Guri Hjeltnes
Guri Hjeltnes is a Norwegian journalist and historian. Having mainly researched Norwegian World War II history during her career, she is a professor of journalism
Journalism is the practice of investigation and reporting of events, issues and trends to a broad audience in a timely fashion. Though there are many variations of journalism, the ideal is to inform the intended audience. Along with covering organizations and institutions such as government and...

 at the BI Norwegian Business School since 2004. She has also spent considerable time as a journalist and commentator, currently in Verdens Gang
Verdens Gang
Verdens Gang , generally known under the abbreviation VG, is a Norwegian tabloid newspaper...



Guri Hjeltnes was born in Stavanger
Stavanger is a city and municipality in the county of Rogaland, Norway.Stavanger municipality has a population of 126,469. There are 197,852 people living in the Stavanger conurbation, making Stavanger the fourth largest city, but the third largest urban area, in Norway...

. She worked as a journalist in Arbeiderbladet from 1979 to 1985, and has also worked for other newspapers on a freelance basis. From the mid-1980s she concentrated mainly on research, although she worked part-time for Verdens Gang
Verdens Gang
Verdens Gang , generally known under the abbreviation VG, is a Norwegian tabloid newspaper...

from 1991 as a book reviewer. She was a research fellow
Research fellow
The title of research fellow is used to denote a research position at a university or similar institution, usually for academic staff or faculty members. A research fellow may act either as an independent investigator or under the supervision of a principal investigator...

 at the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies
Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies
The Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies is a defence research institute based in Oslo, Norway. It was established in 1980.It is a politically independent institute, subordinate to the Norwegian Defence Education Centre within the Norwegian Armed Forces...

 from 1999 to 2004, including a stint as visiting scholar
Visiting scholar
In the world of academia, a visiting scholar or visiting academic is a scholar from an institution who visits a host university, where he or she is projected to teach , lecture , or perform research on a topic the visitor is valued for...

 at Yale University
Yale University
Yale University is a private, Ivy League university located in New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Founded in 1701 in the Colony of Connecticut, the university is the third-oldest institution of higher education in the United States...

 from 2000 to 2002. In 2002 she also took the dr.philos. degree.

In 2004 she was hired in Verdens Gang on a full-time basis, but after a few months she left to become a professor of journalism
Journalism is the practice of investigation and reporting of events, issues and trends to a broad audience in a timely fashion. Though there are many variations of journalism, the ideal is to inform the intended audience. Along with covering organizations and institutions such as government and...

 at the BI Norwegian Business School. She is also vice rector there, and still works as a commentator in Verdens Gang.

The bulk of her authorship pertains to Norwegian World War II history. Her first major work was Den norske nasjonalsosialismen, published in 1982 together with Hans Fredrik Dahl and Bernt Hagtvet
Bernt Hagtvet
Bernt Hagtvet is a Norwegian political scientist. He is a professor of political science at the University of Oslo. Among his areas of interest are European politics, extremist movements, and human rights. He was born in Oslo, and is married to historian Guri Hjeltnes. He is a member of the...

. In 1984 she published Hver fredag foran porten together with Wanda Heger. For this they were awarded the Gyldendal Documentary Prize. Hjeltnes then published Hverdagsliv, volume five of Norge i krig (1986) and then Avisoppgjøret etter 1945 (1990), examining the role of Norwegian newspapers during and after the German occupation of Norway. Her next major work were volume three and four of Handelsflåten i krig 1939–45: Sjømann — lang vakt (1995) and Krigsseiler — Krig, hjemkomst og opprør (1997). In 2000 Hjeltnes and Berit Nøkleby wrote Barn under krigen. Hjeltnes also contributed to the Norsk krigsleksikon 1940–45, an encyclopedia published in 1995. In 2003 she was among the writers of 3 uker i desember: en kritisk gjennomgang av medienes rolle i den såkalte Tønne-saken, a critical overview on the role of the media in connection to the death of politician Tore Tønne
Tore Tønne
Tore Tønne was the Norwegian Minister of Health and Social Affairs 2000-2001 in the first cabinet Stoltenberg. Tønne committed suicide after newspaper writings about investigations over alleged economic improprieties committed after the conclusion of his term in the Norwegian cabinet...

. After her appointment at the BI Norwegian Business School, she has taken more interest in media studies
Media studies
Media studies is an academic discipline and field of study that deals with the content, history and effects of various media; in particular, the 'mass media'. Media studies may draw on traditions from both the social sciences and the humanities, but mostly from its core disciplines of mass...

, including topics such as media convergence.

Hjeltnes is a member of the board of the Fritt Ord Foundation, and has chaired the SKUP Foundation
SKUP Award
The SKUP Award is a Norwegian journalism award.It is awarded once a year, first in 1990, by The Norwegian Foundation for a Free and Investigative Press .- External links :*...

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