traditional Persian architecture, a dome is referred to as a gonbad . It is known as Gumbaz, in India.The history of designing gonbads dates back to pre-Islamic Persia. The Parthians in particular were very keen in using such structures in their designs...
| Gonbad-e molla `isa | Gonbad-e vila | Gonbar
Gonbar is a village in Sahand foothill in East Azerbaijan Province in Iran. It is famous for slight weather during summer time and absorb lots of local tourist from cities around specially from Tabriz. The main occupation of the people is agriculture and gardening. Walnut is a major product....
| Gondaman | Gonduk-e molla | Gord-e zarrin | Gowd-e molla vali | Gowg tappeh | Gowharan | Gowjar | Gowjeh qaleh | Gowmelian | Gowzgavand | Goz dagan | Gudal | Gug tappeh-ye khaleseh | Gugkhalu | Guk papakh | Guk tappeh | Gul | Gulagani | Guman | Gundughdi | Gurabad | Guranabad | Gurand | Gurdigol-e nur ed din | Gurdigol-e Olya | Gurkhaneh | Gurmandak | Gushlu | Guyjeh yaran | Guyjeh ali tappeh | Guyjehlu-ye aslan | Guzik
Habash-e Olya | Hachakand-e darmanlu | Hachehkand-e tazeh | Hadar | Haddadan | Hadi shahr | Haft cheshmehHaft Cheshmeh
| Haftabad | Haftsaran | Haj mohammad | Hajj babakhan | Hajj mohammad | Hajji aqa | Hajji bala beyglu | Hajji bayram | Hajji hasan | Hajji hasan daghi | Hajji hasan-e bala | Hajji hasan-e khaleseh | Hajji hasan-e Sofla | Hajji jafar kandi | Hajji kandi | Hajji khvosh | Hajji lak | Hajji ma mian | Hajji pirlu | Hajji sufi | Hajji ali kandi | Hajjiabad | Hajjiabad-e okhtachi | Hajjibaghlu | Hajjibehzad | Hajjilar-e guni | Haju | Haki
Hake, Haki or Haco, the brother of Hagbard, was a famous Scandinavian sea-king, in Norse mythology. He is mentioned in the 12th century Gesta Danorum, and in 13th-century sources including Ynglinga saga, Nafnaþulur, Völsunga saga...
| Halabi
Halabi is an Arabic surname , denoting origin from Aleppo , Syria. or given to people trading with AleppoIt is the surname of a number of different families, each of which was named after the city, typically due to the family having originated from there. Variations of the name include adding the...
| Halafaleh | Halah qush | Halanik | Halhal-e Sofla | Halhal-e Olya | Halveh | Hamdollahabad | Hameh shan | Hamid
Hamid refers to two different but related Arabic given names both of which come from the Arabic triconsonantal root of Ḥ-M-D.One, means "praised" or "praiseworthy"....
| Hammam
A Turkish bath is the Turkish variant of a steam bath, sauna or Russian Bath, distinguished by a focus on water, as distinct from ambient steam....
| Hammamian | Hammamlar | Hammamlu | Hamtavan | Hamzah khanlu | Hamzehabad | Hamzian-e bala | Hamzian-e Sofla | Hangarvan | Hansi
Hansi is a city and a municipal council in Hisar district in the Indian state of Haryana. Its 2011 population is estimated to be 1,34,568. It is located at a distance of east of Hisar on National Highway 10. Geographically, it is semi-arid with around 46 cm of annual rainfall. It appears...
| Haqverdi | Har golan | Harakian | Haramlu | Harulan | Harzand-e jadid | Hasan kandi | Hasan khan darrehsi | Hasanabad | Hasanlu | Hasel qui-ye afshar | Hasel qui-ye amirabad | Hashemabad | Hashiyeh rud | Hashtian | Hasin-e bozorg | Hasin-e kuchak | Haspestan | Hasu kandi | Hasulazgi | Hasushaki | Hasushiri | Hava daraq | Havandak | Havas kandi | Havistin | Hayneh bak | Hendabad | Hendvar | Heris | Hervi
Hervi is a tourist village in the province of East Azarbaijan, near Tabriz, Iran. Its fame is due to its pleasurable climate & amazing nature...
| Hesar | Hesar bolaghi | Hesar kharabeh | Hesar-e aqbolagh | Hesar-e babaganjeh | Hesar-e bahramkhan | Hesar-e hajjilar | Hesar-e qapuchi | Hesar-e sopurghan | Hesar-e tarmani | Hesar-e torkaman | Hesarlu | Heshterak | Heybat-e jahan khanemlu | Heydarabad | Heydarkhanlu | Heydarlu-ye biglar | Heydarlu-ye Sofla | Heyran | Hiaq | Hurow
Iğdır is the capital of Iğdır Province in the Eastern Anatolia Region, Turkey, and borders Armenia, Azerbaijan and Iran. The border with Armenia is formed by the Aras River...
| Iki aqaj | Ilanlu | Ilanqarah-ye bala | Ilanqarah-ye pain | Ilat-e yalquz aghaj | Ilbolaghi | Ilkhechi | Ilsovan | Incheh darrehsi | Incheh-ye Olya | Incheh-ye qadim | Incheh-ye Sofla | Injeh-ye Olya | Injeh-ye Sofla | Iranabad | Iranaq | Iri-ye Olya | Iribujaq | Ivand |
Jabalkandi | Jabbar kandi | JabbarluJabbarlu
| Jagan | Jaganlu | Jaganlu-ye kord | Jaganlu-ye Ajam | Jajan | Jalil kandi | Jalman | Jalqaran | Jamal kandi | Jamalabad
Jamalabad fort, located 8 km north of Beltangadi town, is 1788 ft above sea level and was formerly called Narasimha Ghada, which refers to the granite hill on which the fort is built. It is also referred locally as 'Jamalagadda' or 'Gadaikallu'.The fort was built by Tippu Sultan in 1794 and named...
