Kiraz, Turkey
Kiraz is a town of İzmir Province
of Turkey
The town is approximately 148 km away from downtown Izmir. The population is 10,051. This province has nearly 53 villages. Agriculture is major job opportunity for villagers.
The most detailed study on the history of our Kiraz, Mr. Ali Aksakal yet unpublished book, which is located in the research. Have not entered the information for printing the book would like to thank him for sharing with us.
Region, due to the cradle of several civilizations throughout history, has received different names. This section will be summarized, detailed information may also be explained in sections. Klaos / Kleos: the 8th. century, Ionians, "to protect from the cold harsh winter, the Winter Shelter," which means "Klaos / Kleos" gave the name. Kilas / kilos: the Byzantine period, "Even the plain," which means "Kilas / kilos," given the name. Kilbis / Kilbis Valley: In the late 2nd century AD it was called "Kilbis" . Kolo / Kolose: in the late 2nd century AD, the Byzantine Period, " Colon / Kolose "to be called. Luwian language column name to come, as has been said Helen in her mouth invented Kolose Keles / Kelas / Kilas: Ottoman Period," Keles / Kelas / Kilas " name was used. Kiraz (meaning "cherry"): Period of the Republic of Turkey, the district was called Kiraz after 1948.
Mahmud of Kashgar in the oldest known Turkish Dictionary, written by the 11th century "Divan-ı Lugâti't-Turks" (Dictionary of Turkish language in the Collective), which means known work, "Keles," the name is rare. However, the German-born Russian Turkologist Wilhelm Radloff (1837-1918) 's and Hungarian Turkologist Arminius Vambery (1832-12913)' dictionaries of the Chagatai "Keles," the meaning of the word "gecko" is given as. Sami Shams "Kamus-i Turk" in the dictionary called "Kelas" the meaning of the word "lizard" is mentioned as. Also, "Keles," in, is still a Cossack's Tongue lizard species, Chagatai Turkish 'in the name of a squirrel species are used as sources of expression.
UNITED NATIONS According to Turkologist Hayıt'a; Keles's name, were brought to Anatolia from Central Asia to the size of the Kayi Turks Bozok thesis, supported by many scientists. Researcher Author Bulent Karaçöl, a caravan from the South Kazakhstan Taşkent'ten, come and settled here and they indicate the name of this place where they Keles. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Eröz, Keles, the name certainly came from Central Asia states that a tribe of Oghuz. Three branches of the military convoy entered Anatolia, Bursa, Izmir, and settled in the regions inhabited places in the provinces gave the name of Keles.
Sovetskaya Encyclopedia of Russian Bolsaya Ensiklopediya vol. 20, p.494 The following information is located on. "Keles, South Kazakhstan province is the name of a river, and the right arm of Sir Derya. Keles, an accident is also called the North of Tashkent, Tashkent north-west of the North Railway Station has been named the Keles .. "
10. and 11 centuries according to the works of the Muslim-Arab geographers; Çirçik River and Tashkent, Shymkent, a large region between Çardarı and Sütkent name, "Kalas Steppe / Keles Steppe" , also in the middle of the steppe, Sir Derya River, was built in parallel rather long and robust a wall, "Kalas / Keles Wall" as mentioned. Kalas is the same as experts in Oriental and Keles, the difference of the original Arabic spelling and pronunciation, the word refers to stems.
After this, is certain: Keles, Derya, Sir is a name used in this name, it inhabited the region, and then migrating to Anatolia, settled in Western Anatolia, the Byzantine border, brought by the Turks, a name belonging to Kayi tribe.
Also, Oghuz Turks "Keles," a tribe belonging to the Ottoman period, also known where the 16 Aydin-century tax registers within Livas "Keles," referred to his community as Nomadic.
Malazgirt in 1071 with the victory of the accelerating migration from V.century, Turks settled in Anatolia, the Turkish territory, complete with Turkish tribes, settled in the names of places or had given their size (Kinik, Bayindir, Mamak, Yüreğil, Avsar, Yazır Dodurga, İğdir, Kizik, Cepni, etc.) or through migration in Central Asia in the names they came, they came to Anatolia with similar cities, Central Asia (Homeland) and wanted to keep alive the bonds of memorabilia. (Keles, Poplar, Boztepe, Beylikçayır, Yassıkaya, tamarisk, Kurtderesi, private messages, etc.)
In Anatolia, there are three more districts called "Keles," place-name is the name of the settlement have been identified.
Izmir / Keles: while in 1948 the district name was changed to Cherry. Bursa / Keles: Currently, the center of a district of Bursa. Ordu / Keles: Ordu Unye name of the town of Keles village, in 1966, "Cinarcik" as amended. Antalya / Keles: Kumluca district of Antalya, on the village of Kuzca Keles District is still available.
Keles, called the cities / villages / neighborhoods are installed in common places, they are built at the edge of a river, and it obviously could not be a coincidence. Because, all in different regions of Anatolia, and all the Keles kurulmuşlar given the name.
Nomadic tribes of the Oghuz, after having accepted Islam, the Muslim Turks started to be called Turkmen. Came to be called the Oguz Turks are still living in the cities. In later years the word left Oguz, Turkish word has been used.
Anatolia Turkish communities belonging to different races, peasants, and partly non-Muslim, had in part an urban folk. Turkish rulers, the Muslims were under the protection of non-farmers in the rural population, but still well in the years of war and anarchy had begun to decline lords of the Turkmen, flocked to the indigenous people of Anatolia, the nomadic Turkmen talanından protect them to ensure the establishment of new villages and began to spend a settled . Because, among the Turks came to Anatolia from Central Asia from time immemorial village life, even the people there were all kinds of city life history. Thus, they come to new places wanted to maintain the same living conditions. Placed in Anatolia, the Turkish communities, established a village with their names are placed in places, more in some mountain regions where they lived before, the village, the river gave the names of the new settlements.
Keles / Cherry region of the Turkish settlers, mostly due to the Avsar tribes of Oguz Turks Bozok arm, very few belong to the tribes depends on size of the Ucok Salur arm. Looking at the distribution of their heights in Anatolia, Oguz, the length of Avsar, Manisa, Antalya, Bursa, Kütahya and Aydin region, we see the heavily settled. All of Izmir in the period of the Ottoman Empire, such as the Sandzak, Keles / Cherry region, province of Aydin were connected. T.B.M.M. on January 20, 1921 The Province of Izmir was established by a decision of self-contained, Keles, depending on the accident in this province as a township Odemis, with the name Cherry in 1948 and continued until the district.
Kiraz'ın carefully examine some of the names of villages, showed that 5 out of these names; Avsar Turkish tribes and tribal names, 1 of them is connected to the longitudinal Salur. These are given below.
Note: When mentioning Kiraz in this book, as the district in 1948 which lasted until the historical period, to describe the name of Cherry, Keles / Cherry names will be used together.
