Giusto Traina
Giusto Traina is an Italian historian
A historian is a person who studies and writes about the past and is regarded as an authority on it. Historians are concerned with the continuous, methodical narrative and research of past events as relating to the human race; as well as the study of all history in time. If the individual is...

 and Professor of Roman history at the Paris-Sorbonne University.

He is the author of several books and articles Formerly interested in ancient landscapes and techniques, he is currently involved in a long-term research about ancient Armenia
Armenia , officially the Republic of Armenia , is a landlocked mountainous country in the Caucasus region of Eurasia...


He was awarded the Prize "Cherasco Storia" (2011), for his book La resa di Roma. Battaglia a Carre, 9 giugno 53 a.C.(Laterza 2010).

Recent publications

  • 2011
  • French edition of "La resa di Roma" (see below, 2009): "Carrhes, 9 juin 53 av. J.-C.", avec une préface de Giovanni Brizzi, Les Belles Lettres, Paris 2011, p. 246.
  • Greek edition of 428 dopo Cristo (see below, 2007): 428 m. Ch. Istoria mias chronias, Eikoustou Protou, Athena, p. 273.
  • Entries Hunting, late antiquity, Henri-Irenée Marrou, Santo Mazzarino, Alois Riegl, Otto Seeck, Ernst Stein, Rabbula of Edessa, in "Blackwell Encyclopedia of Ancient History".
  • 2010
  • La resa di Roma. Battaglia a Carre, 9 giugno 53 a.C., Laterza, Rome-Bari, p. 212.
  • direction of Storia d'Europa e del Mediterraneo, I, "Il mondo antico", sezione III. "L'ecumene romana", volume VII, L'impero tardoantico, Salerno editrice, Rome.
  • Le sconfitte dei Romani, "Aevum" 84, p. 177-185.
  • Armenische Texte, in U. Hackl, B. Jacobs, D. Weber eds., Quellen zur Geschichte des Partherreiches, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, III, p. 402-454.
  • Imperial Views on the Battle of Carrhae, in M. Formisano, H. Böhme eds., War in Words. Transformations of War from Antiquity to Clausewitz, De Gruyter, Berlin-New York, p. 211-219.
  • Capitales ou résidences royales. La ville dans l'Arménie ancienne, in P. Donabédian, C. Mutafian eds., Les douze capitales d'Arménie, Somogy, Paris, p. 45-49.
  • Teatro greco nell'Armenia antica, in E. Migliario, L. Troiani, G. Zecchini eds., Società indigene e cultura grecoromana, L'«Erma» di Bretschneider, Rome, p. 95-103.
  • L'Armenia tra Roma e l'impero sassanide: aspetti diplomatici, "Bizantinistica" s.2.11 (2009) [2010], p. 327-335.

  • English edition of 428 dopo Cristo (see below, 2007): 428 AD: An Ordinary Year at the End of the Roman Empire, With a preface by Averil Cameron, Princeton University Press
    Princeton University Press
    -Further reading:* "". Artforum International, 2005.-External links:* * * * *...

    , Princeton 2009, p. 224
  • French edition of 428 dopo Cristo (see below, 2007): 428. Une année ordinaire à la fin de l'empire romain, avec une préface de Gilbert Dagron, Les Belles Lettres, Paris 2009, p. 288.
  • direction of Storia d'Europa e del Mediterraneo, I, "Il mondo antico", sezione III. "L'ecumene romana", volume VI, Da Augusto a Diocleziano, Salerno editrice, Rome
  • Sui paesaggi antichi, in L.L. Cavalli Sforza (ed.), La Cultura italiana, III, Città, casa, paesaggio, UTET, Torino 2009, p. 486-501.
  • Note in margine alla battaglia di Carre, in Electrum 15, Jagiellonian University Press, Kraków
    Kraków also Krakow, or Cracow , is the second largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. Situated on the Vistula River in the Lesser Poland region, the city dates back to the 7th century. Kraków has traditionally been one of the leading centres of Polish academic, cultural, and artistic life...

    , p. 235-247.
  • Tigranus e Bargathes: due armeni ad Arretium, in G. Camporeale, G. Firpo eds., Arezzo nell'antichità, Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome, p. 217 f.
  • Capitales ou résidences royales. La ville dans l'Arménie ancienne, in P. Donabédian, C. Mutafian eds., Les douze capitales d'Arménie, Somogy, Paris, p. 45-49.

