Katorse was a television primetime series that aired on ABS-CBN
from August 24, 2009 to January 8, 2010. It tells the story of a simple small town girl who fell in love with a childhood friend who later sires a child with her. It is loosely based on a 1981 film of the same name starring Dina Bonnevie
, Gabby Concepcion
and Alfie Anido
, Erich Gonzales
, as teenage mom, Nene. This is Gonzales' very first starring role in a primetime program. The program also showcases showbiz newbies Ejay Falcon
and Xian Lim
in their first starring role in a primetime series. ABS-CBN picked the cast because they believe that primetime television needs to have new faces, to make it look fresh and better than the usual actors.
In early July 2009, ABS-CBN released the program's trailer, which revealed the cast of Katorse to include veteran actors Malou de Guzman
(as Nene's mother) and Cherie Gil
as Gabby's mother, where she plays a less villainous role. Cherie Gil and Erich Gonzales have previously worked together before in Pieta
. Ms. Gil saw a lot of potential with Erich and believes that she will go far more on the showbiz industry.
Sometime in August 2009, the management added Enchong Dee
as an additional main cast.
, in the television series. The film was remade in 1981 starring Dina Bonnevie
whose once happy childhood turns fatally tragic as she and her childhood friend Gabby supposedly fell in love, thus causing her teenage pregnancy the moment they had sex. Nene also discovers a whole lot of troubles involving her family.
On Nene’s way out, Gabby’s mother chases after her to send out a warning with regard to her rather unacceptable affair with her son. Nene tells Gabby that his mother doesn’t like her for him. Immediately, he comforts the poor young lady while telling that everything will soon be okay. The next day, Nene fulfills her responsibility as Reyna Elena as she parades all over town with her escort, Gabby. After the said event, the two escape the set after party to proceed to their secret hideout; and there they end up spending an intimate night together.
The day after Gabby catches his brother Albert kissing the love of his life Marissa, so he immediately engages in a fist fight with the lad. There, he learns about the two’s romantic link, which further enrages him. While pondering about his new discovery, Nene surprisingly comes his way. The young lady tries cheering up the lad; but instead of receiving a positive response, Nene ends up totally devastated because Gabby has suddenly decided to break up with her.
Nene discovers that she is pregnant with Gabby’s baby, and she gladly tells this to him; but to Nene’s dismay, upon hearing of the said news, Gabby instantly yells at her with disbelief.
Despite the pregnancy test kit’s bold confirmation, Gabby fails to believe the truth behind Nene’s untimely child expectancy; he persistently claims that he has no intention to take responsibility of the latter’s child. After hearing his own mother’s threat regarding early parenthood, Gabby chooses to run away. On the other hand, Nene finally decides to admit her current situation to her mother, despite Nenita’s persistent refusal.
Gabby receive's bad thought from his brother and mother upon confrontation the night after their deal with Nene's family. Gabby made an idea that he wanted to win again the heart of the young lady so that his family wouldn't said any bad thought to him. The day after he went to Nene's house bringing his peace offering; Teddy Bear, Balloon and Chocolates at first Nene doesn't believe but then after he saw the love of Gabby from Gabby's surprise to Nene an "I love you" made of roses, Nene was in love again with Gabby. Gabby decided to let Nene stay at their home yet despite of their families approval Gabby's mother Margarita had some disapproval within this issue. They let her stay with the Arcanghels in the city house.
Nene hides her pregnancy while she attends school and continues to study. She was smart and continued to receive good grades. There in a chance encounter in the city she met the school's troublemaker John Joseph "Jojo" Wenceslao. She could not stand the guy. He always teased her and followed her. He was a notorious bad boy in school who was known to be the spoiled son of a rich doctor and a successful businessman.
After a school fight broke out with Jojo's nemesis Dilbert, Nene and Jojo were stuck together in Dilbert's house. Jojo saved Nene during the fight. Nene saw some kindness in the irresponsible lad and slowly trusted him. Though, she still refused to give out her name, she simply said her name was "Queen of Hearts" in reference to the poker game Jojo loved to play.
When Jojo invited her to join him in a party afterwards, she obliged. But when she reached the party she was in for her ultimate heart break when she saw Gabby and Marissa together in the party. Much worse is, Gabby was confessing his love for Marissa. Nene left the party without saying goodbye to Jojo.
Jojo was puzzled. He did not know where Nene went. He confides in his best friend, Gabby that he thinks he has fallen in love with a weird girl he hardly knows.
Nene was stuck in Manila without friends, family, or a support system. Soon she finds the troublemaker, Jojo as an instant friend. Though, he was arrogant she simply found some goodness in him despite his spoiled brat image. They celebrated their friendship by eating trademark Filipino street food, fishballs and dirty ice cream.
Jojo told Nene that he would love for her to meet his best friend. But Nene got the shock of her life, when she learns that Gabby is Jojo's friend.
Gabby warned Nene to stay away from his friend and know her place as a woman. He also warned Jojo not to fall in love with Nene and know his place in their lives. In respect to Gabby, Jojo decided not to pursue Nene.
One day in Gabby's angry and jealous streak, he decided to lock Nene in the basement. Nene calls for Jojo's help, and he quickly saved her. The two shared their first real embrace during this encounter. As soon as they were about to leave, Gabby catches them. Jojo punched Gabby and ran away with Nene.
Nene decided to finally speak up against Gabby's ways. She told their Catholic school that she was pregnant with Gabby's kid. The conservative school in turn, expelled Gabby from their program.
Margarita, Gabby's mother asked Nene what more would she want? How much more can she ruin her son's life?
Nene learned what she did could not change Gabby. He always had girls around him and continuously cheated on Nene.
Though, Jojo and Gabby had a strain in their friendship. Gabby learns that every time he was in trouble it was still Jojo who saved him from those fights. Gabby realizes he cannot stay mad at Jojo.
With Jojo's persuasion, Gabby tried to be nicer to Nene, so he decided to be more kind to her. But Gabby refused to take Nene to the doctor for check-ups, since he had acute leukemia as a kid. He hated going to hospitals. He assigned his best friend, Jojo to do the "job".
Every time Nene will visit the doctor, every one thought that Jojo was the father of her baby. Every time she had to shop for baby things, it was Jojo who accompanied her. Every time she had to sell rice cakes it's Jojo who will help her. Every time she needed a shoulder to cry on when it comes to Gabby, the sarcastic but funny Jojo was always there. She found herself truly trusting Jojo and finding a best friend in him.
Nene wondered and asked Jojo, why don't you have a girlfriend? He tells her the one he loves is in love with someone else. "She's real lucky," she says.
Nene discovered Gabby in bed with one of his girls, Nene cried and yelled at Gabby. She decided to run away once more.
She started calling Jojo telling him that she was so tired of his best friend's ways. Jojo, though his heart is breaking played the mediator and confidant once again.
But then, he was confused when Nene started yelling in pain over the phone. He asked her what was happening. Nene was about to give birth.
Jojo picked her up in the transit center and placed her in his car. He was panicking, he did not know what to do. He was speeding with all his might to get to the hospital. But then Nene tells him, she cannot take it any longer. She was going to have the baby. In his car.
Jojo was so scared as he helped Nene, she was loudly crying in pain. She was weak during this time and needed Jojo. Jojo toughened up and faced Nene. There in front of his eyes, Nene gave birth to her child. He held on to the baby, Nene looked at him and smiled.
Gabby feeling guilty was looking for Nene, but it was too late for him to catch up to her. Because as Nene was giving birth, Gabby was struck by a vehicle. Leaving him unconscious in the street.
When Nene reached the hospital, once more, everyone thought that Jojo was the father. Nene looked at Jojo with such gratitude, she never thought someone can be so kind-hearted to her. She was touched.
Gabby arrived injured, but instead of attending to Nene, he talked animatedly about his experience. He was ran over by Jojo's nemesis, Dilbert. He said he cannot believe his fate.
