Historypin is an online, user-generated archive of historical photos and personal recollections. Users are able to use the location and date of an image to 'pin' it to Google Maps
Google Maps
Google Maps is a web mapping service application and technology provided by Google, free , that powers many map-based services, including the Google Maps website, Google Ride Finder, Google Transit, and maps embedded on third-party websites via the Google Maps API...

. Where Google Street View
Google Street View
Google Street View is a technology featured in Google Maps and Google Earth that provides panoramic views from various positions along many streets in the world...

 is available, users can overlay the historical photograph and compare it with the contemporary location. (Street Viewed Photo)

The website was created by the non-profit company We Are What We Do as part of their inter-generational work, with funding and support from Google
Google Inc. is an American multinational public corporation invested in Internet search, cloud computing, and advertising technologies. Google hosts and develops a number of Internet-based services and products, and generates profit primarily from advertising through its AdWords program...

 as part of a series of commitments to digital inclusion. The website has over 30,000 images and recollections “pinned” to the Historypin map, mainly in the UK but also covering North America and continental Europe, with a small number in other areas. The beta version of the website was launched in June 2010 at the Royal Institute
Royal institute
Royal Institute may refer to the following, among other institutions:* Royal Institute of Technology* Royal Institute of British Architects* Royal National Institute of Blind People* Royal Institute of Thailand* Royal Archaeological Institute...

 in London by Nick Stanhope, CEO of We Are What We Do.


The website features a range of themed collections, some of which commemorate historical events. Previous collections include:
August 2010: The High Street Collection
September 2010: The Blitz Collection to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the start of The Blitz.
October 2010: Haunted Collection
November 2010: The Second World War Collection to commemorate Remembrance Day.
December 2010: The Christmas Collection
January 2011: The Facial Hair Through Time Collection


As well as user-generated content, material has been added to the site from museums, local history societies, historical photo archives, newspaper archives and businesses. Contributors include Biggleswade History Society, Bishopsgate Institute
Bishopsgate Institute
Bishopsgate Institute is a cultural institute, located on Bishopsgate, in proximity of Liverpool Street station and Spitalfields market, London, England.Bishopsgate Institute was established in 1895...

, The John Lewis Partnership, Mirrorpix, The New York Transit Museum, PhillyHistory.org, The Ritz Hotel, Baltimore Museum of Industry
Baltimore Museum of Industry
Baltimore Museum of Industry is a museum at Baltimore, Maryland, United States. Located in an old cannery, the museum has exhibits on various types of manufacturing and industry from the early 20th century...

 and the Science and Society Picture Library.

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.