Kae Araki
, better known by the stage name , is a Japanese voice actress
. After standing in for Kotono Mitsuishi
(the voice of Usagi Tsukino in the series Sailor Moon
) when Mitsuishi had appendicitis, Araki originated the role of Chibiusa in the same series soon after. While training at a voice acting school, Araki acted as senpai
to fellow voice actor Konami Yoshida
, and they have maintained a close relationship since that time. As of 2005, Araki is employed by the talent management firm 81 Produce
Voice acting in Japan has far greater prominence than in most other countries. Japan's large animation industry produces 60% of the animated series in the world; as a result, Japanese voice actors, or , are able to achieve fame on a national and international level.Besides acting as narrators and...
. After standing in for Kotono Mitsuishi
Kotono Mitsuishi
is a prolific Japanese voice actor from Tokyo. As a young girl, Mitsuishi lived in Nagareyama, Chiba. Mitsuishi graduated from high school in 1986, and entered the Katsuta Voice Actor's Academy. While attending the academy, she began working part time as an elevator girl in the Sunshine 60 building...
(the voice of Usagi Tsukino in the series Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon, known as , is a media franchise created by manga artist Naoko Takeuchi. Fred Patten credits Takeuchi with popularizing the concept of a team of magical girls, and Paul Gravett credits the series with "revitalizing" the magical-girl genre itself...
) when Mitsuishi had appendicitis, Araki originated the role of Chibiusa in the same series soon after. While training at a voice acting school, Araki acted as senpai
and are an essential element of Japanese seniority-based status relationships, similar to the way that family and other relationships are decided based on age, with even twins being divided into elder and younger sibling...
to fellow voice actor Konami Yoshida
Konami Yoshida
is a Japanese voice actress.-Anime:*Princess Sheila in Bastard!!*Shimarisu-kun in Bonobono*Azusa Kanzaki in Devil Hunter Yohko*Seiko Taniguchi in Futari wa Pretty Cure*Natsume in Generator Gawl*Hana Hatsuno and others in King of Braves GaoGaiGar...
, and they have maintained a close relationship since that time. As of 2005, Araki is employed by the talent management firm 81 Produce
81 Produce
is a voice talent management firm in Japan. The company's Director of Business Development, Rihoko Yoshida, is a former voice actress herself . A hybrid CD-ROM featuring voice talent data for members of 81 Produce was released on 19 October, 1997. The company is located Shibuya, Tokyo....
- 3-chōme no Tama Uchi no Tama Shirimasenka? (Koma)
- Aahari Manada (Miyuki)
- Armored Police Metal JackArmored Police Metal Jackis a Japanese animated TV series co-produced by Sunrise, TV Tokyo and I&S BBDO. The series was broadcast by TV Tokyo affiliates in 1991 on the Monday 5:30PM time slot and aired weekly from April 7 to December 23, lasting 37 episodes....
(Sayuri Kamizaki) - Ashita no NadjaAshita no Nadja, is a romance manga by Izumi Todo. It was serialized by Kodansha in the manga magazine Nakayoshi and collected in two bound volumes.The series was adapted as an anime series produced by Toei Animation, which premiered in Japan on the anime satellite television network Animax and the terrestrial TV...
(Simone Monterran) - B Biidaman Bakugaiden V (Mermaid Bon)
- Babar the ElephantBabar the ElephantBabar the Elephant is a French children's fictional character who first appeared in Histoire de Babar by Jean de Brunhoff in 1931 and enjoyed immediate success. An English language version, entitled The Story of Babar, appeared in 1933 in Britain and also in the United States. The book is based on...
(Flora) - BonobonoBonobonois a yonkoma manga series by Mikio Igarashi. From March 1986 to March 1987, the series ran in the Takeshobo manga magazine Tensai Club before the magazine was replaced with Manga Club, where it has been serialized since April 1987. It has also been serialized in Manga Life since April 1986...