Ancient history, human history, that is the beginning of ancient times (M.Ö.3500-MS375) in the early medieval period up to the time period is subject to significant cultural and political events. According to Sumerian cuneiform script was discovered, the oldest type of writing, approximately 5000-5500 years of recorded history. Genetic evidence, however, the first appearance of humans about 150,000 years ago. Küçük Menderes Basin (So Keles / Cherry in the region) in the Early Neolithic Period of human culture began 6000'li M.Ö.6500 or understood. Pre-created here by the Turks in the small principality, "Assuwa Confederation" on the latest research in light of the claims are constituted. This basin Limontepe Mound, Mound Pilgrims, about the middle part of the triangle, the cave paintings of Mugla, Izmir is currently connected to Cherry, Beydağ, Odemis counties are also included.
Asia, Asia Minor (Anatolia), the name of where there are various claims. The Hittites, the Küçük Menderes Basin, between the Aydin Mountains Bozdaglar Assuwa saying, M.Ö.9.yy poet Homer refers to this region as Assiyos or Asia.
The Lydians, their descent from a hero named Asyas said. According to them, called Asia, is Asias'tan Menes'in grandson and son of Kotis'in. The famous historian Herodotus also mentioned in Revelation, a great dynasty of Lydia was the name of the Etruscans settled in Italy and also says that Lidya'dan. Strabo's Geography in the name of Asia's famous book, Up in the name of the Küçük Menderes Basin çayırlıklara writes that the name given to the location of the tomb of that hero Asias'ın "Asia meadows name, Kaytros plain (Küçük Menderes) and the southern part of the Tmolos (Bozdag) and Messagis (Aydin Mountains), the hero of the famous graves of Asias Kaytros'un and given a place. "
Saint-Martin, in his book Histoiredes Decouvertes Geographiques, "Asia M.Ö.1300 name in the Küçük Menderes (Kaystros) who had settled on the shores of Seyt (Scythian-Saka) community, a large family with the Ace (ASES) is a strong possibility that the name came ., "he says. In addition, the mother goddess Artemis, is said to be at the disposal of forty books of fairy mythology, daughters of the Twenty Asia'lar carries the name of the pass. The Greeks, in ancient times, only used the name of West Asia to Anatolia. Monotheistic religions of Judaism, the Torah and the basic book "Asia is married to the son of HzNuh'un Yafes .." bets from there.
Top of the people in ancient times, the plain of the Küçük Menderes Basin, the largest settlement east Kelbianon column (Cherry), respectively.
Pre-Turks buried their dead Kurganlardan (private graves); Keles / Cherry, Beydağ and there are hundreds of Odemis region. Italy (M.Ö.XIII.yy) of Turkish origin, who have passed from the dead Kurganlara gömmüşlerdir Etruscans.
BC, the earliest of the region in the early 3.binyılın, so today was inhabited 5000 years ago, is understood. Both Odemis, near the mound and Kaymakci region or evidence seized in the tombs, the so-called Early Bronze Age period, the people of the Meander Valley, a region in the north of Canakkale, while the Aegean Islands and, finally, share the common characteristics of the Denizli region, culture, local culture shows that it has.
New historical evidence and according to the documents, the Hittites (Etiler), the years of 3000 BC Anatolia, passing through the Caucasus, and Turks are descendants of Indo-European origin, they are accepted. Keles / Cherry and near the Turkish rule, began in M.Ö.2000. So now, 4000 years ago, Keles / Turks were living in Cherry.
In summary, Anatolia, the Caucasus and prehistoric antiquities and pre-Turkish migrations has been the scene through the Straits. By the Byzantine Empire in the Middle Ages, tens of thousands of military measures and the purpose of protecting the Turkish borders, placed in various parts of Anatolia. The 11th century the Seljuk Turks from Anatolia, and permanently for the last time, where those who belong to the religion of their own Sky God, Christian, many of the local Turks Müslümanlaştırarak them with other people. If Christians who resist staying with Turkish konuştuklarından, and yazamadan could speak Greek, "Greek" lived under the name.
Keles / Cherry region in ancient times, respectively, under the rule of the Hittite for 600 years, 700 years under the rule of Ionian, Phrygian rule for 500 years, ruled by Lydia in 160 years, 212 years under the rule of Persia, the Macedonian kingdom under the rule of 77 years, 100 years under the rule of the Kingdom of Syria, ruled by the Kingdom of Pergamon 55 years, 215 years under the rule of the Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, ruled 913 years, 5 years of Genoese rule, dominated by the Seljuk 237 years, dominated by Sasa Bey 2 years, under the control of the principality Aydinoglu 116 years, 497 years and 86 years under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, ruled by the Republic of Turkey.
Hittite Period (M.Ö.2000-1200)
Ion Period (M.Ö.1300-M.Ö.600)
The Phrygian era (1200-M.Ö.700)
Lydian Period (M.Ö.700-M.Ö.540/546)
Period of Persia (M.Ö.540/546-M.Ö.334)
Hellenistic Period (Period of Macedonian King Alexander the Great (BC 334 - BC 282)
Syrian (Seleucid) Kingdom Period (M.Ö.281-M.Ö.180)
Period of the Kingdom of Pergamon (M.Ö.188-M.Ö.133)
Roman Period (129 BC-395 AD): The hands of the Romans in 129 BC (Roman empire was in M.Ö.190 Izmir) and 524 years under the rule of Rome, the Keles / Cherry region, is today , as in ancient times because of the carriageways to be in a remote location in the life of primitive tribes, continued during the Roman period. M.S.2. at the end of the century, all of Anatolia, urbanization has begun moves up the valley of the Kilbis segments, ie, Keles / Cherry and around, still continued the old tribal order. However, after these dates, Colon / Kolose 's (Keles / Cherry), and then the famous mercury mines Palaiapolis'in (Beydağ) With the emergence of a city, began to understand urbanized.
Women's River, south of Bozdağ born, Nine, Catak, Yesildere, scalp and passing through the villages of Karabakh with the participation of other streams, creates Small Menderes. Here is the ancient name of Women's creek Kelbos / Kilbos, respectively. This creek flows into the Small Menderes, watered by the Keles / Cherry Plain Kelbia date, Kelbianon, called Kilbianon; Kelbos / Kelebos / Kilbos / was pronounced as Kilbia. Kelbos name given to women's Creek, the name is derived from Kela, Kela "beautiful gate" means the place, and it also means the end of the "-assa" brought to the attachment, Kelassa "Fine passageway settlement" is used as there are historians who claim that.
1.3.10 Period of the Byzantine Empire (395-1308): The Roman Empire in 395 AD, the Eastern and Western Roman (Byzantine) to be divided into two, Keles / Cherry region came under the dominance of Byzantium, and was 913 years. Time of the Romans developed the colon (Keles / Cherry), just south of the neighbor Palaiapolis (Beydağ) with "Kilbianoi" common coin pressed to name. The city of Colon, where the current Kiraz'ın but its 2 km. was the north-west of the village of Hisar. The only historical monuments can be seen Hisar'da, a spectacular medieval Castle.
1.3.11 Period of the Genoese. The Genoese, between the years 1071-1078 with the Byzantine Emperor Mikhail VII (1059-1078) to their aid, in return for large concessions in and around the port of Izmir were obtained. Keles / Cherry region, up to 5 years remained under the rule of the Genoese sailor, and later became the Byzantine domination.
