John Mackintosh Howie
John Mackintosh Howie, CBE
Order of the British Empire
The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is an order of chivalry established on 4 June 1917 by George V of the United Kingdom. The Order comprises five classes in civil and military divisions...

Royal Society of Edinburgh
The Royal Society of Edinburgh is Scotland's national academy of science and letters. It is a registered charity, operating on a wholly independent and non-party-political basis and providing public benefit throughout Scotland...

 (born 23 May 1936), Scottish
Scotland is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. Occupying the northern third of the island of Great Britain, it shares a border with England to the south and is bounded by the North Sea to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the north and west, and the North Channel and Irish Sea to the...

A mathematician is a person whose primary area of study is the field of mathematics. Mathematicians are concerned with quantity, structure, space, and change....

, is a prominent semigroup
In mathematics, a semigroup is an algebraic structure consisting of a set together with an associative binary operation. A semigroup generalizes a monoid in that there might not exist an identity element...


Howie was educated at Robert Gordon's College
Robert Gordon's College
Robert Gordon's College is a private co-educational day school in Aberdeen, Scotland. The school caters for pupils from Nursery-S6.-History:...

, Aberdeen
Aberdeen is Scotland's third most populous city, one of Scotland's 32 local government council areas and the United Kingdom's 25th most populous city, with an official population estimate of ....

, the University of Aberdeen
University of Aberdeen
The University of Aberdeen, an ancient university founded in 1495, in Aberdeen, Scotland, is a British university. It is the third oldest university in Scotland, and the fifth oldest in the United Kingdom and wider English-speaking world...

and Balliol College, Oxford
Balliol College, Oxford
Balliol College , founded in 1263, is one of the constituent colleges of the University of Oxford in England but founded by a family with strong Scottish connections....


He won the Keith Prize of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
Royal Society of Edinburgh
The Royal Society of Edinburgh is Scotland's national academy of science and letters. It is a registered charity, operating on a wholly independent and non-party-political basis and providing public benefit throughout Scotland...

, 1979-81.

Public appointments

  • Mathematics Panel, Scottish Examination Board
    Scottish Examination Board
    The Scottish Examination Board was the academic examination board for schools in Scotland until 1997.It used to administer all of Scotland's academic qualifications, including Standard Grades and Highers....

     1967-73; Convener from 1970
  • Chairman, Scottish Central Committee for Mathematics 1975-81
  • President, Edinburgh Mathematical Society
    Edinburgh Mathematical Society
    The Edinburgh Mathematical Society is the leading mathematical society in Scotland.The Society was founded in 1883 by a group of Edinburgh schoolteachers and academics, on the initiative of A. Y. Fraser and A. J. G. Barclay, teachers at George Watson's College and Cargill Gilston Knott, who was the...

  • London Mathematical Society
    London Mathematical Society
    -See also:* American Mathematical Society* Edinburgh Mathematical Society* European Mathematical Society* List of Mathematical Societies* Council for the Mathematical Sciences* BCS-FACS Specialist Group-External links:* * *...

    • Council 1982-88, 1989–92
    • Vice-president 1986-88, 1990–92
    • Chairman of Education Committee 1985-89
    • Chairman of Public Affairs Committee 1990-92
  • Member of Dunning Committee 1975-77
  • Chairman of Governors, Dundee College of Education 1983-87
  • Governor, Northern College of Education 1987-2001
  • Chairman, Scottish Mathematical Council 1987 -93
  • Chairman, Committee to review fifth and sixth years (Howie Committee) 1990-92
  • Council, Royal Society of Edinburgh
    Royal Society of Edinburgh
    The Royal Society of Edinburgh is Scotland's national academy of science and letters. It is a registered charity, operating on a wholly independent and non-party-political basis and providing public benefit throughout Scotland...

  • Chairman, Steering Committee, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences
    International Centre for Mathematical Sciences
    The International Centre for Mathematical Sciences is a mathematical research centre based in Edinburgh. According to its website, the Centre is "designed to bring together mathematicians and practitioners in science, industry and commerce for research workshops and other meetings."The Centre was...


External links

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