International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication
International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication (ICAAP) is non-profit publisher of academic journals, hosted at Athabasca University
Athabasca University
Athabasca University is a Canadian university in Athabasca, Alberta. It is an accredited research institution which also offers distance education courses and programs. Courses are offered primarily in English with some French offerings. Each year, 32,000 students attend the university. It offers...

, Canada. It was founded as International Consortium for Alternative Academic Publication in 1998 by Mike Sosteric.

It uses Open Journal Systems
Open Journal Systems
Open Journal Systems is an open-source software for the management of peer-reviewer academic journals, created by the Public Knowledge Project, released under the GNU General Public License.-Design:...



Their database of journals includes:
  • Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
    Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
    The Australasian Journal of Educational Technology is a peer-reviewed academic journal covering researchin educational technology, instructional design, online and e-learning, educational design, multimedia, computer assisted learning, and related areas...

  • Canadian Journal for Traditional Music
  • Electronic Journal of Sociology
    Electronic Journal of Sociology
    The Electronic Journal of Sociology is an online open access academic journal of sociology. It published its first volume in 1994, when it was founded by Michael Sosteric. Andreas Scheider took as chief editor until 2004, when Michael Sosteric returned and Adam Rafalovich became the co-editor in...

  • International Journal of Baudrillard Studies
    International Journal of Baudrillard Studies
    The International Journal of Baudrillard Studies is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, non-profit, transdisciplinary publication dedicated to engaging the thought and writing of Jean Baudrillard...

  • Journal of Research Practice
    Journal of Research Practice
    Journal of Research Practice is a peer-reviewed electronic journal with a transdisciplinary focus, published as an open access journal, i.e., full-text access is free to all readers. It uses Open Journal Systems to manage the online publication process...

  • Radical Pedagogy
    Radical Pedagogy
    Radical Pedagogy is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed open access journal covering contemporary pedagogy. Radical Pedagogy is published on a quarterly basis by the International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication although as of November 2011 their website lists the "current...

  • The Qualitative Report
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