Gabby gladly looked at Jojo and assigned him to be Baby Tommy's godfather.
But Gabby will find out later on that his medical check up had disturbing results. The results were that his leukemia was coming back.
Upon learning this, Gabby wanted to live his life. He wants to be with Marissa but he also wants Nene to be happy so he tells Jojo to
pursue Nene, while he will purposely break Nene's heart to be with Marissa. He promises Jojo he will be a good father, but since his leukemia is coming back he would like to live his life and he chooses Marissa over Nene.
Jojo was not comfortable with the plan. Nene was even more confused on why Gabby keeps pushing her away and why he actively pursued Marissa even with Baby Tommy already there. Marissa upon learning that Gabby was sick, took pity on him and decided to be his girlfriend. Albert, Gabby's brother was in Harvard, studying and the couple have since broken up.
Jojo still remained Nene's friend, he was too scared to break the boundary. He helped Nene through her problems but he did not confess his feelings. Besides, he knew Nene only loved Gabby. She will never see him.
But when he saw Nene crying her heart out and shouting her sorrows to the sea, he cannot help but fall in love with her even more.
He held Nene tightly as he felt her tears drop to his skin, Nene collapsed into his embrace. Soon, they both fell asleep in the seashore. The morning comes and Nene wakes up in his arms. She started tearing up again just remembering how pathetic her life is.
Jojo told her not to cry anymore as he dragged her to the waters. He wanted her to forget her problems, and just once to feel like she was a carefree teenager again. The two played in the sea, swimming along as he lifted her freely. For once, she felt free again.
Nene confides in Jojo that she does not blame Gabby for choosing Marissa over her. She's richer, smarter, and more beautiful than her. Who would fall in love with a stupid, provincial lass like her?
Jojo tells her never to believe that. She was a hardworking girl who was the greatest in her class. She knew what to do, she sold rice cakes in order to support her child. She was mature beyond her years... and to him, she was the most beautiful.
Nene woke up without Jojo in his room but an angry face greeting her. It was Jojo's mother who was going hysterical that her son brought some cheap girl home. She apologized to his mother, little does she know this will not be the last time she will encounter Dr. Yvonne Wenceslao.
One day, Nene told Jojo that she does not believe she would ever find love again. Society has judged her already as a single mom, and in such a conservative place having a baby at fifteen, no one would want her. Jojo started becoming fuming mad... he asked her, if she was dumb or just numb, he took her to the doctor, he was the one who helped her give birth, he moved schools for her, he was always there; and she really does not know that he loves her so much?
Nene was shocked and confused with his confession. She confided with her big sister, Nenita about his confession. She says a part of her really wants to be in a relationship with him. Nenita warns Nene that she should learn from her first brush with love. And she should be more responsible and think for Tommy's sake. She cannot jump to a relationship again.
Nene listens to her sister, and told Jojo that she cannot love him that way. It was the first time Jojo ever got any sort of rejection. He tells her he'd rather have her as a friend than not have her in his life at all.
Six months later, Gabby and Marissa were in a relationship, Gabby cannot believe that Jojo was not with Nene. Jojo and Nene remained friends, but Gabby had something else in mind. Gabby set up a light house date for Nene and Jojo.
The two were stuck together in the light house, though Nene promised her big sister she will not go into a relationship with Jojo. She confessed to Jojo that she has loved him too for quite some time now, she wants to be in a relationship with Jojo but they should be careful and keep it from her family. Jojo obliged.
But when Jojo's mother, Yvonne discovered her son has fallen in love with the cheap, single mom, she was angered. She told Nene to stay away from her son, yet, the two fought for their love for each other. Jojo even brought Nene as his date in an exclusive function. Yvonne was not having any of it. She brought scandal in Nene's hometown by announcing that the young, teenage mother has seduced her son. Leaving the townspeople shocked and once again Nene was the center of harsh judgement.
Nena, Nene's mother was very disappointed with Nene. She believed she has not learned a thing. She tells Nene to break up with Jojo. Nene pleads, but her mother did not want to listen. Nene promised her mother she will break up with Jojo.
Gabby and Marissa were on the rocks, because he learns she is only taking pity of him. Marissa is also mad that Gabby is not looking for a second opinion with his sickness, she is also worried that he is always dizzy. But Gabby did not want her pity, he wanted her love.
One day, when Gabby got sick, Nene was the one who took care of him. He suddenly feels that he deserves her, at least she always loved him.
Gabby also learned that the results the hospital took were not his that it was a mistake orchestrated by Jojo's nemesis Dilbert, whose family owned the hospital. He takes his chance and now with a chance for a second life, he wants Nene back.
When he saw Jojo and Nene meeting up in the sugar cane farm, the young lad grew jealous and mad. He grabbed Nene and dragged her away from Jojo. Soon, he had the farm men beat Jojo up. Saying he is interfering in their affair as a common law husband and wife.
Nene was demanding Gabby to leave her alone. Gabby confessed to her that he just told Jojo to pursue her that it was all his plan. But Nene was not that clueless, she knew that it was all Gabby's plans. Yet, she grew to love Jojo through the times they spent together. She pushes Gabby away to look for Jojo.
Yvonne, found her son, Jojo almost lifeless on the road. She sent him to the hospital.
Nene tearfully visits Jojo in the hospital and with her heart breaking, she told Jojo they cannot be together. Jojo pleads for Nene but she cannot do anything but walk away from him, following her mother's orders to leave the young lad.
Nena agreed with the Arcanghels that it would be good for Nene and Gabby to be together, she believes Nene should accept her fate and be with the father of her child.
They asked Nene to live in the Arcanghel house with Gabby. Though, Nene was reluctant she agreed. But when Gabby tried to rape her one night, she could not take it any more. She decides to move out with her sister and her son, in the slums of Manila.
The place was dangerous, but she had someone to guard her during the night. Jojo was there, and though they have broken up, he cannot see her live there all by herself. So he decided to rent out the shack next to her.
Here, Nene experienced being a real single mother while studying. She would have to bring baby Tommy to school with her, Jojo would help her as they took turns taking care of him. Sometimes they would skip school. Being young, both of them did not have enough money to even buy her child some milk. The two became teenage parents really struggling. Nene advised Jojo to leave her, for them to commit to their promise. They should be more responsible because taking care of Tommy is not child's play. She told him that they should go back to their parents.
When Nena and Margarita found Nene and Jojo in an intimate embrace in Nene's shack, they were in for a shock. Nena even fainted. They took Tommy away from Nene; forbidding Nene to see her child.
Nene kept her priorities straight, she did not even want to talk to Jojo, and soon she was pleading with Margarita for Tommy. Proving to her she's responsible enough to take care of Tommy. At least let her be a mother.
But living in the slums proved to be dangerous for Tommy. He developed Dengue Fever
and the baby was in serious condition. He needed blood transfusion. Gabby is not capable of giving his son blood. No one else matched his son's blood but Jojo. Though, Gabby really did not want his rival, Jojo to help his son. He agreed to it.
With what happened to Tommy, Nene became very obedient to everyone's wishes and sacrificed every thing for Tommy. Putting her own wants aside. Putting her love for Jojo aside. On her 16th birthday, the two spent a carefree night in an amusement park. As Jojo gave her a heartfelt letter and a necklace for remembering that day. There in the park, they acted like a real couple. Something they yearned for but they cannot seem to do. Jojo puts on a golden necklace around her neck, saying goodbye. Saying their time will come when they will both have the strength to be together.
Nene silently cries in the corner as she watches her love walk away from her.
The season started with Nene and Gabby going to school together, Gabby is slowly changing his ways as he tries to win Nene back. But the lad did not know that Nene was still in love with Jojo, though she has not seen him for two years.
Jojo on the other hand, makes a deal with his parents that if he graduates with honors in college he should have a chance with Nene.
