Heroes and Demons (Voyager episode)
"Heroes and Demons" is the 12th episode of Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek: Voyager is a science fiction television series set in the Star Trek universe. Set in the 24th century from the year 2371 through 2378, the series follows the adventures of the Starfleet vessel USS Voyager, which becomes stranded in the Delta Quadrant 70,000 light-years from Earth while...



The crew encounters a protostar
A protostar is a large mass that forms by contraction out of the gas of a giant molecular cloud in the interstellar medium. The protostellar phase is an early stage in the process of star formation. For a one solar-mass star it lasts about 100,000 years...

 and Captain Janeway
Kathryn Janeway
Kathryn Janeway, played by Kate Mulgrew, is a fictional character in the Star Trek franchise. As the captain of the Starfleet starship USS Voyager, she was the lead character on the television series Star Trek: Voyager, and later, a Starfleet admiral, as seen in the 2002 feature film Star Trek...

 decides to have samples beamed aboard for use as a potential power source. A problem occurs when beaming the samples to Voyager.

Janeway recommends to B’Elanna
B'Elanna Torres
B'Elanna Torres is a main character in Star Trek: Voyager played by Roxann Dawson. She is portrayed as a half-human half-Klingon born in 2349 on the Federation colony Kessik IV. Torres joined the Maquis in 2370 and was serving on the Val Jean when brought to the Delta Quadrant...

 that she should have Ensign Kim
Harry Kim (Star Trek)
Ensign Harry S. L. Kim, played by Garrett Wang, is a character in the television series Star Trek: Voyager. He serves as the USS Voyagers operations officer.-Depiction:...

's assistance, but it turns out that he is missing. The crew finds his holodeck
A holodeck, in the fictional Star Trek universe, is a simulated reality facility located on starships and starbases. The first use of a "holodeck" by that name in the Star Trek universe was in the pilot episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, "Encounter at Farpoint", although a conceptually...

 program Beowulf
Beowulf , but modern scholars agree in naming it after the hero whose life is its subject." of an Old English heroic epic poem consisting of 3182 alliterative long lines, set in Scandinavia, commonly cited as one of the most important works of Anglo-Saxon literature.It survives in a single...

still running. With each person sent into the holodeck also becoming lost, Captain Janeway finally sends in The Doctor
Doctor (Star Trek)
The Doctor, an Emergency Medical Hologram Mark I , is a fictional character from the television series Star Trek: Voyager, played by actor Robert Picardo...

 to investigate, under the assumption that, as an already immaterial hologram, he could not be dematerialized the way the missing crew had been. The Doctor shows signs of nervousness when preparing for this, his first "away" mission from sickbay, so Kes
Kes (Star Trek)
Kes is a character in the television series Star Trek: Voyager, played by Jennifer Lien.She was a regular for the first three seasons, leaving the show in the season four episode "The Gift". She made one guest appearance two seasons later....

 encourages him to take a name to embolden him with having an identity of his own. He takes the name of "Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer OM was a German theologian, organist, philosopher, physician, and medical missionary. He was born in Kaysersberg in the province of Alsace-Lorraine, at that time part of the German Empire...

" from a selection of three. The other two were never given.

Once in the holodeck, "Schweitzer" meets Freya, a Shieldmaiden
A shieldmaiden was a woman who had chosen to fight as a warrior in Scandinavian folklore and mythology. They are often mentioned in sagas such as Hervarar saga and in Gesta Danorum. Shieldmaidens also appear in stories of other Germanic nations: Goths, Cimbri, and Marcomanni. The mythical Valkyries...

. After taking him to the hall, where he is made to prove himself before the others, and after a celebratory meal, after which everyone has retired to separate rooms, she reappears and suggests that in the cold of the night when the fire in his hearth has gone out that he ought to join her. Though he dismisses her advances, he relaxes his inhibition in later episodes. Later they are confronted by an attacker and Freya is killed, dying in "Schweitzer's" arms. With her last words she hauntingly speaks his name.

As The Doctor investigates further, he realizes that alien energy lifeforms were beamed onto the ship within the containment field into which the protostar samples were transported. During the transport, one of the lifeforms managed to escape through a breach in the containment field. It escaped to the holodeck and began converting the matter of every person who entered into energy. The Doctor returns the energy samples holding the other lifeforms to the alien in the holodeck; in kind, the missing crew are returned to their original forms.

Afterwards, upon reflection, The Doctor decides not to keep the name Schweitzer, as his memories associated with it are too painful. He remains unnamed throughout the rest of the series with notable exceptions in the episodes "Before and After
Before and After (Star Trek: Voyager)
"Before and After" is an episode of the science-fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager, and the 21st episode of the third season. It has an average fan rating of 4.1/5 on the official Star Trek website as of September 2009 and foreshadows events seen in a later episode, "Year of...

", "Endgame" and "Lifesigns", though other people attempt to give him names.

External links

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