TURKS ON TIME KELEŞ / CHERRY Anatolia, the first Turkish Jacks (3000 BC-MS377) the Hittites in Anatolia, the Turkish presence started. Over the North Caucasus into Anatolia in 3000 BC in a small group of Turkish origin, the Hittites, the first Turkish inhabitants of Anatolia.
Second Anatolia Turkish Entries (378-1070)
Anatolia, the Turkish entry in this period, the Black Sea in the north down the western Hun Turks carried out by the 378. The length of the Danube the Huns, the Western Roman and Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire and began to invade the territory of Thrace and the Caucasus, Anatolia entered into between the years 395-398. The second entry in Anatolia between the years 508-516; Huns as a living subject, Sabir was made by the Turks. Anatolia, the third Turkish entry, the 7th Muslim Turks, carried out from the east to west. Especially during the reign of the Abbasids (750-1258); Turkestan and Khorasan to Anatolia brought, there were large numbers of Turks against Byzantium between gazalara participants.
Seljuk Period (1071-1308)
The fourth and most recent permanent Anatolia Turkish entry, Manzikert victory in 1071 was the limit and the Anatolian Turks, the doors were opened again and forever. In 1077 founded the Anatolian Seljuk Kutalmışoğlu Suleyman Bey (Turkey Seljuks) State (1075-1086) and the west and the East Anatolian Turkish sovereignty in all the input, and was the Turkish homeland. Izmir and its environs in 1081, was conquered by the Byzantine sources Çakabey According to information provided.
In and around Izmir Çaka (Izmir, 1078-1093) and Tanriverdi (Ephesus, 1078-1093) Gentlemen 15-17 years in this region by setting up two separate independent principality after a judge olmuşlardır.1093, direnemeyen the Turkish tribes of the Byzantine forces, Interior towards the Aegean Sea had they had to retreat. In the spring of 1098, Jean Doucas (Dukas), the Byzantine army under the command of, or enters into a Kilbianos'un recaptured the Küçük Menderes Basin.
Malazgirt after the victory of the Turks, so relied on the Straits and the Aegean islands. 1108'de Sultan Hassan Şahinşah 20,000-man army with the Emir of Cappadocia, Lydia, to re-sent. When it comes to separating the two branches Alasehir troops, one of the Küçük Menderes Basin, and another sent over the Gediz Basin of Bergama. General Eumathius Philocales Byzantine, Seljuk army was defeated on his way to Izmir Kucuk Menderes valley, the soldiers drowning in the river was pretty. Other troops were withdrawn in the Emir Hasan canıyla paid the price for it.
Large orders 1112'de Selçukulu b.Alıntekin Mawdudi's a part of the army of raiders Keles / Cherry entered the region, but in Philadelphia (Philadelphia) defeated Governor Konstantin Gabras'a retreated. Turkmen captured the mountainous inland, with hit-and-run tactics to target the cities of the Byzantine establishment. 11332deki whites until the sea ulşmışlardır Turkmens.
Re-entering the territory of the Byzantine army of 24,000 people 1146'da Turkmen, Turkmen Kilbianos'a entered and all were captured by the Meander Valley, down to the coastline that were reactivated yaklaşılmıştı Byzantine army repulsed the Turkish troops.
We live on the doors of Anatolia, the Turks opened the final with the victory of Malazgirt in 1071 and 1176 with the victory in Miryakefalon Byzantine Anatolia, now Turkey and European countries by accepting the fact that, even maps of Anatolia, "Turkey" as the show began.
1176'daki Miryakefalon after the victory, the Byzantines, the Turks, especially the Gediz (Hermos) and the Menderes (Meander), including plans to stop above the river valleys, also ended. As a result, many regions of Anatolia, the local, county, parish, village, valley, mountain, hill, river, streams, tea and Turkish names (geographical names), some of the same name even today is sometimes protected by stopping the change. Thus, the Turkmen were shipped to Anatolia, Central Asia, they live in this country, the appropriate areas (eg, climate, and so on. As) through the regions to settle in the old way of life continued. Even now, is not it? Immigrant arrivals in Kyrgyzstan, countries around the yerleşmediler Van appropriate climate?
Turkmen raiders under the command of Mr. Shamsuddin 1187, raided and thousands of animals and the prisoner took the Küçük Menderes Basin returned. 1208'de again came to the watershed and the loot made movements. Raids, none of this term could not be permanent. However, after the raids after 1304'den Turkmen Keles / Cherry region began to settle permanently.
10.-13.yüzyıllarda Keles / Cherry region frequently changed hands between the Turks and Byzantium. In fact, at the end of the 13th century, after the Mongol invasion, the Anatolian Seljuk State zayıflayınca, Keles / Cherry and vicinity had entered the Byzantine domination.
1304'de, which was brought from Sicily for the Byzantine side of the mercenaries as a protection against the Turkish invasions in the Catalans on the withdrawal of the Meander Valley, the valley again invaded the Turkmens. Sasa Bey, son of Emir hinge Aydinoglu Mehmet Bey previously worked together, consisting of Turkmen warriors, the castles of the Meander Valley Byzantine ket and set about to conquer. Column (Keles / Cherry) on October 1304 by Mehmet Bey, Pyrgion (Birgi) also were captured by Sasa Bey. Keles / Cherry region remained under the control of the Seljuk 237 years.
Son of Aydın Principality Period (1308-1426)
Established in the region of Mugla Menteshe (1261-1425), founder of the hinge after Bey's death, Keles / Cherry circumference, Birgi, Tire and Ayasuluğ (Selcuk), son Sasa Bey Bey, ruled by the hinge between the years 1304 to 1307. However, the Son of Aydin principality that will later Germiyan subaşısı Aydin Bey's son Mehmed Bey, 1307'de defeat in war after killing an Sasa Bey, Keles / Cherry surrounding the management of Aydin was the son of Mehmed Bey (1308) and 118 year has been dominated by the principality Aydınoğlu.
Evliya Çelebi, "said an accident in the town of Aydin Gulsen livasında describes accident. Historical documents are examined at that time was understood that a win by Justin Timberlake. Evliya Celebi here Keles / Cherry may have given information about the accident is likely. Because, here Chalabi, the Qibla (the south), the correct way for 6 hours going through the vineyards, "Aydin land 150 reserve sheriff accident", said Balyambolu (Beydağ) has accident. Beydağ the Keles / Cherry 'to ao away.
OTTOMAN EMPIRE period (1426-1919) KELEŞ / CHERRY
1426 on the territory of the Ottoman Empire joined Keles / Cherry region, was the first time a Turkish name. During the Ottoman period, "Fine place" which means, "Keles," the Turkish name is the name given to Kiraz'a. Keles (varanus), as the word; hayıtlar lizards living in and the water's edge (also called Süleymancık region) in terms of a reptile. Chagatay Turkish also means a type of squirrel.
