Janice Knickrehm
Janice Knickrehm is an actress known for her role in the film Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers
Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers
Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers is a 1995 American horror film and the sixth installment in the Halloween series. Directed by Joe Chappelle from a screenplay by Daniel Farrands, the plot involves the "Curse of Thorn", a mystical symbol first shown in Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers...

, as Ms. Blankenship. She made an appearance at the 25 Year Anniversary convention for Halloween
Halloween (franchise)
Halloween is an American horror franchise that consists of ten slasher films, novels, and comic books. The franchise focuses on the fictional character of Michael Myers who was committed to a sanitarium as a child for the murder of his older sister, Judith Myers...

held in Pasadena, California
Pasadena, California
Pasadena is a city in Los Angeles County, California, United States. Although famous for hosting the annual Rose Bowl football game and Tournament of Roses Parade, Pasadena is the home to many scientific and cultural institutions, including the California Institute of Technology , the Jet...

 in 2003. She participated in a discussion panel that consisted of Kim Darby
Kim Darby
Kim Darby is an American actress perhaps best known for co-starring with John Wayne and country singer/actor Glen Campbell in the 1969 western True Grit.-Early life and film career:...

, Bradford English
Bradford English
Bradford English Born in 1943, is a character actor who has starred in film and on movies. He is best known in the horror film community for his role in the 1995 horror movie Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers as John Strode...

, Daniel Farrands, and Marianne Hagan
Marianne Hagan
Marianne Hagan is an American actress and writer.-Early life:Hagan was born and raised in New York and is of Irish, Scottish, Italian and Belgian descent...

, among others, that allowed fans attending the event to ask questions of the cast and crew participating in the panel about the film and their experiences in making the film.

External links

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