Jommeke is the name of a Flemish comic book
Franco-Belgian comics
Franco-Belgian comics are comics that are created in Belgium and France. These countries have a long tradition in comics and comic books, where they are known as BDs, an abbreviation of bande dessinée in French and stripverhalen in Dutch...

 series and of its main character. It deals with the adventures of Jommeke, a boy of about 11 years old and his friends. The creator of Jommeke was Jef Nys
Jef Nys
Jozef "Jef" Nys was a Belgian comic book creator. He was best known for his comic strip Jommeke.-Biography:...



The first appearance of Jommeke was on 30 October 1955, as a gag strip
Comic strip
A comic strip is a sequence of drawings arranged in interrelated panels to display brief humor or form a narrative, often serialized, with text in balloons and captions....

 in the parish magazine Kerk en Leven. Nys took on long adventure stories with the Jommeke character in Het Volk
Het Volk (newspaper)
Het Volk was a Belgian newspaper that focused on "news with a human undertone".-Mission statement:"You will find what you are looking for in Het Volk, the only newspaper where people really make the news. You will read everything on small and big events in your neighborhoods, your cities and far...

 in 1958, while also continuing Jommeke gag pages in 't Kapoentje. Jommeke has sold 51 million albums in Belgium
Belgium , officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a federal state in Western Europe. It is a founding member of the European Union and hosts the EU's headquarters, and those of several other major international organisations such as NATO.Belgium is also a member of, or affiliated to, many...

 alone, which means an average of about 5 albums per person. This makes Jommeke the best-selling comic book series in Belgium behind Spike and Suzy
Spike and Suzy
Spike and Suzy, the British title for Suske en Wiske in Dutch, is a comics series created by the Belgian comics author Willy Vandersteen. The strip is known as Bob et Bobette in French and Willy and Wanda in the U.S. It was first published in De Nieuwe Standaard in 1945 and soon became popular...

.There's also a newspaper for children called "Jommekeskrant", which is delivered weekly together with popular Flemish newspaper "Het Nieuwsblad
Het Nieuwsblad
Het Nieuwsblad is a Belgian newspaper that mainly focusses on "a broad view" regarding politics, culture, economics, lifestyle, society and sports.-Mission statement:...



Jommeke is a young boy who lives with his parents in Zonnedorp. He has no siblings, but he has a parrot
Parrots, also known as psittacines , are birds of the roughly 372 species in 86 genera that make up the order Psittaciformes, found in most tropical and subtropical regions. The order is subdivided into three families: the Psittacidae , the Cacatuidae and the Strigopidae...

 named Flip who accompanies him everywhere. He is clever, honest, brave, loves adventure, and is recognisable by his distinct blonde haircut.


Jommeke's best friend, Filiberke joins him on most of his adventures. His pitch-black haircolor contrasts nicely with the protagonist. He is creative, and a bit crazy too. Many albums start with Filiberke engaging in some crazy activity relating to the main story (e.g. he's "playing a cucumber" at the start of album 146 Komkommer in 't zuur). Often pretends to be sick, most to the annoyance of the other characters. He is often joined by his black poodle, Pekkie.

Annemieke and Rozemieke

An identical, blonde pony-tailed twin, also called "The Miekes". They are also good friends with Jommeke. Annemieke even has somewhat of a crush on Jommeke, and Rozemieke on Filiberke. The twins are little mothers, and love to take care of cooking and washing whenever it is needed. Their pet "Choco", a monkey they received as a gift, is named after its love for chocolate spread
Chocolate spread
Chocolate spread is a chocolate-flavoured paste which is eaten mostly spread on breads and toasts or similar pastries such as muffins and pitas.Chocolate spread is a product favored mainly by children and serves as a prevalent spread on their sandwiches....

 (or choco in Flanders).

Professor Gobelijn

The inventions of this good-hearted professor
A professor is a scholarly teacher; the precise meaning of the term varies by country. Literally, professor derives from Latin as a "person who professes" being usually an expert in arts or sciences; a teacher of high rank...

 often give rise to weird situations. In many albums he invents a potion that accidentally gets mixed in Zonnedorp's water supply, thus affecting the entire population of the town. He is also notoriously confused, often stating exactly the opposite of what he means, only to correct it immediately afterwards. I.e. "We will arrive next year, I mean tomorrow", "I have completely forgotten, I mean I remember it now." His inventions include pills that make people fly, a car that runs on grass, a submarine in the shape of a whale etc. in "Purpere Pillen" Jommeke saves his life helped by Filiberke.


The main bad guy from the album. He is a butler
A butler is a domestic worker in a large household. In great houses, the household is sometimes divided into departments with the butler in charge of the dining room, wine cellar, and pantry. Some also have charge of the entire parlour floor, and housekeepers caring for the entire house and its...

, and comes up with many evil schemes to steal money from people.