Keles, a Turkish name. Anatolian Türkçesi'nde Kele, bull / Relevance means. Keles, Keles (or bald-Ace); brave, courageous, fearless, meaning is also available. Keles as a place name, a Turkish country, Kazakhstan, 241 miles long, right-hand man, Sir Derya river is a river. This river, the city of Shymkent in the south is the name of a city with a population of 3600 and area 50,000 square km.
The famous Turkish traveler Evliya Çelebi (1611-1682?), 10 skin Üçdal Publications published in 1985 by the "Travelogue" in the Keles / Cherry associated with the following lines: "(Aydınoğlu Beyi'nin) was the throne of Winter. Highest mountain in the north is still called Yaylağı Bozdağ ... Ayıdın conquest ... reign of Orhan Gazi Mehmet Sahin Bey, the sons of Isaac and Timurtas Pasha has been seized by the hand. Aydin prefacture hostile pasha. Three hundred houses are found in the "kaza". "
Ensign in the cities of Aydin in 1451, was the Tire Sanchez Center. Connected to the other cities where Keles'in Birgi, Guzelhisar, Sultanhisar, Bozdogan, Arpaz, Larissa, Kestel, Ayasuluğ, Ontario and Philadelphia, respectively. Evliya Celebi in these cities, 14 to describe the accident as he names and their ranks. Tire, Bayindir, Birgi, Sardis, Balyambolu, Kilas / Keles, Guzelhisar, Pavilion, Sultanhisar, Nazilli, Arpaz, Amasya, Inegol, Philadelphia.
In this case, No. 572, dated 1583, "Aydin Foundation Book" are registered. Keles about, "Ayasuluğ kaza" Trusts (TD 166, in 1530, s.416-430-431)" located in "İsa is the son of Aydin Bey Tomb Foundation in Birgi Birgi Keles'teki mosques," the foundation 's original text, contains the following information in tabular form.
Icare-i-i ... der of self-houses and shops ... There are so Keles, in year: 12,000 Keles Market Town stores and an annual rent of the rooms) Reserves
NOTE: Three of the foundation of the mosque Ayasuluğ / Selcuk Kazasındaki PROPERTY with total income of the money; 95,885 Reserve. Isa Bey, Keles / Cherry 'in the mosque is quite modest (Isa Bey / Grand Mosque), built the house himself.
Keles, the village can be seen that the above documents; 96 digits and a total of 14,437 years, here is the income tax reserve. Small Menderes Keles coast Paddy (rice) cultivated and retained earnings 51,000 a year income from this product are obtained. According to the documents since the market is the same in 1530 and at that time the market-place Keles rooms and 12,000 reserve stores, 1,000 benches in the area allocated to the Reserve Fund in the total annual income is 13,000.
In light of the information received, from the above two Vakfiye and we will continue to provide the following information / documents, taking into account easily, "Keles / Cherry Birgi kaza ensign 1506-1530 in a village of Aydin." We can say. There are 96 households in Keles in 1530, the number of population living in is not clear. Keles / Cherry 's parish between 1530-1811 and between 1811-1867 was an "kaza" Centre. Izmir, from 1573 Sweetgum tasrihinden Keles for connecting to the Sandzak / Cherry region balıydı this banner. According to 1831 Census of Population 1079 population Keles'in people. 1063 of them Muslim, 15 of them Armenians in reaya, and 1 of them.
Menderes Basin in the 17th century small "kaza", Birgi, Keles and Beydağ..
Regulations, dated 7 November 1864 with the center still in Izmir Province, the new Aydin Province was established on May 23, 1867. This was the banner of the county 4: Izmir, Aydın, Saruhan, and the hinge. The name was changed to the Izmir Central Sancağın Sweetgum. This newly established districts due to the Sandzak Izmir, Bayindir, Cesme, Foçateyn (New and Old Foca), Kusadasi, Menemen, Odemis, Tire and Urla, respectively. This ensign of the date of Izmir, 8 provinces, 9 subdistricts and 702 villages included. Birgi with this Law, Keles (Cherry), Balyambolu (Beydağ) depending on accident Odemis kazalıktan subtracting township / parish reduced from the state.
10 In 1890, the Sandzak town of Izmir, 19 endless (including Keles), 704 had a village.
In 1892, due to "kaza" Odemis Birgi, Beydağ and Keles and that the names of the three parish is understood that a total of 124 villages.
Between 1867-1948 the township / town the remaining Keles, with the name Cherry in 1948, Accident / Town Centre has been re-made.
Keles Administration of the Ottoman Empire (1426-1922) was 497 years.
THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE KELEŞ / CHERRY (2 June 1919-1 September 1922): Cherry; 2 years 3 months 18 days remained under Greek occupation. . Keles / Cherry 's first invasion by the Greeks (2 June 1919-12 July 1919): June 1, 1919 Odemis, Kaymakci and Beydağ, June 2, 1919, the Birgi Keles / Cherry was under Greek occupation.
And east of the apparatus 2. Greek Division,from Ödemiş to Keles / Cherry 'in a progression, where the Beydağ / Balyambolu kuşatabilme forces over the east of the danger of Aydin Nazilli prolapse, Keles Alasehir over the occupation and its yeltenebileceği forces might disrupt the threat emerged in the rest of the Salihli. This threat can be prevented by taking into account both the valley and that the judge can hold under control Keles'in Thomas Plateau in the northeast, the most appropriate place for this business. Seeing this, and Ödemiş'teki after the battle of the first lead from the Reserve Officer Alasehir Ali Orhan Bey, the situation told the Philadelphia Position Commander Captain and Afyonkarahisar Süleyman Bey Sururi arsenal in case of kidnapped and brought 200 German rifle cat could Front Keles said, the proposal was accepted. However, this time fully aware that the enemy's attack comes Salihli, these rifles sent there. Meanwhile, in a letter from Keles the Haci Ahmet Efe, the unit of the Greek forces was to be progressing from Ödemiş towards Keles .
Ali Orhan Bey, 25 armed men gathered on this, and Kozluca mountain village Massoud hoja muster 25 with a detachment of 50 people the night of 10-11 July 1919 Alasehir immediately headed towards the Teke plateau. This caravan Çavuşdağlı Bone Mehmet Efe, Tombullar'dan Sofuoglu Haji Hussein, Haci Ahmet Efe, Umurlu'dan Haji Ali, Orenli Halil Aga, Mehmet Taşlıyatak'tan Sergeant, Çandıroğlu consisted of İbrahim and his men. Other important names in Nationalist Forces are: Mullah Hasan, Murat, Musa Bey and Haci Ahmet include Çavuşdağlı with Çavuşdağlı Kabakoğlu. Çaylılı Koca Mehmet Efe, very old local people, the disabled and children to immigrate to places that provided safe and sound, while his brother, Tahir Efe; Keles, drawn from the Greek troops on the pulling / surprise the villagers tried to facilitate this migration.
Heads in the notice sent to the villages in the Plateau, the volunteers tried to collect.
