Karin Stanford
Karin L. Stanford is a writer and professor of Pan-African Studies and Politics at California State University, Northridge
California State University, Northridge
California State University, Northridge is a public university in Northridge, a neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles, California, United States....

. Her latest book is Breaking the Silence - Inspirational Stories of Black Cancer Survivors. This collection of testimonials was inspired by Stanford's own experiences with breast cancer. Stanford's other published works include Black Political Organization in the Post-Civil Rights Era, coedited with Ollie Johnson and Beyond The Boundaries: Reverend Jesse Jackson In International Affairs. The author of numerous articles on black women and black politics, Stanford is the former director of the Washington, D.C., Bureau of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition and a former Congressional Black Caucus
Congressional Black Caucus
The Congressional Black Caucus is an organization representing the black members of the United States Congress. Membership is exclusive to blacks, and its chair in the 112th Congress is Representative Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri.-Aims:...

 fellow. Stanford is currently teaching the "Politics of Hip Hop", a class delving into the history and influence of the musical genre.
She gained notoriety in 2000 when it was revealed that she had an affair with the Rev. Jesse Jackson
Jesse Jackson
Jesse Louis Jackson, Sr. is an African-American civil rights activist and Baptist minister. He was a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1984 and 1988 and served as shadow senator for the District of Columbia from 1991 to 1997. He was the founder of both entities that merged to...

, resulting in the birth of her daughter, Ashley, and it was reported that she had been paid $40,000 by Rainbow/PUSH. Commentators questioned the legality of these payments and charged that Jackson was paying “hush money” to Stanford.

The Rainbow/PUSH Coalition later released financial records showing it paid Stanford $15,000 in moving expenses to relocate her from Washington DC to Southern California and a $21,000 consultant fee for "consulting services" for a 150 page report for the organization and that an earlier agreement to lend Stanford an additional $40,000 was withdrawn and never paid out.

There have been other allegations that Stanford received $4,000 a month in child support and $365,000 to purchase a house from Rainbow/PUSH funds. . Jackson has stated that the $4,000/month payments come from his own account, not PUSH's.
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