Kwak and Boemel

Two other bad guys that live in a digged hole in the ground of Zonnedorp's woods. Both are not able to pronounce words correctly, though each pronounces words incorrectly in a different way.

Koningin van onderland

The Main bad woman from the albums. She's a crazy old woman who wants to start her underworld by kidnapping children from the towns of Zonnedorp. In album 3 she gets taken prison by the angry parents of the children an brought to a mental institution. She escapes sometimes but Jommeke keeps on putting her back in the institution. As from album 249 the queen of the underworld is released from the institution an she stays in her castle now.

List of albums

Up till now, the following Jommekes albums exist:
  1. De jacht op een voetbal
  2. De zingende aap
  3. De koningin van Onderland
  4. Purperen pillen
  5. De muzikale Bella
  6. Het hemelhuis
  7. De zwarte bomma
  8. De ooievaar van Begonia
  9. De schildpaddenschat
  10. De straalvogel
  11. De zonnemummie
  12. Paradijseiland
  13. Het Jampuddingspook
  14. Op heksenjacht
  15. Het staartendorp
  16. De gouden jaguar
  17. Diep in de put
  18. Met Fifi op reis
  19. Wie zoekt die vindt
  20. Apen in huis
  21. Het verkeerde land
  22. Het wonderdrankje
  23. Dolle fratsen
  24. De verloren zoon
  25. De zeven snuifdozen
  26. Kinderen baas
  27. Geheime opdracht
  28. De Samsons
  29. De vliegende ton
  30. Jommeke in de Far West
  31. Knappe Mataboe
  32. In Pimpeltjesland
  33. Jacht op Gobelijn
  34. Jommeke in de knel
  35. Gekke grappen
  36. Neuzen bij de vleet
  37. De schat van de zeerover
  38. Kaas met gaatjes
  39. Lieve Choco
  40. Anakwaboe
  41. Twee halve lappen
  42. De witte bolhoed
  43. Filiberke gaat trouwen
  44. De Jommekesclub
  45. De zeepkoning
  46. De tocht naar Asnapije
  47. Diamanten in de zoo
  48. De zilveren giraf
  49. De groene maskers
  50. De plastieken walvis
  51. De fwietmachine
  52. De zingende oorbellen
  53. Het kristallen eendje
  54. Broeder Anatolius
  55. Tita Telajora
  56. De vruchtenmakers
  57. Het geheim van Macu Ancapa
  58. De strijd om de Incaschat
  59. De Kuko-eieren
  60. Alarm in de rode baai
  61. De hoed van Napoleon
  62. Luilekkerland
  63. Madam Pepermunt
  64. De kristallen grot
  65. De grasmobiel
  66. De vrolijke bende
  67. De slaapkop
  68. De gele spin
  69. Straffa Toebaka
  70. De verborgen tempel
  71. De sprekende ezel
  72. Choco ontvoerd
  73. De gekke wekker
  74. De Kikiwikies
  75. Prinses Pott
  76. Het rode oog
  77. Peuterweelde
  78. Juffrouw Perlefinneke
  79. Het plezante kliekske
  80. De njam-njambloem
  81. De luchtzwemmers
  82. Opstand in Kokowoko
  83. De stenen aapjes
  84. De Plank van Jan Haring
  85. De granda papiljan
  86. De lustige slurvers
  87. De stad in de vulkaan
  88. Jommeke in Bobbejaanland
  89. Het piepende bed
  90. De kleine professor
  91. Prins Filiberke
  92. Het aards paradijs
  93. De haaienrots
  94. De supervrouw
  95. Melanie
  96. Paniek rond Odilon
  97. De valse kameel
  98. De kaart van Wawa Wang
  99. De grote knoeiboel
  100. Het jubilee
  101. Het monster in de ruïne
  102. De vampier van Drakenburg
  103. De bron van El Razar
  104. De vlucht van Bella
  105. De knook van Azmor
  106. Zoete Mosterd
  107. De pestkopjes
  108. De sidderplanten
  109. Guitenstreken
  110. De viool van Varazdina
  111. De olijke oliemannen
  112. Het ei van de smartlapvogel
  113. In de greep van Mac Rum
  114. Het kriebelkruid
  115. De lappenpop van Anatool
  116. De gelukzoekers
  117. De stenen handdruk
  118. De bedrogen miljonair
  119. Het apencircus
  120. De vlag van Lord Chester
  121. De rare doedelzak
  122. Het Boheems schommelpaard
  123. De schat van Angkor
  124. Het geheimzinnige eiland
  125. Drie in een slag
  126. Het bal van Mathilde
  127. De watervallen van Svanjabak
  128. De grote zeilrace
  129. De whiskymaker
  130. Het geheim van Ambiorix
  131. De kippen van Gobelijn
  132. De spookkrater
  133. Het gekkegas
  134. De prinsen van Snoby
  135. De kruik van Aztrakan
  136. Het monster uit de diepte
  137. Apen te koop
