Kent Gates
Kent Gates is a prominent Pennsylvania Republican political consultant, working with BrabenderCox
BrabenderCox is a nationally recognized Republican political consulting firm, with offices in Pittsburgh, PA, Washington, DC and Harrisburg, PA.Founded as BrabenderCox, Inc...


He earned a Master's degree from Penn State University.

He worked as campaign manager for Mike Fisher's 2002 gubernatorial campaign. He "really appeared on the political radar screen" when he managed Jim Roddey's
Jim Roddey
James C. "Jim" Roddey is a Pennsylvania businessman and politician best known as the former Chief Executive of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, from 2000 to 2004.He is also a former United States Marine...

 upset victory for Allegheny County Chief Executive. He also managed Arlen Specter's
Arlen Specter
Arlen Specter is a former United States Senator from Pennsylvania. Specter is a Democrat, but was a Republican from 1965 until switching to the Democratic Party in 2009...

 1998 victory He served as executive director of the Republican State Committee of Pennsylvania
Republican State Committee of Pennsylvania
The Republican Party of Pennsylvania is based in Harrisburg in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It is affiliated with the Republican Party of the United States.-Founding:...


After several high profile political victories at a young age, he was called a "wonder boy" and described as having "the political mind and experience of someone twice his age"

He was named to the "Sy Snyder's Power 50" list of politically powerful personalities in 2002. He was listed as one of "Pennsylvania's Top Operatives" by PoliticsPA
- Content :The website focuses on news aggregation, linking to major political news making headlines across the state. The editors write occasional features, like the weekly "Up & Down" scorecard and one-off lists like "Harrisburg's Smartest Staffer" and "Best Dressed Lobbyist" lists...

. He was called one of "Pennsylvania's Smartest Staffers and Operatives" by PoliticsPA
- Content :The website focuses on news aggregation, linking to major political news making headlines across the state. The editors write occasional features, like the weekly "Up & Down" scorecard and one-off lists like "Harrisburg's Smartest Staffer" and "Best Dressed Lobbyist" lists...

. He was named to the PoliticsPA
- Content :The website focuses on news aggregation, linking to major political news making headlines across the state. The editors write occasional features, like the weekly "Up & Down" scorecard and one-off lists like "Harrisburg's Smartest Staffer" and "Best Dressed Lobbyist" lists...

list of "Republican Dream Team" campaign operatives.
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