For more visit www.kiraz.bel.tr
Izmir Province
İzmir Province is a province of Turkey in western Anatolia on the Aegean coast, whose capital is the city of İzmir. On the west it is surrounded by the Aegean sea, and it encloses the Gulf of İzmir. Its area is 11,973 km.2, population 3.948.848 . The population was 3,370,866 in 2000...
of Turkey
Turkey , known officially as the Republic of Turkey , is a Eurasian country located in Western Asia and in East Thrace in Southeastern Europe...
The town is approximately 148 km away from downtown Izmir. The population is 10,051. This province has nearly 53 villages. Agriculture is major job opportunity for villagers.
The most detailed study on the history of our Kiraz, Mr. Ali Aksakal yet unpublished book, which is located in the research. Have not entered the information for printing the book would like to thank him for sharing with us.
Region, due to the cradle of several civilizations throughout history, has received different names. This section will be summarized, detailed information may also be explained in sections. Klaos / Kleos: the 8th. century, Ionians, "to protect from the cold harsh winter, the Winter Shelter," which means "Klaos / Kleos" gave the name. Kilas / kilos: the Byzantine period, "Even the plain," which means "Kilas / kilos," given the name. Kilbis / Kilbis Valley: In the late 2nd century AD it was called "Kilbis" . Kolo / Kolose: in the late 2nd century AD, the Byzantine Period, " Colon / Kolose "to be called. Luwian language column name to come, as has been said Helen in her mouth invented Kolose Keles / Kelas / Kilas: Ottoman Period," Keles / Kelas / Kilas " name was used. Kiraz (meaning "cherry"): Period of the Republic of Turkey, the district was called Kiraz after 1948.
Mahmud of Kashgar in the oldest known Turkish Dictionary, written by the 11th century "Divan-ı Lugâti't-Turks" (Dictionary of Turkish language in the Collective), which means known work, "Keles," the name is rare. However, the German-born Russian Turkologist Wilhelm Radloff (1837-1918) 's and Hungarian Turkologist Arminius Vambery (1832-12913)' dictionaries of the Chagatai "Keles," the meaning of the word "gecko" is given as. Sami Shams "Kamus-i Turk" in the dictionary called "Kelas" the meaning of the word "lizard" is mentioned as. Also, "Keles," in, is still a Cossack's Tongue lizard species, Chagatai Turkish 'in the name of a squirrel species are used as sources of expression.
UNITED NATIONS According to Turkologist Hayıt'a; Keles's name, were brought to Anatolia from Central Asia to the size of the Kayi Turks Bozok thesis, supported by many scientists. Researcher Author Bulent Karaçöl, a caravan from the South Kazakhstan Taşkent'ten, come and settled here and they indicate the name of this place where they Keles. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Eröz, Keles, the name certainly came from Central Asia states that a tribe of Oghuz. Three branches of the military convoy entered Anatolia, Bursa, Izmir, and settled in the regions inhabited places in the provinces gave the name of Keles.
Sovetskaya Encyclopedia of Russian Bolsaya Ensiklopediya vol. 20, p.494 The following information is located on. "Keles, South Kazakhstan province is the name of a river, and the right arm of Sir Derya. Keles, an accident is also called the North of Tashkent, Tashkent north-west of the North Railway Station has been named the Keles .. "
10. and 11 centuries according to the works of the Muslim-Arab geographers; Çirçik River and Tashkent, Shymkent, a large region between Çardarı and Sütkent name, "Kalas Steppe / Keles Steppe" , also in the middle of the steppe, Sir Derya River, was built in parallel rather long and robust a wall, "Kalas / Keles Wall" as mentioned. Kalas is the same as experts in Oriental and Keles, the difference of the original Arabic spelling and pronunciation, the word refers to stems.
After this, is certain: Keles, Derya, Sir is a name used in this name, it inhabited the region, and then migrating to Anatolia, settled in Western Anatolia, the Byzantine border, brought by the Turks, a name belonging to Kayi tribe.
Also, Oghuz Turks "Keles," a tribe belonging to the Ottoman period, also known where the 16 Aydin-century tax registers within Livas "Keles," referred to his community as Nomadic.
Malazgirt in 1071 with the victory of the accelerating migration from V.century, Turks settled in Anatolia, the Turkish territory, complete with Turkish tribes, settled in the names of places or had given their size (Kinik, Bayindir, Mamak, Yüreğil, Avsar, Yazır Dodurga, İğdir, Kizik, Cepni, etc.) or through migration in Central Asia in the names they came, they came to Anatolia with similar cities, Central Asia (Homeland) and wanted to keep alive the bonds of memorabilia. (Keles, Poplar, Boztepe, Beylikçayır, Yassıkaya, tamarisk, Kurtderesi, private messages, etc.)
In Anatolia, there are three more districts called "Keles," place-name is the name of the settlement have been identified.
Izmir / Keles: while in 1948 the district name was changed to Cherry. Bursa / Keles: Currently, the center of a district of Bursa. Ordu / Keles: Ordu Unye name of the town of Keles village, in 1966, "Cinarcik" as amended. Antalya / Keles: Kumluca district of Antalya, on the village of Kuzca Keles District is still available.
Keles, called the cities / villages / neighborhoods are installed in common places, they are built at the edge of a river, and it obviously could not be a coincidence. Because, all in different regions of Anatolia, and all the Keles kurulmuşlar given the name.
Nomadic tribes of the Oghuz, after having accepted Islam, the Muslim Turks started to be called Turkmen. Came to be called the Oguz Turks are still living in the cities. In later years the word left Oguz, Turkish word has been used.
Anatolia Turkish communities belonging to different races, peasants, and partly non-Muslim, had in part an urban folk. Turkish rulers, the Muslims were under the protection of non-farmers in the rural population, but still well in the years of war and anarchy had begun to decline lords of the Turkmen, flocked to the indigenous people of Anatolia, the nomadic Turkmen talanından protect them to ensure the establishment of new villages and began to spend a settled . Because, among the Turks came to Anatolia from Central Asia from time immemorial village life, even the people there were all kinds of city life history. Thus, they come to new places wanted to maintain the same living conditions. Placed in Anatolia, the Turkish communities, established a village with their names are placed in places, more in some mountain regions where they lived before, the village, the river gave the names of the new settlements.
Keles / Cherry region of the Turkish settlers, mostly due to the Avsar tribes of Oguz Turks Bozok arm, very few belong to the tribes depends on size of the Ucok Salur arm. Looking at the distribution of their heights in Anatolia, Oguz, the length of Avsar, Manisa, Antalya, Bursa, Kütahya and Aydin region, we see the heavily settled. All of Izmir in the period of the Ottoman Empire, such as the Sandzak, Keles / Cherry region, province of Aydin were connected. T.B.M.M. on January 20, 1921 The Province of Izmir was established by a decision of self-contained, Keles, depending on the accident in this province as a township Odemis, with the name Cherry in 1948 and continued until the district.
Kiraz'ın carefully examine some of the names of villages, showed that 5 out of these names; Avsar Turkish tribes and tribal names, 1 of them is connected to the longitudinal Salur. These are given below.
Note: When mentioning Kiraz in this book, as the district in 1948 which lasted until the historical period, to describe the name of Cherry, Keles / Cherry names will be used together.
