Jura Observatory
Observatoire astronomique jurassien (Jura Observatory) is an astronomical
Astronomy is a natural science that deals with the study of celestial objects and phenomena that originate outside the atmosphere of Earth...

An observatory is a location used for observing terrestrial or celestial events. Astronomy, climatology/meteorology, geology, oceanography and volcanology are examples of disciplines for which observatories have been constructed...

 owned and operated by Société Jurassienne d'Astronomie. Built in 1993/1998, it is located near Vicques
Vicques, Switzerland
Vicques is a municipality in the district of Delémont in the canton of Jura in Switzerland.Jura Observatory is located above Vicques.-External links:*...

 in the Canton of Jura
Canton of Jura
The Republic and Canton of the Jura , also known as the Canton of Jura or Canton Jura, is one of the cantons of Switzerland. It is the newest of the 26 Swiss cantons, located in the northwestern part of Switzerland. The capital is Delémont...

, Switzerland
Switzerland name of one of the Swiss cantons. ; ; ; or ), in its full name the Swiss Confederation , is a federal republic consisting of 26 cantons, with Bern as the seat of the federal authorities. The country is situated in Western Europe,Or Central Europe depending on the definition....

. Its IAU observatory code is 185.

On August 28, 2008, Michel Ory discovered the periodic comet P/2008 Q2 (Ory) at the observatory.

External links

  • http://www.jura-observatory.ch
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