(Chirabi-chan) - Cardcaptor SakuraCardcaptor Sakura, abbreviated as CCS and also known as Cardcaptors, is a Japanese shōjo manga series written and illustrated by the manga artist group Clamp. The manga was originally serialized monthly in Nakayoshi from the May 1996 until the June 2000 issue, and later published in 12 tankōbon volumes by Kodansha...
(Akane) - Ceres, Celestial LegendCeres, Celestial Legendis a fantasy shōjo manga series written by Yuu Watase. It was originally serialized in Shōjo Comic from May 1996 through March 2000. The chapters were also published by Shogakukan in fourteen collected volumes...
(Shōta Kurima) - Chikyū SOS Sore Ike Kororin (Ozon Eko)
- Corrector YuiCorrector Yuiis a magical girl anime series created by Kia Asamiya. The anime series was produced by Nippon Animation and Studio Pierrot. Broadcast on NHK from 1999 to 2000. It was licensed for North American release by Viz Media...
(Ai Shinozaki) - Digimon AdventureDigimon Adventureis a Japanese animated television series created in 1999 by Toei Animation based on the Digimon virtual pet made by Bandai. It is the first series of the Digimon anime "metaseries"...
(Hikari YagamiKari KamiyaHikari "Kari" Kamiya, known as in Japan, is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Digimon Adventure and its sequel, Digimon Adventure 02. Although her first name is "Hikari", in the English version, she primarily goes by her dub-given nickname, Kari...
) - Digimon Adventure 02Digimon Adventure 02, also commonly referred as Digimon Zero Two, is the direct sequel to the previous series and takes place three years after the original series. With most of the original characters now in junior high school, the Digital World was supposedly secure and peaceful. However, a new evil has appeared in...
(Hikari Yagami) - Digimon FrontierDigimon Frontieris the 4th Digimon TV series first broadcast in 2002. After prompted to do so by unusual phone messages, the five main characters go to a subway station and take a train to the Digital World. Once there, they meet two secondary characters, Bokomon and Neemon, who act as guides, and tell the...
(PatamonPatamonis a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise."Patamon" is the name that all members of this particular Digimon species share. There are several different Patamon that appear in various Digimon anime and manga series....
) - Flame of ReccaFlame of Reccais a manga series written and illustrated by Nobuyuki Anzai, which was adapted into an anime series spanning forty-two episodes by Studio Pierrot. The series has also been adapted into two video games; Flame of Recca for the Game Boy Advance and Flame of Recca Final Burning for the PlayStation...
(Yōko) - Fushigi YūgiFushigi Yūgi, also known as Curious Play, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yu Watase. Shogakukan published Fushigi Yûgi in Shōjo Comic in its original serialized form from May 1992 through June 1996. Viz Media released the manga series in English in North America starting in 1999...
(Miaka Yūki) - GilgameshGilgamesh (anime)is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Shotaro Ishinomori. It was serialized in the Shōnen Gahōsha magazine Weekly Shōnen King from 1976 to 1978. A dark and apocalyptic anime series based on the original story was adapted by Group TAC in 2003...
(Reiko Yushiro) - Go Go Itsutsugo Ra·n·do (Kodama Morino)
- Great Teacher OnizukaGreat Teacher Onizuka, officially abbreviated as GTO, is a Japanese shōnen manga written and illustrated by Tohru Fujisawa. It was originally serialized in Weekly Shōnen Magazine from May 1997 to April 2002. The story focuses on 22-year-old ex-bōsōzoku member Eikichi Onizuka, who becomes a teacher at a private high...
(Nagisa Nagase) - Gunsmith CatsGunsmith Catsis a Japanese seinen manga series written and illustrated by Kenichi Sonoda. It was published in Kodansha's Afternoon from 1991 to 1997 and was followed between 2004 and 2008 by a sequel series Gunsmith Cats Burst which included the same characters and situations.The series describes the adventures...