| Jambu`eh | Jameh bozorg | Jamshidabad | Jan Aziz | Jandaran | Jang tappeh | Jangan | Janizeh | Janvislu | Jarchelu | Jatar | Javzar | Jafarabad | Jafarabad-echelik | Jafarian | Jebrailabad | Jedaqayeh | Jeghal | Jehatlu | Jermi | Jeyran-e Sofla | Jeyran-e Olya Jijak | Jiqeh | Jiqjiq | Jol | Jolbar | Jolfa
Jolfa is a city in and capital of Jolfa County, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 4,983, in 1,365 families....
| Jorni | Jowshin | Jugi-ye mohammad reza | Jugi-ye vasat | Juhni | Jujahi | Jurab
Kai | Kabazaleh | KachalabadKachalabad
| Kachalar-e kordlar | Kachu-ye Sofla | Kachu-ye Olya | Kaduk dami | Kafi ol molk | Kahal
Kahal is a moshav in the Galilee near Highway 85 in northern Israel. The moshav is a combined agricultural community. It lies at the border of the Upper Galilee and Lower Galilee, north of Lake Kinneret and just northwest of Tabgha. It belongs to the Mevo'ot HaHermon Regional Council and was...
| Kahaq | Kahnamu | Kahriz | Kahriz-e Sofla | Kahriz-e Olya | Kahrizeh sheykhan | Kahrizeh-ye shakak | Kahrizeh-ye Ajam | Kaklar | Kalaleh
Kalaleh is a city in and capital of Kalaleh County in Golestan Province, in northern Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 27,661, in 6,446 families....
| Kalan kani | Kalansura | Kaleh tazeh kand | Kalehkin | Kalhor | Kalkhowran sheykh | Kalleh sar-e Sofla | Kalleh sar-e Olya | Kamam | Kamar qayyah | Kan miran | Kandal | Kanesbi | Kanespi | Kangarlu | Kani bodagh | Kani dastar | Kani deraz | Kani gani | Kani gorgeh | Kani kowtar | Kani miran | Kani nowbateh | Kani pankeh-ye tajer | Kani quzan | Kani rash | Kani shamdin | Kani shurik | Kani sorkh | Kani taber | Kani zard | Kaniyeh sar | Kanan-e il | Kanan-e ra`iyat | Kapaleh hasan | Kapeh kand | Karamabad | Karimabad | Karimlu | Karvan qoran | Karvansara | Kaseb | Kasehgaran | Katalan | Kavalan | Kavalaq | Kavsi | Kayer | Kechah bash | Kelah rash-e Sofla | Kelahrash-e Olya | Kelahshin | Kelasi | Kelaz | Kelid daghi | Kelisa kandi | Kelisa-ye sir | Kenikowr | Keran-e bala | Kesharkhi | Keshmesh tappeh | Keshtaz | Khak mardan | Khal dalil | Khalaj | Khalaj-e kord | Khalaj-e Ajam | Khaledabad
Khaledabad is a city in Emamzadeh District, in Natanz County, Isfahan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 3,308, in 859 families....
| Khalifan | Khalifatan | Khalifeh | Khalil zaghahsi | Khalkhal | Khalvat | Khalyan | Khameneh | Khameslu | Khan amir | Khan baba kandi | Khan baghi | Khan bolaghi | Khan kandi | Khan qeshlaqi | Khandam | Khaneh sar | Khaneh-ye behdasht | Khaneqah | Khangah | Khanian | Khanik | Khanjar khan | Khanjar qeshlaqi | Khanqah
A Khanqah, Khaniqah , ribat, zawiya, or tekke is a building designed specifically for gatherings of a Sufi brotherhood, or tariqa, and is a place for spiritual retreat and character reformation...
| Khanqah-e alvach | Kharabeh-ye senji | Kharah gush | Kharali | Kharapa | Kharehju | Kharmam kand | Kharmanyeri | Kharvanaq | Kharz | Khatai | Khatab | Khataylu | Khatukas | Khatun bagh | Khatun gonay | Khatunasdi | Khazar guran-e Sofla | Khazar guran-e Olya | Khazineh anbar-e jadid | Khazineh anbar-e qadim | Khelejan | Kheri
Kheri is a town and a nagar panchayat in Lakhimpur Kheri district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.-Geography:Kheri is located at . It has an average elevation of 148 metres .-Demographics:...
| Khezerlu
Khezerlu is a city in the Central District of Ajab Shir County, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 3,746, in 848 families....
| Khezrabad
Khezrabad is a city in Khezrabad District, Saduq County, Yazd Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 216, in 61 families, making it one of the least populous cities in Iran....
| Khiarak
Khiarak is a village in Sardabeh Rural District, in the Central District of Ardabil County, Ardabil Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 3,183 in 709 families, making it the most populous village in the Sardabeh Rural District....
| Khodaverdikhan kandi | Kholkholeh | Khorramabad
Khorramabad is a city in and capital of Lorestan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 328,544, in 75,945 families. Khorramabad is situated in the Zagros Mountains...
