John Gast (painter)
John Gast was a Prussian-born painter and lithographer
Lithography is a method for printing using a stone or a metal plate with a completely smooth surface...

 who lived and worked most of his life in Brooklyn
Brooklyn is the most populous of New York City's five boroughs, with nearly 2.6 million residents, and the second-largest in area. Since 1896, Brooklyn has had the same boundaries as Kings County, which is now the most populous county in New York State and the second-most densely populated...

, New York. He is most famous for painting American Progress, an allegory of Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny was the 19th century American belief that the United States was destined to expand across the continent. It was used by Democrat-Republicans in the 1840s to justify the war with Mexico; the concept was denounced by Whigs, and fell into disuse after the mid-19th century.Advocates of...

that was widely disseminated in engravings and chromolithographic prints. Other than that, little is known about him.

External links

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