("Minnie" May Hopkins) - Hand Maid MayHand Maid Mayis an anime series directed by Shinichiro Kimura and produced by Pioneer Animation . The anime aired ten episodes on WOWOW between July 6 and September 22, 2000, and an OVA was bundled with a DVD box set released on February 21, 2001. It centers on the adventures of the main character, Kazuya...
(Chigusa Tani) - Hungry Heart Wild Striker (Kaori Doumoto)
- I Can Hear the Sea (Yumi Kohama)
- Ie Naki Ko Remi (Maria)
- Iketeru FutariIketeru Futariis a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Takashi Sano. It was serialized in the Shōnen Gahosha magazine Young King Comics from 1997 to 2010 for a total of 33 volumes....
(Akira Koizumi) - KodochaKodochais a manga series by Miho Obana, helped periodically by her sister, Kaori Obana. The series is commonly known under the name Kodocha. The manga won the 1998 Kodansha Manga Award for shōjo. In the year 2007, At the American Anime Awards the anime was nominated for best comedy anime...
(Shizu) - Wagakusa Monogatari Nan to Jō-sensei (Daisy)
- Let's Nupu Nupu (Hamster / Kyouzame-chan / Mari-chan)
- Lovely ComplexLovely Complex, also known as Lovely Complex, is a romantic comedy shōjo manga by Aya Nakahara. It was published by Shueisha in Bessatsu Margaret from 2001 to 2006 and collected in 17 tankōbon volumes. The series is about the romance between a tall girl and a short boy who are treated as a comedy duo by their...
(Mimi Yoshioka) - Doki Doki♡Densetsu Mahōjin Guru GuruMahojin Guru Guruis a manga by Hiroyuki Etō, which was serialized in Enix's Monthly Shōnen Gangan from 1992 to 2003. It was later adapted into an anime series on October 13, 1994....
(Juju Kū Shunamuru) - MedabotsMedabotsMedabots, known in Japan as , is a role-playing video game franchise developed by Natsume and published by Imagineer in Japan in 1997. The video game franchise was later adapted into a Japanese anime television series produced by Bee Train. Spanning 52 episodes, the series originally aired on TV...
(Nadako) - Mirmo!Mirmo!is a manga series written by Hiromu Shinozuka and serialized in Ciao magazine from 2001 Jul through 2005 Dec. It was also published in twelve collected volumes by Shogakukan. The manga series was awarded the 2003 Kodansha Manga Award and the 2004 Shogakukan Manga Award for children's manga. The...
(Otome, Marina) - Mobile Fighter G GundamMobile Fighter G GundamMobile Fighter G Gundam, known in Japan as , is a Japanese animated television series directed by Yasuhiro Imagawa . Created to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the franchise in 1994, it is the first of the Gundam series to be set in an alternate continuity from the original "Universal Century"...
(Cas Ronari) - Mobile Suit Gundam WingMobile Suit Gundam WingMobile Suit Gundam Wing, known in Japan as , is an anime series in the mecha genre, and is one of the alternate universe Gundam series, taking place in the After Colony timeline. It is the second alternate universe in the Gundam media franchise, following Mobile Fighter G Gundam...
(Hilde Schbeiker) - Mobile Suit Victory GundamMobile Suit Victory Gundam, is a 1993 Japanese science fiction anime television series. It consists of 51 episodes, and was directed by Gundam creator Yoshiyuki Tomino. The series was first broadcast on TV Asahi and later by the anime satellite television network, Animax, across Japan and later its respective networks...
(Peggy Lee) - Monster Rancher (Michelle)
- Pocket MonstersPokémon (anime), abbreviated from , is a children's TV anime series, which has since been adapted for the North and South American, Australian and European television markets...
(Natsume) - RahXephonRahXephonis a Japanese anime series about 17-year-old Ayato Kamina, his ability to control a godlike mecha known as the RahXephon, and his inner journey to find a place in the world...
(Cathy McMahon) - Sailor MoonSailor MoonSailor Moon, known as , is a media franchise created by manga artist Naoko Takeuchi. Fred Patten credits Takeuchi with popularizing the concept of a team of magical girls, and Paul Gravett credits the series with "revitalizing" the magical-girl genre itself...