| Khosrowabad | Khosrowshahr | Khuk | Khur khur | Khur khur-e Sofla | Khur khur-e Olya | Khurablu | Khurasb | Khusheh mehr | Khvajeh | Khvajehlar-e Sofla | Khvajehlar-e vosta | Khvajehlar-e Olya | Khvaju | Khvor khvoreh | Khvoresht | Khvoshalan | Khvoshalu | Kichabad | Kifarabad | Kileh sepyan | Kinesi | Kisian | Kitekeh | Kivaj | Kohneh deh | Kohneh khaneh | Kohneh lahijan | Kojaabad | Kolik | Kolucheh-ye khaleseh | Komar-e bala | Kondelaj | Kor | Kord kandi
Kord Kandi
Kord Kandi is a village in Sardabeh Rural District, in the Central District of Ardabil County, Ardabil Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 222 in 58 families....
| Kord lar | Kord neshin | Kord qebran | Kordlar | Koshk saray | Kowlus | Kowtar | Kuik
KUIK is a radio station broadcasting in a news talk information format, and licensed to Hillsboro, Oregon. It is currently owned by Dolphin Communications, Inc....
| Kuch kandi | Kuch ali | Kuh kamar | Kuh-e khalveh | Kuhsareh | Kujanaq | Kukh | Kukhan | Kukia | Kul akhir | Kulij | Kulseh-ye bala | Kulseh-ye pain | Kuper | Kurabad | Kurabolagh | Kuran
Kuran is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Poświętne, within Białystok County, Podlaskie Voivodeship, in north-eastern Poland.-References:muslim peoples religion book became in 612...
| Kuraneh | Kurani | Kureh-ye Olya | Kureh-yeSofla | Kuroshabad | Kurt kandi | Kurteh kavil | Kurti | Kururan | Kusaj | Kuseh | Kuseh ahmad | Kuseh kahriz | Kusehabad | Kusehlar-e Sofla | Kusehlar-e Olya | Kushgeh darreh | Kuy bolagh-e bala | Kuy bolagh-e pain | Kuzeh kanan | Kuzehgaran
Lachin is a town in Azerbaijan and the regional center of the Lachin Rayon. Since 1992 the area has been under the control of the de facto independent unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, which has renamed the town Berdzor . The town and its surrounding region serve as the strategic Lachin...
| Lagaz | Laheji | Laj
LAJ could refer to:* British Mediterranean Airways; ICAO airline code LAJ* La Junta , Colorado, United States; Amtrak station code LAJ* Lages Airport, Santa Catarina, Brazil; IATA airport code LAJ...
| Lajani | Lak | Lakdeh | Laklar | Lalahlu-ye torab | Lalaklu | Lalehlu | Lambaran | Larijan
Larijan District is a district in Amol county, Mazandaran Province, Iran. Its administrative center is Rineh. At the 2006 census, its population was 8,089, in 2,406 families. The District has two cities: Rineh and Gazanak.- References :...
| Lashenlu | Lavik
Lavik is a village and former municipality in Sogn og Fjordane county in Norway. It is located in the eastern part of the present-day municipality of Høyanger...
| Lavin
Lavin is a municipality in the district of Inn in the Swiss canton of Graubünden.-Geography:Lavin has an area, , of . Of this area, 19.9% is used for agricultural purposes, while 18.3% is forested...
| Lerni | Leylan
Leylan is a city in and the capital of Leylan District, in Malekan County, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 6,079, in 1,468 families....
| Liqvan
Liqvan is a village in Sahand's northern foothill in East Azerbaijan Province in Iran. It is famous for slight weather during summer time and cold weather in winter. The main occupation of the people is agriculture, diary and gardening. Liqvan's traditional feta cheese is the most famous cheese all...
| Livar-e bala | Livar-e pain | Lowlakan | Lowrzina | Lulham | Lulik-e Olya | Lulik-e Sofla | Lur
A lur is a long natural blowing horn without finger holes that is played by embouchure. Lurs can be straight or curved in various shapes. The purpose of the curves was to make long instruments easier to carry A lur is a long natural blowing horn without finger holes that is played by embouchure....
| Lura shirin | Lurun
Madlu | Mafaran | Mafi kandi | Maghvan | Mah pari | MahabadMahabad
-Culture:Muhammad Qazi translated more than 70 important literary works into Persian. Other writers and poets have hailed from Mahabad in the 19th and 20th century including Wafaei , Hejar , Hêmin , Abdorrahamn Zabihi and Giw Mukriyani...
| Mahdinlu | Mahlezan | Mahmud aghli | Mahmud kandi | Mahmudabad | Mahmudan | Majarshin | Majidlu | Majnun-e Sofla | Majnun-e Olya | Majruseh | Makhand | Maku
Maku, Iran
Maku is a city in the West Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 41,865, in 10,428 families.It is situated from the Turkish border in a mountain gorge at an altitude of 1634 metres. The Zangmar River cuts through the city. The common languages in Maku are Kurdish and...
| Maku kandi | Malekan
Malekan , also Romanized as Malek Kandī and Malikkand) is a city in and the capital of Malekan County, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 23,989, in 6,356 families....
| Maleklu | Malham
Malham is a village and civil parish in the Craven district of North Yorkshire, England. Situated in the Yorkshire Dales with a population of approximately 150. The surrounding countryside is well known for its limestone pavements and other examples of limestone scenery...
| Malian | Maluneh | Mamahdel | Mamakan | Mamakava | Mamevand | Mamqan | Mansurabad | Maqsudabad-e bala | Maqsudabad-e pain | Maragheh
Maragheh also Romanized as Marāgheh and Marāghen) is a city in and the capital of Maragheh County, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 146,405, in 38,891 families....
