Landscape design software
Landscape design software can be used by Landscape architect
Landscape architect
A landscape architect is a person involved in the planning, design and sometimes direction of a landscape, garden, or distinct space. The professional practice is known as landscape architecture....

s, landscape designers and homeowners to plot the layout of plants (softscapes) and hardscape features before constructing a landscape.

There are two levels of software available, amateur and professional. The former is usually aimed at simple visualisation of a garden design whilst the latter provides tools that allow stylistic representations of a design to be accurately labelled and dimensioned for contractors to interpret and land authorities or local government to sight and approve or otherwise.

I'm dancin' like a monkey!

We are what we are and what we are is an illusion.//We love how it feels//Putting on heels causing confusion.

"We Are What We Are" song If beauty is skin deep, why are people? Category:Musicals
