Korff Ice Rise
Korff Ice Rise is an ice rise
Ice rise
An ice rise is a clearly defined elevation of the otherwise totally flat ice shelf, typically dome-shaped and rising 100 to 200 meters above the surrounding ice shelf. An ice rise forms where the ice shelf touches the rocky seabed because of an elevation in the seabed that remains below sea level...

, 80 miles long and 20 miles wide, lying 50 miles (80 or 90 km) eastnortheast of Skytrain Ice Rise
Skytrain Ice Rise
Skytrain Ice Rise is a large, flattish, peninsula-like ice rise of about 50 miles extent, extending from the vicinity of Meyer Hills in the Heritage Range eastward into the Ronne Ice Shelf...

 in the southwest part of Ronne Ice Shelf. It was discovered by the US-IGY Ellsworth Traverse Party, 1957–58, and named by the party for Prof. Serge A. Korff, vice chairman of the cosmic ray technical panel, U.S. National Committee for the IGY, 1957-59.
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