Leiocephalus carinatus armouri
The Northern Curly-tailed Lizard (Leiocephalus carinatus) is a lizard species from the family of curly-tailed lizards (Leiocephalidae).

Geographic range

It is native to the Bahama Islands, the Cayman Islands and Cuba, but was released intentionally in Palm Beach, Florida
Palm Beach, Florida
The Town of Palm Beach is an incorporated town in Palm Beach County, Florida, United States. The Intracoastal Waterway separates it from the neighboring cities of West Palm Beach and Lake Worth...

, in the 1940s in an attempt to control sugar cane pests.


An active, robust lizard, it is mostly terrestrial and will retreat into a burrow or cavity when frightened. It prefers sunny areas with loose rubble and rock.


13 subspecies are recognized, including the nominate race:
  • L. c. carinatus Gray
    John Edward Gray
    John Edward Gray, FRS was a British zoologist. He was the elder brother of George Robert Gray and son of the pharmacologist and botanist Samuel Frederick Gray ....

    , 1827
  • L. c. aquarius Schwartz & Ogren, 1956
  • L. c. armouri
    Leiocephalus carinatus armouri
    The Northern Curly-tailed Lizard is a lizard species from the family of curly-tailed lizards .-Geographic range:...

    Thomas Barbour
    Thomas Barbour was an American herpetologist. From 1927 until 1946, he was director of the Museum of Comparative Zoology founded in 1859 by Louis Agassiz at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts....

     & Shreve, 1935
  • L. c. cayensis Schwartz, 1959
  • L. c. coryi Schmidt
    Karl Patterson Schmidt
    Karl Patterson Schmidt was an American herpetologist.-Biography:Schmidt was the son of George W. Schmidt and Margaret Patterson Schmidt. Schmidt's father was a German professor who, at the time of Schmidt's birth, was teaching in Lake Forest, Illinois. His family left the city in 1907 and settled...

    , 1936
  • L. c. granti Rabb, 1957
  • L. c. hodsdoni Schmidt
    Karl Patterson Schmidt
    Karl Patterson Schmidt was an American herpetologist.-Biography:Schmidt was the son of George W. Schmidt and Margaret Patterson Schmidt. Schmidt's father was a German professor who, at the time of Schmidt's birth, was teaching in Lake Forest, Illinois. His family left the city in 1907 and settled...

    , 1936
  • L. c. labrossytus Schwartz, 1959
  • L. c. microcyon Schwartz, 1959
  • L. c. mogotensis Schwartz, 1959
  • L. c. varius Garman, 1887
  • L. c. virescens Stejneger
    Leonhard Hess Stejneger
    Leonhard Hess Stejneger was a Norwegian-born American ornithologist, herpetologist and zoologist. Stejneger specialized in vertebrate natural history studies. He gained his greatest reputation with reptiles and amphibians....

    , 1901
  • L. c. zayasi Schwartz, 1959
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