(Chibiusa, Usagi Tsukino (eps.44-50)) - Shin HakkendenShin Hakkendenis a Japanese anime series. The anime is based on The Hakkenden except it is set in the future. Directed by Katsuyoshi Yatabe, the anime's 26 episodes were broadcast on TV Tokyo between April 3, 1999 and September 25, 1999.-Anime:...
(Tamazusa) - Slayers Try (Anna)
- Super Radical Gag FamilySuper Radical Gag Familyis a Japanese comedy manga series by Hamaoka Kenji. An anime adaptation by Studio Deen aired on Tokyo Broadcasting System in 1998....
(Noriko Nishikawa) - YAWARA! Special: Zutto Kimi no Koto ga… (Marusō)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GXYu-Gi-Oh! GXYu-Gi-Oh! GX, known in Japan as , is an anime spin-off and sequel of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters anime. It aired in Japan on TV Tokyo between October 6, 2004 and March 26, 2008, and was succeeded by Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's...
(Maiden of the Aqua) - Zoids: FuzorsZoids: Fuzorsis an anime series, linked to the Zoids toy line of the same name. It is the third Zoids series, following Zoids: New Century Zero in order of production. The series is 26 episodes long, however, the show had an unsuccessful U.S. broadcast, and was eventually canceled after 13 episodes. Similar to...
- Gestalt (anime) (Ōri)
- Fushigi Yūgi series (Miaka Yūki)
- Guardian HeartsGuardian Heartsis a romantic comedy manga, created by Sae Amatsu, which was released in 2001. It belongs to the "harem" type of manga where one boy is romantically pursued by several girls. What is unusual for this series is that each girl has a different origin and motivation, as opposed to all being of the same...
(Maya Ōba) - Guardian Hearts: Power Up!Guardian Heartsis a romantic comedy manga, created by Sae Amatsu, which was released in 2001. It belongs to the "harem" type of manga where one boy is romantically pursued by several girls. What is unusual for this series is that each girl has a different origin and motivation, as opposed to all being of the same...
(Maya Ōba) - Gunsmith CatsGunsmith Catsis a Japanese seinen manga series written and illustrated by Kenichi Sonoda. It was published in Kodansha's Afternoon from 1991 to 1997 and was followed between 2004 and 2008 by a sequel series Gunsmith Cats Burst which included the same characters and situations.The series describes the adventures...
(May "Minnie May" Hopkins) - Juliette (An Nozaki)
- Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust MemoryMobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memoryis a 13-episode anime OVA series set in the Gundam universe. The first volume containing two 30-minute episodes was released in Japan on May 23, 1991. Subsequent volumes, containing one 30-minute episode each, followed every one or two months; the final volume went on sale on September 24, 1992...
(Jacqueline Simone)
- Digimon AdventureDigimon Adventureis a Japanese animated television series created in 1999 by Toei Animation based on the Digimon virtual pet made by Bandai. It is the first series of the Digimon anime "metaseries"...
(Hikari Yagami/Hikari Kamiya) - Juliette (An Nozaki)
- Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: The Last Blitz of ZeonMobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memoryis a 13-episode anime OVA series set in the Gundam universe. The first volume containing two 30-minute episodes was released in Japan on May 23, 1991. Subsequent volumes, containing one 30-minute episode each, followed every one or two months; the final volume went on sale on September 24, 1992...
(Jacqueline Simone) - Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R The Movie (Chibiusa)
- Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S The Movie (Chibiusa)
- The 9 Sailor Soldiers Get Together! Miracle in the Black Dream Hole (Chibiusa)
- Alnam no Tsubasa (Kureha)
- Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost OceanBaten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Oceanis a 2003 role-playing video game that was developed by tri-Crescendo and Monolith Soft and published by Namco in Japan, North America and Europe and by Nintendo Australia for Australia and New Zealand for the Nintendo GameCube. First released in Japan in 2003, it is the first game in the Baten...