Ancient history, human history, that is the beginning of ancient times (M.Ö.3500-MS375) in the early medieval period up to the time period is subject to significant cultural and political events. According to Sumerian cuneiform script was discovered, the oldest type of writing, approximately 5000-5500 years of recorded history. Genetic evidence, however, the first appearance of humans about 150,000 years ago. Küçük Menderes Basin (So Keles / Cherry in the region) in the Early Neolithic Period of human culture began 6000'li M.Ö.6500 or understood. Pre-created here by the Turks in the small principality, "Assuwa Confederation" on the latest research in light of the claims are constituted. This basin Limontepe Mound, Mound Pilgrims, about the middle part of the triangle, the cave paintings of Mugla, Izmir is currently connected to Cherry, Beydağ, Odemis counties are also included.
Asia, Asia Minor (Anatolia), the name of where there are various claims. The Hittites, the Küçük Menderes Basin, between the Aydin Mountains Bozdaglar Assuwa saying, M.Ö.9.yy poet Homer refers to this region as Assiyos or Asia.
The Lydians, their descent from a hero named Asyas said. According to them, called Asia, is Asias'tan Menes'in grandson and son of Kotis'in. The famous historian Herodotus also mentioned in Revelation, a great dynasty of Lydia was the name of the Etruscans settled in Italy and also says that Lidya'dan. Strabo's Geography in the name of Asia's famous book, Up in the name of the Küçük Menderes Basin çayırlıklara writes that the name given to the location of the tomb of that hero Asias'ın "Asia meadows name, Kaytros plain (Küçük Menderes) and the southern part of the Tmolos (Bozdag) and Messagis (Aydin Mountains), the hero of the famous graves of Asias Kaytros'un and given a place. "
Saint-Martin, in his book Histoiredes Decouvertes Geographiques, "Asia M.Ö.1300 name in the Küçük Menderes (Kaystros) who had settled on the shores of Seyt (Scythian-Saka) community, a large family with the Ace (ASES) is a strong possibility that the name came ., "he says. In addition, the mother goddess Artemis, is said to be at the disposal of forty books of fairy mythology, daughters of the Twenty Asia'lar carries the name of the pass. The Greeks, in ancient times, only used the name of West Asia to Anatolia. Monotheistic religions of Judaism, the Torah and the basic book "Asia is married to the son of HzNuh'un Yafes .." bets from there.
Top of the people in ancient times, the plain of the Küçük Menderes Basin, the largest settlement east Kelbianon column (Cherry), respectively.
Pre-Turks buried their dead Kurganlardan (private graves); Keles / Cherry, Beydağ and there are hundreds of Odemis region. Italy (M.Ö.XIII.yy) of Turkish origin, who have passed from the dead Kurganlara gömmüşlerdir Etruscans.
BC, the earliest of the region in the early 3.binyılın, so today was inhabited 5000 years ago, is understood. Both Odemis, near the mound and Kaymakci region or evidence seized in the tombs, the so-called Early Bronze Age period, the people of the Meander Valley, a region in the north of Canakkale, while the Aegean Islands and, finally, share the common characteristics of the Denizli region, culture, local culture shows that it has.
New historical evidence and according to the documents, the Hittites (Etiler), the years of 3000 BC Anatolia, passing through the Caucasus, and Turks are descendants of Indo-European origin, they are accepted. Keles / Cherry and near the Turkish rule, began in M.Ö.2000. So now, 4000 years ago, Keles / Turks were living in Cherry.
In summary, Anatolia, the Caucasus and prehistoric antiquities and pre-Turkish migrations has been the scene through the Straits. By the Byzantine Empire in the Middle Ages, tens of thousands of military measures and the purpose of protecting the Turkish borders, placed in various parts of Anatolia. The 11th century the Seljuk Turks from Anatolia, and permanently for the last time, where those who belong to the religion of their own Sky God, Christian, many of the local Turks Müslümanlaştırarak them with other people. If Christians who resist staying with Turkish konuştuklarından, and yazamadan could speak Greek, "Greek" lived under the name.
Keles / Cherry region in ancient times, respectively, under the rule of the Hittite for 600 years, 700 years under the rule of Ionian, Phrygian rule for 500 years, ruled by Lydia in 160 years, 212 years under the rule of Persia, the Macedonian kingdom under the rule of 77 years, 100 years under the rule of the Kingdom of Syria, ruled by the Kingdom of Pergamon 55 years, 215 years under the rule of the Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, ruled 913 years, 5 years of Genoese rule, dominated by the Seljuk 237 years, dominated by Sasa Bey 2 years, under the control of the principality Aydinoglu 116 years, 497 years and 86 years under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, ruled by the Republic of Turkey.
Hittite Period (M.Ö.2000-1200)
Ion Period (M.Ö.1300-M.Ö.600)
The Phrygian era (1200-M.Ö.700)
Lydian Period (M.Ö.700-M.Ö.540/546)
Period of Persia (M.Ö.540/546-M.Ö.334)
Hellenistic Period (Period of Macedonian King Alexander the Great (BC 334 - BC 282)
Syrian (Seleucid) Kingdom Period (M.Ö.281-M.Ö.180)
Period of the Kingdom of Pergamon (M.Ö.188-M.Ö.133)
Roman Period (129 BC-395 AD): The hands of the Romans in 129 BC (Roman empire was in M.Ö.190 Izmir) and 524 years under the rule of Rome, the Keles / Cherry region, is today , as in ancient times because of the carriageways to be in a remote location in the life of primitive tribes, continued during the Roman period. M.S.2. at the end of the century, all of Anatolia, urbanization has begun moves up the valley of the Kilbis segments, ie, Keles / Cherry and around, still continued the old tribal order. However, after these dates, Colon / Kolose 's (Keles / Cherry), and then the famous mercury mines Palaiapolis'in (Beydağ) With the emergence of a city, began to understand urbanized.
Women's River, south of Bozdağ born, Nine, Catak, Yesildere, scalp and passing through the villages of Karabakh with the participation of other streams, creates Small Menderes. Here is the ancient name of Women's creek Kelbos / Kilbos, respectively. This creek flows into the Small Menderes, watered by the Keles / Cherry Plain Kelbia date, Kelbianon, called Kilbianon; Kelbos / Kelebos / Kilbos / was pronounced as Kilbia. Kelbos name given to women's Creek, the name is derived from Kela, Kela "beautiful gate" means the place, and it also means the end of the "-assa" brought to the attachment, Kelassa "Fine passageway settlement" is used as there are historians who claim that.
1.3.10 Period of the Byzantine Empire (395-1308): The Roman Empire in 395 AD, the Eastern and Western Roman (Byzantine) to be divided into two, Keles / Cherry region came under the dominance of Byzantium, and was 913 years. Time of the Romans developed the colon (Keles / Cherry), just south of the neighbor Palaiapolis (Beydağ) with "Kilbianoi" common coin pressed to name. The city of Colon, where the current Kiraz'ın but its 2 km. was the north-west of the village of Hisar. The only historical monuments can be seen Hisar'da, a spectacular medieval Castle.
