Huntingdon (provincial electoral district)
Huntingdon is a provincial electoral district in Quebec
Quebec or is a province in east-central Canada. It is the only Canadian province with a predominantly French-speaking population and the only one whose sole official language is French at the provincial level....

, Canada
Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...

 that elects members to the National Assembly of Quebec
National Assembly of Quebec
The National Assembly of Quebec is the legislative body of the Province of Quebec. The Lieutenant Governor and the National Assembly compose the Parliament of Quebec, which operates in a fashion similar to those of other British-style parliamentary systems.The National Assembly was formerly the...

. The riding was created in 2001 from parts of Beauharnois-Huntingdon and Saint-Jean
Saint-Jean (provincial electoral district)
Saint-Jean is a provincial electoral district in the province of Quebec. Located in the Montérégie region south of Montreal, the riding was created in 1853. During the Liberal term under Adelard Godbout, it was part of the riding of Saint-Jean-Napierville between 1939 and 1944...

. It also existed from 1867 to 1989. It includes the cities or municipalities of Huntingdon
Huntingdon, Quebec
Huntingdon is a small town in Huntingdon County in the Haut-Saint-Laurent Regional County Municipality and the Montérégie region of the province of Quebec, Canada. The population as of the Canada 2006 Census was 2,587...

, Saint-Anicet
Saint-Anicet, Quebec
Saint-Anicet is a parish municipality of Quebec, located within the Le Haut-Saint-Laurent Regional County Municipality in the Montérégie administrative region...

, Hemmingford
Hemmingford (township), Quebec
Hemmingford is a township in south-west Quebec, founded in 1799. The population as of the Canada 2006 Census was 1,763. The township completely surrounds the Village of Hemmingford. The two entities are locally referred to collectively as Hemmingford...

, Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle
Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle, Quebec
Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle is a municipality in Les Jardins-de-Napierville Regional County Municipality, Quebec, Canada, located in the administrative area of Montérégie. The population as of the Canada 2006 Census was 1,537. Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle was established officially in 1855...

, Napierville
Napierville, Quebec
Napierville is a municipality in the Jardins de Napierville Regional County Municipality in Quebec, Canada, situated in the Montérégie administrative region. The population as of the Canada 2006 Census was 3,352. It is the location of the seat of the Jardins de Napierville Regional County...

, Ormstown
Ormstown, Quebec
Ormstown is a municipality in Quebec, Canada, which is situated on the Chateauguay River in the heart of the Chateauguay Valley. It is approximately one hour southwest of Montreal and 20 minutes north of New York State in the United States...

 and Saint-Remi
Saint-Rémi, Quebec
Saint-Remi is a city in the municipality of Les Jardins-de-Napierville in Quebec, Canada, situated in the Montérégie administrative region. The population as of the Canada 2011 Census was around 7000.-Population:Population trend -Population:...


Members of Legislative Assembly

  1. Julius Scriver
    Julius Scriver
    Julius Scriver was a politician in Quebec, Canada.Born in Hemmingford, Lower Canada , the son of John Scriver and Lucretia Manning, he studied at the Workman's School in Montreal and the University of Vermont...

    , Conservative Party
    Parti conservateur du Québec
    The Parti conservateur du Québec was a political party in Quebec, Canada.-Origins:The party originated as the Parti bleu which was formed around 1850 by the followers of Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine...

  2. William Cantwell
    William Cantwell
    William Cantwell was a merchant, land owner and political figure in Quebec. He represented Huntingdon in the Legislative Assembly of Quebec from 1869 to 1872 as a Conservative member....

    , Conservative Party (1869-1871)
  3. Thomas Sanders
    Thomas Sanders (politician)
    Thomas Sanders was a merchant and political figure in Quebec. He represented Huntingdon in the Legislative Assembly of Quebec from 1871 to 1874 as a Conservative....

    , Conservative Party (1871-1874)
  4. Alexander Cameron
    Alexander Cameron (politician)
    Alexander Cameron was a physician and political figure in Quebec. He represented Huntingdon in the Legislative Assembly of Quebec from 1874 to 1892 as a Conservative and then Liberal member....

    , Conservative Party - Liberal (1874-1892)
  5. George Washington Sanders (Sr.), Liberal (1892-1900)
  6. William H. Walker, Liberal (1900-1913)
  7. Andrew Philps, Liberal (1913-1929)
  8. Martin Fisher
    Martin Fisher
    Martin Beattie Fisher was a Canadian politician. He was a Member of the provincial legislature in Quebec.-Background:He was born in Hemmingford, Montérégie on January 2, 1881.-Member of the legislature:...