During the time when Nene did not get to go to her prom, she gets a surprise call from Jojo. When she tells him she cannot go to prom because Tommy has a fever. Jojo promised her, "the prom will come to you."
In one of the show's memorable scenes, the two started talking, describing their dream prom. They close their eyes and they transport themselves in a different time, a different world where they can attend the prom together. Nene was striking in red, beautiful and in love with her escort. She faced him, and there was Jojo dashing in black.
Nene snaps out of her dream as tears fell, promising Jojo, "some day..."
When it was time for Nene to go to college, she applied to Isla Filipinas University (IFU). The same university that Jojo goes to. When the two of them bumped into each other for the first time in three years, everything started coming back to Nene.
Nene got into IFU but to Gabby's dismay, he did not get in. So being bitter, he did every thing to stop Nene's scholarship in IFU. He told the scholarship handlers that she was a single mom. They denied Nene of the scholarship.
Nene cries to Jojo near the fountain, confiding in him that she did not get the scholarship. Jojo tells her that there are other schools there that will give her a scholarship. Nene explains to him, it is not just the school that keeps her there, it is him. The lass confesses her love for the young man that after all these years she still wanted to be with him. They rekindled their love for each other after that.
But Nene faces more struggles as she faces responsibility as a mother. She cannot freely love Jojo because she had to live through people's expectations and she prioritizes Tommy. Part of the expectation is for her to support Gabby, Tommy's father.
Jojo feels left out and does not understand this, because every time, he feels that she chooses Gabby over him. Jojo decides to stay away from Nene once again.
When Nene celebrated her 18th Birthday in a grand party, Gabby proposes to her. Nene refused his proposal telling him that there is a right time for every thing.
After being shot down, Gabby was fuming mad, and he blames Jojo for this. Jojo was shot three times and killed by Gabby.
Jojo was rushed to the hospital and he was prounouced dead on arrival. Gabby feels the world is against him, he feels even more hurt that Nene refuses to be with him.
After the death of Jojo, Nene and Gabby was at the funeral parlor to see Jojo. His only way out is to escape it all. He wants her for himself. He asks Nene to run away with him, and they will take Tommy. Nene refuses telling him, they both have to keep their promise.
When Gabby caught the two of them together again, he gets mad with jealousy and almost hits Nene. Their young son, Tommy interferes pleading for his dad not to hurt his mother.
This was Nene's constant struggle. People expected her to try to be with Gabby for the sake of her son. But Nene stood firm, she juggled being a good mother and a good student. She also waited for Jojo. Waiting for their promise that as soon as they finish their studies, they will be together.
When Jojo finally graduated with honors, Nene and Jojo finally flaunt their relationship to the Wenceslao clan. During his grad party, he introduced her as his girlfriend. But just as soon as Yvonne was warming up to Nene, Nene's son Tommy broke into the party. Nene and Jojo were in shock when they found Gabby in the party. Gabby tried to explain that he was there to make peace but Jojo did not listen.
Jojo's relatives were shocked to hear that Nene was a single mother who may be still living with the father of her child. Gabby and Jojo got into a fight. It ruined Jojo's party and Nene's reputation with his rich family. Though, Gabby wanted to make peace a part of him was angry that Nene was still with Jojo after all this time.
Disappointed and tired, Nene and Jojo decide to elope. They decide they will fight for Tommy together and not have other people rule their lives.
Jojo arranged their quickie wedding and he waited for her near the fountain where they last met.
As soon as they were getting ready to run away together, Gabby saw Nene in the municipal hall. Nene frightened of Gabby, decided to run away from him. But tragedy strikes, she was hit by a moving van.
Nene was in a sudden coma.
There was no Jojo in sight, because that same night he learned that his father died in Australia. His whole world collapsed right in front of him.
Seeing Nene in a coma, Gabby realizes what love truly is. He cannot be selfish anymore. So he brings Jojo to the bed-ridden Nene.
Jojo kisses an unconscious Nene on her forehead, tears well up his eyes, he whispered promises to her. Telling her they will get married as soon as she woke up.
Gabby tells Jojo to take care of Nene. But just as soon as every thing seems to work out, Jojo faces another obstacle.
His family's pharmaceutical company is in jeopardy. The reason his father died is because of how much their business is failing. His family appoints him to take over the weak business. Jojo has to grow up over night.
Jojo tells Gabby that he cannot be with Nene right now, her life will be a living hell if she comes into his family right now. He asks Gabby to give him three years and he will come back for Nene. Gabby understands his best friend and wishes him well.
When Nene woke up, she was introduced to a new Gabby. He is now kindhearted and patient. And finally, he has set her free from his expectations and restrictions. He now knew that love cannot be selfish. Nene is touched with Gabby's gesture, she hugs and thanks him.
Nene finishes her studies. Gabby goes to the United States to study. Jojo takes over the family business in Australia.
Three years pass, and it was Nene's birthday once again. Gabby arranges for Jojo's surprise in Nene's birthday.
When Nene sees Jojo her eyes widen and her heart seemed to have dropped. But when Jojo tried to talk to her, nothing else came out of her but anger.
We learn that Nene waited for him. Yet, there were no phone calls or letters. She waited for him every day in front of his house, hoping that he'll show up. His mother, Yvonne even threatened her and her son, Tommy. When Nene learned that Yvonne can be that mean even to her son, Tommy. She tells Jojo she cannot do it anymore.
She tells him he did her a favor by leaving her because she actually got to live her life without problems, without heartbreak, and become successful.
Yet, her heart still fell at Jojo's confession that he still loved her. That those times were hard and he just wanted to give Gabby a chance to be a good father. Nene was crying now but she hardened, telling him that the Arcanghels are family... while him and his mom will never be her family. Telling him it does not matter anymore how much she loves him.
The last few weeks then led the audience in an advertisement asking people who should Nene choose her first love or the one who has always been there for her.
is real and he is trying to fix things he has ruined. He learned in the United States that his sickness came back and now he accepts it. He spends time with his family and apologizes to his parents. He becomes a very good father to Tommy. Nene promises to take care of him as the two of them took the task together being parents to Tommy. Gabby knew that Nene still loved Jojo.
The parents interfered with this problem. Margarita humbled herself and spoke to Yvonne to let her son love Nene.
Jojo and Nene saw each other in the park again, and the two locked in an embrace. Nene rested on Jojo's chest realizing they are together because of Gabby.
Since Gabby's leukemia
is real, he dies on the beach beside his mom, his dad, Tommy, and Kuya Albert, but not before asking Jojo to go back to Nene. Jojo disbelieved him at first, so he felt guilty when he visited the beach where Gabby was laid to rest. Jojo and Nene decided to part ways because she thought it was the wrong time again to love. She felt drained. She felt empty. She has to focus on being a mother to Tommy especially after his father's death. Jojo agreed to these terms saying that no matter what, he will always remember that they did love each other very much.
After five years of no contact, he and Nene accidentally met in church, they both asked for a sign if they should reunite, and in one glimpse of each other, they knew they were fated for each other. They decide to get married with Yvonne's and Tommy's approval.
The story ends with the first true kiss, and when Nene throws her bouquet, it is caught by a shy girl named Nellie (which reminds her of a reflection of herself). She asks how old the girl is. The girl replies, "Katorse, po." (in English "I'm fourteen"), and in a comedic turn,instantly everybody runs down the steps yelling, "No!" In fear that the girl will make the same mistake as Nene.
originally done by Kristina Paner. The song "My Love is Here" sung by Erik Santos
is also featured in the show as a themesong for Jojo and Nene.
, a romantic-comedy series starring Anne Curtis
, Derek Ramsay
and Zanjoe Marudo
. They claim that this matter is to be taken seriously and can easily influence viewers. They also referred to The Wedding
, another program by ABS-CBN in which the character of Hiyasmin Neri have become pregnant at a young age. MTRCB proclaim that these shows are making teenage pregnancy a stereotype on everyday lives. Although frowned upon, MTRCB have decided that they will take a closer look on these shows.
