Hot Rod Condoms
Hot Rod Condoms is a range of condoms manufactured and distributed by U.S.-based Kinyon Enterprises, Ltd. The brand was launched in 1994 by founder and president Jon Kinyon
Jon Kinyon
Jon Kinyon is an American filmmaker, film editor, stop motion animator, music producer, song writer, parodist, webcomic creator/writer, and entrepreneur.-Hot Rod Condoms:Jon Kinyon is the founder and president of Hot Rod Condoms, a U.S...


In October 2002, Hot Rod Condoms introduced its Speedstrip Applicator condom, the first condom with a built-in applicator to be marketed worldwide. The patented applicator facilitates putting a condom on quickly and easily. This was also one of the first "novelty
A novelty item is a small manufactured adornment, especially a personal adornment.- Novelty item :This term covers a range of small manufactured goods, such as*antiques*collectables*chocolates*esoterica*executive toys*gadgets*tools and implements...

" condoms to meet U.S. Food and Drug Administration standards for disease prevention and contraception
Contraception is the prevention of the fusion of gametes during or after sexual activity. The term contraception is a contraction of contra, which means against, and the word conception, meaning fertilization...


External links

  • Official website
  • "Speedstrip Applicator" demonstration which aired Dec. 3, 2003 on TechTV
    TechTV was a 24-hour cable and satellite channel based in San Francisco featuring news and shows about computers, technology, and the Internet. In 2004, it merged with the G4 gaming channel which ultimately dissolved TechTV programming...

     (now G4 Media
    G4 Media
    G4 Media, Inc. is the parent company of G4, a 24-hour cable and satellite channel originally dedicated to video games. NBCUniversal holds a controlling interest in G4 Media, with Dish Network holding a minority interest of approximately 12%...

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