1.3.11 Period of the Genoese. The Genoese, between the years 1071-1078 with the Byzantine Emperor Mikhail VII (1059-1078) to their aid, in return for large concessions in and around the port of Izmir were obtained. Keles / Cherry region, up to 5 years remained under the rule of the Genoese sailor, and later became the Byzantine domination.
TURKS ON TIME KELEŞ / CHERRY Anatolia, the first Turkish Jacks (3000 BC-MS377) the Hittites in Anatolia, the Turkish presence started. Over the North Caucasus into Anatolia in 3000 BC in a small group of Turkish origin, the Hittites, the first Turkish inhabitants of Anatolia.
Second Anatolia Turkish Entries (378-1070)
Anatolia, the Turkish entry in this period, the Black Sea in the north down the western Hun Turks carried out by the 378. The length of the Danube the Huns, the Western Roman and Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire and began to invade the territory of Thrace and the Caucasus, Anatolia entered into between the years 395-398. The second entry in Anatolia between the years 508-516; Huns as a living subject, Sabir was made by the Turks. Anatolia, the third Turkish entry, the 7th Muslim Turks, carried out from the east to west. Especially during the reign of the Abbasids (750-1258); Turkestan and Khorasan to Anatolia brought, there were large numbers of Turks against Byzantium between gazalara participants.
Seljuk Period (1071-1308)
The fourth and most recent permanent Anatolia Turkish entry, Manzikert victory in 1071 was the limit and the Anatolian Turks, the doors were opened again and forever. In 1077 founded the Anatolian Seljuk Kutalmışoğlu Suleyman Bey (Turkey Seljuks) State (1075-1086) and the west and the East Anatolian Turkish sovereignty in all the input, and was the Turkish homeland. Izmir and its environs in 1081, was conquered by the Byzantine sources Çakabey According to information provided.
In and around Izmir Çaka (Izmir, 1078-1093) and Tanriverdi (Ephesus, 1078-1093) Gentlemen 15-17 years in this region by setting up two separate independent principality after a judge olmuşlardır.1093, direnemeyen the Turkish tribes of the Byzantine forces, Interior towards the Aegean Sea had they had to retreat. In the spring of 1098, Jean Doucas (Dukas), the Byzantine army under the command of, or enters into a Kilbianos'un recaptured the Küçük Menderes Basin.
Malazgirt after the victory of the Turks, so relied on the Straits and the Aegean islands. 1108'de Sultan Hassan Şahinşah 20,000-man army with the Emir of Cappadocia, Lydia, to re-sent. When it comes to separating the two branches Alasehir troops, one of the Küçük Menderes Basin, and another sent over the Gediz Basin of Bergama. General Eumathius Philocales Byzantine, Seljuk army was defeated on his way to Izmir Kucuk Menderes valley, the soldiers drowning in the river was pretty. Other troops were withdrawn in the Emir Hasan canıyla paid the price for it.
Large orders 1112'de Selçukulu b.Alıntekin Mawdudi's a part of the army of raiders Keles / Cherry entered the region, but in Philadelphia (Philadelphia) defeated Governor Konstantin Gabras'a retreated. Turkmen captured the mountainous inland, with hit-and-run tactics to target the cities of the Byzantine establishment. 11332deki whites until the sea ulşmışlardır Turkmens.
Re-entering the territory of the Byzantine army of 24,000 people 1146'da Turkmen, Turkmen Kilbianos'a entered and all were captured by the Meander Valley, down to the coastline that were reactivated yaklaşılmıştı Byzantine army repulsed the Turkish troops.
We live on the doors of Anatolia, the Turks opened the final with the victory of Malazgirt in 1071 and 1176 with the victory in Miryakefalon Byzantine Anatolia, now Turkey and European countries by accepting the fact that, even maps of Anatolia, "Turkey" as the show began.
1176'daki Miryakefalon after the victory, the Byzantines, the Turks, especially the Gediz (Hermos) and the Menderes (Meander), including plans to stop above the river valleys, also ended. As a result, many regions of Anatolia, the local, county, parish, village, valley, mountain, hill, river, streams, tea and Turkish names (geographical names), some of the same name even today is sometimes protected by stopping the change. Thus, the Turkmen were shipped to Anatolia, Central Asia, they live in this country, the appropriate areas (eg, climate, and so on. As) through the regions to settle in the old way of life continued. Even now, is not it? Immigrant arrivals in Kyrgyzstan, countries around the yerleşmediler Van appropriate climate?
Turkmen raiders under the command of Mr. Shamsuddin 1187, raided and thousands of animals and the prisoner took the Küçük Menderes Basin returned. 1208'de again came to the watershed and the loot made movements. Raids, none of this term could not be permanent. However, after the raids after 1304'den Turkmen Keles / Cherry region began to settle permanently.
10.-13.yüzyıllarda Keles / Cherry region frequently changed hands between the Turks and Byzantium. In fact, at the end of the 13th century, after the Mongol invasion, the Anatolian Seljuk State zayıflayınca, Keles / Cherry and vicinity had entered the Byzantine domination.
1304'de, which was brought from Sicily for the Byzantine side of the mercenaries as a protection against the Turkish invasions in the Catalans on the withdrawal of the Meander Valley, the valley again invaded the Turkmens. Sasa Bey, son of Emir hinge Aydinoglu Mehmet Bey previously worked together, consisting of Turkmen warriors, the castles of the Meander Valley Byzantine ket and set about to conquer. Column (Keles / Cherry) on October 1304 by Mehmet Bey, Pyrgion (Birgi) also were captured by Sasa Bey. Keles / Cherry region remained under the control of the Seljuk 237 years.
Son of Aydın Principality Period (1308-1426)
Established in the region of Mugla Menteshe (1261-1425), founder of the hinge after Bey's death, Keles / Cherry circumference, Birgi, Tire and Ayasuluğ (Selcuk), son Sasa Bey Bey, ruled by the hinge between the years 1304 to 1307. However, the Son of Aydin principality that will later Germiyan subaşısı Aydin Bey's son Mehmed Bey, 1307'de defeat in war after killing an Sasa Bey, Keles / Cherry surrounding the management of Aydin was the son of Mehmed Bey (1308) and 118 year has been dominated by the principality Aydınoğlu.
Evliya Çelebi, "said an accident in the town of Aydin Gulsen livasında describes accident. Historical documents are examined at that time was understood that a win by Justin Timberlake. Evliya Celebi here Keles / Cherry may have given information about the accident is likely. Because, here Chalabi, the Qibla (the south), the correct way for 6 hours going through the vineyards, "Aydin land 150 reserve sheriff accident", said Balyambolu (Beydağ) has accident. Beydağ the Keles / Cherry 'to ao away.
OTTOMAN EMPIRE period (1426-1919) KELEŞ / CHERRY
1426 on the territory of the Ottoman Empire joined Keles / Cherry region, was the first time a Turkish name. During the Ottoman period, "Fine place" which means, "Keles," the Turkish name is the name given to Kiraz'a. Keles (varanus), as the word; hayıtlar lizards living in and the water's edge (also called Süleymancık region) in terms of a reptile. Chagatay Turkish also means a type of squirrel.