ABS–CBN Corporation is a Philippine-based media conglomerate. It is the Philippines' largest media and entertainment conglomerate. The corporation was the merger of Alto Broadcasting System which at that time owned by James Lindenberg and Antonio Quirino, and the Chronicle Broadcasting Network ...
from August 24, 2009 to January 8, 2010. It tells the story of a simple small town girl who fell in love with a childhood friend who later sires a child with her. It is loosely based on a 1981 film of the same name starring Dina Bonnevie
Dina Bonnevie
Geraldine Schaer Bonnevie known as Dina Bonnevie is an actress in the Philippines.-Early Life and background:...
, Gabby Concepcion
Gabby Concepcion
Gabby Concepcion is a Filipino actor and businessman.-Early Life:Gabby was born in San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines to Rolando “Rollie” Concepcion and Lourdes Arellano. He is the great grandson of prominent Manila landmark architect Juan Arellano...
and Alfie Anido
Alfie Anido
Alfie Anido was a popular Filipino matinee idol best remembered for his death at the age of twenty one...
The show stars 2005 Star Circle Grand QuestorStar Circle Quest
Star Circle Quest was a reality-based talent search in where at least 10 teen-aged contestants, called as "Questors", will undergo talent training, physical enhancement and different challenges to test their talent skills. Every week, one will be eliminated and the last Questor who will remain...
, Erich Gonzales
Erich Gonzales
Erika Chryselle Gonzales Gancayco known as Erich Gonzales, is a Filipina actress and one of ABS-CBN's Star Magic artists.-Biography:...
, as teenage mom, Nene. This is Gonzales' very first starring role in a primetime program. The program also showcases showbiz newbies Ejay Falcon
Ejay Falcon
Ejay Lasap Falcon is a Filipino-French model and actor who is currently a contract artist of ABS-CBN. He is also the Big Winner of Pinoy Big Brother Teen Edition Plus....
and Xian Lim
Xian Lim
Xian Lim is a Filipino-Chinese model and actor. He landed his first major acting role when he was cast in the TV adaptation of the 2009 film Katorse. He is studying Management at the University of the East where he was also a member of the university's men's basketball varsity team.Lim is a...
in their first starring role in a primetime series. ABS-CBN picked the cast because they believe that primetime television needs to have new faces, to make it look fresh and better than the usual actors.
In early July 2009, ABS-CBN released the program's trailer, which revealed the cast of Katorse to include veteran actors Malou de Guzman
Malou de Guzman
Malou de Guzman is a Filipino actress.She started her career via Ober Da Bakod on GMA Network then transferred to ABS-CBN.- Filmography :-External links:...
(as Nene's mother) and Cherie Gil
Cherie Gil
Cherie Gil is a Filipino actress of Swiss German American, Spanish, and Filipino descent.-Biography:Cherie Gil is the daughter of Filipino actors Eddie Mesa and Rosemarie Gil and sister to actors Mark Gil and Michael De Mesa .She was formerly married to Rony Rogoff, an internationally-renowned...
as Gabby's mother, where she plays a less villainous role. Cherie Gil and Erich Gonzales have previously worked together before in Pieta
Pieta (TV series)
Pieta is a television daytime drama series that aired on ABS-CBN from October 27, 2008 to May 1, 2009.- Synopsis :It tells the story of Amanda and her son Rigor...
. Ms. Gil saw a lot of potential with Erich and believes that she will go far more on the showbiz industry.
Sometime in August 2009, the management added Enchong Dee
Enchong Dee
Ernest Lorenzo Velasquez Dee, known as Enchong Dee is a Filipino actor, model, and swimmer. Dee is currently part of ABS-CBN's Star Magic group of contract artists. He played John Joseph "Jojo" Wenceslao in the 2009 TV series Katorse....
as an additional main cast.
1968 Film
The original Katorse starred 18 year-old Mercedes Galvez, which launched her to stardom in the late 1960s, and also featured Antonio Gomez as Gabby and the late Roldan Cruz as Albert. Katorse is known for its sexy trademark “magic kamison” (magic chemise) donned by the young lead actress while out for a swim. Although there are only two male characters in the 1968 film, ABS-CBN management added a third, played by Enchong DeeEnchong Dee
Ernest Lorenzo Velasquez Dee, known as Enchong Dee is a Filipino actor, model, and swimmer. Dee is currently part of ABS-CBN's Star Magic group of contract artists. He played John Joseph "Jojo" Wenceslao in the 2009 TV series Katorse....
, in the television series. The film was remade in 1981 starring Dina Bonnevie
Dina Bonnevie
Geraldine Schaer Bonnevie known as Dina Bonnevie is an actress in the Philippines.-Early Life and background:...
Nene is an ordinary smalltown lassGirl
A girl is any female human from birth through childhood and adolescence to attainment of adulthood. The term may also be used to mean a young woman.-Etymology:...
whose once happy childhood turns fatally tragic as she and her childhood friend Gabby supposedly fell in love, thus causing her teenage pregnancy the moment they had sex. Nene also discovers a whole lot of troubles involving her family.
Chapter I: The First Brush with Love and Pregnancy
Fourteen year-old Nene grows excited of her childhood friend Gabby’s upcoming arrival in the hacienda. It seems that during their younger years, the lad had actually promised to marry her, and she has been waiting for him to come back and fulfill his promise ever since. On the other hand, Gabby seems to be awfully annoyed with the thought of going back home for the summer because he is looking forward to spend it with Marissa; but after the latter relentlessly pushed him to go back home, he then decides to submit to his father’s political desires. After sharing an intimate kiss with Nene, Gabby tells her that he loves the naive young lady. The very next day, he starts to continuously sweep Nene off her feet up until he actually convinces her to be his girlfriend. One night, he invites the young lady back in their house to spend sometime inside his room. And while they are in the middle of a lip-lock, Gabby’s mother surprisingly walks in on them.On Nene’s way out, Gabby’s mother chases after her to send out a warning with regard to her rather unacceptable affair with her son. Nene tells Gabby that his mother doesn’t like her for him. Immediately, he comforts the poor young lady while telling that everything will soon be okay. The next day, Nene fulfills her responsibility as Reyna Elena as she parades all over town with her escort, Gabby. After the said event, the two escape the set after party to proceed to their secret hideout; and there they end up spending an intimate night together.
The day after Gabby catches his brother Albert kissing the love of his life Marissa, so he immediately engages in a fist fight with the lad. There, he learns about the two’s romantic link, which further enrages him. While pondering about his new discovery, Nene surprisingly comes his way. The young lady tries cheering up the lad; but instead of receiving a positive response, Nene ends up totally devastated because Gabby has suddenly decided to break up with her.
Nene discovers that she is pregnant with Gabby’s baby, and she gladly tells this to him; but to Nene’s dismay, upon hearing of the said news, Gabby instantly yells at her with disbelief.
Despite the pregnancy test kit’s bold confirmation, Gabby fails to believe the truth behind Nene’s untimely child expectancy; he persistently claims that he has no intention to take responsibility of the latter’s child. After hearing his own mother’s threat regarding early parenthood, Gabby chooses to run away. On the other hand, Nene finally decides to admit her current situation to her mother, despite Nenita’s persistent refusal.
Gabby receive's bad thought from his brother and mother upon confrontation the night after their deal with Nene's family. Gabby made an idea that he wanted to win again the heart of the young lady so that his family wouldn't said any bad thought to him. The day after he went to Nene's house bringing his peace offering; Teddy Bear, Balloon and Chocolates at first Nene doesn't believe but then after he saw the love of Gabby from Gabby's surprise to Nene an "I love you" made of roses, Nene was in love again with Gabby. Gabby decided to let Nene stay at their home yet despite of their families approval Gabby's mother Margarita had some disapproval within this issue. They let her stay with the Arcanghels in the city house.