| Marajul | Marakumi | Marand
Marand is a city in and the capital of Marand County, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 114,165, in 29,755 families....
| Maraneh | Marangalu-ye bozorg | Marangalu-ye kuchek | Margan-e esmail kandi | Margan-e qadim | Margan-e vasat | Margan-e Azizabad | Margarash | Marivakh aqa | Markid | Marmishu | Marnah | Marqesheh | Marvan kandi | Maryam | Mashgabad-e Sofla | Mashgabad-e Olya | Mashhadi kandi | Mashhadlu | Mashnaq | Masjed | Masjedlu
Masjedlu is a village in Fuladlui Jonubi Rural District, in the Hir District of Ardabil County, Ardabil Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 117 in 21 families.- References :*...
| Mastakan | Mavana | Mayan-e pain | Mayeh darrahsi | Mayel kandi | Mazeleh | Mazhgeh | Mazra | Mazraeh
| Mazraeh-ye chul | Mainad | Masum kandi | Mehdi bolaghi | Mehdi khanlu | Mehmandar | Mendehdul | Meqi talu | Mesan
The Mouvement pour l'évolution sociale de l'Afrique noire was a nationalist quasi-religious political party that sought to affirm black humanity and advocated for the independence of Ubangi-Shari, then a French colonial territory...
| Meshik | Meshk-e Anbar | Meskin | Meydan | Miab | Mianeh | Milan
Milan is the second-largest city in Italy and the capital city of the region of Lombardy and of the province of Milan. The city proper has a population of about 1.3 million, while its urban area, roughly coinciding with its administrative province and the bordering Province of Monza and Brianza ,...
| Milgerd | Minabad | Mingol | Mirabad
Mirabad, West Azarbaijan
Mirabad is a city in and the capital of Vazine District, in Sardasht County, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 4,502, in 820 families....
| Mirabad-e yushanli | Mirdavud | Mireh deh | Mirshekarlu | Mirza dulmaz | Mirza kandi | Mirza khalil | Mirza nezam | Mishabad | Misheh deh-e Sofla | Mobarakabad
Mobarakabad is a village in Zalaqi-ye Sharqi Rural District, Besharat District, Aligudarz County, Lorestan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 79, in 13 families....
| Moghvan | Mohammad aqa-ye Olya | Mohammad kandi | Mohammad karim kandi | Mohammad saleh | Mohammad yar | Mohammadabad | Mokhvor | Molla ahmad | Molla bashi
Molla Bashi
Molla Bashi is a village in Balghelu Rural District, in the Central District of Ardabil County, Ardabil Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 3,531 in 830 families....
| Molla bastak | Molla hasan | Molla kandi | Mollalar | Monavvar | Moqaddam | Moradkandi | Moradkhan kandi | Moradkhanlu | Moradlu | Moradlu-ye pa"in | Moradlu-ye Sofla | Moradlu-ye vasati | Moradlu-ye vosta | Moradlu-ye Olya | Moradali-ye Sofla | Moradali-ye Olya | Mostafa kandi | Mostafa qalehsi | Mowlik | Mozaffarabad | Mujombar | Mulu | Mus | Musalan | Mushabad
Nabi kandi | Nabikandi | Nachit-e kuranlu | Nader ali | Nadilu | Nadu | Nahand | Najaf ali kandi | NajafabadNajafabad
Najafabad is a city in and the capital of Najafabad County, Isfahan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 206,114, in 54,529 families. It is located west of Isfahan and is increasingly becoming a part of Isfahan Metropolitan area....
| Najjar | Nakhjavan tappeh | Nalivan | Namin
Namin is a city in and the capital of Namin County, in Ardabil Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 10,117, in 2,690 families.- References :*...
| Naminjeh | Namrur | Nanas | Nar qeshlaqi | Nari | Narleh | Narzeh marz | Narziveh | Nasikabad | Nasir kandi
Nasir Kandi
| Nasirabad | Naybin | Nayeb kandi | Nazan | Nazar kandi | Nazar khan | Nazarabad-e eftekhar | Nazarlu
Nazarlu is a small city in the East Azarbaijan Province of Iran. Nazarlu is the most populous place in South Misho region in Soofian district of Shabestar state.-Climate:...
| Naznaz | Nazok | Nazok-e Sofla | Neftu | Nehriq | Nergi | Neychalan | Neyestan | Neyzeh-ye Sofla | Nezamabad | Niar
Niar is a village in Sharqi Rural District, in the Central District of Ardabil County, Ardabil Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 8,405 in 2,218 families, making it the most populous village in Ardabil Province....
| Niaraq | Niaz
| Nivlu | Nok dagh | Nosratabad
Nosratabad is a city in the capital of Nosratabad District of Zahedan County, Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 4,182, in 919 families.Nosratabad lies on the road from Zahedan to Bam.-History:...
| Now shahr | Nowbahar | Nowbar | Nowjavan | Nowjeh deh-e molla yahya | Nowjeh mehr | Nowqaran-e bala | Nowqaran-e pain | Nowruz bolaghi | Nowruzabad | Nowruzlu | Nowsar | Nui | Nua deh | Nunusi | Nur ed dinabad | Nurduz | Nush qayahsi | Nushan-e Sofla | Nushan-e Olya | Nushin
Nushin is a city in and the capital of Nazlu District, in Urmia County, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 6,731, in 1,626 families....
