Job Lyman
Job Lyman was a Vermont
Vermont is a state in the New England region of the northeastern United States of America. The state ranks 43rd in land area, , and 45th in total area. Its population according to the 2010 census, 630,337, is the second smallest in the country, larger only than Wyoming. It is the only New England...

A politician, political leader, or political figure is an individual who is involved in influencing public policy and decision making...

, attorney and bank
A bank is a financial institution that serves as a financial intermediary. The term "bank" may refer to one of several related types of entities:...

er who served as Vermont's State Auditor.


Job Lyman was born in Northampton, Massachusetts
Northampton, Massachusetts
The city of Northampton is the county seat of Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States. As of the 2010 census, the population of Northampton's central neighborhoods, was 28,549...

 on December 9, 1781. He graduated from Dartmouth College
Dartmouth College
Dartmouth College is a private, Ivy League university in Hanover, New Hampshire, United States. The institution comprises a liberal arts college, Dartmouth Medical School, Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business, as well as 19 graduate programs in the arts and sciences...

 in 1804, studied law, was admitted to the bar, and began a practice in Woodstock, Vermont.

In addition to practicing law, Lyman was involved in banking, serving as Cashier of the Woodstock branch of the Vermont State Bank and President of the Woodstock Bank.

Lyman was active in local government, including serving as a Justice of the Peace and Auditor for Windsor County.

Active in the Congregational church
Congregational church
Congregational churches are Protestant Christian churches practicing Congregationalist church governance, in which each congregation independently and autonomously runs its own affairs....

, Lyman served as Treasurer
A treasurer is the person responsible for running the treasury of an organization. The adjective for a treasurer is normally "tresorial". The adjective "treasurial" normally means pertaining to a treasury, rather than the treasurer.-Government:...

 of the Vermont Domestic Missionary Society from 1821 to 1827.

From 1813 to 1815 Lyman served as Vermont's Auditor of Accounts.

From 1829 to 1830 Lyman served as a member of Vermont's Governor's Council.

In 1850 Lyman moved to Burlington
Burlington, Vermont
Burlington is the largest city in the U.S. state of Vermont and the shire town of Chittenden County. Burlington lies south of the U.S.-Canadian border and some south of Montreal....

, where he died on September 10, 1870.
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