(Lady Melodia) - Cross EdgeCross Edge, is a role-playing video game for the PlayStation 3. The game was developed by Idea Factory with characters from games by Capcom, Nippon Ichi Software, Namco Bandai and Gust Corporation...
(Felicia) - Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness (Mao)
- Darkstalkers series (FeliciaFelicia (Darkstalkers)is a fictional character in the Darkstalkers series of fighting game by Capcom She first appeared in the 1994 game Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors and its subsequent sequels, later appearing in other Capcom games outside of the Darkstalkers series and related media and merchandise.-Conception and...
) - Fūun Gokū Ninden (Sanzō)
- Gunbare! Game Tengoku (Sakura)
- Kindaichi Shōnen no Jikenbo 2: Jigoku Yūenchi Satsujin JikenKindaichi Case Filesis a serialized Japanese mystery manga series based on the crime solving adventures of a high school student, Hajime Kindaichi, the supposed grandson of the famous private detective Kosuke Kindaichi. They are written by Yōzaburō Kanari or Seimaru Amagi and illustrated by Fumiya Satō...
(Kayo Minamoto) - Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of HeroesMarvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroesis a fighting game, developed and published by Capcom. It is the fourth game in the Marvel vs. Capcom series. With the fourth installment of this series, Capcom simplified the controls to make the gameplay more accessible for casual players. The button configuration was trimmed down to 4 main...
(Felicia) - Megami ParadiseMegami Paradiseis a role-playing game by NEC Home Electronics and released in 1994 on the PC Engine Super CD-Rom. A two part OAV series was produced in 1995 by King Records under their subdivision Starchild Records and Studio Fantasia...
(Maharaja) - Megami Paradise II (Maharaja)
- Metal Angel 3 (Kumi Kochō, Isabella Iceberg)
- Mobile Suit Gundam: Meguri Ai Uchū (Jacqueline Simone, Riria Furōbēru)
- Namco x CapcomNamco x Capcomis an action RPG/tactical RPG hybrid game for the PlayStation 2 console, developed by Monolith Soft and featuring characters from games produced by companies Namco and Capcom.- Storyline :...
(Felicia, Fong Ling) - Next King: Koi no Sennen Ōkoku (Ginger Bībām)
- Pocket Fighter (Felicia, narration)
- Prism Court (Akari Okajima)
- Riglord Saga 2 (Female Thief Shiranami)
- Sailor Moon: Another Story (Chibiusa)
- Star Ocean 3: Till the End of TimeStar Ocean: Till the End of Timeis the third main game in the Star Ocean series. The game was developed by tri-Ace and published by Square Enix for the PlayStation 2 console. It was released in Japan, North America, and the PAL territories. The original Japanese release date was in February of 2003 by Enix, its penultimate...
(Freya) - Super Robot WarsSuper Robot Warsis a series of tactical role-playing video games produced by Banpresto, which is now a Japanese division of Namco Bandai. The main feature of the franchise is having a story that crosses over several popular mecha anime, manga and video games, allowing characters and mecha from different titles to...
series (Kukuru, Jacqueline Simone, Hilde Schubeiker) - Tales of the TempestTales of the Tempestis a console role-playing game in the Tales series developed by Dimps and Namco Tales Studio's sound staff for the Nintendo DS. The game, was released in Japan on October 26, 2006. Tales of the Tempest 's characteristic genre name is . The theme song is "VS" by Misono...
(Arria Ekberg) - Tilk: Aoi Umi kara Kita Shōjo (character voice)
- Valkyrie ProfileValkyrie Profile: Lennethis a console role-playing game developed by tri-Ace and published by Enix for the PlayStation. It was released on December 22, 1999 in Japan and on August 29, 2000 in North America...