Ordaklu | Ordugah | Ordushahi | Oruj kandi | Oruj-e mohammad kandi | Orujabad | Oshnurang | Oshtubin | OskuOsku
Osku is a city in and the capital of Osku County, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 16,140, in 4,928 families....
| Otol goli | Owali | Ozarlu
Pain darreh | Pa'izabad | Pa'izgah | Paga jik | Pahnavar | Pahrabad | Pakchin-e Sofla | Palangi kandi | Palken | Panah kandi | Panj tan-e shahid | Panjarlu | Par | Par talu | Parakhowdik | Parastan | Parchi | Parchin-e Sofla | Parchin-e Olya | Pareh | Paru khan | Payam | Pazi | Pesan | Peshgeleh | Petelqan | Peyrutabad | Pileh daraq | Pileh savar | Pir ahmad kandi | Pir bala | Pir balen | Pir eshaq | Pir meka'il | Pir saqqa | Pir shah | Pir yadegar | Piranjuq | Pireh khalil | Pirgol | Pirhadi | Pirmorad | Pirvali baghi | Pirali | Pol-e dasht | Pormehr | Posht tap | Posht-e gol | Post | Puleh | Purnak | PushabadQ
Qabakh bolagh | Qaban kandi | Qaderabad | Qadu kandi | Qahhar kandi | Qahraman | Qahramanlu | Qahremanlu-ye Sofla | Qahveh khaneh-ye habib | Qajer | Qalameh khach | QalandarQalandar
Qalandars are wandering ascetic Sufi dervishes who may or may not be connected to a specific tariqat. They are most prevalent in Central Asia, India and Pakistan, in the latter "qalandar" is also used as a title...
| Qalat | Qalu rasul aqa | Qalu zendan | Qaleh bozorg | Qaleh juq
Qaleh Juq
Qaleh Juq is a village in the Ardabil Province of Iran.-References:*...
| Qaleh juqeh | Qaleh lar | Qaleh sardar | Qaleh tappeh | Qaleh tarash | Qaleh-ye juq | Qaleh-ye rash-e bala | Qaleh-ye `azizbeyg | Qamat | Qameshlu | Qamish aghol | Qamtareh | Qanat-e mirza jalil | Qanbar kandi | Qanbarlu | Qand kheli | Qapi-ye baba ali | Qapliq | Qara bolagh | Qarablu | Qarah aghol | Qarah ayaq | Qarah bolagh
Qarah Bolagh
| Qarah chahveran-e Sofla | Qarah jolu | Qarah kahriz | Qarah kandi | Qarah khvojalu | Qarah papaq | Qarah qasemlu | Qarah qeshlaq
Qarah Qeshlaq
| Qarah qowyun | Qarah saqqal-e Sofla | Qarah saqqal-e Olya | Qarah tulki-ye tazehkand | Qarah yataq | Qarah zamin | Qarajalu | Qaralar-e aqataqi | Qaralar-e hajjqasem | Qaralar-e kuh | Qaralar-e lotfollah | Qaralar-e mirza hoseynqoli | Qaralar-e tasuji | Qaraneh | Qarangu | Qaraquyunlu | Qareh aghaj
Qareh Aghaj
| Qareh barar | Qareh boghlu | Qareh bolagh | Qareh bolagh-e Olya | Qareh bughaz | Qareh chelan | Qareh chopoq | Qareh dagh | Qareh evli | Qareh galasi dagh | Qareh gaz | Qareh gol | Qareh gowzlu | Qareh guz-e hajjibaba | Qareh guz-eil | Qareh hasanlu | Qareh jalu | Qareh kand | Qareh kelisa | Qareh khaj | Qareh khan | Qareh khezr | Qareh musalu | Qareh qassab | Qareh qayah | Qareh qeshlaq
Qareh Qeshlaq
| Qareh qiz | Qareh qush-e Sofla | Qareh saqar | Qareh sha`ban | Qareh tappeh
Qareh Tappeh
Qareh Tappeh is a village in the Ardabil Province of Iran.It is located 20 km northeast of Qom and is the site of the archeological excavation of Qamroud village.-References:*...