Chapter II: Meeting The Best Friend, Jojo
Nene's stay in Gabby's Manila home was a nightmare, learning that she cannot make him love her. Everyday a pregnant Nene waited for him to come home, waited for him to finally treat her right. But despite her pregnancy, he still loved his brother's girlfriend, Marissa. He only saw Nene as a huge dilemma.Nene hides her pregnancy while she attends school and continues to study. She was smart and continued to receive good grades. There in a chance encounter in the city she met the school's troublemaker John Joseph "Jojo" Wenceslao. She could not stand the guy. He always teased her and followed her. He was a notorious bad boy in school who was known to be the spoiled son of a rich doctor and a successful businessman.
After a school fight broke out with Jojo's nemesis Dilbert, Nene and Jojo were stuck together in Dilbert's house. Jojo saved Nene during the fight. Nene saw some kindness in the irresponsible lad and slowly trusted him. Though, she still refused to give out her name, she simply said her name was "Queen of Hearts" in reference to the poker game Jojo loved to play.
When Jojo invited her to join him in a party afterwards, she obliged. But when she reached the party she was in for her ultimate heart break when she saw Gabby and Marissa together in the party. Much worse is, Gabby was confessing his love for Marissa. Nene left the party without saying goodbye to Jojo.
Jojo was puzzled. He did not know where Nene went. He confides in his best friend, Gabby that he thinks he has fallen in love with a weird girl he hardly knows.
Nene was stuck in Manila without friends, family, or a support system. Soon she finds the troublemaker, Jojo as an instant friend. Though, he was arrogant she simply found some goodness in him despite his spoiled brat image. They celebrated their friendship by eating trademark Filipino street food, fishballs and dirty ice cream.
Jojo told Nene that he would love for her to meet his best friend. But Nene got the shock of her life, when she learns that Gabby is Jojo's friend.
Gabby warned Nene to stay away from his friend and know her place as a woman. He also warned Jojo not to fall in love with Nene and know his place in their lives. In respect to Gabby, Jojo decided not to pursue Nene.
One day in Gabby's angry and jealous streak, he decided to lock Nene in the basement. Nene calls for Jojo's help, and he quickly saved her. The two shared their first real embrace during this encounter. As soon as they were about to leave, Gabby catches them. Jojo punched Gabby and ran away with Nene.
Nene decided to finally speak up against Gabby's ways. She told their Catholic school that she was pregnant with Gabby's kid. The conservative school in turn, expelled Gabby from their program.
Margarita, Gabby's mother asked Nene what more would she want? How much more can she ruin her son's life?
Nene learned what she did could not change Gabby. He always had girls around him and continuously cheated on Nene.
Though, Jojo and Gabby had a strain in their friendship. Gabby learns that every time he was in trouble it was still Jojo who saved him from those fights. Gabby realizes he cannot stay mad at Jojo.
With Jojo's persuasion, Gabby tried to be nicer to Nene, so he decided to be more kind to her. But Gabby refused to take Nene to the doctor for check-ups, since he had acute leukemia as a kid. He hated going to hospitals. He assigned his best friend, Jojo to do the "job".
Every time Nene will visit the doctor, every one thought that Jojo was the father of her baby. Every time she had to shop for baby things, it was Jojo who accompanied her. Every time she had to sell rice cakes it's Jojo who will help her. Every time she needed a shoulder to cry on when it comes to Gabby, the sarcastic but funny Jojo was always there. She found herself truly trusting Jojo and finding a best friend in him.
Nene wondered and asked Jojo, why don't you have a girlfriend? He tells her the one he loves is in love with someone else. "She's real lucky," she says.
Chapter III: The Birth of Tommy
Katorse reached its highest ratings during these times.Nene discovered Gabby in bed with one of his girls, Nene cried and yelled at Gabby. She decided to run away once more.
She started calling Jojo telling him that she was so tired of his best friend's ways. Jojo, though his heart is breaking played the mediator and confidant once again.
But then, he was confused when Nene started yelling in pain over the phone. He asked her what was happening. Nene was about to give birth.
Jojo picked her up in the transit center and placed her in his car. He was panicking, he did not know what to do. He was speeding with all his might to get to the hospital. But then Nene tells him, she cannot take it any longer. She was going to have the baby. In his car.
Jojo was so scared as he helped Nene, she was loudly crying in pain. She was weak during this time and needed Jojo. Jojo toughened up and faced Nene. There in front of his eyes, Nene gave birth to her child. He held on to the baby, Nene looked at him and smiled.
Gabby feeling guilty was looking for Nene, but it was too late for him to catch up to her. Because as Nene was giving birth, Gabby was struck by a vehicle. Leaving him unconscious in the street.
When Nene reached the hospital, once more, everyone thought that Jojo was the father. Nene looked at Jojo with such gratitude, she never thought someone can be so kind-hearted to her. She was touched.
Gabby arrived injured, but instead of attending to Nene, he talked animatedly about his experience. He was ran over by Jojo's nemesis, Dilbert. He said he cannot believe his fate.
Gabby gladly looked at Jojo and assigned him to be Baby Tommy's godfather.
But Gabby will find out later on that his medical check up had disturbing results. The results were that his leukemia was coming back.
Upon learning this, Gabby wanted to live his life. He wants to be with Marissa but he also wants Nene to be happy so he tells Jojo to
pursue Nene, while he will purposely break Nene's heart to be with Marissa. He promises Jojo he will be a good father, but since his leukemia is coming back he would like to live his life and he chooses Marissa over Nene.
Jojo was not comfortable with the plan. Nene was even more confused on why Gabby keeps pushing her away and why he actively pursued Marissa even with Baby Tommy already there. Marissa upon learning that Gabby was sick, took pity on him and decided to be his girlfriend. Albert, Gabby's brother was in Harvard, studying and the couple have since broken up.
Jojo still remained Nene's friend, he was too scared to break the boundary. He helped Nene through her problems but he did not confess his feelings. Besides, he knew Nene only loved Gabby. She will never see him.
But when he saw Nene crying her heart out and shouting her sorrows to the sea, he cannot help but fall in love with her even more.
He held Nene tightly as he felt her tears drop to his skin, Nene collapsed into his embrace. Soon, they both fell asleep in the seashore. The morning comes and Nene wakes up in his arms. She started tearing up again just remembering how pathetic her life is.
Jojo told her not to cry anymore as he dragged her to the waters. He wanted her to forget her problems, and just once to feel like she was a carefree teenager again. The two played in the sea, swimming along as he lifted her freely. For once, she felt free again.
Nene confides in Jojo that she does not blame Gabby for choosing Marissa over her. She's richer, smarter, and more beautiful than her. Who would fall in love with a stupid, provincial lass like her?
Jojo tells her never to believe that. She was a hardworking girl who was the greatest in her class. She knew what to do, she sold rice cakes in order to support her child. She was mature beyond her years... and to him, she was the most beautiful.
Chapter IV: Second Brush with Love
Jojo and Nene were inseparable, they were best friends, they went to the same public high school, took care of Tommy together, and often studied together. One night the two decided to sneak in some beer and drink together just for Nene to prove that she will not do stupid things when she's drunk. After two beers, Nene found herself drunk in Jojo's arms. He carried her to his bed and watched her sleep.Nene woke up without Jojo in his room but an angry face greeting her. It was Jojo's mother who was going hysterical that her son brought some cheap girl home. She apologized to his mother, little does she know this will not be the last time she will encounter Dr. Yvonne Wenceslao.
One day, Nene told Jojo that she does not believe she would ever find love again. Society has judged her already as a single mom, and in such a conservative place having a baby at fifteen, no one would want her. Jojo started becoming fuming mad... he asked her, if she was dumb or just numb, he took her to the doctor, he was the one who helped her give birth, he moved schools for her, he was always there; and she really does not know that he loves her so much?