    , Conservative Party - Union Nationale (1930-1939)
  9. James Walker Ross, Liberal (1939-1941)
  10. Dennis James O'Connor
    Dennis James O'Connor
    Dennis James O'Connor was a Quebec politician.An Irish Quebecer, O'Connor was born in Godmanchester, Quebec to farmer Andrew O'Connor and his wife, Mary Walsh...

    , Liberal (1941-1946)
  11. John Gillies Rennie, Union Nationale (1947-1952)
  12. Henry Alister Darby Somerville, Union Nationale (1952-1966)


  1. Kenneth Fraser, Liberal (1966-1976)
  2. Claude Dubois
    Claude Dubois (politician)
    Claude Dubois was a politician in Quebec, Canada. -Political career:Dubois was elected as a Union Nationale candidate to the provincial legislature in the district of Huntingdon with 42% of the vote in 1976, against Liberal incumbent Kenneth Fraser....

    , Union Nationale - Liberal (1976-1989)
  3. André Chenail
    André Chenail
    André Chenail is a farmer and former political figure in Quebec. He represented Huntingdon in the National Assembly of Quebec from 2003 to 2007 as a Liberal....

    , Liberal (2003-2007)
  4. Albert De Martin
    Albert De Martin
    Albert De Martin is a politician from Quebec, Canada. He was an Action démocratique du Québec Member of the National Assembly for the electoral district of Huntingdon from 2007 to 2008....

    , ADQ
    Action démocratique du Québec
    The Action démocratique du Québec, commonly referred to as the ADQ is a centre-right political party in Quebec, Canada. On the sovereignty question, it defines itself as autonomist, and has support from both soft nationalists and federalists....

  5. Stéphane Billette
    Stéphane Billette
    Stéphane Billette is a politician in the Canadian province of Quebec, who was elected to represent the riding of Huntingdon in the National Assembly of Quebec in the 2008 provincial election. He is a member of the Quebec Liberal Party....

    , Liberal (2008-present)

Election results


|Stéphane Billette
Stéphane Billette
Stéphane Billette is a politician in the Canadian province of Quebec, who was elected to represent the riding of Huntingdon in the National Assembly of Quebec in the 2008 provincial election. He is a member of the Quebec Liberal Party....


|Parti québécois
Parti Québécois
The Parti Québécois is a centre-left political party that advocates national sovereignty for the province of Quebec and secession from Canada. The Party traditionally has support from the labour movement. Unlike many other social-democratic parties, its ties with the labour movement are informal...

|Joan Gosselin

|Action démocratique
Action démocratique du Québec
The Action démocratique du Québec, commonly referred to as the ADQ is a centre-right political party in Quebec, Canada. On the sovereignty question, it defines itself as autonomist, and has support from both soft nationalists and federalists....

|Albert De Martin

|Québec solidaire
Québec Solidaire
Québec solidaire is a democratic socialist and sovereigntist political party in Quebec, Canada, that was created on 4 February 2006 in Montreal. It was formed by the merger of the left-wing party Union des forces progressistes and the alter-globalization political movement Option Citoyenne, led...

|Stephane Thellen

|Action démocratique
Action démocratique du Québec
The Action démocratique du Québec, commonly referred to as the ADQ is a centre-right political party in Quebec, Canada. On the sovereignty question, it defines itself as autonomist, and has support from both soft nationalists and federalists....

|Albert De Martin

|André Chenail

|Parti québécois
Parti Québécois
The Parti Québécois is a centre-left political party that advocates national sovereignty for the province of Quebec and secession from Canada. The Party traditionally has support from the labour movement. Unlike many other social-democratic parties, its ties with the labour movement are informal...

|Éric Pigeon

|Québec solidaire
Québec Solidaire
Québec solidaire is a democratic socialist and sovereigntist political party in Quebec, Canada, that was created on 4 February 2006 in Montreal. It was formed by the merger of the left-wing party Union des forces progressistes and the alter-globalization political movement Option Citoyenne, led...

|Marc Pronovost

|Jean Siouville

|André Chenail

|Parti québécois
Parti Québécois
The Parti Québécois is a centre-left political party that advocates national sovereignty for the province of Quebec and secession from Canada. The Party traditionally has support from the labour movement. Unlike many other social-democratic parties, its ties with the labour movement are informal...

|François Boileau

|Action démocratique
Action démocratique du Québec
The Action démocratique du Québec, commonly referred to as the ADQ is a centre-right political party in Quebec, Canada. On the sovereignty question, it defines itself as autonomist, and has support from both soft nationalists and federalists....

|Michel Lavoie

|Bloc pot
Bloc pot
The Bloc Pot is a provincial political party in Quebec, Canada that is dedicated to ending cannabis prohibition. It has contested three provincial elections but it has failed to win any seats in the National Assembly of Quebec. The party was launched in 1997 by Marc-Boris St-Maurice as a way to...

|Kenneth Rimmer
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