| Qareh tappeh-ye Olya va Sofla | Qareh tulki-ye Sofla | Qareh tulki-ye Olya | Qareh ughlanlu | Qarehchi-ye ma`dani | Qarehlar | Qarnesa' | Qarquluq | Qarquluq-e Sofla | Qarquluq-e Olya | Qaryaqdi | Qasemlu | Qashqa bolagh-e Sofla | Qasran | Qasrik | Qatarabad | Qater yuran-e Sofla | Qater yuran-e Olya | Qaterchi | Qat`eh | Qavaqlu | Qayan kandi | Qayeh qorban shir | Qayehlu | Qazanabad | Qazanlu | Qazanali | Qazi akhavi | Qazi gol | Qazi jahan | Qaziabad | Qazlian | Qelenjlu | Qelichkhan kandi | Qelichyaqliqareh | Qelinj lanmish | Qerekhlu | Qerkh bolagh
Qerkh Bolagh
| Qerkhlar | Qermez khalifeh-ye Sofla | Qermez khalifeh-ye Olya | Qermezdash | Qermezi bagh | Qermezi gunur | Qermezi qeshlaq | Qeshlaq | Qeshlaq-e amir a`lam | Qeshlaq-e aqa khan-e ekhtiar | Qeshlaq-e aqa khan-e karamat | Qeshlaq-e aramaneh | Qeshlaq-e asghar | Qeshlaq-e ebrahim khan | Qeshlaq-e esma`il khan | Qeshlaq-e hajj aman | Qeshlaq-e hajj savad | Qeshlaq-e hajj ali khan | Qeshlaq-e hajji allahverdi | Qeshlaq-e hajji bayrish | Qeshlaq-e hajji `avaz | Qeshlaq-e jahan khanemlu | Qeshlaq-e ja`far qoli khan | Qeshlaq-e khan oghlan | Qeshlaq-e khurasha | Qeshlaq-e marzabad | Qeshlaq-e mirzaali | Qeshlaq-e mohammad qoli | Qeshlaq-e mohammad sharif | Qeshlaq-e mollalu | Qeshlaq-e moradlu | Qeshlaq-e nariman-e amir aslani | Qeshlaq-e nariman-e hajj havar | Qeshlaq-e nariman-e khan ughlan | Qeshlaq-e nuaki | Qeshlaq-e pasha | Qeshlaq-e qahreman | Qeshlaq-e qirlu | Qeshlaq-e qushdash mirza khan | Qeshlaq-e qushdash yashil | Qeshlaq-e quzlu | Qeshlaq-e rahim | Qeshlaq-e seyyedi kandi | Qeshlaq-e shakur | Qeshlaq-e soleyman akbar | Qeshlaq-e soleyman-e ali goshad | Qeshlaq-e tarzilu | Qeshlaq-e ali aqa | Qeysar | Qez Qaleh | Qezel arkh | Qezel bolagh | Qezel daghi | Qezel dizaj | Qezel guney | Qezel hajjilu | Qezel qapi | Qezel qayeh | Qezel qeshlaq | Qezel suri | Qezel Asheq | Qezeldagh-e kord | Qezeldagh-e Ajam | Qezeljah | Qezeljeh | Qezeljeh-ye bala | Qezeljeh-ye pain |Qias-e bala | Qias-e pain | Qiqach | Qir kandi | Qiz khashlu | Qobad beygian | Qodrat kandi | Qojur | Qol hasan | Qolidizaj | Qolman sara | Qolqoleh | Qom qeshlaq | Qomi | Qomlu | Qosur | Qotlu | Qoturlar | Qowm kariz | Qowzlu-ye Sofla | Qowzlujeh | Quch ahmad | Quchali | Qudchi | Qulan | Qular | Qulonji | Qurd ol duran | Qurghan | Quri bolagh | Quri daraq | Qurishkak | Qurmik | Qurokh daghi | Qurshaqlu | Qush | Qush qayahsi | Qush qayehsi | Qush ali kandi | Qusha bolagh-e Sofla | Qusha bolagh-e Olya | Qutan | Quytal | Quyujoq | Quyunlu | Quyusi | Quzlu
| Quzuchi-ye owlan
Rabat , is the capital and third largest city of the Kingdom of Morocco with a population of approximately 650,000...
| Rafteh | Rah tappeh | Rahimabad
Rahimabad is a village in the Leghari Estate in Rahim Yar Khan District, part of the former Bahawalpur State, in Pakistan. It is approximately 24 kilometres west of Sadiqabad....
| Rahimlu | Rahimlu-ye muran | Rahmanlu | Randula | Rashgund | Rashkand | Rasulabad
Rasulabad is a town and a nagar panchayat in Unnao district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.-Geography:Rasulabad is located at . It has an average elevation of 131 metres .-Demographics:...
| Ravand-e Olya | Ravand-e Sofla | Ravasobhan | Ravaz | Ravesht-e bozorg | Razgeh | Razhan | Rend | Reyhanabad | Reyhanlu-ye Olya | Reyhanlu-ye Sofla | Reyhanlu-ye vosta | Rikabad | Rikan | Rudkhaneh-ye vazman | Ruh kandi | Rumquyusi
- Etymology and linguistic definitions :Sabzi is a Persian word derived from the root word "sabz", pronunced , which means green. The "i" added to Persian color names will imply a lot of something which has that specific color...
| Sadaqeh | Sadd-e aras | Sadd-e shahid kazemi | Safarlu | Safarqoli kandi | Safu | Saghirlu | Sahlan | Saholan | Sakan | Sakhasi tappeh | Sakhteman | Salamat | Salarabad | Salband | Salim beyg | Salim kandi | Salim saghul | Salmanabad | Salteh | Samadlu | Samartu | Samenu | Samian | Samsalu | Sanak | Sanam bolaghi | Sangar | Sangar-e mir`abdollah | Sangboran | Sanjaq | Saqan | Sar aghol | Sar baghcheh | Sar chenar | Sar darreh | Sar mirqan | Sarajuq | Saralan | Saray | Saray deh | Sard kuhestan | Sard rud | Sardarabad | Sardrud
Sardrud is a city in the Central District of Tabriz County, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 24,858, in 6,903 families....
| Sarem sakhlu | Sarenj | Sari beyglu | Sari beyglu-ye araleq | Sari beyglu-ye cheragh | Sari bolagh
Sari Bolagh
| Sari chaman | Sari nasirlu | Sari ojaq | Sari qomish | Sari qomish-e qeshlaq | Sari Su | Sarijalu | Sarkesh | Sarkiz | Sarv kani | Sarvaneh | Satelmish-e mohammadlu | Satelmish-e tupkhaneh | Savinas | Sazaghol | Saatlu-ye beyglar | Saatlu-ye kuh | Saatlu-ye manzel | Sadal | Saidlu | Sebdinabad | Sechan bolaghi | Sefidan-e jadid | Sefideh khvan | Segrik | Seh kani | Seh sir | Sehgergan | Sengan | Seniq | Senji | Senjilak | Senjilik | Seri qayeh | Serin chaveh | Serow
Serow may refer to:*Three species of Asian ungulate in the genus Capricornis**Japanese Serow**Mainland Serow**Taiwan Serow* Serow, Iran, a city in Urmia County, West Azarbaijan Province, Iran*Alternative spelling of Serov...
