List of XML Schemas
This is a list of XML schema
s in use on the Internet sorted by purpose. XML schemas can be used to create XML documents for a wide range of purposes such as syndication, general exchange, and storage of data in a standard format.
XML schema
An XML schema is a description of a type of XML document, typically expressed in terms of constraints on the structure and content of documents of that type, above and beyond the basic syntactical constraints imposed by XML itself...
s in use on the Internet sorted by purpose. XML schemas can be used to create XML documents for a wide range of purposes such as syndication, general exchange, and storage of data in a standard format.
- ARTSXML - Retail XML schema specifications by Association for Retail Technology Standards
- UBLUniversal Business LanguageUniversal Business Language is a library of standard electronic XML business documents such as purchase orders and invoices. UBL was developed by an OASIS Technical Committee with participation from a variety of industry data standards organizations. UBL is designed to plug directly into existing...
- Defining a common XML library of business documents (purchase orders, invoices, etc.) by Oasis - HR-XML - Human resources (
- XBRLXBRLXBRL is a freely available, market-driven, open, and global standard for exchanging business information. XBRL allows information modeling and the expression of semantic meaning commonly required in business reporting. XBRL is XML-based...
Extensible Business Reporting Language for International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS and United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles GAAPGaapIn demonology, Gaap is a mighty Prince and Great President of Hell, commanding sixty-six legions of demons. He is, according to The Lesser Key of Solomon, the king and prince of the southern region of Hell and Earth, and according to the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum the king of the western region and...
business accounting. - Strategy Markup Language (StratML)
- OSCREOSCREOSCRE or Open Standards Consortium for Real Estate is a Non-profit organization dedicated to the development of industry standards for data exchange...
Open Standards Consortium for Real Estate format for data exchange within the real estate industry - IFC-XMLIndustry Foundation ClassesThe Industry Foundation Classes data model is intended to describe building and construction industry data.It is a neutral and open specification that is not controlled by a single vendor or group of vendors...
Building Information Models for architecture, engineering, construction, and operations.
- EMLElection Markup LanguageElection Markup Language is an XML-based standard to support end to end management of election processes.-History of EML:The OASIS Election and Voter Services Technical Committee, which met for the first time in May 2001, was chartered...
, Election Markup Language, is an OASISOASIS (organization)The Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards is a global consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of e-business and web service standards...
standard to support end to end management of election processes. It defines over thirty schemas, for example EML 510 for vote count reporting and EML 310 for voter registration.
- FpMLFpMLFpML is an XML message standard for the OTC Derivatives industry.All categories of privately negotiated derivatives will eventually be included within the standard...
, Financial products Markup Language is the industry-standard protocol for complex financial products. It is based on XML (eXtensible Markup Language), the standard meta-language for describing data shared between applications. - FIXML, Financial Information eXchange (FIX) protocol is an electronic communications protocol initiated in 1992 for international real-time exchange of information related to the securities transactions and markets.
- KMLKeyhole Markup LanguageKeyhole Markup Language is an XML notation for expressing geographic annotation and visualization within Internet-based, two-dimensional maps and three-dimensional Earth browsers. KML was developed for use with Google Earth, which was originally named Keyhole Earth Viewer. It was created by...
, Keyhole Markup Language is used for annotation on geographical browsers including Google Earth and NASA's World Wind. These annotations are used to place events such as earthquake warnings, historical events...etc.
Graphical User Interfaces
- JAXFront - JAXFront GUI generator (free community edition)
- GLADEGlade-Geography:*Glade , open area in woodland, synonym for "clearing"**Glade skiing, skiing amongst treesPlaces in the United States*Glade, California, a former town in Lassen County*Glade, Kansas, a city in Phillips County...
- GNOME's User Interface Language (GTK+) - KParts - KDE's User Interface Language (Qt)
- XULXULIn computer programming, XUL , the XML User Interface Language, is an XML user interface markup language developed by the Mozilla project. XUL operates in Mozilla cross-platform applications such as Firefox...
- XML User Interface Language (Native) - XFormsXFormsXForms is an XML format for the specification of a data processing model for XML data and user interface for the XML data, such as web forms...
- XForms - XAMLXAMLExtensible Application Markup Language is a declarative XML-based language created by Microsoft used for initializing structured values and objects. It is available under Microsoft's Open Specification Promise...
- Microsoft's Extensible Application Markup Language
Industrial Property
- TM-XMLTM-XMLNote: Article currently under review.The Trade Mark Extensible Markup Language is an XML open standard for the trademark business and for the exchange of trademark information between the Industrial Property Offices and its partners or users....
- Trade Mark Information Exchange Standard - DS-XMLDS-XMLThe Design Extensible Markup Language was initiated in 2005 at the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market as an open standard based on TM-XML for the exchange of information in XML on Design information....
- Industrial Design Information Exchange Standard
Math and Science
- MathMLMathMLMathematical Markup Language is an application of XML for describing mathematical notations and capturing both its structure and content. It aims at integrating mathematical formulae into World Wide Web pages and other documents...
