Independent Education Center (Israel)
The Independent Education Center of Israel was created in 1953 through the State Education law that was then implemented in the young Israel
The State of Israel is a parliamentary republic located in the Middle East, along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea...

. The center is an umbrella organization that operates numerous schools throughout Israel, and is a vital part of the Haredi education system in Israel.

The center was a main focus of the controversial Court ruling
Immanuel Beit Yaakov controversy
The "Immanuel Beit Yaakov controversy" concerns the founding of a Chassidic girls' school in the town of Immanuel in September 2007. A Shas-Mayan Sephardic girls' school, "Ohel Rachel VeLeah", was also founded in Immanuel in September 2007...

 against the Beit Yaakov school in Immanuel
Immanuel or Emmanuel or Imanu'el . It is a theophoric name used in the Bible in and...

in summer 2010, when it was fined for not obliging with the court's ruling.
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