  138. De rib van Kalafar
  139. De blauwe grot
  140. De Chinese kast
  141. De bruid van El Toro
  142. De documenten van Langneus
  143. Va Kwak en moe Boemel
  144. De pijp van Geurig Gras
  145. Het levenselixir
  146. Komkommer in 't zuur
  147. Het Yacochacabeeldje
  148. De vliegende brigade
  149. De grote puzzel
  150. De gestoorde zeereis
  151. Het meermonster
  152. S.O.S. Benistal
  153. Het hoofd van Samos
  154. De hellestokers
  155. De kleine vandaal
  156. De superster
  157. De koningin van Kachar El Nachar
  158. Het probleem van Jeff Klaxon
  159. De kokoskoe
  160. De verdroogde bron
  161. Drie toverstokjes
  162. De zwarte parel
  163. Het Midasmysterie
  164. Het verdwenen kasteel
  165. Spaghetti met kaas
  166. De mandoline van Caroline
  167. De appelvreters
  168. Het heksenbal
  169. De slangegodin
  170. Het Chocokomplot
  171. De goudvis van Filiberke
  172. Fifi in de knoei
  173. Het geheim van de hoefslag
  174. Het zevende zwaard
  175. De verdwaalde vuurtoren
  176. De snoezige dino's
  177. Kwistig kwissen
  178. Het bedreigde paradijs
  179. Paniek op de Akropolis
  180. Filicasso
  181. De valse papegaai
  182. Het zingende moeras
  183. Berta Gobelijn
  184. De kroon van Kazimir
  185. De modekoningin
  186. De pruik van Anatool
  187. De zwarte cactus
  188. De vurige inktvis
  189. De koppige cobra
  190. Alarm in het begijnhof
  191. De magische spiegel
  192. De drietand van Neptunus
  193. De zilveren traan
  194. Dinopolis
  195. Gerommel in de Far West
  196. De Elfenbron
  197. Het schuimspook
  198. De Kraaienburcht
  199. De vergeten mijn
  200. Stefanie Stekkebeen
  201. De Kovonita's
  202. De panda van Wanda
  203. De lachende mango's
  204. De verdwenen tuinkabouter
  205. De kopermicroben
  206. De ring van Mac Rum
  207. De geniale malloten
  208. Het raadsel van Kiekebilleke
  209. Blinkende knopen
  210. Het pompoenenkasteel
  211. De geest van Anakwaboe
  212. De limonadelelies
  213. Zeven sterren
  214. Holeman
  215. De kimono van Yamamatsu
  216. De laatste viking
  217. Zoektocht naar Sorab
  218. Het blauwe prieeltje
  219. Operatie Bonsaï
  220. De frietbaron
  221. Wowofski
  222. Strijd om de bizon
  223. De komkommerprinses
  224. De rare kwibussen
  225. De erfenis van Sorgeloos
  226. Het luchtkasteel
  227. Het brein van Gobelijn
  228. De goudkoorts van Anatool
  229. Het slimme varken
  230. Pekkie in Hollywood
  231. Het zeemeerdinges
  232. Duel in Venetië
  233. Paljaskof
  234. De pechvogel
  235. Mama Mataboe
  236. De dobbelmannetjes
  237. Het roze olifantje
  238. Kamperen is plezant
  239. Graaf Dondersteen
  240. De beer op sokken
  241. Nobelprijs voor Gobelijn
  242. De puddingkoningin
  243. Het zwarte prikgevaar
  244. Groene Haring
  245. Het vreemde avontuur
  246. Filiberke en Biliferke
  247. Krokodillentranen
  248. Fifi kampioen
  249. Het Oké-parfum

There are also some special albums, with a few games, jokes and some of the above stories added:
  1. Jommeke's album 4 2001
  2. Winteralbum 2001
  3. Veilig door het verkeer met Jommeke 2002
  4. Winteralbum 2002
  5. Winteralbum 2003
  6. Winteralbum 2004
  7. Winteralbum 2005
  8. Winteralbum 2006
  9. Zomeralbum 2003
  10. Zomeralbum 2004
  11. Zomeralbum 2005
  12. Zomeralbum 2006
  13. Zomeralbum 2007


Apart from some editions for the Netherlands
The Netherlands is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located mainly in North-West Europe and with several islands in the Caribbean. Mainland Netherlands borders the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east, and shares maritime borders...

, Jommeke has been unsuccessfully translated into French, English, Finnish and Swedish.

A German edition was published from 1971 until around 1980 and lasted 32 volumes (the original comics were printed out of order and volumes 27-28 do not exist!) by Gemini Verlag (1-18) and Europress (19-26, 29-34). The series title was (Die tollen Abenteuer von) Peter + Alexander, obviously a play of words on Austrian actor and singer Peter Alexander.
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