  • direction of Storia d'Europa e del Mediterraneo, I, "Il mondo antico", sezione III. "L'ecumene romana", volume V, La Res publica e il Mediterraneo, Salerno editrice, Rome
  • Plutarque et le théâtre grec dans l'Arménie ancienne, in B. Der Mugrdechian ed., Between Paris and Fresno. Armenian Studies in Honor of Dickran Kouymjian, Mazda Publishers, Costa Mesa, p. 311-319.

  • 428 dopo Cristo. Storia di un anno, Roma-Bari, Laterza, pp. 242.
  • Moïse de Khorène et l’Empire sassanide, in R. Gyselen ed., Des Indo-Grecs aux Sassanides : données pour l’histoire et la géographie historique [Res Orientales XVII], Bures-sur-Yvette 2006 [2007], p. 158- 179.
  • [with M.-L. Chaumont], Les Arméniens entre l’Iran et le monde gréco-romain (Ve siècle av. J.-C. – vers 300 ap. J.-C., in G. Dédéyan ed., Histoire du peuple arménien, Privat, Toulouse, p. 101-162.
  • La géographie entre érudition et politique : Pline l’Ancien et les frontières de la connaissance du monde, in La invención de una geografía de la Península Ibérica (vol. II), Actes du colloque, Casa de Velázquez, Madrid 2007, p. 95-114.
  • Roman perceptions of Caucasian Albania, in Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh: Past, Present and Future, International Scientific Conference (Stepanakert, 21-24 giugno 2006), University Press, Erevan 2007, p. 223-228.
  • Les écritures ‘classiques’. L’utilisation du grec et du Latin dans l’Arménie ancienne, in C. Mutafian (ed.), Arménie. La magie de l’écrit, Catalogue of the Exhibition (Marseille 2007), Somogy, Paris 2007, p. 28-33.
  • Review of O. Hekster, R. Fowler eds., Imaging Kings. Images in the Ancient Near East, Greece and Rome' (Stuttgart, 2005), "Antiquité Classique", 76, p. 489-491.

  • [with A. Ibba], L’Afrique romaine de 69 à 439 (de l’Atlantique à la Tripolitaine), Bréal, Rosny s. Bois [collection Amphi Hist. ancienne et médiévale, dir. by M. Kaplan], pp. 210.
  • Direction of the collective volume Studi sull’età di Marco Antonio [« Rudiae », vol. 18], Congedo, Galatina, pp. xii + 384.
  • I romani, maestri di tecnica, in E. Lo Cascio ed., Innovazione tecnica e progresso economico nel mondo romano, Atti degli Incontri capresi di storia dell’economia antica (Capri, 13–16 April 2003), Edipuglia, Bari, p. 253-269.
  • Romanizzazione, ‘métissages’, ibridità. Alcune riflessioni, "Mél. Ecole Française de Rome. Antiquité", 118, p. 151-158.

  • Théodose II en 428 ap. J.-C., in L’Empire Romain d’Orient et la création de l’idée d’Etat en Europe, Legraina, 28-29.1.2003, Esperia Publications, London, p. 149-157.
  • Attualità delle guerre civili, introduction to Cassio Dione, Storia romana. Libri 48-51, RCS libri, Milano, p. i-xiii.
  • Des affranchis arméniens à Arretium?, in Vasilis I. Anastasiadis, Panagiotis N. Doukellis eds., Esclavage antique et discriminations socio-culturelles, Actes du XXVIII colloque GIREA (Mytilene, 5–7 December 2003), Peter Lang, Bern, pp. 259–267.
  • Notes on Hellenism in the Iranian East (Classico-Oriental Notes, 6-8), "Iran & the Caucasus" 9, p. 1-14.
  • Notes classico-orientales 4-5, in Electrum 10, Jagiellonian University Press, Kraków
    Kraków also Krakow, or Cracow , is the second largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. Situated on the Vistula River in the Lesser Poland region, the city dates back to the 7th century. Kraków has traditionally been one of the leading centres of Polish academic, cultural, and artistic life...

    , p. 89-93.
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