Nene was shocked and confused with his confession. She confided with her big sister, Nenita about his confession. She says a part of her really wants to be in a relationship with him. Nenita warns Nene that she should learn from her first brush with love. And she should be more responsible and think for Tommy's sake. She cannot jump to a relationship again.
Nene listens to her sister, and told Jojo that she cannot love him that way. It was the first time Jojo ever got any sort of rejection. He tells her he'd rather have her as a friend than not have her in his life at all.
Six months later, Gabby and Marissa were in a relationship, Gabby cannot believe that Jojo was not with Nene. Jojo and Nene remained friends, but Gabby had something else in mind. Gabby set up a light house date for Nene and Jojo.
The two were stuck together in the light house, though Nene promised her big sister she will not go into a relationship with Jojo. She confessed to Jojo that she has loved him too for quite some time now, she wants to be in a relationship with Jojo but they should be careful and keep it from her family. Jojo obliged.
But when Jojo's mother, Yvonne discovered her son has fallen in love with the cheap, single mom, she was angered. She told Nene to stay away from her son, yet, the two fought for their love for each other. Jojo even brought Nene as his date in an exclusive function. Yvonne was not having any of it. She brought scandal in Nene's hometown by announcing that the young, teenage mother has seduced her son. Leaving the townspeople shocked and once again Nene was the center of harsh judgement.
Nena, Nene's mother was very disappointed with Nene. She believed she has not learned a thing. She tells Nene to break up with Jojo. Nene pleads, but her mother did not want to listen. Nene promised her mother she will break up with Jojo.
Chapter V: Nene's Struggles/ First Love Wants Her Back
Nene reluctantly agreed to break up with Jojo. But little did she know, another test will come to her.Gabby and Marissa were on the rocks, because he learns she is only taking pity of him. Marissa is also mad that Gabby is not looking for a second opinion with his sickness, she is also worried that he is always dizzy. But Gabby did not want her pity, he wanted her love.
One day, when Gabby got sick, Nene was the one who took care of him. He suddenly feels that he deserves her, at least she always loved him.
Gabby also learned that the results the hospital took were not his that it was a mistake orchestrated by Jojo's nemesis Dilbert, whose family owned the hospital. He takes his chance and now with a chance for a second life, he wants Nene back.
When he saw Jojo and Nene meeting up in the sugar cane farm, the young lad grew jealous and mad. He grabbed Nene and dragged her away from Jojo. Soon, he had the farm men beat Jojo up. Saying he is interfering in their affair as a common law husband and wife.
Nene was demanding Gabby to leave her alone. Gabby confessed to her that he just told Jojo to pursue her that it was all his plan. But Nene was not that clueless, she knew that it was all Gabby's plans. Yet, she grew to love Jojo through the times they spent together. She pushes Gabby away to look for Jojo.
Yvonne, found her son, Jojo almost lifeless on the road. She sent him to the hospital.
Nene tearfully visits Jojo in the hospital and with her heart breaking, she told Jojo they cannot be together. Jojo pleads for Nene but she cannot do anything but walk away from him, following her mother's orders to leave the young lad.
Nena agreed with the Arcanghels that it would be good for Nene and Gabby to be together, she believes Nene should accept her fate and be with the father of her child.
They asked Nene to live in the Arcanghel house with Gabby. Though, Nene was reluctant she agreed. But when Gabby tried to rape her one night, she could not take it any more. She decides to move out with her sister and her son, in the slums of Manila.
The place was dangerous, but she had someone to guard her during the night. Jojo was there, and though they have broken up, he cannot see her live there all by herself. So he decided to rent out the shack next to her.
Here, Nene experienced being a real single mother while studying. She would have to bring baby Tommy to school with her, Jojo would help her as they took turns taking care of him. Sometimes they would skip school. Being young, both of them did not have enough money to even buy her child some milk. The two became teenage parents really struggling. Nene advised Jojo to leave her, for them to commit to their promise. They should be more responsible because taking care of Tommy is not child's play. She told him that they should go back to their parents.
When Nena and Margarita found Nene and Jojo in an intimate embrace in Nene's shack, they were in for a shock. Nena even fainted. They took Tommy away from Nene; forbidding Nene to see her child.
Nene kept her priorities straight, she did not even want to talk to Jojo, and soon she was pleading with Margarita for Tommy. Proving to her she's responsible enough to take care of Tommy. At least let her be a mother.
But living in the slums proved to be dangerous for Tommy. He developed Dengue Fever
Dengue fever
Dengue fever , also known as breakbone fever, is an infectious tropical disease caused by the dengue virus. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash that is similar to measles...
and the baby was in serious condition. He needed blood transfusion. Gabby is not capable of giving his son blood. No one else matched his son's blood but Jojo. Though, Gabby really did not want his rival, Jojo to help his son. He agreed to it.
With what happened to Tommy, Nene became very obedient to everyone's wishes and sacrificed every thing for Tommy. Putting her own wants aside. Putting her love for Jojo aside. On her 16th birthday, the two spent a carefree night in an amusement park. As Jojo gave her a heartfelt letter and a necklace for remembering that day. There in the park, they acted like a real couple. Something they yearned for but they cannot seem to do. Jojo puts on a golden necklace around her neck, saying goodbye. Saying their time will come when they will both have the strength to be together.
Nene silently cries in the corner as she watches her love walk away from her.
Chapter VI: Who Should She Choose?
As the show nears its end, the season focused on Nene's struggle between being a mother and also having her own desires. The show reflected on society's expectations and also the strength of a young mother to keep striving for her son. In this season, they also introduced other sub-plots such as Marissa and Albert's love, Dilbert and Nenita's relationship, and Jojo's short-lived fake girlfriend Mayumi.The season started with Nene and Gabby going to school together, Gabby is slowly changing his ways as he tries to win Nene back. But the lad did not know that Nene was still in love with Jojo, though she has not seen him for two years.
Jojo on the other hand, makes a deal with his parents that if he graduates with honors in college he should have a chance with Nene.
During the time when Nene did not get to go to her prom, she gets a surprise call from Jojo. When she tells him she cannot go to prom because Tommy has a fever. Jojo promised her, "the prom will come to you."
In one of the show's memorable scenes, the two started talking, describing their dream prom. They close their eyes and they transport themselves in a different time, a different world where they can attend the prom together. Nene was striking in red, beautiful and in love with her escort. She faced him, and there was Jojo dashing in black.
Nene snaps out of her dream as tears fell, promising Jojo, "some day..."
When it was time for Nene to go to college, she applied to Isla Filipinas University (IFU). The same university that Jojo goes to. When the two of them bumped into each other for the first time in three years, everything started coming back to Nene.
Nene got into IFU but to Gabby's dismay, he did not get in. So being bitter, he did every thing to stop Nene's scholarship in IFU. He told the scholarship handlers that she was a single mom. They denied Nene of the scholarship.
Nene cries to Jojo near the fountain, confiding in him that she did not get the scholarship. Jojo tells her that there are other schools there that will give her a scholarship. Nene explains to him, it is not just the school that keeps her there, it is him. The lass confesses her love for the young man that after all these years she still wanted to be with him. They rekindled their love for each other after that.
But Nene faces more struggles as she faces responsibility as a mother. She cannot freely love Jojo because she had to live through people's expectations and she prioritizes Tommy. Part of the expectation is for her to support Gabby, Tommy's father.
Jojo feels left out and does not understand this, because every time, he feels that she chooses Gabby over him. Jojo decides to stay away from Nene once again.
When Nene celebrated her 18th Birthday in a grand party, Gabby proposes to her. Nene refused his proposal telling him that there is a right time for every thing.