| Seyban | Seydan | Seylaneh | Seyyed kandi | Seyyed Abbas | Seyyedabad
| Seyyedan | Seyyedlar-e Zahra | Shamlu
The Shamloo, Shamlu, shomloo Tribe was one of the 7 original and the most powerful Qizilbash Tribe of Turcoman origin in Iran.-Pre-Safavid Era:...
| Shams-e hajjian | Shamusilabi | Shaqlava | Sharabian | Sharafkhanli | Sharanlu | Sharif kandi | Sharifabad
Sharifabad is one of the neighborhoods of Liaquatabad Town in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.There are several ethnic groups in Sharifabad including Muhajirs, Punjabis, Sindhis, Kashmiris, Seraikis, Pakhtuns, Balochis, Memons, Bohras, Ismailis, etc. Over 99% of the population is Muslim. The population...
| Shater | Shatqar | Shebilu-ye Sofla | Shebilu-ye Olya | Shedi | Shegaftik-e Sofla | Shegaftik-e Olya | Shegefti | Shekam darideh | Shekar yazi | Shekhal | Shelveh-ye Sofla | Shelveh-ye Olya | Shendabad
Shendabad , also Romanized as Shīndevār, Shindivar, Shindiwār, and Shindyvar) is a city in the Central District of Shabestar County, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 8,797, in 2,220 families....
| Sheyban | Sheykh | Sheykh ahmad
Sheykh Ahmad
Sheykh Ahmad is a village in Gharbi Rural District, in the Central District of Ardabil County, Ardabil Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 731 in 136 families....
| Sheykh hamzehlu | Sheykh sar mast | Sheykh selu-ye bala | Sheykh shamzin | Sheykh teymur | Sheykh vali | Sheykh zard | Sheykh Azimlu | Sheykhan | Sheykhlar-e mazari | Sheykhsilu | Sheykhalijan | Sheykh Osman | Shilanabad | Shinabad | Shir amin | Shir mard | Shirabad | Shirakan | Shiran | Shirani
The Shirani are a Sarbanri Pashtun tribe, living in Pakistan and Afghanistan. They should not be confused with the Baloch Shirani, who live in Iran.-History:...
| Shiraz
Shiraz may refer to:* Shiraz, Iran, a city in Iran* Shiraz County, an administrative subdivision of Iran* Vosketap, Armenia, formerly called ShirazPeople:* Hovhannes Shiraz, Armenian poet* Ara Shiraz, Armenian sculptor...
| Shirin kand | Shiru kandi | Shirvan shahlu-ye Sofla | Shirvani | Shishavan | Shiveh berow | Shoja | Shorabad | Shot | Shotlu | Shur gel | Shur kand | Shurab | Shuraghol | Shurakandi | Shurbolagh | Shurbolagh-e Sofla | Shurbolagh-e Olya | Shurestan | Shurik | Shurqu'i | Shush daghi | Siah cheshmeh
Siah Cheshmeh
Siah Cheshmeh is a city in and the capital of Chaldoran County, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 14,189, in 3,024 families....
| Siah gol-e bala | Siah gol-e pain | Siah rud | Siaqul | Siarak | Siavan | Siavosh | Sidak | Siki | Silab | Silehsar | Silvaneh
Silvaneh is a city in and the capital of Silvaneh District, in Urmia County, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 1,350, in 243 families....
| Sinabad | Sineh sar | Sir
Sir is an honorific used as a title , or as a courtesy title to address a man without using his given or family name in many English speaking cultures...
| Sir daghi | Siran | Sis | Sivan
Sivan is the ninth month of the civil year and the third month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar. It is a spring month of 30 days...
| Sol hasan | Soleyman aghol | Soleyman kandi | Soltanabad | Soltani | Soluk | Sopurghan | Sorkheh qeshlaq | Sormalu | Sufi | Sufi kani | Sufiabad | Sufian
Sufian is a village in Badakhshan Province in north-eastern Afghanistan.Sufian is a muslim name for males.The name Sufian was given to a famous person, Sufian Sorathia.Also see Abu Sufyan ibn Harb...
| Sufali kandi | Sujeh | Suleh dogal | Sulik | Sunabolaghi | Surehban | Surik | Suriyeh | Surkan | Surmanabad | Susanabad
Tabat was chieftain of the Jarawa Berber tribe during the mid-7th century. He was the father of the female warlord and Berber queen Kahina....
| Tabbat | Tabriz
Tabriz is the fourth largest city and one of the historical capitals of Iran and the capital of East Azerbaijan Province. Situated at an altitude of 1,350 meters at the junction of the Quri River and Aji River, it was the second largest city in Iran until the late 1960s, one of its former...
| Tabriz jani | Taglag | Tahmaseb kandi | Taj khatun | Tajdu | Takah | Takah chi | Takalu | Takan tappeh | Takht-e ravan-e Sofla | Takht-e ravan-e Olya | Takhteh dozi | Takleh-ye tazeh | Takleh-ye Abbasabad-e Sofla | Takleh-ye Abbasabad-e Olya | Taleb | Taleb goli | Talehjar | Talin
Talin is a town in the Aragatsotn province of Armenia. It has a population of 5,371. The seventh century Talin Cathedral is located in the town.- History :...
