Haven (season 1)
The first season of the American television series Haven
Haven (TV series)
Haven is a supernatural drama television series loosely based on the Stephen King novel The Colorado Kid. The show, filmed on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada, is an American/Canadian co-production. The one-hour drama premiered on July 9, 2010, on Syfy...

premiered on July 9, 2010, and concluded on October 8, 2010, on Syfy
Syfy , formerly known as the Sci-Fi Channel and SCI FI, is an American cable television channel featuring science fiction, supernatural, fantasy, reality, paranormal, wrestling, and horror programming. Launched on September 24, 1992, it is part of the entertainment conglomerate NBCUniversal, a...

. The show aired on Fridays at 10:00 pm ET. The season consisted of 13 episodes. The show stars Emily Rose
Emily Rose (actress)
Emily Rose Maier is an American actress. She is best known for her lead role in the Syfy TV series Haven .-Early life:...

, Lucas Bryant
Lucas Bryant
-Biography:Bryant was born in Elmira, Ontario, Canada and he currently has dual Canadian and U.S. Citizenship. His father is from North Dakota and is of Scandinavian/Finnish heritage. His mother was also born and raised in the United States...

, Eric Balfour
Eric Balfour
Eric Salter Balfour is an American singer and actor of film and television. He is the lead singer of Born As Ghosts, formerly known as Fredalba...

 and Nicholas Campbell
Nicholas Campbell
Nicholas Campbell , sometimes credited as Nick Campbell, is a Canadian actor and filmmaker, who has won three Gemini Awards for acting. The movies Naked Lunch, Prozac Nation and the TV series Da Vinci's Inquest are some examples of his acting work.-Early life:Campbell was born in Toronto, Ontario,...



In the beginning of season one, Audrey was dispatched to Haven, Maine to investigate the death of an escaped federal prisoner local to the town. On her first day in Haven, she nearly ran her Ford Taurus off a cliff, but was rescued by Detective Nathan Wuornos, who assisted in her investigation. She met Havenites Conrad Brauer and Duke Crocker, as well as journalists Vince and Dave Teagues, before discovering that Lester had been thrown to his death by Marion Caldwell with the use of her own paranormal abilities.

While in Haven, Parker was shown a photograph by the Teagues which included a woman who greatly resembled the agent. After solving the Lester case, Parker chose to use several weeks of her accrued vacation time in order to stay in Maine. She questioned Chief Wuornos about the woman in the picture because Wuornos had investigated the 1983 Colorado Kid case to which the photograph was related, and Wuornos agreed to look into the matter. She later met with Wuornos again after he located the evidence box from the case, but was irritated to discover that the sealed box was empty.

After solving the bizarre destruction of the Rust Bucket with Nathan, Audrey was offered a position with the Haven Police Department by Chief Wuornos, who cited Parker's willingness to "see things as they are" as a valuable trait. At the end of season one, Parker's supervisor, Agent Howard, demanded that she give him a reason for her continued presence in Haven. The explanation she gave involved her personal search for her past and her identity, and prompted her to quit her job with the Bureau on the spot.


In the beginning of season one, he rescued FBI Agent Audrey Parker when her vehicle ran off the road and crashed through a barrier. He subsequently investigated the death of Jonas Lester with her, and was later shot through the shoulder in the process of arresting Ted Ford. He later investigated the bizarre destruction of the Rust Bucket with Parker, as well as investigating the strange behavior of doctors and patients at the Murray Q. Frederickson Psychiatric Facility (during which he suffered a psychotic episode when he fell victim to Ray McBreen's metaphysical power), the inexplicable putrefaction of food surrounding Bill and Jeff McShaw at the Second Chance Bistro, the rapid-aging deaths of Phil Reiser and Joe Campbell, the mauling deaths of T. R. Holt and Brad Donnelly, the baffling attack on Eliot Wallace aboard the Endorfin and the death of Joe Sandimaro, and the deaths of Hessberg nurses Bill Rand and Mrs. Wilson.

Nathan pursued a relationship with animal-rights activist Jess Minnion, though he experienced anxiety over being intimate with her because of his inability to feel physical sensation. The relationship ended when Minnion left Haven to return to Montreal after being attacked and nearly killed by the Dark Man, as she was unable to cope with being drawn into the dangers inherent in Wuornos's line of work. After she left, he discovered he was able to feel the touch of Audrey Parker, and though he keeps it to himself, begins to find numerous reasons to be in physical contact with her.

Nathan attended a surprise birthday party for Parker at the hotel on Carpenter's Knot, and became trapped on the island with the rest of the guests when a storm hit. He had brought Audrey a blue scarf that Minnion had purchased from McGuinness's, though he believed the gift to be a blue cashmere sweater since he had not been with Jess when she bought the item. He ultimately deduced the identity of a chameleon that had taken on Parker's form, realizing that the person pretending to be Audrey was, in fact, not when he discovered that he could not feel her touch. He subsequently shot the chameleon, still in the guise of his partner, mirroring an action that his father had committed in May of 1983.

When Max Hanson was paroled from Shawshank State Prison, and returned to Haven, Nathan discovered his true paternity, as well as learning that his adoptive father had been struggling for decades to psychically hold the town of Haven together. When his father is killed by his condition, he is initially angry at Audrey for not offering her father comfort- he later apologises and reveals he can feel her touch. He is there when another "Audrey Parker" arrives.