After being shot down, Gabby was fuming mad, and he blames Jojo for this. Jojo was shot three times and killed by Gabby.
Jojo was rushed to the hospital and he was prounouced dead on arrival. Gabby feels the world is against him, he feels even more hurt that Nene refuses to be with him.
After the death of Jojo, Nene and Gabby was at the funeral parlor to see Jojo. His only way out is to escape it all. He wants her for himself. He asks Nene to run away with him, and they will take Tommy. Nene refuses telling him, they both have to keep their promise.
When Gabby caught the two of them together again, he gets mad with jealousy and almost hits Nene. Their young son, Tommy interferes pleading for his dad not to hurt his mother.
This was Nene's constant struggle. People expected her to try to be with Gabby for the sake of her son. But Nene stood firm, she juggled being a good mother and a good student. She also waited for Jojo. Waiting for their promise that as soon as they finish their studies, they will be together.
When Jojo finally graduated with honors, Nene and Jojo finally flaunt their relationship to the Wenceslao clan. During his grad party, he introduced her as his girlfriend. But just as soon as Yvonne was warming up to Nene, Nene's son Tommy broke into the party. Nene and Jojo were in shock when they found Gabby in the party. Gabby tried to explain that he was there to make peace but Jojo did not listen.
Jojo's relatives were shocked to hear that Nene was a single mother who may be still living with the father of her child. Gabby and Jojo got into a fight. It ruined Jojo's party and Nene's reputation with his rich family. Though, Gabby wanted to make peace a part of him was angry that Nene was still with Jojo after all this time.
Disappointed and tired, Nene and Jojo decide to elope. They decide they will fight for Tommy together and not have other people rule their lives.
Jojo arranged their quickie wedding and he waited for her near the fountain where they last met.
As soon as they were getting ready to run away together, Gabby saw Nene in the municipal hall. Nene frightened of Gabby, decided to run away from him. But tragedy strikes, she was hit by a moving van.
Nene was in a sudden coma.
There was no Jojo in sight, because that same night he learned that his father died in Australia. His whole world collapsed right in front of him.
Seeing Nene in a coma, Gabby realizes what love truly is. He cannot be selfish anymore. So he brings Jojo to the bed-ridden Nene.
Jojo kisses an unconscious Nene on her forehead, tears well up his eyes, he whispered promises to her. Telling her they will get married as soon as she woke up.
Gabby tells Jojo to take care of Nene. But just as soon as every thing seems to work out, Jojo faces another obstacle.
His family's pharmaceutical company is in jeopardy. The reason his father died is because of how much their business is failing. His family appoints him to take over the weak business. Jojo has to grow up over night.
Jojo tells Gabby that he cannot be with Nene right now, her life will be a living hell if she comes into his family right now. He asks Gabby to give him three years and he will come back for Nene. Gabby understands his best friend and wishes him well.
When Nene woke up, she was introduced to a new Gabby. He is now kindhearted and patient. And finally, he has set her free from his expectations and restrictions. He now knew that love cannot be selfish. Nene is touched with Gabby's gesture, she hugs and thanks him.
Nene finishes her studies. Gabby goes to the United States to study. Jojo takes over the family business in Australia.
Three years pass, and it was Nene's birthday once again. Gabby arranges for Jojo's surprise in Nene's birthday.
When Nene sees Jojo her eyes widen and her heart seemed to have dropped. But when Jojo tried to talk to her, nothing else came out of her but anger.
We learn that Nene waited for him. Yet, there were no phone calls or letters. She waited for him every day in front of his house, hoping that he'll show up. His mother, Yvonne even threatened her and her son, Tommy. When Nene learned that Yvonne can be that mean even to her son, Tommy. She tells Jojo she cannot do it anymore.
She tells him he did her a favor by leaving her because she actually got to live her life without problems, without heartbreak, and become successful.
Yet, her heart still fell at Jojo's confession that he still loved her. That those times were hard and he just wanted to give Gabby a chance to be a good father. Nene was crying now but she hardened, telling him that the Arcanghels are family... while him and his mom will never be her family. Telling him it does not matter anymore how much she loves him.
The last few weeks then led the audience in an advertisement asking people who should Nene choose her first love or the one who has always been there for her.
Chapter VII: The Ending
In the end, we learn that Gabby's leukemiaLeukemia
Leukemia or leukaemia is a type of cancer of the blood or bone marrow characterized by an abnormal increase of immature white blood cells called "blasts". Leukemia is a broad term covering a spectrum of diseases...
is real and he is trying to fix things he has ruined. He learned in the United States that his sickness came back and now he accepts it. He spends time with his family and apologizes to his parents. He becomes a very good father to Tommy. Nene promises to take care of him as the two of them took the task together being parents to Tommy. Gabby knew that Nene still loved Jojo.
The parents interfered with this problem. Margarita humbled herself and spoke to Yvonne to let her son love Nene.
Jojo and Nene saw each other in the park again, and the two locked in an embrace. Nene rested on Jojo's chest realizing they are together because of Gabby.
Since Gabby's leukemia
Leukemia or leukaemia is a type of cancer of the blood or bone marrow characterized by an abnormal increase of immature white blood cells called "blasts". Leukemia is a broad term covering a spectrum of diseases...
is real, he dies on the beach beside his mom, his dad, Tommy, and Kuya Albert, but not before asking Jojo to go back to Nene. Jojo disbelieved him at first, so he felt guilty when he visited the beach where Gabby was laid to rest. Jojo and Nene decided to part ways because she thought it was the wrong time again to love. She felt drained. She felt empty. She has to focus on being a mother to Tommy especially after his father's death. Jojo agreed to these terms saying that no matter what, he will always remember that they did love each other very much.
After five years of no contact, he and Nene accidentally met in church, they both asked for a sign if they should reunite, and in one glimpse of each other, they knew they were fated for each other. They decide to get married with Yvonne's and Tommy's approval.
The story ends with the first true kiss, and when Nene throws her bouquet, it is caught by a shy girl named Nellie (which reminds her of a reflection of herself). She asks how old the girl is. The girl replies, "Katorse, po." (in English "I'm fourteen"), and in a comedic turn,instantly everybody runs down the steps yelling, "No!" In fear that the girl will make the same mistake as Nene.
Main cast
- Erich GonzalesErich GonzalesErika Chryselle Gonzales Gancayco known as Erich Gonzales, is a Filipina actress and one of ABS-CBN's Star Magic artists.-Biography:...
as Elena "Nene" Reyes – Nene is an innocent girl and a daughter from a sugar cane farm. Nene dreams of living in the city just like her elder sister Nenita. At 14, there hasn’t been much excitement in her life until she gets reunited with the dashing Arcanghel brothers. Will her first brush with love ruin her life forever or will it help her transition into a mature young woman? She fell in love with Jojo who was attracted to her as well.
- Enchong DeeEnchong DeeErnest Lorenzo Velasquez Dee, known as Enchong Dee is a Filipino actor, model, and swimmer. Dee is currently part of ABS-CBN's Star Magic group of contract artists. He played John Joseph "Jojo" Wenceslao in the 2009 TV series Katorse....
as John Joseph "Jojo" Wenceslao- Gabby's best friend. A guy who has a strong ego and is always praising himself. He will meet Nene and find her attractive. But as Nene faces unwanted pregnancy, he realizes that he needs to become a better man and comes to comfort Nene. His love for Nene leads him to stand up for her. He takes care of Nene. His father is a businessman and his mother is a doctor.
- Ejay FalconEjay FalconEjay Lasap Falcon is a Filipino-French model and actor who is currently a contract artist of ABS-CBN. He is also the Big Winner of Pinoy Big Brother Teen Edition Plus....
as Gabriel "Gabby" Arcanghel – Gabby is 16 years old. He maybe the real Arcanghel but his rebellious attitude further puts a gap between him and his parents. Making him more insecure is the fact that the girl (Marissa) he loves already fancies his brother.
