Greene projectile point
Greene projectile points are stone projectile point
Projectile point
In archaeological terms, a projectile point is an object that was hafted to a projectile, such as a spear, dart, or arrow, or perhaps used as a knife....

s manufactured by Native Americans what is now the northeastern United States generally in the time interval of 300-800 AD.


Greene points are generally about 2 to 4 inches long with an average around 2½ inches. They are lanceolate in shape with weak or no shoulders and are 2¼ to 2½ as long as they are wide.

Age and cultural affiliations

Their first recorded appearance is around 400 AD and vanished around 800 AD with the onset of the Kipp Island phase in central New York.


These points are found primarily in the middle Hudson Valley of New York State, but are found as far east as Massachusetts.
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