Duke owned a revolver that was stolen by Jonas Lester in season one. He reported the gun stolen, and was later arrested when the revolver turned up on Tuwiuwok Bluff, at the scene of Lester's death. Crocker rescued FBI Agent Audrey Parker from drowning on her second day in Haven. He washed her clothes while she slept, and made her coffee – with milk and one sugar – the next morning.

He later acquired a stuffed marlin that once hung on the wall of the Shiny Scupper. Duke inadvertently bought the deed to the Second Chance Bistro from Bill McShaw for $20. He turned it into the Grey Gull - a bar/restaurant. He attended a surprise birthday party for Parker, and gave her a locket that had been given to by Ripley, admitting that he was the boy in the photograph.


In the beginning of season one, Wuornos grudgingly allowed FBI Agent Audrey Parker access to the investigation into the death of Jonas Lester despite claiming that Lester's greatest contribution to the town of Haven was dying. After the successful conclusion of the Lester case, Wuornos agreed to let Agent Parker look into the evidence container pertaining to the Colorado Kid murder, and the two discovered that the container (still closed with its original seal) was, in fact, empty.

Wuornos subsequently offered Agent Parker a job with the Haven Police Department, citing her willingness to "see things the way they are" as a valuable asset to his department. He is a member of the Haven Hunt Club, and led a hunt through the woods surrounding Haven when two members of the Club were attacked and killed by what appeared to be wild animals. Wuornos was among the guests who attended a surprise birthday party for Parker on Carpenter's Knot, and explained the nature of chameleons when one attacked a party guest. He later helped Nathan track Duke Crocker's boat, the Cape Rouge, when it was taken hostage with Audrey on-board.

In the end of season one, he encountered the newly-paroled Max Hansen, and in his anger failed to hold up the Walton Lighthouse, which collapsed. Fearing that Nathan would soon discover his connection with Hansen, Garland admitted the truth about Nathan's past on his own, creating what he believed to be an irreparable rift between the two. In his anger over the argument, he failed to prevent a fissure from cracking a street as Hansen tried to escape, resulting in the parolee's death. Realizing his grip on the town faltering, Garland ventured out to Edgewater Beach, where he was later discovered by Audrey and Nathan. He struggled briefly as fresh cracks opened on the beach, and ultimately managed to heal the fissures by absorbing them into himself, turning to stone and shattered as a result. His remains are seen moving slightly after being collected.

Main cast

  • Emily Rose
    Emily Rose (actress)
    Emily Rose Maier is an American actress. She is best known for her lead role in the Syfy TV series Haven .-Early life:...

     as Audrey Parker
  • Lucas Bryant
    Lucas Bryant
    -Biography:Bryant was born in Elmira, Ontario, Canada and he currently has dual Canadian and U.S. Citizenship. His father is from North Dakota and is of Scandinavian/Finnish heritage. His mother was also born and raised in the United States...

     as Nathan Wuornos
  • Eric Balfour
    Eric Balfour
    Eric Salter Balfour is an American singer and actor of film and television. He is the lead singer of Born As Ghosts, formerly known as Fredalba...

     as Duke Crocker
  • Nicholas Campbell
    Nicholas Campbell
    Nicholas Campbell , sometimes credited as Nick Campbell, is a Canadian actor and filmmaker, who has won three Gemini Awards for acting. The movies Naked Lunch, Prozac Nation and the TV series Da Vinci's Inquest are some examples of his acting work.-Early life:Campbell was born in Toronto, Ontario,...

     as Garland Wuornos

Recurring cast

  • Richard Donat
    Richard Donat
    Richard Donat is a Canadian actor known for his roles in Canadian and American television. He is currently into his second season as a cast member of the Canadian-American TV series, Haven...

     as Vince Teagues
  • John Dunsworth
    John Dunsworth
    John Dunsworth is a Canadian actor known for playing the frequently drunk trailer park supervisor Jim Lahey on the hit TV show Trailer Park Boys. He has also appeared in Shattered City: The Halifax Explosion, a CBC film about the 1917 Halifax explosion...

     as Dave Teagues
  • Mary-Colin Chisholm as Eleanor Carr
  • Michelle Monteith as Julia Carr
  • Anne Caillon as Jess Minnion
  • Stephen McHattie
    Stephen McHattie
    Stephen McHattie is a Canadian actor.-Life and career:McHattie was born in Antigonish, Nova Scotia....

     as Ed Driscoll
  • Maurice Dean Wint
    Maurice Dean Wint
    Maurice Dean Wint is a British-born, Canadian-based actor who has starred in several television shows and movies; the most notable ones include "Cube", "Hedwig and the Angry Inch", RoboCop: Prime Directives, Psi Factor and the TekWar movies and television series.Wint moved to Canada in 1969 with...

     as Senior FBI Agent Howard


# Title Directed by Written by U.S. viewers
Original air date

DVD release

Haven: Season One
Set details:
  • 13 episodes
    • Region 1 & 4 – 4-disc DVD set

  • Anamorphic Widescreen (1.78:1)
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 English audio
Bonus features:
  • Twelve Audio Commentaries with Cast & Crew
  • Featurettes
    • "Welcome to Haven"
    • "Visual FX of Haven"
    • "Mythology of Haven"
  • Behind-the-Scenes Video Blogs
  • Additional Cast Interviews
  • Season Two Sneak Peek: Inside the Writers' Room.
  • Release dates: Region 1 Region 2 Region 4
    June 14, 2011 TBA June 1, 2011

    External links

    The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.