(Princess Gieraude, Freya) - Valkyrie Profile: LennethValkyrie Profile: Lennethis a console role-playing game developed by tri-Ace and published by Enix for the PlayStation. It was released on December 22, 1999 in Japan and on August 29, 2000 in North America...
(Princess Gieraude, Freya) - Variable GeoVariable Geo, also known as V.G., is a Japanese 2D fighting game series developed and published by Giga for home computers. It was also developed and published by Technical Group Labroratory for home game consoles...
series (Manami Kusonoki)
Live action voice-over
- BlossomBlossom (TV series)Blossom is an American sitcom broadcast on NBC from January 3, 1991 to May 22, 1995. The series stars Mayim Bialik as Blossom Russo, a teenage girl living with her father and two brothers. It was created by Don Reo.- Synopsis :...
(Kennedy) - Boy Meets WorldBoy Meets WorldBoy Meets World is an American comedy-drama series that chronicles the events and everyday life lessons of Cory Matthews, played by Ben Savage, a kid from suburban Philadelphia who grows up from a young boy to a married man. The show aired for seven seasons from 1993 to 2000 on ABC, part of the...
(Morgan Matthews) - Jōnetsu no Meisō (Natalie)
- Taiketsu Spellbinder (Ben)
- Fraggle RockFraggle RockFraggle Rock is a children's live action puppet television program series created by Jim Henson. The central characters were a set of "Muppet" creatures called Fraggles. The show ran from January 10, 1983, to March 30, 1987, on CBC Television in Canada, ITV in the UK, HBO in the United States,...
(Red Fraggle)
- AIKa: Little Trigger Girl (Felnand Mizusumashi)
- Amitie (featuring Konami Yoshida and Kae Araki)
- Ouran High School Host ClubOuran High School Host Clubis a manga series by Bisco Hatori, serialized in Hakusensha's LaLa magazine since August 5, 2003. The series follows Haruhi Fujioka, a scholarship student at Ouran High School, and the other members of the popular host club. The romantic comedy focuses on the relationships within and without the...
(Ayanokōji) - CD Theater: Dragon QuestDragon Quest, published as Dragon Warrior in North America until 2005,Due to the inconsistent usage by sources since Square Enix obtained the naming rights to Dragon Quest in North America. Dragon Quest has been used by sources to refer to games released solely under the Dragon Warrior titles...
Dubbing Roles
- Thomas the Tank Engine and FriendsThomas the Tank Engine and FriendsThomas and Friends is a British children's television series, first broadcast on the ITV network in September 1984. Until 2003, it was named Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends. This series was shot on 35mm film...
(Mavis (first voice) and Alice) - Ed, Edd, n Eddy - SarahSarahSarah or Sara was the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac as described in the Hebrew Bible and the Quran. Her name was originally Sarai...
- The TudorsThe TudorsThe Tudors is a Canadian produced historical fiction television series filmed in Ireland, created by Michael Hirst and produced for the American premium cable television channel Showtime...
Catherine of AragonCatherine of AragonCatherine of Aragon , also known as Katherine or Katharine, was Queen consort of England as the first wife of King Henry VIII of England and Princess of Wales as the wife to Arthur, Prince of Wales...
, Anne of ClevesAnne of ClevesAnne of Cleves was a German noblewoman and the fourth wife of Henry VIII of England and as such she was Queen of England from 6 January 1540 to 9 July 1540. The marriage was never consummated, and she was not crowned queen consort...
and Catherine ParrCatherine ParrCatherine Parr ; 1512 – 5 September 1548) was Queen consort of England and Ireland and the last of the six wives of King Henry VIII of England. She married Henry VIII on 12 July 1543. She was the fourth commoner Henry had taken as his consort, and outlived him... - Totally Spies! Sam(Samantha) & Phoebe Simpson
External links
- Kae Araki at the Hitoshi DoiHitoshi Doiwas born October 17, 1963 in Chigasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Doi was a Japanese baseball player, winning several awards during his career. He also runs an English language anime and seiyū information website, which was established on June 10, 1994....
Seiyuu DB