Jennifer Calvert
Jennifer Calvert is a Canadian actress with many years experience on stage and primarily UK television. She trained at RADA
Rada is the term for "council" or "assembly"borrowed by Polish from the Low Franconian "Rad" and later passed into the Czech, Ukrainian, and Belarusian languages....

 and is most famous for her role in children's comedy drama Spatz
Spatz is a children's comedy series that ran on CITV during the 1990s, produced by Thames Television and created by Andrew Bethell. The show originally ran from 28 February 1990 to 10 April 1992, with repeats shown until 1996. The show centred around a fictional burger bar situated in Cricklewood,...

in the 1990s. She has guest starred in other shows such as Mike and Angelo
Mike and Angelo
Mike and Angelo is a sci-fi TV sitcom series that ran on CITV between 16 March 1989 and 7 March 2000. It centres on Angelo , an alien who came from another world during the first series; the portal from his world being that of a...

; Stargate SG-1
Stargate SG-1
Stargate SG-1 is a Canadian-American adventure and military science fiction television series and part of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's Stargate franchise. The show, created by Brad Wright and Jonathan Glassner, is based on the 1994 feature film Stargate by Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich...

; The Fast Show
The Fast Show
The Fast Show, known as Brilliant in the US, was a BBC comedy sketch show programme that ran for three series from 1994 to 1997 with a special Last Fast Show Ever in 2000. The show's central performers were Paul Whitehouse, Charlie Higson, Simon Day, Mark Williams, John Thomson, Arabella Weir and...

; Red Dwarf
Red Dwarf
Red Dwarf is a British comedy franchise which primarily comprises eight series of a television science fiction sitcom that aired on BBC Two between 1988 and 1999 and Dave from 2009–present. It gained cult following. It was created by Rob Grant and Doug Naylor, who also wrote the first six series...

and Holby City
Holby City
Holby City, stylised as Holby Ci+y, is a British medical drama television series that airs weekly on BBC One.The series was created by Tony McHale and Mal Young as a spin-off from the established BBC medical drama Casualty, and premiered on 12 January 1999...

. She appeared in adverts for Energiser batteries and the feature film Proteus. In the late 1980s she also played the part of Cheryl Boyanowsky in long running soap opera, Brookside
Brookside is a defunct British soap opera set in Liverpool, England. The series began on the launch night of Channel 4 on 2 November 1982, and ran for 21 years until 4 November 2003...