Keles, a Turkish name. Anatolian Türkçesi'nde Kele, bull / Relevance means. Keles, Keles (or bald-Ace); brave, courageous, fearless, meaning is also available. Keles as a place name, a Turkish country, Kazakhstan, 241 miles long, right-hand man, Sir Derya river is a river. This river, the city of Shymkent in the south is the name of a city with a population of 3600 and area 50,000 square km.
The famous Turkish traveler Evliya Çelebi (1611-1682?), 10 skin Üçdal Publications published in 1985 by the "Travelogue" in the Keles / Cherry associated with the following lines: "(Aydınoğlu Beyi'nin) was the throne of Winter. Highest mountain in the north is still called Yaylağı Bozdağ ... Ayıdın conquest ... reign of Orhan Gazi Mehmet Sahin Bey, the sons of Isaac and Timurtas Pasha has been seized by the hand. Aydin prefacture hostile pasha. Three hundred houses are found in the "kaza". "
Ensign in the cities of Aydin in 1451, was the Tire Sanchez Center. Connected to the other cities where Keles'in Birgi, Guzelhisar, Sultanhisar, Bozdogan, Arpaz, Larissa, Kestel, Ayasuluğ, Ontario and Philadelphia, respectively. Evliya Celebi in these cities, 14 to describe the accident as he names and their ranks. Tire, Bayindir, Birgi, Sardis, Balyambolu, Kilas / Keles, Guzelhisar, Pavilion, Sultanhisar, Nazilli, Arpaz, Amasya, Inegol, Philadelphia.
In this case, No. 572, dated 1583, "Aydin Foundation Book" are registered. Keles about, "Ayasuluğ kaza" Trusts (TD 166, in 1530, s.416-430-431)" located in "İsa is the son of Aydin Bey Tomb Foundation in Birgi Birgi Keles'teki mosques," the foundation 's original text, contains the following information in tabular form.
Icare-i-i ... der of self-houses and shops ... There are so Keles, in year: 12,000 Keles Market Town stores and an annual rent of the rooms) Reserves
NOTE: Three of the foundation of the mosque Ayasuluğ / Selcuk Kazasındaki PROPERTY with total income of the money; 95,885 Reserve. Isa Bey, Keles / Cherry 'in the mosque is quite modest (Isa Bey / Grand Mosque), built the house himself.
Keles, the village can be seen that the above documents; 96 digits and a total of 14,437 years, here is the income tax reserve. Small Menderes Keles coast Paddy (rice) cultivated and retained earnings 51,000 a year income from this product are obtained. According to the documents since the market is the same in 1530 and at that time the market-place Keles rooms and 12,000 reserve stores, 1,000 benches in the area allocated to the Reserve Fund in the total annual income is 13,000.
In light of the information received, from the above two Vakfiye and we will continue to provide the following information / documents, taking into account easily, "Keles / Cherry Birgi kaza ensign 1506-1530 in a village of Aydin." We can say. There are 96 households in Keles in 1530, the number of population living in is not clear. Keles / Cherry 's parish between 1530-1811 and between 1811-1867 was an "kaza" Centre. Izmir, from 1573 Sweetgum tasrihinden Keles for connecting to the Sandzak / Cherry region balıydı this banner. According to 1831 Census of Population 1079 population Keles'in people. 1063 of them Muslim, 15 of them Armenians in reaya, and 1 of them.
Menderes Basin in the 17th century small "kaza", Birgi, Keles and Beydağ..
Regulations, dated 7 November 1864 with the center still in Izmir Province, the new Aydin Province was established on May 23, 1867. This was the banner of the county 4: Izmir, Aydın, Saruhan, and the hinge. The name was changed to the Izmir Central Sancağın Sweetgum. This newly established districts due to the Sandzak Izmir, Bayindir, Cesme, Foçateyn (New and Old Foca), Kusadasi, Menemen, Odemis, Tire and Urla, respectively. This ensign of the date of Izmir, 8 provinces, 9 subdistricts and 702 villages included. Birgi with this Law, Keles (Cherry), Balyambolu (Beydağ) depending on accident Odemis kazalıktan subtracting township / parish reduced from the state.
10 In 1890, the Sandzak town of Izmir, 19 endless (including Keles), 704 had a village.
In 1892, due to "kaza" Odemis Birgi, Beydağ and Keles and that the names of the three parish is understood that a total of 124 villages.
Between 1867-1948 the township / town the remaining Keles, with the name Cherry in 1948, Accident / Town Centre has been re-made.
Keles Administration of the Ottoman Empire (1426-1922) was 497 years.
THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE KELEŞ / CHERRY (2 June 1919-1 September 1922): Cherry; 2 years 3 months 18 days remained under Greek occupation. . Keles / Cherry 's first invasion by the Greeks (2 June 1919-12 July 1919): June 1, 1919 Odemis, Kaymakci and Beydağ, June 2, 1919, the Birgi Keles / Cherry was under Greek occupation.
And east of the apparatus 2. Greek Division,from Ödemiş to Keles / Cherry 'in a progression, where the Beydağ / Balyambolu kuşatabilme forces over the east of the danger of Aydin Nazilli prolapse, Keles Alasehir over the occupation and its yeltenebileceği forces might disrupt the threat emerged in the rest of the Salihli. This threat can be prevented by taking into account both the valley and that the judge can hold under control Keles'in Thomas Plateau in the northeast, the most appropriate place for this business. Seeing this, and Ödemiş'teki after the battle of the first lead from the Reserve Officer Alasehir Ali Orhan Bey, the situation told the Philadelphia Position Commander Captain and Afyonkarahisar Süleyman Bey Sururi arsenal in case of kidnapped and brought 200 German rifle cat could Front Keles said, the proposal was accepted. However, this time fully aware that the enemy's attack comes Salihli, these rifles sent there. Meanwhile, in a letter from Keles the Haci Ahmet Efe, the unit of the Greek forces was to be progressing from Ödemiş towards Keles .
Ali Orhan Bey, 25 armed men gathered on this, and Kozluca mountain village Massoud hoja muster 25 with a detachment of 50 people the night of 10-11 July 1919 Alasehir immediately headed towards the Teke plateau. This caravan Çavuşdağlı Bone Mehmet Efe, Tombullar'dan Sofuoglu Haji Hussein, Haci Ahmet Efe, Umurlu'dan Haji Ali, Orenli Halil Aga, Mehmet Taşlıyatak'tan Sergeant, Çandıroğlu consisted of İbrahim and his men. Other important names in Nationalist Forces are: Mullah Hasan, Murat, Musa Bey and Haci Ahmet include Çavuşdağlı with Çavuşdağlı Kabakoğlu. Çaylılı Koca Mehmet Efe, very old local people, the disabled and children to immigrate to places that provided safe and sound, while his brother, Tahir Efe; Keles, drawn from the Greek troops on the pulling / surprise the villagers tried to facilitate this migration.
Heads in the notice sent to the villages in the Plateau, the volunteers tried to collect.
For more visit www.kiraz.bel.tr