- Mathematical Markup Language - ANSI N42.42 or "N42" - NISTNational Institute of Standards and TechnologyThe National Institute of Standards and Technology , known between 1901 and 1988 as the National Bureau of Standards , is a measurement standards laboratory, otherwise known as a National Metrological Institute , which is a non-regulatory agency of the United States Department of Commerce...
data format standard for radiation detectors used for Homeland SecurityHomeland securityHomeland security is an umbrella term for security efforts to protect states against terrorist activity. Specifically, is a concerted national effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the U.S., reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorism, and minimize the damage and recover from attacks that do...
- RDFResource Description FrameworkThe Resource Description Framework is a family of World Wide Web Consortium specifications originally designed as a metadata data model...
- Resource Description Framework - ONIX for BooksONIX for BooksONIX for Books is an XML format for storing and sharing bibliographic data pertaining to both traditional books and eBooks. It is the oldest of the three Onix standards.-Overview:... - ONline Information eXchange, developed and maintained by EDItEUR jointly with Book Industry Communication (UK) and the Book Industry Study Group (US), and with user groups in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain and the Republic of Korea. - DDMLDocument Definition Markup LanguageDocument Definition Markup Language is an XML schema language proposed in 1999 by various contributors from the xml-dev electronic mailing list...
- reformulations XML DTD
News Syndication
- AtomAtom (standard)The name Atom applies to a pair of related standards. The Atom Syndication Format is an XML language used for web feeds, while the Atom Publishing Protocol is a simple HTTP-based protocol for creating and updating web resources.Web feeds allow software programs to check for updates published on a...
- Atom - RSSRSS (file format)RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format...
- Really Simple Syndication
Paper and Forest Products
- papiNetPapiNetpapiNet is a global communication XML standard for the paper and forest products industries.papiNet facilitates the automation of the business processes within the industry, making it easier for the business partners to agree on data definitions and formats....
- XML format for exchange of business documents and product information in the paper and forest products industries. - EPPMLEPPMLEPPML is a conceptual model for the interactions between parties of a postal communication system. Examples of such parties are mailers, posts, mail aggregators, providers of postal services and equipment and recipients...
- an XML conceptual model for the interactions between parties of a postal communication system.
- NLM DTD, journal publishing DTD from the United States National Library of MedicineUnited States National Library of MedicineThe United States National Library of Medicine , operated by the United States federal government, is the world's largest medical library. Located in Bethesda, Maryland, the NLM is a division of the National Institutes of Health...
- DITADarwin Information Typing ArchitectureThe Darwin Information Typing Architecture is an OASIS standard XML data model for authoring and publishing. Many third party tools support authoring, including Adobe FrameMaker, XMetaL, Arbortext, Quark XML Author, Oxygen XML Editor, easyDITA, and SDL Xopus...
—Darwin Information Typing Architecture, document authoring system
- JAXPJava API for XML ProcessingThe Java API for XML Processing, or JAXP , is one of the Java XML programming APIs. It provides the capability of validating and parsing XML documents...
, Java XML API. - SAXSimple API for XMLSAX is an event-based sequential access parser API developed by the XML-DEV mailing list for XML documents. SAX provides a mechanism for reading data from an XML document that is an alternative to that provided by the Document Object Model...
, serial access XML parser, a popular alternative to DOM. - XDRXDR SchemaXML-Data Reduced was a schema language for specifying and validating XML documents.In January 1998, Microsoft, the University of Edinburgh and others submitted a proposal for an XML schema language called XML-Data to the World Wide Web Consortium...
- SDMXSDMXSDMX is an initiative to foster standards for the exchange of statistical information. It started in 2001 and aims at fostering standards for Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange...
- SDMX-ML is a format for exchange and sharing of Statistical Data and Metadata.
See also
- List of XML markup languages
- XML Schema Language ComparisonXML Schema Language ComparisonAn XML schema is a description of a type of XML document, typically expressed in terms of constraints on the structure and content of documents of that type, above and beyond the basic syntax constraints imposed by XML itself. There are several different languages available for specifying an XML...
- XML transformation languageXML transformation languageAn XML transformation language is a programming language designed specifically to transform an input XML document into an output XML document which satisfies some specific goal.There are two special cases of transformation:...
- XML pipelineXML pipelineIn software, an XML Pipeline is formed when XML processes, especially XML transformations and XML validations, are connected together....
- Data Format Description LanguageData Format Description LanguageData Format Description Language is a modeling language from the Open Grid Forum for describing general text and binary data. A DFDL model or schema allows any text or binary data to be read from its native format and to be presented as an instance of an information set...
External links
- Schema Documentation Library
- Schema Library XML Schema Library from AltovaAltovaFounded in 1992, Altova is a commercial software development company with headquarters in Beverly, MA, USA and Vienna, Austria that produces integrated XML, database, UML, and data management software development tools.-Products:Altova’s products include:...