| Talkhab | Tamirdash | Tamrabad | Tamtaman | Tang | Tang-e balekeh | Tapik | Tappeh ayaz | Tappeh bashi | Tappeh bashi-ye namazi | Tappeh bashi-ye punak | Tappeh chelik | Tappeh kharmani | Tappeh maku | Tappeh saremi | Tappeh torkaman | Tappeh-ye babaganjeh | Tappeh-ye bugheh dagh | Tappehsi dalik | Taqi kandi
Taqi Kandi
Taqi Kandi is a village in Gharbi Rural District, in the Central District of Ardabil County, Ardabil Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 54 in 18 families....
| Taqiabad | Taqlidabad | Tarakmeh | Taraqeh | Tarkesh-e Sofla | Tarmani | Tarseh bolagh | Tarveh | Tarzam | Tasmalu | Tasuj
Tasuj is a city in and the capital of Tasuj District, in Shabestar County, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 7,332, in 2,108 families....
| Tat kandi | Tatar | Tatar-e bala | Tavan | Tavil | Tazeh kahriz-e shamqolu | Tazeh kand
Tazeh Kand
Tazeh Kand is a village in the Ardabil Province of Iran.-References:*...
| Tazeh kand-e afshar | Tazeh kand-e anhar | Tazeh kand-e baba ganjeh | Tazeh kand-e bolbol | Tazeh kand-e deym | Tazeh kand-e hasel qui | Tazeh kand-e jamalkhan | Tazeh kand-e janizeh | Tazeh kand-e lalaklu | Tazeh kand-e qadim | Tazeh kand-e qaterchi | Tazeh kand-e qeshlaq | Tazeh kand-e tappeh rash | Tazeh qaleh | Tazeh Qaleh | Tazehkand | Tazehkand-e chenaq | Tazehkand-e jaded | Teghnit-e vasat | Tekanlujeh | Tekmeh dash | Telkari | Teymurabad | Teymurlu | Tez kharab | Tui | Tuli | Tulki tappehsi | Tumatar | Tup aghaj | Tupchi | Tupraq Qaleh | Tupuzabad | Tureh
Tureh is a city in and the capital of Zalian District, in Shazand County, Markazi Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 2,167 in 571 families....
| Tut aghaj
Urta daraq | Urta kand | Urtanis | Urtlu | Usalu-ye allahverdi | Usalu-ye kazem | Utmish | Uynehchi | Uzan malek | Uzgun | Uzon owbeh | Uzun darreh-ye bala | Uzun darreh-ye pain | Uzun qeshlaq | Uzun qui-ye do | Uzun qu'i-ye yekV
Vakil | Vakil kandi | Valendeh-e Olya | Valendeh-e Sofla | Vali kandi | Van-e Olya | Van-e Sofla | Vanayar | Vanestanak | Vanguz-e Olya | Vaqaslu-ye Olya | Vaqaslu-ye Sofla | Varaqzaq | Varazqan | Vardin | Varjovi | Varkash | Varmazyar | VarzaqanVarzaqan
Varzaqan , also Romanized as Kārzigān and Karzygan) is a city in and the capital of Varzaqan County, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 3,549, in 930 families....
| Vavan | Vayqan
Vayqan is a city in the Central District of Shabestar County, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 4,091, in 1,095 families....
| Vazifeh khvoran | Vazirabad
-External links:*...
| Vazneh | Vediq | Vilzeh | Vishlaq-e bala | Vishlaq-e pain
Yadabad | Yadegarlu | Yaghmur ali | Yaghnali tappeh | Yalan tukan | Yalsun | Yalti quyusu | YamchiYamchi
Yamchi is a city in and the capital of Yamchi District, in Marand County, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 9,320, in 2,301 families....
| Yaralujeh | Yarijan-e khaleseh | Yarijan-e Sofla | Yarijan-e Olya | Yarim qayeh | Yarim qiyeh-ye Sofla | Yarim qiyeh-ye vosta | Yarim qiyeh-ye Olya | Yasi kand | Yatim aghli | Yayshahri | Yaqub ali kandi | Yedi daraq | Yekan kahriz | Yekan kahriz-e bala | Yekan-e sadi | Yekeh dar | Yekhelqan | Yengejeh
Yengejeh is a village in the Ardabil Province of Iran.-References:*...
| Yengejeh-ye bala | Yengejeh-ye sadat | Yengi ukh | Yengiabad | Yowla galdi | Yowrqanlu | Yowrqanlu-ye janizeh | Yumuridash | Yuneslu | Yurqunabad-e Sofla | Yurqunabad-e Olya | Yusef gol | Yushanlu
Yushanlu is a village located in the Salmas Central District , between Tabriz and Salmas in the West Azarbaijan Province of Iran. The main industries are agriculture and rearing livestock. The name is derived for the name of a plant which grows in the area....
| Yusof kand | Yusofabad | Yuvalar
Zilakeh-ye Olya | Zilakeh-ye Sofla | Zinatlu | Zinjanab | Zirandul | Zirmanlu | ZivehZiveh
Ziveh is a village in Balghelu Rural District, in the Central District of Ardabil County, Ardabil Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its existence was noted, but its population was not reported....
| Ziveh jik | Zonbalan | Zonuz | Zonuzaq | Zevin
Zevin is a village and municipality in the Yardymli Rayon of Azerbaijan. It has a population of 1,322....
| Zuran
Žuráň is a small hill near the village of Podolí in the Czech Republic. The hill became famous because 2 December 1805 Napoleon Bonaparte led his famous battle of Austerlitz from its peak. Therefore, peak of Žuráň was proclaimed to be extraterritoriality of France...