- Xian LimXian LimXian Lim is a Filipino-Chinese model and actor. He landed his first major acting role when he was cast in the TV adaptation of the 2009 film Katorse. He is studying Management at the University of the East where he was also a member of the university's men's basketball varsity team.Lim is a...
as Albert Arcanghel – Albert Archanghel is the more responsible and considerate son of Anselmo and Margarita. He has a girlfriend named Marissa . Marissa was always upset when Albert is not with her all the time.
Extended Cast
- Gardo VersozaGardo VersozaGardo Versoza, born Mennen Torres Polintan on November 8, 1969, is a popular Filipino actor who has appeared in over forty movies and dozens of television shows. He started out in roles such as Sabik Sa Halik, Machete II, Halimuyak Ng Babae and Kirot. Later, he went on to star in action movies...
as Don Anselmo Arcanghel - Cherie GilCherie GilCherie Gil is a Filipino actress of Swiss German American, Spanish, and Filipino descent.-Biography:Cherie Gil is the daughter of Filipino actors Eddie Mesa and Rosemarie Gil and sister to actors Mark Gil and Michael De Mesa .She was formerly married to Rony Rogoff, an internationally-renowned...
as Doña Margarita Arcanghel - Malou de GuzmanMalou de GuzmanMalou de Guzman is a Filipino actress.She started her career via Ober Da Bakod on GMA Network then transferred to ABS-CBN.- Filmography :-External links:...
as Nena Reyes - Eda NolanEda NolanEda Nolan is a Filipina Actress.She is best known for her role as Junniper, the shy, 'promdi' girl, in ABS-CBN's sitcom Let's Go and Go Kada Go....
as Nenita Reyes - Dino ImperialDino ImperialDino Imperial Dino Imperial Dino Imperial (born (Dino Ricardo Kilates on April 9, 1988) is a Filipino actor and commercial model. He is a member of ABS CBN's circle of homegrown talents named Star Magic, ABS-CBN's Talent Management & Development Center and stars in Star Magic Presents: Abt Ur...
as Dilbert - Charee PinedaCharee PinedaCharee Pineda, is a Filipina actress and one of ABS-CBN's Star Magic artists. Her career began when she was casted as the "sweetilicious" girl on ABS-CBN's defunct teen sitcom, Let's Go...
as Marissa Ocampo - Carmi Martin as Yvonne Wenceslao
- Jessy MendiolaJessy MendiolaJessy Mendiola , is a Filipino actress.- Early life :Mendiola was born in the United Arab Emirates where her father used to work. She is the second of three siblings, her mother is Filipina while her father is British-Lebanese. She was three years old when her mother moved and brought her and...
as Bettina Godinez - Matt Ranillo III as Alfred Wenceslao
- Bangs Garcia as Shakira
Guest Cast
- Khaycee Aboloc as young Nene
- Mark Joshua Salvador as young Gabriel
- Joanna Marie Tan as Doray
- Tommy Abuel as Mr. King
- Ida Henares as Mother Julie
- Maritess Joaquin as Theresa Ocampo
- Martin del RosarioMartin del Rosario-Biography:Martin del Rosario met Jun Reyes, his manager, on his way to Lourdes School of Quezon City—his highschool alma mater—in the summer of 2007. His manager, who was in the area at that time to buy lechon for Gerald Anderson's birthday, came to him and asked if he wanted to be an actor. He...
as Macoy - Lorenzo "Tata" Mara as Ramon
- Mara Schnittka as Nellie, the flower girl
- Auriette Divina as Mayumi Crisostomo
- Marvin Yap as Maynard
The program's themesong, especially for Gabby and Nene, is titled "Tamis ng Unang Halik" ("Sweetness of First Kiss") sung by JurisJuris Fernandez
Julie Iris Fernandez , known by her stage name Juris, is a Filipina singer and songwriter. She is the former lead singer of acoustic group MYMP.-Biography:...
M.Y.M.P. is an acoustic band act from the Philippines, which consists of five members. Their career started when Raymond Ryan, a station manager of iFm watched one of their gigs, and met up with a producer to produce their 2003 debut album, Soulful Acoustic, which has since been certified...
originally done by Kristina Paner. The song "My Love is Here" sung by Erik Santos
Erik Santos
Rhoderick Ramos Santos , more commonly known as simply Erik Santos, is a Filipino singer, actor, TV host, commercial model, and the winner of the ABS-CBN program Star In A Million Season 1 in January 2004.-Early life:...
is also featured in the show as a themesong for Jojo and Nene.
The show was originally scheduled to air in early June 8, 2009, but was postponed as the producers reported having encountered shooting problems because of the weather. Because of this, the management have decided to replace Katorse's timeslot with The WeddingThe Wedding (TV series)
The Wedding is a light romance television series aired over at ABS-CBN starring Anne Curtis, Zanjoe Marudo and Derek Ramsay. The show ran for 11 weeks on Primetime Bida.-Production:...
, a romantic-comedy series starring Anne Curtis
Anne Curtis
Anne Ojales Curtis-Smith, also known as Anne Curtis is a Filipino-Australian actress, model, television host, singer and VJ currently active in the Philippines....
, Derek Ramsay
Derek Ramsay
Derek Arthur Ramsay is a Filipino-British model, actor, host, and VJ in the in the Philippines. Amongst his hobbies is collecting cars. Ramsay is at times simply called Derek Ramsay....
and Zanjoe Marudo
Zanjoe Marudo
Zanjoe Acuesta Marudo is a Filipino actor and model. He was former housemate of Pinoy Big Brother: Celebrity Edition and became one of the Big Four along with Bianca Gonzalez, John Prats, and the big winner Keanna Reeves....
Teenage pregnancy issue
MTRCB has shown concerns due to the show's main theme, about teenage pregnancyTeenage pregnancy
Teenage pregnancy is a pregnancy of a female under the age of 20 when the pregnancy ends. It generally refers to a female who is unmarried and usually refers to an unplanned pregnancy...
. They claim that this matter is to be taken seriously and can easily influence viewers. They also referred to The Wedding
The Wedding (TV series)
The Wedding is a light romance television series aired over at ABS-CBN starring Anne Curtis, Zanjoe Marudo and Derek Ramsay. The show ran for 11 weeks on Primetime Bida.-Production:...
, another program by ABS-CBN in which the character of Hiyasmin Neri have become pregnant at a young age. MTRCB proclaim that these shows are making teenage pregnancy a stereotype on everyday lives. Although frowned upon, MTRCB have decided that they will take a closer look on these shows.
International release
Country/Region | Network(s) | Series premiere | Series Title in Country |
![]() Philippines The Philippines , officially known as the Republic of the Philippines , is a country in Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean. To its north across the Luzon Strait lies Taiwan. West across the South China Sea sits Vietnam... |
ABS-CBN ABS-CBN ABS–CBN Corporation is a Philippine-based media conglomerate. It is the Philippines' largest media and entertainment conglomerate. The corporation was the merger of Alto Broadcasting System which at that time owned by James Lindenberg and Antonio Quirino, and the Chronicle Broadcasting Network ... |
August 24, 2009 | Katorse |
![]() |
Astro Prima Astro Prima Astro Prima is a Malaysian television channel owned and operated by Astro. This channel broadcasts Malay programmes for the whole family such as local serial dramas and telemovie since April 16, 2007. Preceding this date, Astro Prima broadcasts foreign language programmes catering to Malay audiences.... |
April 26, 2010 | Fourteen |
![]() Singapore Singapore , officially the Republic of Singapore, is a Southeast Asian city-state off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, north of the equator. An island country made up of 63 islands, it is separated from Malaysia by the Straits of Johor to its north and from Indonesia's Riau Islands by the... |
Channel 5 | December 7, 2010 | |
External links
- ABS-CBN's Katorse
- Katorse
- Katorse Multiply